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Posts posted by Jel

  1. On 9/1/2024 at 4:12 AM, ladle1 said:

    Is Katie smart? Maybe, by the standards of "cyst and diseased"? I truly have no idea, as I feel like I don't really have a sense of her yet. That said... I feel like I'm insane, because Katie came onto this show actively spreading dirt about Heather, right out of the gate. Of course Heather isn't going to like her! It has nothing to do with kissing the ring or wanting Katie to "bow down" or whatever nonsense Emily and Katie are spewing.

    Now, can Heather be entitled, elitist, self-important, self-absorbed, etc.? Absolutely! 

    But, in the real world, if my first introduction to someone in my "friend group" was their spreading negative gossip about me, I wouldn't be particularly warm to them either! They're acting like she's being cold and rigid -- which she can be, but in this case I actually think she's being kinder to Katie than a lot of reasonable people would be! 

    I so agree about Katie. I like her, but I think she's making that classic first season mistake, where she acts like she's so chill and above all the drama, while simultaneously and immediately starting drama.  This is never a good look imo, and if she doesn't do a quick about face, she's headed into Teddi Mellencamp territory. And Teddi had the added benefit of a celebrity dad and a strong fan hatred of Dorit, who Teddi was up against early on. Katie doesn't really have that. Heather's not hugely popular, but I don't think she's as hated as Dorit was back then. So I don't see Katie as having a very wide berth here.

    But, she has avoided the other first seasoner classic mistake of frosty pink eye shadow, so kudos on that.


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  2. Why must there always be a Diary Room yeller? Is this a trait they look for? Hoping Quinn gets a deep conditioner in his HoH basket. 

    I have a terrible feeling that somehow Angela is going to goat herself to the end, and then, in a shockingly WTF!? move, a spiteful jury is going to goat her into the win.  Putting this down here as a counter jinx ;)

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  3. 53 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

    Yes, I know that, and believe me, I am not an Angela fan.  I'm hoping she gets the boot tonight since she's my least favorite houseguest.  I'm not saying she should get special treatment, just commenting on what I thought was a rough task for a 50-year-old overweight woman.  

    Can we settle on not rough, but rough on her? Agreed it’s harder for her, but the competition itself? Not that bad. Imo. Maybe I have turned mean in my old age!

  4. Yes, of course things like age and weight can factor in to the level of difficulty. It would have been easier for a younger, fitter person, but that's beside the point. The punishments are not individually tailored -- you get what you get, the luck of the draw.  Compared to other punishments, punishments that any one of them could have received, I did not find this one "cruel".  That's all I'm saying. I don't disagree that Angela, being older and less fit than other housemates, had a harder time, but that's not relevant to the overall evaluation of the difficulty level or the cruel/kind measure of this punishment.

    Angela has had an incredibly fair season for someone of her age and fitness level.  Other seasons' competitions were way more physically demanding. She's also behaved like an idiot and has still been saved from the block. All things considered, she's one of the luckiest contestants in BB history!


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  5. This season is weirding me out. 

    Tucker started out as Evel Dick Jr and over a few weeks has turned into the Seinfeld episode where Jerry gets in touch with his feelings. Also, the whole "we can hold hands now whenever we want" to Rubina. Hold hands? Huh. And his devotion to Angela? And being hurt by the actions of his housemates. Is this the same guy from a few weeks ago? What is going on?!

    I thought Angela's punishment was pretty easy actually. Much better than the woman who had to score 2,000 goals. Walking eight miles? Cold showers? Getting slimed? I don't see how that's any worse than many other punishments or competitions they've held over the years. Maybe we're into a kinder, gentler era of BB and BB fandom. 

    I blame microplastics ;)

    I also loved the Mattrix; and also lol'd many times.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

    That's really the tale as old as time in the house, right? All you have to do is pay the "lesser" members of your alliance lip service, and people JUST. CANNOT. DO. IT. 

    I always thought that was a big part of the genius of Derrick's play. He really understood that.

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  7. Aww why did they have to do Cedric like that?

