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Posts posted by K-9

  1. Awkward to have Julie tell Glenn & Bronte that their "summer is over" and have no reaction from them, because those comps were pre-taped weeks ago.  Victor did acknowledge Julie in the final victory over Tiffany. 

    Poor Glenn misses placing the poison berry just moments before Jozea locks in his full column.  But don't think he would've had much of a chance in three athletic competitions.  Stacked against him from the start. 

    I hope they let Glenn go home right after losing to Josea (and not sitting around for weeks and weeks):  As soon as Josea was evicted, the two of them immediately re-used the HoH berry comp (modified) already set up in the backyard.  Glenn lost.  He knew it weeks ago.  Was he kept from his partner and daughter to keep his presence in his daily life from spoiling it for his local community?  I hope he was at least allowed to go home and self-sequester himself there with his family (with a handler if needed) to keep him inside and off social media (Facebook, Twitter, Previously TV lol).

    The BB house must be sound proof to not hear that loud speaker announcing the band times in the backyard.  Or Bronte's voice!

    Glenn, Josea, and Victor look like they'd have body odor that would remain after recording their DR narrations.  Or cologne.  Perfume for Bronte.  TPTB must've had to air out that DR very well to keep HG's from smelling the return of an evictee in there!

    P.S.: C'mon, we all know the secret room will be found before the four week time limit!  Just a matter of whom and when.

    • Love 2
  2. Quote

    They are very sweet together.  Will it survive outside the house?  I would have said no, a week ago but I am not sure, now.  She is hot girl and has all the attention she can handle.  But do any of them really like her and see her? Probably not.  What a love story this would be.

    I am, in no way, thinking this will happen. Odds are, no way. But still, maybe. Stranger things, you know.

    So, will they or won't they? haha

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  3. This is a non-spoiler discussion thread for BB18 HG Michelle Meyer.

    A month ago, Michelle was introduced as the nutritionist who was picky about others' food.  Not much airtime since then.  Maybe that's her plan...

    From Michelle's CBS Big Brother bio:


    Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? 
    Ian Terry [from Season 14]—because he is so freaking attractive to me—played the type of game I would play, acted like how I would act in the Big Brother house (e.g. taking everything in, doing weird stuff around the house, etc.), and beat Dan [Gheesling]. 

    He had great strategy in taking punishments and seeming weak in the beginning. I plan on having a four to six-person alliance that I will stick to. I also plan on letting other people blow up their own games and egging them on in the shadows.

    Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
    To win as many competitions as I can and, when I win HOH, to take out someone I see as a threat. I plan on being friendly with everyone and pretending this game doesn't mean the world to me. I plan on passively manipulating people and giving them reasons to follow my suggestions. 

    I will also potentially be in a showmance, if I think it helps in the game. I want to take on all the punishments I can and appear weak while still winning competitions. I want a solid alliance to take to the end, but, secretly, have a better relationship with a few of the people.

    My life’s motto is… 
    Be underestimated." I want to be smarter than people think I am, stronger than people think I am, etc. It gives you the upper hand!

  4. Paulie talking smack to Tiffany before the RK reveal did provide him clues he missed.  Paulie should've been able to read her confidence in barking back at him.  After the RK nominee was revealed, he should've put 2 + 2 together.  Nope, just arrogance.

    Starting to appreciate how Frank is playing, especially his social game (separated from his once pig attitude toward Da'Vonne).  I'm going to adopt some of the positives from him and other HGs in networking at work.   Others, like Paul, already bring in baked treats.  So maybe I'll be the supportive ear when no one else is listening.  Gotta make watching this CBS reality show beneficial somehow.

    • Love 3
  5. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Battle Back.  However, in the past the returnee gets the easy target because they "already had a chance" (how ironic if this is said by one of the four veterans!).  This season we have team protection from the HoH, for now at least.  Three of the four teams have lost a player; on the other hand Category 4 (Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette) all remain.  So if Team Freakazoid loses Tiffany/Corey or if Team Unicorn loses Natalie, then that team would then be down to two players.  Might be in those teams' best interest to fight to keep the returnee: Glenn, Bronte, 4th evictee, or even Jozea!  Otherwise Category 4 members will have more participants in HoH's to keep their entire team safe.

