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Posts posted by BaseOps

  1. 7 hours ago, funnygirl said:

    I don't blame her. As much as I love Addison, the show is a different Grey's Anatomy than the one she was a part of. 

    She still has connections to quite a few characters - Meredith, Amelia, and Richard, most notably. Also Alex. I do think they'd need a real reason + a great storyline to bring her back. She's one of the few surviving characters to leave. Addison, Cristina, Callie, Izzie, Burke, Hahn and Teddy are the only regulars that have left without being killed off that I can think of (VS Derek, George, Mark and Lexi all being killed.) Burke already popped back up and got closure, Cristina likely won't show until the series finale, and I can't see any of the others popping back in except maybe Callie at some point. 

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  2. From EW: 

    Gird your loins: In true Shondaland fashion, Grey's Anatomy is prepping for an epic event in the season 13 finale. "There's actually two events going on at the same time that are pretty big that affect the entire hospital community," says EP Debbie Allen, teasing that many relationships will either be embroiled or solidified as a result — Alex (Justin Chambers) must make a hard decision in his relationship with Jo (Camilla Luddington), while Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) has some news for Riggs (Martin Henderson) that brings their relationship to a turning point. But there could also be lives that hang in the balance "You should be worried," Allen cautions. "There's cause for worry. There's an amazing cliffhanger that will have everybody thinking, 'Wow, where is this going?!'" Don't freak out (or do!), but there's actually several, which "plant more seeds that fuel the fire for what is going to happen next season," Allen says. Probably best to watch with tissues and tequila! 

  3. Here we go. 

    13x23 - True Colors - The doctors of Grey Sloan encounter a difficult case involving a dangerous patient; Owen receives life-changing news that pushes Amelia to step up to support him; Alex attends a medical conference after making a shocking discovery.

    Owen's sister? Jo's husband? Hmmmm...

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  4. 3 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

    Oh, I know the reason, it's just frustrating the scheduling is because of the Gods of Nielson Ratings and advertising dollars.

    I like how they've done it the past few season, though. With the long break in the middle, this is the only time all year we've had a 'one week off'. There used to be such an awful schedule of 1 week on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 3 weeks on, etc. etc. 

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  5. I totally agree, I'm just saying that this season Jo and Alex are far from the only characters to suffer from stunted / dropped storylines. It has been messy all around. I think they've had some great episodes, but on a whole it's been a mess. Last season ended with 4 major stories up in the air; Amelia marrying Owen, Meredith / Riggs / Maggie, Alex / Jo / DeLuca, and Jackson and April having a baby while being broken up. None of those stories have had any real resolution. At least Alex got a ton of screentime out of it early on, but I agree that it wasn't dealt with how it needed to be. I do think that Alex's story was the best and most complete storyline of the season so far - which is really saying something - but Jo was mostly left out of it. I'm really looking to the last 4 episodes to course correct. 

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  6. 10 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

    And yet it seems like only Camilla's/Jo's storyline had to suffer a major blow from these BTS scheduling issues. Meredith's story with Riggs got interrupted, but it's not like she had nothing to do in the meantime, she had the Alex SL where she was a major part of (unlike Jo :/). Now her story with Riggs is picking up again. Ellen might have missed a few episodes, but it never felt like Meredith was actually missing or that her storyline had completely


    I 100% disagree. Meredith / Riggs was totally forgotten about basically after episode 4 and not brought up again until episode 15.  Meredith was not only absent from 3 episodes but basically had nothing to do for several others. The dropped 'triangle' storyline was one of the first things that people noticed this season. 

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  7. Yea, no other season has ever contained so many bottle episodes. People underestimate how tough it would be to work around 2 pregnancies and 3 maternity leaves while also having 14 regular actors to co-ordinate. 

