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Posts posted by Churchhoney

  1. 35 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I am a bit confused though as to why this store went with Jinger and Jeremy.  Their Instagram bio has "shop ethically, dress consciously, live sustainably."  I don't associate any of those adverbs with the Vuolos.  

    Something tells me Jer would try to depict himself as all these things if he were in the company of somebody who respected these things!......

    Just the way he obviously depicts himself as a super-conservative with MacArthur but as a modern guy with modern forward-thinking deas when he's showing off for the general public that knows him from tv, etc. .... 

    I think JV is pretty well practiced at being different people for different audiences......Possibly because he doesn't actually stand for or believe in anything. He just craves attention and admiration from all. 

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  2. Maybe the vintage store's just owned by somebody they know from church or the neighborhood or something.

    Everybody they know probably wants to see whether they can benefit from a free (or at least low-cost) ride on their fandom and followership. 

    ETA: The store's home page says they carry styles and looks "from all eras," and their stuff is both curated and reworked. So that's why it's called "Chance."

    Probably run by a stylist/designer-type person. 

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  3. 18 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    But yeah, the Calvinists are trying to make inroads in high places.


    And vice versa, too. At one point I used to write about this stuff fairly often, but I was mostly off the religion beat for a while. .... And when I went back on it, a decade or so ago, I was shocked when I heard a couple of presidents of SBC seminaries talking up their own Calvinist beliefs..... 

    So now it seems to be all in the family......Greetings, my homophobic and misogynistic brother! 

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  4. 1 hour ago, quarks said:

    If I had to guess, this trip was less about theology and more about networking - not to mention testing out just how toxic they are post trial/convention.

    And now, they know that one person at Christianity Today, at least, is still willing to ask them tactless questions and for a selfie!

    Yeah, I expect you're right.

    Plus, the theological allegiances increasingly overlap now, anyway.

    Conservative Baptists and conservative Calvinists are now buddy-buddy something pretty unheard of for centuries and, really, until just a couple decades ago.

    . Now it's mostly melting into one big conservative-Protestant pot. Even some conservative Catholics mix in the pot these days.

    I guess the individual groups are getting small enough compared to everybody else that unifying gives a strength-in-numbers feeling that more conservative Christians are cherishing now. 

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  5. 14 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    Jessa, Ben, and Jana were spotted at the SBC convention today by a writer from Christianity Today. This is odd since they aren't Southern Baptists, they're IFB. Ben's church is not affiliated with the SBC. 

    Very strange.

    They've been going regularly to the Calvinist G3 meetings the past few years, too. And while Bin has a Calvinist background, his current church doesn't seem to be affiliated with that either. Meanwhile, I don't think they've turned up at an IBLP/ATI event for some time (could be wrong about that).....

    In any case, I've wondered whether all this attending of events that they haven't been officially affiliated with is an attempt to gain more prominence as IBLP is dying (and their tv fame has been cut off)......

    I think Jessa has had a sneaking fondness for being a big-time national Christian influencer -- And Bin married her partly out of horniess and partly because, like Der and Jer, he wanted to ride her fame to some big religion-related job.....

    So maybe he's been trying to cast a wider net among the conservative Protestants, hoping his big-time job is out there.......When he tried his youtube relaunch, he brought on some guys he'd hung with at the G3 -- doing them the favor of putting them on a channel related to the famous Duggars, doncha know.

    That crashed pretty quickly. But attendance at more major conferences suggests that he hasn't yet given up....Jer ultimately got it to work for him, after all.  However, Jer has managed to lie to the larger public about the actual beliefs and preaching of the people he's hooked up with,

    While Bin conversed openly with his conservative-Calvinist guests about the demonic nature of "same-sex attraction" and so on. And then apparently shut down his youtube channel again because the public response was so negative. 

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  6. 17 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

    Is moral bankruptcy mentioned anywhere in the "wisdom" book?

    Great line....great irony. 

    Of course, what's also true is that the whole "book" is a rant about "moral bankruptcy," as defined by Gothard......And he defines it in a way that's quite familiar to us from Duggartown..... And neither BG or any of his followers see anything ironic about it. 

    For example -- One kind of "moral bankruptcy" that can destroy you is the failure to forgive those who offend against you. Gothard  riffed on this fruquently, and especially stressed the imperative to forgive those who offend against you sexually by some kind of molestation.    