    If the Battle Back twist ends the Team twist, then the returnee is DOA.

    The fifth eviction takes place on Thursday.  The 5th evictee would still need to compete in Battle Back (probably on Thursday night, after the live broadcast concludes).  Do they hold-off on the HoH competition until that 5th evictee walks back in the door on Thursday night? Show the HoH competition on Friday's episode (Friday's episode can't be a 60 minute of Battle Back competitions)? Or does the winner of the Battle Back get the HoH (that would be a shocker!)?

  6. Please let this paranoid overly-emotional Tiffany be an act (to make her appear less of a threat). 

    Before going into the house, Tiffany had to have known that other HGs would've quickly figured out her direct resemblance to Vanessa.  The other HGs would also know Vanessa's game very well from last season. 

    So, my half-baked theory (non-feed watcher, don't read spoiler threads) is that Tiffany didn't tell the other HGs on purpose knowing that they would easily figure it out (or plant it with it a HG and wait for it to be publicly blurted, like Paulie blabbed it in yesterday's episode nomination speech).  Then the HGs would think they've got Tiffany pegged as a non-threat.

    Which is why I think she flubbed that "dictator" speech. 

    Then the crying "I'm all alone" sympathy.  Game play.

    Tiffany might be playing her game incognito mode in which she purposely isn't even sharing it in her DRs (unlike Derrick Lavasseur).  Though it's jumping the gun to put her and Derrick in the same sentence about game play.  And she may very well get herself evicted.

  7. Quote

    But, OF COURSE, Tiff won the RK. Of. Course. I don't know that it'll matter, but I really can't help but think that entire thing is rigged. 

    Also, that RK comp was nasty. 

    The glance of the RK competition we saw in the broadcast looked fair.  We could see the air freshners hanging as they rang in.  Though TPTB could have cheated on amount of time given, made some HG's wires more sensitive so less freshners would stay put, jiggled the wire, etc.  One of the HGs rang-in with a bunch of their air freshners on the floor directly below the line.

    Also it looked like more of the scent spray was being expelled for some HGs (a thick mist).  They were only complaining about the smell (not burning their eyes or lungs).  The HGs should've just breathed through their mouths only - it's not like there is fecal matter saturated in the air!

    • Love 1
  8. This Road Kill comp seemed easier to visually see who won.  Tiffany had a lot of air freshners hanging compared to the others.  Seems like the broadcast showed a wide-angled shot of each HG's air freshners as they were ringing in.

  9. I'm rooting against Frank, for now at least.  And I'm actually glad he cannot be nominated this week:  This week's evictee will join Bronte and the Euro Trippin' guys with a shot at getting back into the house.  So, if evicted later on, Frank supposedly will not be able to reenter this season. 

    • Love 4
  10. Bridgette could have used the PoV to take down Bronte and forced Frank to openly make a move on Natalie.  Instead I speculate, without having watched any live-feed or after and not reading the spoiler thread:

    Bridgette knows the simplest thing to do is make it easier for Frank because Tiffany is supposedly the big target.  If not, then Paul has ruffled some HGs (and lots of viewers) way more than Bronte.  Now, I could be giving way too much credit to Bridgette to be thinking this through, giving what the network broadcast showed of her in this episode.  But I don't think Bridgette is that taken by Frank.  It would be amazing if it is Bridgette that is pulling the wool over Frank's eyes!!

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  11. Maybe TPTB are withholding Bridgette's DRs sharing that she's pretend mesmerizing with Frank in order to keep the Spy Girls from being voted out.  (I don't watch the live feeds or read those threads, so it's speculation.)  But another explanation is that major parts of BB18 plot are scripted

    • Love 1
  12. I thought Bronte was going to win the RK.  The competition montage showed a brief clip of her buzzing in (didn't show any mistakes, if there were any).  Other HGs' mistakes were shown. Nope.  Frank wins.  (Couldn't have TPTB at least had someone else read the directions?  I don't think I've seen much of Michelle at all this season).

    Frank's apology was mostly talking about himself.   And then the forced hug.  Ug.

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