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Anna Yolei

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Posts posted by Anna Yolei

  1. On 10/4/2023 at 3:40 PM, Waldo13 said:

    Taylor is back but her role, as a model, is misplaced. She definitely does not have a model’s body to pull off that mediocre dress.

    Also, didn't they already do this Taylor the model thing once before? You know, when Stephanie had her New and Improved™ (LOL) FC for a few months after she learned Eric had hidden the trust from her? And it was an unmitigated disaster.


    14 minutes ago, madfortv said:

    I think he has potential as an actor.

    Given what I saw of him when Sheila had him captive I think so too, but you know we'll never get to see any of it with the writing being what it is.

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  2. 13 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    I'm not sure how I feel about Fope. On the one hand, it's not psycho Thomas, but OTOH, it's Sheila as the MIL from hell.

    You're not wrong, but my immediate thoughts went to this:


    ...because Bell has no originality at all and I know he didn't learn a damn thing from the Brooke/Nick/Taylor triangle from 2006.

    Not being Liam hasn't worked to sell me on Sinn when he's as flat as cardboard and it won't work here either unless TPTB are at long last investing in making him an actual character & not a prop with the addition of his family. It worked for Maya and that was a character I actively despised when they did it for her, so....I'm game to see where it goes.

    My preference would be they stay friends for a while but I may as well give Santa my color preference for a unicorn than wish for that. I will say for as right as he is on Thomas, everything he said goes 1000 percent for Sheila. Thomas HAS  had one moment in time where he wasn't a complete slag and  seemed to understand the damage he caused, which is more than I can say for Sheila, who has been doing this shit since I was literally in kindergarten (I'm 90 percent certain I was put in afternoon kindergarten so she could watch Y&R, but I digress lol)

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  3. On 10/4/2023 at 2:13 PM, CountryGirl said:

    I hope they aren't killing off Eric. Even if JMc is looking to retire. If Sally 1.0 can still be around offscreen with her cabana boys (not that she's been mentioned in ages), so can Eric. 

    I don't mind because at least then we'll be getting closure for his story and if they could kill off Stephanie, Eric ain't safe either.

    I feel like TPTB didn't kill off Sally because the character was so larger than life. I can see the vision with that, but it never gave us the opportunity to celebrate the character either.

    Plus, if TIIC hadn't been so short sighted to kill Aly less than A YEAR before the revival of Spectra Fashions, Sally dying and leaving half her company to Aly and CJ could've opened up so many more avenuesof stories, especially in light of Rick and Maya's dictatorship where Aly got bullied worse than Ridge. You know, who fucked his wife. :\ But I digress.

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  4. 12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    Hope is targeting Thomas? For what? She already has money and fame, so what would she be targeting him for exactly?

    I don't get it either. If she was a grifter, she couldve had Thomas at the drop of a hat at any point in the last four years. Where was all this hand wringing when Thomas was going to sig away his custody of Douglas for sex?

    12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    Come on Taylor, we all know how and why that happened. You were so stupid and short sighted that you never saw your marriage was all about Brooke, and Ridge trying to put a stop to his relationship with her. No, that was something your arrogance and sanctimonious bullshit would not allow. 

    As it happens, on on the S6 playlist on YT right now right after their famous St Thomas vacation and it is so blatantly obvious that Ridge was using her as a mess to an end to protect his dad and give him a chance to work things out with Brooke. And while I think Brooke should've went about her business then too, Taylor the World Renown Therapist® should have seen that for the bullshit scheme that it was. She willingly has settled for a man with divided loyalty from literally day one and only ever gets him when someone (usually Stephanie, but now her worthless children) puts their thumb on the scale.

    Everything you said about Brooke is spot on. I'd be lying if I said I have been a fan of hers since I started watching, but the extent of her "scheming" to get Ridge was her random--and admittedly very sus--visit to meet Caroline while she recovered from fainting at her wedding and hiding a letter for a day--and Thorne was the one who suggested it to her in the first place!

    12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    am also very, very tired of everyone going on about whose fault it is. It is no one's fault. Their history notwithstanding; Hope and Thomas are two consenting adults, who have decided to take it to the next level. It was a choice. Where it goes remains to be seen. 

