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Posts posted by K-9

  1. It would be really hard to throw a luck-based competition.

    Frank probably intentionally aimed for the rim of the racket so that the ball wouldn't even have a chance to bounce into play.  That's what happened with the ball he played.  Immediately prior to playing his turn, his eyes were shifty - as if he was paying attention to who was watching him.  Then the ball he threw hit the rim and bounced back toward him.

    • Love 1
  2. When this thread was created for Tiffany, I subtitled it "Vanessa 2.0?", as in an improved upgrade (less tears and paranoia, along with brilliance).  But now it seems Tiffany is Vanessa II the sequel.  Maybe getting booted from the house tonight will give her time in sequester to refocus on how her sister's game in BB17 was perceived.  Then can try to reboot if she comes back into the game.

  3. Paul got himself off the block!  I only watch the network broadcasts, so it appeared his selection of Zak to compete in PoV won some key trust.  But I thought Paul's second half of his PoV speech about friendship was risky.  I was screaming in my head for him to stop talking; don't make it look like he's got a conversation going on with Paulie.   Then I was expecting HoH Paulie to suddenly change his mind and keep noms the same. 

  4. Quote

    I'm really surprised they didn't have Bronte DRs for the BB Roadkill, though. She's a mathematician, you guys!

    In her pre-BB interview with CBS Jeff, Bronte was asked 9 x 9.  She didn't know and said/guessed 89.


    I would have loved to see the times of all these people.

    I don't watch the live feeds or read the spoiler threads.  Does BB "After Dark" show the unedited Road Kill competition?


    No Paul its not just everyone in the BIG BROTHER universe that dislikes you...its everyone in the known cosmos.

    I'm rooting for Paul!

    Now I see why Tiffany wore those huge sunglasses last time.  She's got huge bags under her eyes.  This was before she was nominated.

  5. Day 16 for the HGs already!

    Can't believe TPTB showed a tweet from someone saying something like...this was one of the most important eviction nights in BB history.

    Battle Back Twist. The evicted HG can return to the game after watching some of the HG's goodbye messages.  Pretty soon no one is going to offend anyone evicted by recording a juicy/rude goodbye message.  Fakeness will continue.

    Of course they do a very long HoH competition that can't fit during this episode, and then they promote purchase of their live feeds.

    The great thing about these episode threads is they are spoiler-free. But you know some live feed watchers are reading the episode threads and laughing at the things we write because at times we're a couple days behind what's already happened.

    So the HoH comp probably didn't turn out this way, but who would win if everyone eventually fell off and were eliminated before all the berries were deposited?

  6. Laughing at Jozea.  Going to be an interesting live show interview with Julie.

    lol when Frank made the look of shock when the replacement Road Kill nominee was announced.  According to Jozea's people-reading skills, that must mean Frank had nothing to do with it.

    Tiffany, take off your humongous sunglasses when you're having a one-on-one conversation inside the house.  You're looking like a poker player.

    • Love 2
  7. Quote

    This is a complete guess on my part - but I think the editors just like messing with Corey because they see him as homophobic and are getting a little payback.



    I wish 8 pack would substitute Paulie for that asshole Corey.


    Confusing remarks for someone (like me) who's only watched the network broadcasts and stuck to the PTV episode threads so far.  Corey has so far been given a network edit to make him seem like a decent guy.  Guess those two quoted comments come from viewers/readers of the Live Feed and/or After Dark. 

  8. I'm not liking this: a weekly competition in an RV bus shielded from even live feed watchers, so no one but the TPTB knows the true results.   Very easy for TPTB to give the 3rd nomination power to predetermined HGs to further their agenda.   Same old monkey business.

    With three nominees on the block: I'm just hoping there will be some tie votes on eviction night, so that the HoH is sometimes forced to cast the final vote to evict.  Get blood on their hands!  But probably there still will be lopsided-margin evictions because "it's what the house wants."

    • Love 6
  9. Paulie has a well-known connection too.


    Cody, BB16 finalist with Derrick, is Paulie's brother

    I didn't notice it as much as Tiffany's, but apparently Paulie's tattoo with his last name will give it away to HGs who are fans of the show.

  10. The show has yet to air, as of this post.  I am hoping that this season all HGs enter as one big group as the episode description above says.  In recent seasons, TPTB had half of the HGs meet and enter.  The second half of the HGs were still sequestered from one another.   Meanwhile, the first half has already chosen rooms and started bonding.  Doubt many HGs would voluntarily chose to be in the second group rather than the first half. 

    The character bios and videos are up on CBS.com.  HG Tiffany says she plans to keep her identity


    Vanessa Rousso, of BB 17, is Tiffany's sister.

    to herself and lay low, but there are obvious giveaways:  voice/accent, expressions, similar facial resemblance and mannerisms in the first minute of her video.



    It makes total sense for Tiffany not to spill her



    secret to her fellow Houseguests right away, but her vocal delivery and physical mannerisms, which are reminiscent of


    her sister

    , might reveal the relation before she's ready.

    Regardless, this



    brunette, who loves participating in water sports and strumming the guitar, plans to play her own game—assuming she can fly under the radar for the first couple weeks.


  11. Quote

    In the Season 7 finale, Claire needs to fire an employee but has a hard time finding the right moment to do it. Meanwhile, Phil believes he caught Luke in a compromising position; Jay mulls going back to work; Cameron's summer job in Kansas City complicates spending time with Lily; and Alex is home for the summer, though no one seems to notice.

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