    " God will not forgive us if we refuse to forgive our offenders. GJ D 2 (Read Matthew 18:21-35.) • If we translate the word forgive as "release," then we understand how God is not able to release us until we release an offender. By refusing to forgive an offender, the offended one is in bondage to his own resentment. This destructive emotion will continue to bind him until he releases his offender. Only then will God be able to release him. " (language in here....lol .... the offender needs to experience "release" while the offended remains in "bondage." Paging Dr. Freud, Dr. Sigmund Freud.")

    Gee, I wonder why BG was so hot on this.....Could it be because he was a lifelong sexual offender? (and so was his brother and business partner....) Yep. I think that has a lot to do with it. 

    Gee, I wonder if the Duggs followed him on that rule? ....Maybe the answer is "Yes.? 

    And there's the "moral bankruptcy" of DEBT......Debt, according to BG, arises from a whole bunch of sins and thus constitutes a sin in itself....And is he talking about mortgages and college loans and credit cards? Oh, yes, indeed. ...

    The moral bankruptcy called debt, he says, is a SIGN that you are secretly deeply mired in several other very serious sins -- notably greed, impatience, laziness and pride. .... So think of that the next time you remember that you have a mortgage. Because that's your moral bankruptcy, according to thsee people. 

    We know how much the Duggs push that one. They certainly pushed it big time on the prospective sons-in-law, for example. .... Rather get fired from your job than use a credit card to pay for necessary car repairs so you can get to work, they told Der. ..... 

    So none of this Gothard stuff was a minor thing in Duggar lives. They really really swallowed this shit and have always been spouting it. They have been deep deep deep in this sick cult created by a misogynistic sexual molester. And he's convinced them that it's the rest of the world that's got the moral bankruptcy. 

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  7. On 6/8/2022 at 2:42 PM, louannems said:

    Michelle did teach law!  Remember when she had all the kids, from babies up to late teens, sitting at the dining room table and she taught them about bankruptcy?  Or least how to say it.

    Yep, right out of Wisdom Book #35. Where the word "bankrupt" or one of its derivatives appears 77 times! .... Great reading for 8-year-olds! (or mental 8-year-olds, like Meeeechelle)

    Here's the "bankruptcy" section of the Table of Contents -- 

    HOW DOES BANKRUPTCY TEACH FORGIVENESS? • What are the two types of bankruptcy? . . . . . . . . . . . 1784 • How have new laws multiplied bankruptcies? ....... 1785 • How is bankruptcy a punishment for creditors as well as for debtors? ...... 1786 • What are God's principles related to bankruptcy? .... 1787 • How should creditors view and treat debtors? . . . . . . . 1789 

    You can have the book for your very own, right here -- I highly recommend looking through one of these. Because they're insane. And yet they're written in a style that clearly suggests to dazed and dazzled true believers, especially but not entirely fairly ignorant ones, that they come from somebody who really knows the score, I think.  I mean, the "bankruptcy" stuff talks about how chemical reactions relate to bankruptcy, among other things. There's a totally whacked out but very thorough worldview here that BG used to sell his and his cult's superiority to many many people. 


    OR you can see ALL of the Wisdom Books, right here! Then you and yours can be as confused, deluded and brainwashed highly informed and wise as a Duggar. 


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  8. 11 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

    "2 p.m.: Michelle and the older children reconvene for lessons in science, history, law and medicine."


    (sure, meech)

    Well, that's exactly what Gothard's "Wisdom Books" say. That's what he and his fellow lunatic "authors" claimed to be "teaching" the ATI/IBLP children. That's one of the reasons they proclaimed (and the Duggars followed them in proclaiming) that ATI/IBLP-educated kids were always mature far beyond their years. (rather than the opposite, as they actually are...) 

    So MEEEEchelle didn't make it up. She's just following the insane nonsense that her cult leaders spouted as they wrote their insane homefooling course materials. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, quarks said:

    As per the current guidelines (which came into effect on March 14, 2022) this is incorrect. All federal inmates who are serving more than a year, but not serving a life sentence, regardless of the crime committed, are entitled to CGT credit, allowing them up to 54 days per year. 

    If Josh receives a 10 year sentence, and receives full CGT credit, he would receive 540 days off his sentence - that is, about a year and a half.

    You can read more about this at the federal website for the Bureau of Prisons:


    and here:


    Ah, my wishful thinking led me to miss the final rule and assume the earlier rule would hold! ....Always a mistake with regs that get disputed for a long time!.