    Tucker makes me think Evel Dick, but 45-50 years ago. Hope he's a Suicidal Tendencies fan because there's going to be a lot of those shirts in his future. Grodner really has a type.

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  8. Wow, old triangle headed Tamra was really showing her true colors tonight. The instigating, the evil smirking, so much eveil smirking, the digs, the jabs.  It was hard to watch.

    And yet the thing that bothers me the most tonight is the fact that you all*, with your infernal show watching and forum posting have made it possible for her to buy a house in Big Bear!!! Granted it's the ugliest house, and her fugly decorating is fug, but still.



    *And also me

    29 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

    When I’m on Shannon’s side even though she didn’t something completely awful - then you really suck (Tamrat and not so fun Lexi)


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  9. For anyone interested, I did a 30 second google about HWs first year salaries. I found a couple of comments that suggest it's less than 100K per year, first year, or was about 8-10 years ago, for a couple of them. 

    And hey everyone, Tamra wants us to know she doesn't like to be around toxic people. Huh. Well thanks, Let's Get Her Naked Wasted, for letting us know about your high moral standards! 

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  10. On 7/22/2024 at 11:03 PM, ZettaK said:

    That's very little, and they have five kids. It's not enough even for her rent. The cash amount settlement is small, as well, and some might have to go toward the settlement of the yoga studio rent lawsuit. There is no wonder she is still with Ryan, but let's see what will happen regarding the betting scandal. They both enjoy their newly found celebrity, and he might still be with her because of it.  The spousal support won't continue because her Bravo salary is already higher. 

    Do you have any idea of Jenn's RHoOC salary? It couldn't be less than 200, right?

    On 7/23/2024 at 8:40 PM, Cosmocrush said:

    She could make rent but not in a big fancy house in the OC.  Maybe she should go back to Oklahoma because hearing her daughter say she just wanted a place that could be “ home” and not have to move into someone else’s house or move at all was heartbreaking.

    That made me sad, too. 

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  11. He offered to pay her full show salary if she didn't go on the show, hey? Well sir, I don't believe it. In fact, it seems like something  designed to serve one purpose: stick it to Shannon. Like if you wanted to come up with something to make Shannon feel bad, you could say you're having tons of sexy time (check) (and also, barf), and old cheapskate MacGruder has suddenly got tons of money that he wants to spend on Alexis (but not on Shannon!).

    Then, to add insult to injury, she gets the same kind of dog as Shannon.  Besides Giggy, what dog was more beloved than Archie? 

    The whole thing seems very SWF.  


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  12. I’m liking Jenn Aydin more this season. Her Danielle impression always makes me laugh. Luis seems to be in a perpetual state of anger. And he’s either expressing it, or repressing it and just barely reining it in with his SERENITY NOW mental health program. 
    I’m getting too old for all the yelling on these shows.

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  13. On 7/10/2024 at 2:11 PM, RealHousewife said:

    I’m not sure, but season 10 Raquel is like a different person. All the guys on the show always came across as sleazy, but Raquel came across as innocent, naive, timid, then she suddenly has huge balls, doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings no matter how nice they are to her, and she shows next to no emotion other than for herself regarding pageantry. I know her adoption in itself may have been traumatic, but there are people who go through way worse than she ever has who don’t see themselves as victims or feel robbed of not being able to screw around. It’s almost like watching an actress take on two different roles. 

    Yes, exactly. It felt we were watching All About Eve in real time. From people to dogs, the woman cannot be trusted.


    On 7/13/2024 at 8:13 PM, ZettaK said:

    Rachel wanted to become an integral part of the cast (she was not for years), and then she was, and a fan favorite. She had to hold into this, and she became ruthless, which is not uncommon. Fame corrupted her. 

    Maybe it corrupted her, or maybe it exposed her. I don't know, but something ain't right there.

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  14. On 6/25/2024 at 3:16 PM, princelina said:

    Oh no!  You're heading into the season where she refers to the gruesome and hideous Brett as her "best friend" 🤢

    Y'all better stop laughing... your numbers are drawing ever closer, and before you know it, you'll be Scheana's best friend next. ;)

    • LOL 2
  15. 46 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Did she assume Will was going to pick up her slack? She shouldn’t be renting something that she can’t afford.  That said Gina didn’t need to make it all about her. 