    Same. They're adults and as awful as his sins against Hope have been, it is her decision to move past it and she absolutely has (to my permanent chagrin, but no use continuing to bitch about that). Brooke's gotta accept that Hope doesn't see him as the devil incarnate and Taylor's gotta trust that the 20 minutes of therapy she gave him before declaring him sane stuck this time. Tough titties to them both 🤷‍♀️

    Although it would be a little funny if Taylor and Brooke finding out the other was against the union is the thing that pushes them into supporting their kids once and for all.

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  5. 53 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    Hope gave Taylor a dose of reality and all she could take on that conversation is that Hope is becoming a younger generation of Brooke.

    ??? Hope's body count (for lack of a better term because I hate that phrase IRL) can be counted on one hand and the only marriage she "destroyed" Liam walked away from months before she came back to LA. Where the hell was this energy four years ago when Thomas was ready to sell his kid for one night of sex with Hope?!

    On 10/1/2023 at 5:07 AM, bluvelvet said:

    Say what you want about Thope, their styling is on point especially Hope lately. 

    I will give them that one...it's nice to see Hope dressing appropriately and not in he clown outfits they had for her two years ago.

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  6. 11 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    and now Taylor is going to be the Cassandra, but nobody is going to listen to her because they'll write her off as being overprotective and projecting her issues with Brooke onto Hope. 

    Given her history of doing exactly that towards Hope and even Bridget at times, it's not exactly unearned.

    Still, I never would've put money on her being more calm about this than Brooke overall.

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  7. On 9/27/2023 at 4:07 AM, RuntheTable said:

    There has only been one woman that Deacon has ever loved, and you're trying to tell me that he now loves the woman who severely fucked with her life? A known murderer? A friggin psychopath? For some reason they always want to ruin Deacon by having him do stupid shit, but this ish is beyond the pale.

    Out of all the things that have been baffling to me in the last few years, this one is at the top of the list, and considering Thope's continued existance that's saying a lot. Like, the dude was THERE in town when Sheila shot at Brooke when Hope was barely 3 months old and probably would've killed her if Taylor didn't intervene.

    I don't get it....crazy women can't be THAT great at sex, right?


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  8. 2 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

    When RJ was talking with Donna I found it odd that he calls her Donna and not Aunt Donna. He's still pretty young. But then I realized that since his aunt is shacked up with his grandfather they probably don't want to make us think about that.

    This is the same show that had Thomas and Steffy calling Eric by his first name and not Grandpa while Taylor was dating him ten years ago, mind you.

    I'd respect the show more if they will lean in to its weirdo premise rather than pretend all of this is normal.


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  9. 2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    Finn go take a flying leap off that bluff in your backyard. Don’t communicate with my wife. Really, they have a little girl together.  They have to communicate for her well being. 

    Far be it from me to discourage anyone from reading Liam for the weasel he is, but Finn has earned this separation fair and square on his own merits. Steffy could've been way more forceful for in shutting Lameass down  but she has not been nearly as ready to pounce on him as she has been in the past so I dunno what Finn thinks beating his chest is going to accomplish. At this point he's just as stupid as Liam.

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  10. 35 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

    If this show last long enough, it would be kind of interesting to see what Douglas's feelings towards Thomas are as an adult (or even an older teen).

    Sad to say, it'll be the same old shit that every kid on B&B has: that their parents are the bestest people in the whole world and that their parents belong with one another. I bet he'll be partaking in his own parent trapping because if Scott Clifton is still on the show, you know Hope will have ended up back with him by then.

    Now, if it was any other soap opera, it would have very much been must see TV. I mentioned earlier how even in the very darkest days of ATWT that the writing for the teens was top notch and that their parents' bad decisions played a big part in their character, either because of their own and off marriage (ie Parker and Faith), being extremely controlling (all of Barbara Ryan's kids,but most specific to Will,who literally poisoned a woman to stop a wedding between her and his brother, and the resultant institutional stay affected ever aspect of his life after that), or just being able to be shits because of their parents being in positions of power (Margo's son, one who was arrested for gambling and the other an actual rapist).