    No wonder this rule was so long debated. I'm in favor of more attention paid to good behavior for most people -- but, wow....interesting that they decided to do this in cases like these.. 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Not on a Roth IRA! Though I imagine the taxes on it when you contribute rules it out for this bunch.

    Yeah, I expect JB's accountants and lawyers counsel that both kinds of IRAs are to be avoided! 

    Find some other way that might give you NO tax liability EVER! 

    • LOL 4
  11. On 5/20/2022 at 7:52 PM, madpsych78 said:

    Yeah, but how much did they actually get in royalties from those books?

    Not a lot of people sell enough to get royalties these days. But I'm sure they got a reasonable advance on each book. 

    They'll only get royalties if the books sell enough to cover their advance....and then sell more. So if the books keep selling, they'll get royalties down the line..... But if I were the Vuolos, I wouldn't bank on it!    Those books don't look like perennial strong sellers to me -- especially since their tv presence is gone....

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  12. On 5/19/2022 at 12:36 PM, Dehumidifier said:

    I wonder what kind of retirement vision/plan these influencer people have. Do they contribute to Social Security? An IRA? 

    I think it'd be hard to escape paying self-employment tax (for Social Security/Medicare) for all these years, although I wouldn't put it past Jim Bob to send lawyers/accountants around to everybody with plans to try and avoid it. 

    A lot of their earnings have been liable for that tax over the years, like the tv earnings. Any earnings Jer gets from speeches. Generally influencers are considered independent contractors working for the companies they promote. So they're supposed to pay the self employment tax......

    So if they're not illegally avoiding those taxes, they should have some accumulated Social Security backup. 

    Since you're on your own with IRAs, though, it'd surprise me if Duggars did anything with them. JB's no doubt told them to prefer llcs!.....After all, when you retire you WILL have to pay some income taxes on the IRA money. ..... 

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  13. On 5/18/2022 at 5:58 PM, GeeGolly said:

    Okay, yes I remember this. To me it reinforces what they all believe. I thought they were out and about in the community trying to interfere with others' rights.

    They can sign whatever they want and preach whatever they want as long as its amongst themselves. I disagree with what a lot of mainstream churches believe and teach too. I just can't drum up a lot of hate for what folks do in the privacy of their home or their house of worship. To each their own.

    Start spewing, spouting and hating publicly, then I have a problem.

    The thing is, though, they DID spew, spout and hate publicly. The petition was made very very public. But -- it only was able to become as public as a bunch of private citizens can make a statement about ethics and morality without help from the media. 

    It was fully intended to be a very public reprimand and warning to every CHristian in the nation who didn't go along with their condemnation of any and all social-justice type activity as an actual damnable personal affront to God. (that clearly was intended to call out many Black church leaders, for example) And MacArthur and his gang did everything they possibly could to disseminate and publicize the petition far and wide. 

    There were press releases and a very prominent website and lots of talking it up by the leaders of the plan. They got hundreds of the most major Protestant voices they could find to publicly sign it and pass the word.  There are multiple youtube videos with MacArthur and others talking it up. Many of them talked about it in giant conference centers. In no way was it put it out there as private conversation. 

    The originators very much wanted it to become a major rallying point for right-minded Christians nationwide. To that end, they solicited as many signatures as they could get from the most influential people they could find. And thousands of influential Christians did sign it -- publicly on the website (which they tried to thoroughly publicize). 

    The only reasons  that it didn't BECOME much of a publicly heard issue is that the media didn't report much on it.  It didn't come equipped with gun-toting pastors or a groundswell of public marching etc. And, it was mostly written in kind of stuffy MacArthur-ish language.   

    So it made a faint splash with a small amount of mainstream media coverage. 

    Nothing bleeding. No funny costumes.

    It was merely a very intense statement from a very large group of religious leaders calling any and all activity aimed at calling out social-justice problems and striving to fix them or even asking for them to be addressed as a direct and very serious sin against God himself. (not exacggerating -- that's exactly what it says)  I consider that a big deal, and I think a lot of people would if they actually heard about it. 

    But it's not the kind of thing that "bleeds and leads" the media. It's a mere IDEA, which media doesn't really care for. Even if it's a very intense idea with potentially very large consequences, good or bad. 