    Ep. 8 - Featuring Meredith, Owen, Richard, and Stephanie

    Ep. 10 - Featuring Jo, Bailey, and Arizona

    Ep. 13 - Focused mostly on Richard / April / Jackson + Eliza / Catharine, though others do appear (no Meredith, Alex, or Amelia)

    Ep. 16 - Featuring Jackson & April 

    Ep. 20 - Featuring Meredith & Riggs 

    This is the first time in 13 seasons that Ellen Pompeo has not appeared in every single episode; she has been absent from 3 this year. Out of 20 episodes so far, the cast have appeared in the following # of episodes each: Meredith, Bailey, Richard, Owen, Jackson, Riggs (17) - Ben, Maggie, Steph (16) - Alex, Jo, Amelia, Arizona, April (15), DeLuca (14). 

    • Love 2
  8. Slightly new info from the full 13x22 press release; "Stephanie and Ben make decisions that could affect their careers". Obviously Steph needs to be written out, but I wonder what it could be for Ben? He and Bailey have been really stable lately, and it seems like the writers have even gone out of their way to give them some nice scenes together. Could he be leaving too? 

  9. @Blonde Gator  @Greysaddict

    Perhaps 'rewriting' is the wrong word, but certainly tons of plans were changed and there were a lot of outside factors that dictated when actors were available and for how long. This was, at least, confirmed regarding the Amelia / Owen storyline - the plan was never for her to up and leave Owen and hide away on Steph's couch for weeks, but they had to find a way to write her off. Likewise, they had to write Meredith and Camilla out of several episodes. They had 3 maternity leaves and 2 pregnancies to write around this season. That's why there were so many one-off episodes; Camila, Ellen, and Catarina all filmed multiple episodes at once, often out of order to accommodate their time off / pregnancies. Ellen was absent from 3 episodes and used very sparsely in several others, Catarina was written out abruptly in the middle of the year, and Camilla has all but disappeared even as Deluca is randomly professing his love for her to Steph. I think all of this was a big factor in so many stories feeling choppy or stunted. Of course the writing could be better all around, but more so than any other season S13 has felt like stories and characters are disappearing for weeks at a time. 

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  10. This would have worked better for me 10 episodes ago, but I thought it was relatively well done. It kept me interested throughout, and I like that the series refuses to forget Derek or let Meredith move on cavalierly. My mother is a widow and even after 10 years she's pensive about 'moving on'. Meredith's 'I'm married' line was particularly heart-breaking to me. 

    This was arguably the storyline that suffered the most, along with Alex / Jo, due to the rewriting that had to be done this year. I'm glad that we're at least moving forward with it now, and I liked the medical focus of the episode too. 

    • Love 10
  11. If we're being honest, would any of our 34985649567 current series regulars still be doctors in the real world at this point? I mean, maybe Jackson or Deluca? I can't think of anything awful they've done medically off the top of my head but there's probably something. Also, Alex punched Deluca but Maggie also punched a patient's mom last year, and Owen punched Riggs. All very different situations, of course, but... these doctors love to punch people. 

    • Love 3
  12. 3 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

    Which is just about as low as the bar has ever been set.  There were just as many characters back in season 9-10 and yet they managed to give most characters something.   I don't expect 24 episodes, at this point, I don't even expect 6 episodes of focus, but I do expect a reasonable storyline with continuity and progress.  If that only takes 2 episodes to do, then that's fine, but that's just never the case with his character.  Alex seems to be popular mainly as he is useful to Meredith, and everybody hates Jo, and yet they only seemed to be featured in cliffhangers that never get resolved. 