    If Douglas doesn't end up hating the Logans like the rest of his family, that will be a minor miracle in and of itself.

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  11. 1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:

    Wait - is that David Kimble meeting/eating with Deacon? 😂 Too bad the actor is just playing a judge because David Kimble is probably the only person who could give Sheila a run for her money!

    Out of curiosity, were David and Sheila on Y&R at the same time? 👀

    I don't know much about the guy, but from what I heard, he was a legendary villain who faked his death to get back an Nina, who had figured out he married her for her money or something. 

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  12. One thing I can say for ATWT during it's death spiral is for all the absolute terrible stories their 30+ year old adult characters go, ther teen scenes were carrying that show between Luke/Noah, the friendship group w Will, Gwen, Casey and Maddie and Parker & Faith, neither of whom had. much patience for their respective parents' on-and-off bullshit. Those two in particular were the only thing that made some episodes tolerable.

    Also, Parker and Faith weren't much older than Douglas when they were commenting on the stupidity of their parents' dysfunction, yet B&B ridiculously has every child on this show aged 5 to 55 always and without exception pushing their parents together, no matter the heinous things that have happened. A literal toddler like Hayes is one thing: 40-something Thorne and Felicia (who was once a beacon of sense in the 90s during Stephanie's first split from Eric!) is a whole different thing entirely.

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  13. 12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    Brooke is making the full transition to Stephaniehood. Trying to run Hope's life, and tell her who to be with, and throwing her full support behind Ridge. 

    Brooke's had her moments well before his towards Rick but even the worst of it was nowhere near as intrusive as she is towards Hope.

    And much like when she was banging her drum against Quinn to Eric, her two minutes hate against Thomas has got way too damn repetitive and boring. WE GET IT, HE'S THE DEVIL. I will never be Team Thope but either devise a scheme to split them up or shut your pie hole. The yapping is getting to be too much.

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  14. 9 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

    I don’t think B&B will be around long enough for Douglas’s generation to age up. If they do I just know Kelly/Beth will be at odds probably fighting over the same guy🙁 . Would be better if they were friends and close sisters. 

    TBH, I didn't even think the show was going to last long enough for Steffy and Hope to have kids after the glut of shows that got axed between '07 and 2012. I have the sense that if TPTB could replace the 90 minutes that B&B and Y&R occupies with something far cheaper, CBS would've done so already.

    Still, given the ongoing strikes, I won't be shocked if the show is cancelled sooner rather than later and much like I felt when ATWT ended, it'll be just as deserved, if not more so.

    • Sad 1
  15. Well, B&B's loss is GH's gain on that score.

    On 9/14/2023 at 1:03 PM, KerleyQ said:

    Lesli Kay

    And talk about B&B fumbles! My God, they revived Felicia from the dead almost solely due to her popularity, had Kay win what was once a very rare acting aware for this show, only to have her and Thorne whine about Mommy and Daddy's marriage two years later.

    Just ugh.

    • Like 2
  16. On 9/9/2023 at 2:03 PM, SweePea59 said:

    Didn't RJ come on around the time that the writers strike started. I'm wondering if his story got put on hold until it's over. Perhaps there is a "no new characters" edict until the strike is resolved and his story will feature a Forrester fit model or intern.

    To be honest, it gives vibes to when Phoebe Forrester was brought on in '06 as the sole teenager on the show. She had nothing to do beyond helping Taylor cover up for Darla's death and then she was put in a relationship with Rick, was was a totally inappropriate choice for so many reasons. This was as Bridget (then in her mid 20s) was spending all her time with Nick, who was in his forties and looked 60. At the time, I was absolutely stunned as to how these idiots were running the show but now, such decisions are known as "Tuesday."

    2 hours ago, Artsda said:


    I liked Thomas and Carter friends.  But the trying to foreshadowing this RJ is the second coming of Christ because he's spawn of Brooke I can't stand.  

    Thomas went to school, worked for it and RJ is going to be best designer in this family according to Ridge because of what?

    I didn't think they would force anything more ridiculous as Bridget's Madame X stint at Jackie M but this truly takes the cake. Thomas has been working towards being a designer since RJ was still a seed in his daddy's ballsack. He's also got his aunts Kristen and Felicia who are designers in their own right and Zende who ALL should be called in before RJ, who has never sketched so much as a stick figure, much less a couture gown.