    So MacArthur and company never got the major media megaphone that they absolutely wanted for their pronouncement -- and that they made no secret of wanting.  And without the megaphone, most people never realized they'd MADE a public statement.

    So since they INTENDED this to be very very public, I would never give them a pass by saying "well, they only talked their racist, misogynistic and homophobic talk in private, so it's NBD." They didn't talk in private. 

    They fully intended to speak this very very very loudly. They made perfectly plain that this WAS what they intended. And were quite disappointed that their public launch of it fizzled the way it did.      They couldn't control the fact that media outlets weren't interested, no matter what press releases they sent out. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, Quilt Fairy said:

    That video is worth a watch.  She had read the government memo beforehand, so she mainly summarized it, leaving out anything descriptive.  She had not read the defense memo or the letters, however, and it is funny how often they leave her speechless.  (This is not a woman who is usually speechless.)  She believes that Josh's defense team has done a good job with what they had, but thought that the overly effusive letters might actually do more harm than good as the judge sat through the trial and knows what kind of man Josh really is.  She spent a long time on how inappropriate it was for Michelle to sign her name with a heart in a letter to a federal court.  

    Does anyone remember the YT video where a lawyer explained how the sentencing guidelines would work specifically in Josh's case?  I think the base number (level of heinousness) for Josh's crime was around 24-26, and he described how various enhancements could take that number up or down.  His evaluation was that with everything in evidence added on the number might go to 32-34.  Anyhow, according to the prosecution memo, the PSR set the number at 42. That's a lot of enhancements.

    Things definitely changed for the better (for the world -- and for the worse, for Josh), when the real-life molestations became part of the conversation. That plus a few other Josh actions such as the exact nature of the material he gravitated to really "enhanced" things for him, all right. The excellent part is that the much higher number is a hundred percent his own fault......

    And, given that the whopping majority of men in that DOJ district who are convicted of the exact crimes Josh is do get somewhere between about 6 and 8 and a half years -- i.e., the 32-34 level --he clearly differs from the norm. 

    Guess that shows that, far being among the "best" of humanity, as his nutso neighbor says, he's among the worst of CSA convicts. ....  I wish this fact could somehow penetrate the thick skulls of his parents and wife. Seems to me everybody in the family would benefit -- if painfully -- from a strong dose of realism about this. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    Amy is on a tear.  From Twitter:

    "Dear Anna, How can you call your husband loyal and faithful? Did you forget his Ashley Madison account? Danica Dillon? Did you forget he has had a huge porn addiction for years? No loving, honest, committed husband would ever disrespect their wife like that."

    Ah, yes. More support for the proposition that her longtime nickname is SO well deserved -- "Famy" 

    Unfortunately, her publicity tactics may still kind of work for her as long as the tabs keep wanting to write about this. There aren't many potential sources they can portray as "insiders," most likely. 

    An excellent side benefit of the Duggs slowly fading from the radar will be Famy doing likewise. ,,,,Eventually. 

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  16. 14 hours ago, Portia said:

    Sorry, I've been trying to hold my tongue on the Duggalos thread, but I can't keep quiet any more. Bright can be an adverb. Yes, I know, I was taught that same rigid adjective/adverb rule approximately 45 years ago, but language and usage patterns change.



    Plus, literary language -- and even academic literary critics -- have smiled at using "Bright" in the adverb way for hundreds and hundreds of years. And, whatever we think of the Vuolos, their kids' book intends to be a literary book. 

    (The carol that starts "The moon shines bright, the stars give a light a little before 'tis day" may go back as far as the 16th century and has been showing up in anthologies ever since, for example) 

    I do wish Jer-knew that the "grammatically correct" way is "brightly."  After all, his graduate degree and his manner of preaching are supposedly grounded in the parsing and analysis of texts so he can "teach" parishioners what god REALLY means in the bible. .... But I imagine that ship sailed about 30 years ago when Jer probably decided he had zero interest in academics but a lot in standing up in front of people being admired and listened to.... 

    That aside, though, I don't think his book title is wrong.

    Plus, would anybody who knew stuff like that and cared about it EVER marry a Duggar, even Jingle? I doubt it. 



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  17. 13 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    I just googles this: In the federal system, prisoners who, in the judgment of the Bureau of Prisons, have exhibited "exemplary compliance with institutional disciplinary regulations" can get up to 54 days per year off their sentences.