    You're right, Gina did not handle it very well. Tactless! But, imagine yourself in Gina's position -- she's new to real estate, she's working on developing a client list she hopes will be repeat clients, and she tells a client that Jenn is good for the rent. She knows approximately how much money a second seasoner would make, so Gina feels confident that Jenn can pay her rent. Jenn probably could have paid her rent if she didn't spend it on other things, but anyway. So now the client, if he stays a client, will assume Gina's judgment is not good. That does affect Gina.  Gina's fault was naively trusting a friend. Not the worst crime in the great scheme of things. She definitely could have been kinder about the way she said it though.

    If Jenn was spending her money differently Id probably feel differently, but what she spends it on seems so frivolous. Feels a little, "Sorry kids, bad news - we are being evicted from our home, but on the bright side, I finally bought a  Birkin!" Ya know? I like Jenn and really thought she was a nice person, but this has made me wonder,

    • Like 5
  16. On 7/19/2024 at 12:54 PM, dosodog said:

    The only "horrible" thing I can think of that Shannon did to Tamra was ghosting her when Tamra got fired. 

    However. When I think of all the horrible things that Tamra did to Shannon before she got fired? 

    Was it ghosting? Or removing a toxic person from her life that she no longer had to work with?

    Tamra is the reason we're going to be stuck with Teddi Mellengnat for at least one episode this season. Don't you even THINK about defending her!

    I'm a little concerned that Satan's Minions aka the producers are considering bringing that self righteous, weight loss scamming, accountability for thee and not for me, into the fold for next season.

    Please no.

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  17. On 7/19/2024 at 7:06 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    this is a moot point she couldn't afford it and knew it .. she wasn't getting money from her EX way before this.. i mean wasn't that one of the reason she had to find a new place anyway? ... she knew he wasn't paying .. whose responsibility does that becomes then but hers .. she wasn't earning an income yet she had to tell the new people she was getting money from somewhere then she screws her dad with him cosigning .. she doesn't seem to want to go get a job but have her ex pay for shit ... she is the reason she is in this position at the end of the day ..


    Her passing the buck is whats annoying me .. GET A JOB .. downsize and make sure you can cover your shit .. then go after him .. you don't play with imaginary money that you dont have when you have kids .. you budget you make sure they are clothed and fed and housed .. Gina downsized and made sure she was covered no matter what Travis did ... why cant Jenn get that .. why is it Gina is wrong for being mad that Jenn basically slapped the food out of her kids mouth by screwing her over here

    100% this. If you have enough money for hair and makeup and new clothes, you have enough money to pay your rent. I like Jenn, but I am really put off by her entitled attitude. And I agree with Gina -- you buy or rent what you can afford, and if you want more, you work a little harder, or save a little more. I understand why she was pissed, if she stuck her neck out and vouched for her friend and then the friend fails to pay her rent. Of course that will have an effect on her credibility. 

    What's Jenn's defense? "But I'm pretty"?

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  18. Remember the movie When Harry Met Sally? In it, Harry is explaining how he sees different types of girlfriends, and he tells Sally that she's the worst kind: High maintenance who thinks she's low maintenance.

    This is Tom Schwartz to me -- basically a mean, passive aggressive assholey boyfriend/husband who thinks he's a a really nice guy. So nice to other people, but shitty to his partner -- the worst kind!

    Katie's hating fed his assholery and Tom's assholery fed Katie's insecurity, which fed her hating. 

    Neither of them receives my Human of the Year award.



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  19. To me, Katie is a just an old mean girl with decades of experience at rationalizations and justifications for her mean girl behavior.  The flashbacks really reminded me of this. She gloms on to what she decides is a "legit" reason to dislike someone (doesn't have to be something done to her, can be on behalf of someone else) and then works tirelessly to ensure that grudge is carried.

    Please, Katie, "hating" is not a hobby. It's just such a terrible look and terrible way to live. Her friends seem to really love and value her friendship, and that says alot of good things about her. So if she could just drop the recreational hating it would be awesome.


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