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Posts posted by K-9

  1. Quote

    I thought it was interesting that Julie didn't mention to Steve that Sam had the power. I wonder if it's because he's going to a pre jury sequester?! I haven't seen any exit press from Steve yet. Granted, it's only 10 am on the East Coast.

    That's curious. 

    Sam's Bonus Life power stated that if she doesn't use it, then it will be automatically used on the fourth evicted HG, who then has a "chance" to return to the house.  Basically sounds like one of the first four evicted will most likely return, so that case would entail sequester.  Maybe the potential buyback competition will be a do-or-die event among the evictees, but the app power holder gets a second life to continue competing if he or she is eliminated while others will be out after the first loss.

    • Love 1
  2. In this episode, seems like HoH Tyler needlessly upset Bayleigh by telling Chris/Swaggy that she potentially could be the replacement nominee.  PoV competitors hadn't even been drawn at that point.

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  3. Funny when Robot Sam, facing away from the kitchen & backyard, was in conversation with Tyler trying to cheer her up with "Everyone is behind you," and Sam's reply upon swiveling the robot's body around was "Literally everyone is behind me, I see that."  Ha!

    • Love 9
  4. In this episode, didn't Sam attempt to quote the show's catchphrase expect the unexpected, but instead her words came out: "...they tell us not to expect anything." ? 

    I like that latter phrase better. [/sarcasm]

    • Love 12
  5. Particularly memorable parts of episodes: 

    1. Gary reads about his own upcoming death (in a collapsing building) and is drawn inside to save others.  Ending @ 41:50-46:00 


    2. Also enjoyable is the episode that shows how young Gary's life was saved, how he received the future responsibility of the paper, and then he designates his successor @  35:00-42:00

    • Love 1
  6. Guessing that the philanderering general lost his clearance because he told his colleague at the elevator about his marital issues/divorce papers, and that colleague reported him.  Maybe that general's position is not allowed to be on duty with outside stressors; could falter on entering the code, etc.

  7. From where was Penny picking up Amy's parents? Don't they live in Orange County?

    I think Penny picked up the Fowler's from their home.  The background scenery out of the car windows (hills, grass) didn't look inner city, unlike the background scenery when Raj drove the Coopers.  Maybe the Fowlers don't currently drive.

  8. This episode is setting me up to sympathize with Miles and further villify Jack.  However, Miles is probably at least one step ahead of Jack in knowing about him living in Toledo and his high school job (before Jack's disclosure), and now Miles may be baiting Jack with that Stanford offer.  Jack is probably being set up for more frustration, if not a huge season finale shocker.

    • Love 2
  9. Now the series is set "about three years" later: interested to see if the characters are supposed to be living in the 2020-2021 time period.  Or the maybe the show could just ignore the calendar year and the outside world --news/events/fashion/pop culture -- since it's just a three year jump and there are so few episodes left (contrasted with how Parks & Rec 's three year fast-forward used some elements of a potential future world, technology, etc).

    • Love 1
  10. Diamond Veto:  "The veto winner has the power to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block and also name the replacement nominee."

    VIP Veto:  "The veto winner has the option to use the Veto once or twice or not at all in the same Veto Meeting.  If the winner of the Veto removes one of the nominees, he or she will wait for a replacement nominee to be made before deciding if they want to use it a second time."

    Spotlight Veto: "The winner of the Veto is guaranteed to be in the spotlight at the Veto Meeting, because this Veto HAS to be used to save one of the two nominees from the chopping block!"

    • Love 3
  11. Seems like that kitchen fire should've caused smoke damage to their adjoining living room.  But the characters were able to hang out in that living room (which was in pristine condition) immediately after the fire.  If no smoke damage, then at least the room should've been reeking.

    • Love 5
  12. Something that happens regularly at the conclusion of Julie's eviction interview is that the evicted HG begins to stand up from the chair.  Julie then has to tell the evicted HG to stay seated.  That occurred in this episode with Kevin, as well as several other times this season.  Partly it is the way Julie wraps-up the interview (well wishes, handshake, etc). which naturally feels like the HG should depart.  Production could clean this up since it happens frequently that Julie should be tired of saying it eviction after eviction.

    • Love 6
  13. Quote

    11. Colin Cloud. I just got the feeling she wasn't "random", that she didn't write on the paper, etc. That the whole thing was a setup. So not into this whole act.

    I think I've liked him in the past but tonight was not good.  It did take too long to get to the point.  And when he was "randomly" pointing to the crowd, you could kind of tell that he wanted to end up in a certain area.  He pointed at the right side of the theater really quickly and noticeably slowed down when he was pointing at the area where his "random" girl was.  And when Simon didn't say "stop," instead of going back the other way, he started pointing to the right and moved quickly to the left.  (Or at least I think that's what happened after only watching it once). 

    Notice that there was a subtle cue from the performer when he wanted Simon to say "stop."  Simon was teased for taking too long to say anything; then notice that Simon was waiting for a signal.  The performer said something like "Just tell me when you want me to ... stop."  Simon then said "stop" at that cue.  This was at the section the performer wanted, except another lady with blond hair seated, several rows lower in that section, also stood up for quite a while.   Eventually she sat down when she wasn't addressed.

    Additionally, maybe most random audience members in the theater would probably be willing to agree they've been bitten by a dog in the arse, even if not true.  Just play along for fun, as long as not agreeing to an ultra-embarrassing situation that never really happened.  

    I think it fine for Simon and the other judges + Tyra to be in on "the fix" of a magic/illusion act, even in rounds of judges cuts.  The performer is rated on execution and the ability to sell their act to the audience.    

    • Love 1
  14. The desk that Michael and Colin sat at was huge.  From the front it looks solid and very elegant.  But I guess this is just a facade.  In the final seconds of this episode, while the band played, Che and Jost were chatting and there was a cameraman in the back.  When the shot cut to that camera's view it showed the rear of the desk, which contrasted greatly from the elaborate front.  Almost pegboard-like in appearance.  The desk looked relatively thin/lightweight and probably can be easily broken-down in between episodes. 

  15. The clouds layer over LA dissipated right as the partial solar eclipse began.  The maximum eclipse over the BB house around 10:20 a.m. should've been clearly visible (with proper viewing techniques), even with just a pinhole in a piece of paper.  Except...  the HGs, even if hanging outside in the backyard, probably wouldn't have even noticed partial eclipse in LA was occurring with only 60% of the sun eclipsed.  Temperature dropped degrees but not much difference in sunlight to the naked eye unless purposely watching for it.  Wonder if the BB live feeds showed if the HGs were outside this morning? (post under spoilers, if needed) 

    • Love 1
  16. 8 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Maybe we'll see the HGs' reactions to the partial solar eclipse during Wednesday's episode.  The HGs probably won't be expecting it.  Hopefully they don't sleep through this event or stare directly at the sun!  

    Unfortunate news: on the current weather report looks like Los Angeles might be experiencing thick clouds right now this morning covering the entire sky, and they may not see much or any of today's eclipse.  The partial eclipse is going to start in the next half hour on the West Coast USA.  In LA, they might only see a little darkening of the sky behind the clouds, because LA only projected to experience a 60% partial eclipse rather than total eclipse.  The HGs in LA will most likely miss it unless the clouds blow/burn away.

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