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  17. On 9/3/2023 at 6:12 AM, RuntheTable said:

    Deacon sees the crazy right? I mean, there are plenty of people out there that commit murder, or attempt to commit murder, but that doesn't mean they are psychos

    Granted, he *was* married to Quinn for a hot minute  and she quite literally threw him over a cliff after imprinting on Liam, so you'd think he'd have learned a lesson on not sticking his dick into crazy by now.

    But at any rate, for as rabid and obsessive as Quinn was, Wyatt was able to talk her down more often than not and I don't think even on her worst day would she ever harm him, even by accident. Quinn also had a friend in Shauna that by B&B standards appeared to be genuine and didn't exist solely to scheme overall man, the Vegas wedding to Ridge notwithstanding. Sheila OTOH is absolutely unreachable and when she feels slighted,no force on the earth will keep her from drawing blood.

    All the same, I'd forgive all her sins if she pops a cap in Liam's ass and puts us out of his misery.

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  18. On 8/30/2023 at 2:32 PM, Waldo13 said:

    Thankfully we didn’t have to witness Lurch and Hope swapping spit today but we did have to witness a day of Ridge being an arrogant ass hole. Demanding Deacon to tell him where Shiela is and if he doesn’t he more or less threatened Deacon about heeling him away from his daughter. Give me a fucking break, you never consider Hope as your daughter. 

    I thought Ridge never liked that one™ 🤨

    He can take his fake ass concern for Hope and shove it where the sun don't shine for all that's given a flying fuck about her well-being these past four years.

    That said:

    On 8/30/2023 at 5:30 PM, Artsda said:

    Deacon needs a kick in the head, he should listen to Ridge.  Deacon should be thinking about his relationship with Hope, Beth too. 

    There is no way in Hades, Valhalla, Sto'vo'kor, the Bad Place, the Super Hell Castiel in Supernatural  got banished to on that finale, or any other afterlife that Sheila's milkshake is that damn good for Deacon to risk his relationship with Hope for and his behavior makes even less sense than Liam's. TF is he getting outta this? Unlike most of the men in this show, Deacon isn't stupid.

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  19. 20 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

    Let’s be real, Thomas doesn’t care - he’s getting laid on the regular. His joystick ain’t seen this much action in YEARS!

    It cannot be said nearly enough that the way TIIC have been writing Thomas for the last twenty(!) years since he was first aged up has been nothing short of bizarre. Drew Tyler Bell was in the role for eight years and all his version's big romances happened in the first two. Then, crickets for the next six, aside from him trying to snuff out Rick for dating Steffy.  Then we had Adam Gregorycs version be obsessed with Brooke, then Pierson Fode's be obsessed with Caroline before putting him with Sally and salvaging his character from that mess , only to do a hard reset on all of that when Matthew Atkinson was cast.

    And this is STILL better than what Ridge's own namesake has gotten!

    16 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Brooke just shut up.

    As little as I care for Thope....God, this. If she ever brought up what he did to her children, she may have half a point and she'd still be a hypocrite as she certainly didn't give a damn about the crap Bill had been pulling on Hope or what Deacon had done to Bridget when she fucked them.

    She's a grown ass woman, let her fall on her ass to learn the lessons you never did.

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  20. 1 hour ago, nkotb said:

    Why are they trying to make fetch happen with Liam??

    I've been asking this since the Aspen wedding.

    I'm not quite at the point where I want to see him dead like many do and at his core, I don't think he's quite as repulsive as Ridge but i do think that even if TIIC did make the effort to give his character a redemption, it may still be too late to salvage the guy for many.

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  21. And also, I miss side characters not attached to any main family at all! Where are the Julie Delorians of today? Or the Rocco Carters (no relation to Sheila, but who knows maybe he'll end up as a long unknown relative too) or Darla Einsteins?

    It's been baffling to me just on a practical level that Bell refuses to introduce any new blood to this show because every child born on the show since Hope is blood related to at least three other kids in their generation and she was born when I was in high school.

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