    That's the general rule. But there's a big list of offenses to which that doesn't apply, though. (of course, in typical big-bureaucracy fashion, you can't so easily find that list!!)

    And child-related sex offenses, including pornography, are one category of offenses that are ineligible for the good-time credits. 


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  18. 13 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    Oh please be true! The scumbag deserves to serve every second of his sentence. 

    It is true. There's a pretty long list of offenses that make you ineligible for federal good time credit, and any type of sex-related offenses connected to minors makes you ineligible. 

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  19. 18 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    That is because she at least went to HS unlike  her kids. 

    And -- mega unfortunately -- all too likely some of her GRANDKIDS, too. .... Anybody think Spurge and company will ever get into an actual school? I hope they do, but the chances are looking pretty slim. Or Josh's unfortunate seven? .Or Joy's kids, maybe..

    The Duggars -- spreading crap ideas and utter ignorance farther than you even thought possible. 

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  20. 18 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

    I was thinking about the letters, and Josh's "ministry."

    Nicole Burgess wrote: "He and his family are not typical of what this world has to offer -- they are better."

    Josh is literally not even "better" than the majority of people in the same prison. Most people in county jail are incarcerated for relatively minor crimes like drug and alcohol related offenses and petty theft.

    Josh is a felon who committed a henious crime and is awaiting transfer to Federal prison. I would expect the prison to segregate the serious felons from the general population.

    I guess the Duggars' and TLC's tireless efforts to portray the TTH fam as super-"wholesome," super-godly, super-moral and super-adorable paid off, in the minds of at least the idiot neighbors. 

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  21. 26 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

    Great perspective. Yes, I can see now that they were perhaps incentivized to go that extra 2000 miles - or maybe to just lend their names as authors. 

    Maybe JB and M told them they'd sell them land at a nice discount, but they'd only determine the discount after the Bs submitted the letters of recommendation at the TTH for approval. 

    I suppose it didn't happen in such a shady way. But I wouldn't put that past JB and M, actually. 

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  22. 16 hours ago, graefin said:

    I agree. The diction, the odd punctuation (so many exclamation points!)--it sounds very much like Michelle. I can just hear her reading it.

    Also, if this is what a "professional" came up with, how pathetic must the original have looked? It's so bad (she basically says please be lenient because look--"Josh and his family stood side by side and built forts and did homework--together!" in various forms over and over) that it could only come from the mind of a crazy person.

    David Waller's been a Duggar ghostwriter before. I can imagine him helping her out a bit on this, maybe. They're both completely soaked in Gothard speak and Gothard "concepts." But DW's a little less ignorant and little less brainfoggy than Meeechelle.  

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  23. 3 hours ago, SMama said:

    Would this flat out denial affect his sentence? After the Meghan Kelly interviews and Holt’s testimony he has the nerve to call all of them liars? 

    I think nerve of that kind may be about Josh's only "strength." 

    That and a certain glibness and an ability to project an arrogant composure, no matter what. 

    Other than those attributes, he seems to be a weakling in every respect.

    He's a really really unfortunate combo of poisonously intersecting nature-driven and nurture-driven traits, I suppose. So depressing that he has seven kids. 


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  24. 28 minutes ago, Zella said:

    The depositions apparently happened last fall, so I'm assuming the income question pertained to 2020, but that's just a guess.

    Yep, Good point.  I thought of that after I wrote what I wrote! ... 

    I think the possibility still stands that she was right about the numbers but wrong about how much came from social media....

    THey probably got their advance for the first book in 2020. They were on tv throughout 2020, not jsut part of the year, right? And Jer's regularly done events not sponsored by the Masters Seminary but by some other conservative-Calvinist groups, including during Covid. It's just that they were online.....So it seems to me those payments would still have added up to a big chunk of $100,000, gross. 

    With social media just putting over that line....

    Or maybe they somehow get paid huge amounts for all those new shoes Jer's got them walking around in! ..... I mean, Jingle has had a very vexed record when it comes to shilling stuff on SM. It's hard to think of any of her shilling gigs that have lasted very long.....

    But maybe Jer makes bank from the pen people or something? Or the Calvinist theology-book publisher? Hard to see that either of those would have much cash to hand on to their influencers....But on the other hand, they probably don't attract many influencers with followers over half a million people either....So maybe Jer's sheer numbers make him a very valuable property to them? 

    Kinda baffling, in any case, to me.....! 


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