    I don't even think that its fair to say that Alex and Jo got a ton of stuff from episodes 1-9.  Alex got a lot in the first 2-3 episodes for sure, and Jo was a minor part in that.  Then he was ignored for a bit, got one episode in the clinic and then the cliffhanger mid-season finale.  Jo got a side part in Alex's storyline, but it was mostly Meredith who was with him.  Then Alex was missing almost entirely from the first two episodes back after the cliffhanger finale.  Jo got the bottle episode and the one about the abusive patient and those actually focused on her, not Alex, but we still didn't really learn anything we didn't already know. I'm sure that Alex will figure in the last couple of episodes of the season as he usually does and that will end with yet another cliffhanger that will still relate to issues that have been going on for 2+ seasons now.  So I personally don't think that he got a ton of stuff this season and neither did Jo, and what they did get did nothing to further their storyline in any way.  The last real conversation the two of them had was in NOVEMBER in episode 13-9.  That's just ridiculous to me. I would take only 3-4 episodes of focus a season if they ever progressed anything or if any of these storylines had a beginning, middle and end that make sense, but they don't.   Or even if they ever had Meredith (or Maggie, or Arizona or Amelia or anyone) ask Alex about what is going on with Jo just to get a sense of where they are.  It would take 20 seconds, but it never, ever happens.  Instead he staples papers or stares at Maggie's mom's boobs and listens to THEIR problems. Alex told Mer that Jo was married back in episode 9 and Meredith has never followed up one time.  And yet, Maggie just got a 2-3 episode arc that revealed a lot about her and it had a beginning, a middle and an end.  So apparently, the writers are capable of it, they just only choose to do it for a handful of characters.  It pisses me off.


    I totally agree in terms of the content of the story - it was lacking most of the way through and ended way too abruptly. But that is true of every storyline on the show right now... Jackson and April (they sleep together then don't share a scene for weeks), Riggs and Meredith, Minnick and Arizona, etc. I wish we were getting more meat to every story, I'm just saying at least this year they actually gave Alex something that wasn't just him being a sounding board of Meredith and Maggie. In terms of screentime, he's at the higher end of the cast this season, despite the last few episodes. I hope that with Camila having just had her baby we'll get something at the end of this season that opens the door to actually tell some story with her and Alex next year... but that's happened before, and it usually leads nowhere. I'd at least like to have them either get together or break up for good. This ongoing nothingness is awful. 

  13. The main storylines have basically been: 

    Alex / lead-up to the trail - episode 1 - 10

    Minnick / 'Civil War' - episode 7 - 15

    And then a jumble of stuff since then - Meredith / Riggs, Maggie's mom, Amelia / Owen, remnants of the 'civil war' story, etc. I wish they had paced things better; like Deluca randomly revealing his love for Jo to Steph after weeks of not even seeing them together; using Minnick as a prop rather than actually developing her as a love interest for Arizona. In that sense, it's the same as Penny - they brought her in as a catalyst for issues at the hospital with Meredith and other characters, and pairing her with Callie made for a good surprise / conflict. Now they've brought Minnick in as a catalyst for issues at the hospital and pairing her with Arizona made for good conflict. The thing is, it's hard to care when it feels like it's just a story point and not a real connection. Also, why the hell was Leah brought back and then never used again? Not that we need another character, it's just another point that feels random and never amounted to anything. 

    • Love 4
  14. Alex and Jo did get a ton of focus in the first 9 episodes, and there was at least one more after the break (with the abusive father), plus Jo was one of only 3 characters in the prison bottle episode. I get that we want to see more, but that's how this show has worked for years. No one has story in all 24 episodes - Meredith was absent from 3 episodes and had a very minimal storyline for the first several episodes, and even recently. DeLuca is in and out, ditto for Steph, April hasn't anything to do lately, Owen had nothing at all to do while Amelia was away, etc. Having Alex's storyline reemerge in the last chunk of the season is typical. He got a lot more to do this year than he did in the previous 2. 

