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Posts posted by Jel


    Yeah, the fake town with fake people in the credits is pretty weird.  But they've dropped the hallucinations angle -- I don't know how well "it's all in the mind of an autistic boy your mind" would work now.


    Bill Evens found a couple of potential exit points (based on the Xs on his map), so I'm not sure that someone couldn't get out.  For that matter, if Ethan wasn't a hulking Frankenstein, he might have been able to hide better (or at all) in the food distribution center. 

    I keep expecting him to say "FIRE BAAAAAAD"


    I wonder if anyone has escaped WP.

  2. This. Why don't they just tell Ethan the truth? Clearly he is not going to be convinced to just play along, and some residents like Pope and the nurse do know, so why not? Wouldn't it be easier than dealing with his craziness?

    I think the time-grabbing theory is a good one and explains a lot, but my main problem with it is, how could the charade of normalcy work at all if everyone believes it is a different year? Beverly had to think it was 2000, Kate must think it is 2026, and obviously Ethan thinks it's 2014. Not talking about your past might help some inconsistencies, but there's no rule saying not to talk about what year it is. Are there no calendars in WP? I did notice that the Wyoming license plate had a "14" sticker on it, but perhaps it could be 100 years or more in the future (or this could just be a prop error.)

    I don't know. I rewatched the sheriff scenes and aside from the slicked-back hair, he looks the same in "2014" as in WP. Same with Dr. Jenkins, who has thinning hair so it would have been easy for them to just give him less hair in WP. With Kate, they went overboard to show she'd aged, not just a soft-focus lens but I think they even used digital effects to make her look younger in her "past". So at this point I'm not sure what to think.

    As for TH and Empire, here's an article that sheds some light and maybe gives a few tiny hints as well: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/28/wayward-pines-ep-chad-hodge-episode-3-our-town-our-law

    Probably not a spoiler, but being cautious in case you don't want to read the article.  And now, without further ado..


    Interesting he says "the real residents of Wayward Pines have adapted..."


    The real residents? Hmm

  3. I can think of many times in the past when people have started sentences with "so"; but along the lines of "So, where are we going for dinner tonight", or "So how are you doing today?"  where say, it's followed by a question. It's the totally-out-of-the-blue use of "so" ("So I hate cake mixes" ) that is definitely new, in the past five years. 


    I am hearing it a little less lately, and I have no idea why. Maybe it was a trendy-speech thing, like the vocal fry. 

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  4. What I can't wrap my head around is this:  what is the point of not talking about anything when everyone seems to know what is going on?  Is this Fight Club???

    Lol, it is messed up. But does everyone know what's going on? Are there two kinds of people in WP or something? The snatched from lives and then some other kind? The kind who are cool with public executions, for example? This is getting to Lost levels of messing with my head. 

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  5. I think Bethanny is so controlling because of the way she grew up.  As a small child she was often forced to be the parent. And because it happened to her at such a young age, it is in there pretty deep, and it's hard to remove. So when Bethenny does not have control she begins to feel deeply, desperately panicky and lashes out and does things in a desperate, grasping kind of way.


    But Bethenny's lack of family ties is not because she's a horrible person who doesn't give a shit about "FAMILY!"; it's because she didn't have a family and doesn't really know what that means or how one works.  That's her tragedy, not her fault.  People who grow up with loving, supportive families could not begin to understand why someone wouldn't want their families in their lives, and the idea of limiting it in any way seems deliberately cold and mean-spirited.  While for someone in Bethenny's situation, who grew up peer-oriented, "family" is a word.  


    Jason, hmm, initially I saw him as a decent guy who really loves his grief stricken parents, but Celia Rubenstein has made me rethink this a little. Frankly, he does seem a little enmeshed with them. And, as lovely and loving as they seems, we don't know what the family dynamic was in his home.  My husband and his siblings can't ever say no to their mother; she gets what she wants always.  Not saying she isn't a nice person or is not loving, that's just the family dynamic. It happens.  I have no idea if that's how it it with Jason, or if he just feels so sad for his parents that he needs to fix it for them, but it does seem just a bit much.

    • Love 5
  6. I really should have posted my gripes in the "peeves" thread, especially since pronunciation isn't a grammar mistake. The "so" business must be a generational  thing. I freely and unabashedly begin sentences with "but" and "and", which, in my youth, was something older people objected to frequently.  But the "so" start is not something I grew up doing and so it sounds like an affectation to my ears.


    I once worked with a woman who went crazy about the word  "hopefully", insisting people say instead, "I am hopeful", which sounds, in place of "hopefully", a little 19th century to some.  I bet she has given up that fight now.


    Language evolves. 




    So language evolves.

    • Love 1
  7. More spitballing...


    Is Wayward Pines there to protect the rest of the people on Earth? Like a holo-world plug to whatever exists on the other side, some kind of deal the government has made with the aliens to keep them from taking the rest of the people on earth?


    But why, alien overlords, why?  Is it the alien version of the Truman Show? Is it an human zoo, for aliens? Is it some alien kid's Tamagotchi?


    I am still really puzzled about why there are no crickets.  And why time is so messed up. And why the kids all seem weird.

    • Love 4
  8. I was confused by Agent Blondie on the outside. He was looking at Ethan's car, but Ethan's car was in WP. So was he on the outside or the inside? Wait, that was his wife's car on the inside! Ugh! Just when I think I'm getting somewhere I realize I'm remembering incorrectly with ALL of this! Lol! I need to rewatch these episodes!!!

    I think that was Ethan's car that they had at the Secret Service Headquarters, which they collected from the road just outside WP, that exists in Idaho.  (The real WP exists somewhere else/in another dimension/beyond Thunderdome.)  In it (or somewhere nearby-don't recall exactly) they found the body of the other agent Burke was driving with, but absolutely no evidence that Burke had ever even been in the car.

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  9. I have to wonder WHY they showed us the baby? I wonder if they are using this technique to impregnate women and having babies delivered without their knowledge? 

    Yes! Also, the phones were ringing that night here and there, but Kate for example didn't have to answer it because "it wasn't for her".


    Something is definitely up with the babies/kids in this show.

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  10. So, if Kate has only been missing for five weeks, but she thinks that it has been twelve years, how long does Ethan think that he's been in Wayward Pines?  If he's been missing from the outside world for even one day, that should be over four months in Wayward Pines' wonky time, but it doesn't seem like he's been there for four months.  I was thinking more like a few days, or a week, maybe?  This weird time difference between the two "worlds" doesn't seem to be adding up.

    Yes, that is a good point.  So far the accelerated time deal does not seem to be affecting Ethan's perception of time in the slightest. Although....the bruises on his face cleared up pretty quickly. So, physically yes, perceptually no?

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