  15. Given the ratings of everything else on ABC, I'm a bit shocked that they haven't tried to get Shonda to create a Grey's spinoff with some of the existing characters. I mean, NBC did a freaking Blacklist spinoff and that show had already gone below a 1.0 at points (they also have 15 different 'Chicago' shows). CBS has 3 NCIS series and they're spinning off The Big Bang Theory next year. The CW is basically 300 different DC superheroes who all interact. A Grey's spinoff would be a lot more easily digestible by casual viewers, as it would basically be a new hospital drama - with a different angle - a la Private Practice. Like, move Catharine, April, and Jackson over to the Avery Hospital and add a bunch of sexy new doctors, let Richard and some other docs stop in every once in a while. I thought the prison hospital from 13x10 could make an interesting spinoff with a lot of potential. They could do Owen and April at a military hospital, etc. These are just off the top of my head... I'd be shocked if someone at ABC hasn't thought about it. They'll likely only be renewing one new drama this year, Designated Survivor, which is at a 1.1. Anything else they could renew is well below an 0.9 and even Scandal got down to a 1.2, while the lowest Grey's has ever done is 1.7 and Private Practice was viable for them for years. 

    • Love 6
  16. Every drama (and most comedies) on broadcast are hitting series lows right now. Once Upon a Time is down to an 0.7, Scandal hit 1.2, Empire is down to a 2.2 after starting the season with a 4.2... it's not just Grey's / the Maggie storyline. Even Modern Family has gone from a 2.6 to 1.8, Big Bang Theory got down to a 2.6 from a 3.8 premiere. 

  17. 57 minutes ago, Starscream said:

    Being on fire, the way they put it, could mean a lot of things.  Maybe the show will go back to its roots and everybody will be doing it like rabbits in the finale.  Maybe that's why Bailey is so eager to get Catherine and the Chief back together, so Richard will get out of the on-call room and BCB can make her triumphant return.

    I blame all the babies.  They're certainly the reason why this Meredith and Riggs storyline is so protracted and why Amelia has been acting nuttier than ever.  It's also probably why we seem to have had an inordinate number of episodes focusing on very small groups of characters this season.


    Totally, so I sort of give the writers a pass - but, with those actresses out, I wish they had worked harder to develop the stories they were focusing on. Like, Minnick has been around all season but we don't really know anything about her. She's more of a plot point than a character, which is fine for a short time but now we're supposed to root for her and Arizona. She should have been better developed given the time they had. I feel the same about Deluca; we know nothing about the guy. We knew so much about Meredith, Izzie, George, and Christina by the end of their second season on the show. 

    And I think the fire is literal - there were lots of fire trucks spotted on set of the finale.

  18. This season, in particular, has felt like a lot of stalling - still no Meredith / Riggs advancement, still no movement on Alex / Jo, lots of treading water between Jackson and April, total stagnation between Owen and Amelia, etc. I hope the end of this season brings some changes - when next season rolls around, I want new stories to explore, not the same rehashing of what we've seen. 

    • Love 4
  19. So the finale is indeed a fire. Probably. 

    With Grey’s Anatomy heading toward a big event in its season finale, a new tease from Shonda Rhimes may spell doom for the hospital  — that, or the hospital may play host to the victims of a fire. You decide: “Debbie Allen and I like to say that the episode is on fire,” Rhimes told EW at the Scandal 100th episode party on Saturday night. “That’s the only way we’re going to describe it. It’s a pretty exciting episode that’s very on fire.”

    Allen, who wrapped directing the Grey’s finale on Friday, concurred: “I can only tease that it’s going to be hot for real; it’s on fire. We had night shoots and we were up all night for a couple of weeks, but boy it was great. I was so excited every day.”

    Does this mean the actual hospital will be on fire in the finale? “I don’t know about that,” Rhimes said coyly.

    However fire may or may not play a role in the finale, it sounds like someone could get burned. “You should be worried,” Allen cautioned. “Be worried, because it’s that kind of night. It’s going to be that kind of a ride.”

    In fact, Allen reveals that the events of the season finale will give fans an indication of what’s coming next year. “I think season 14 is going to be spectacular,” Allen said. “We’re planting some seeds that you won’t see coming, but you will be waiting to see how it’s all going to play out.”

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