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Posts posted by tessaray


    The problem I see is how the writers set her up to receive all of this vitriol from the audience prior to the reveal. I don't see how they could tell an effective story in that environment. Plus, I can just see people using the fact that the character is transgendered to just lay into what they see as physical flaws, without taking into account that there is a non trans woman playing her. Like, how would you feel if people were mocking your appearance and then saying, "Of course she looks like that -- she's a man!"


    Yes, this is closer to what I was thinking but couldn't quite put into words.  

    • Love 3
  2. The thing is, I was so hoping that Maya would get her comeuppance for her behavior the last few months and now I won't be able to enjoy any of the fallout, because she really doesn't have any friends on the canvas (that I've seen in the last 8 months).  Who will be on her side?  The few trans women I've met in my normal, boring, medium sized hometown have been treated so crappy that I don't want to see that happen to Maya even.  

    • Love 11
  3. CBS released dvd sets for As the World Turns and Guiding Light.  Long out of print but still, it has been done.  ABC did release a couple of VHS compilation tapes of weddings back in the super couple days.   


    The TOLN shows are perfect for dvd sets.  20 hours or so of video is about the same as a primetime drama.  And they are already digital.  Are they even for sale on iTunes anymore?  


    ETA:  Did ABC retain the rights to the network version or does PP have any kind of claim?  If ABC created a standalone Roku or tablet app, I'd subscribe to a classic episodes channel.   

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  4. I wonder if/when they settle the lawsuit, if there's any chance we could get dvds of the TOLN shows.  I started to rewatch on Hulu recently and it's such a drag. I hate the way Hulu does commercials. 


    From the MG Tumblr post recaps:

    Honestly, I feel that Felicity with a costume and a mask would be a bridge too far.  Sorry.


    First MG quote that I've ever liked.  I would love to see her get to do it for Halloween or maybe a masquerade, though.

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    Man what a drag this show has become. I just got caught up on almost two weeks worth and lawdy was it painful.


    I have almost 3 now.  Can't decide whether or not to just delete them all or maybe see how many I can FF through this weekend. I've been lurking here, waiting for something to help me make my decision.  Deacon and Quinn might tempt me except that I really can't stand Brooke.  She was boring before she went to Milan - what little I saw after she came back made me wish she had stayed there. 

    • Love 7

    As for the future of the show, I'm actually holding back from watching the season finale for as long as I can, hoping that there will be news of a second season. I don't want this show to be over.


    I held off as long as I could because once I watched it, it was really over.  I gave in last night. :-)

  8. I'm kind of a sucker for the 'character from an alternate reality stuck in ours with no way back' storyline, so that would work for me.  It would be their Sara, but not.  And it could make for some good crossover plots that wouldn't invalidate the impact of Sara's death. 


    The thing I'm on the fence about is Arrow.  I have the last 3 episodes on my dvr, which until today I was leaning towards just deleting and taking off permanently.  I suppose I'll just postpone it now.  

    • Love 4
  9. I do have one problem with AC - it is much too clean.  (Like any western ever filmed in Canada... even their mud looks clean.) The cars are pristine and it takes me out of the show, temporarily at least.  So AoS wins there, especially when they film on location.


    I wish we could get a mid-summer run of Agent Carter.  Maybe a tv movie or 2 night mini-series?


    I will miss this show so desperately. Every time I see an AoS commercial, I want to cry. Even my husband, who's a big AoS fan (I don't watch it), said he'd be fine with a few more weeks of Agent Carter.


    I love this show and don't want it to end. Last night had me holding my breath in a couple of spots and I've been watching television for more than 4 decades (and haven't been surprised by much in the last 3). 

  11. Happy Valentine's Day, friends! I'm posting this Caridge video because yesterday's supposed Valentine's Day show sucked so hard. Although I hope to see an updated Caridge video on youtube soon--there's certainly LOTS of good NEW footage to use of those two! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziKwiwoBYGc



    I can't believe how many CaRidge vids there are out there.  And here I am with a big project and a looming deadline.  :-(  :-(   I don't handle delayed gratification very well. 

    • Love 2
  12. If that is a cell, interesting. 318 is starting to feel like the team is being broken down from all sides. Felicity might be in hospital. Roy is arrested. Oliver is likely in jail. I don't know what Diggle or Laurel are doing but with the presence of cop cars from CC, it seems like a manhunt. Maybe this is all part of Ra's plan.


    Wouldn't the LOA be a little more direct?  (Asking sincerely, it seems a little convoluted for Ra's and more like Slade. Or MM. Or Amanda Waller.)


    The moral center stuff scares me a little Tessaray. I have fears of Felicity lying on the ground and dying in Oliver's arms :( cause these goddamm writers keep dumping on him. Felicity is the love of his life and I have fears of if not next season somewhere like season 6 or something of her being Stabbed to death or something else horrible making Oliver revert into his season 1 self but worse


    They've killed so many others for Oliver angst, it's probably not unreasonable to see Felicity as the ultimate way to torture Oliver.  I'm not even an Olicity shipper exactly but I loved the balance that pre-S3 Felicity brought to the show and to Oliver. 


    I know it's supposed to be a good storytelling technique to ask what will cause your character the most pain and then subject them to it, but damn.  Did they ever stop to think if they let Oliver be happy for more than half an episode (onscreen anyway) that we might actually care more when the next wave hits? 

    • Love 3
  14. Eh thinking she will get killed of is a little bit dramatic imo. Even if Olicity doesn't end up together they won't kill of Felicity. Even if Guggenheim or Kreisberg wanted it, CW wouldn't let it happen. Cw has prevented shows from killing off popular characters before. 


    But I don't know where the concern is coming from. Surely they wouldn't want to spoil any very meaningful Olicity scenes this early. And I doubt any truly meaningful ones will happen until the last few episodes of the season since that is how tv works. 


    Lots of people said they wouldn't kill Sara off either.  I don't know what they will do, I just know that MG pushing Laurel front and center while making Felicity and John act completely OOC, is when I started to feel like either Felicity or Olicity was doomed.  I don't think they (O/F) are endgame.  Last season I did.


    And since they shoved Laurel in as BC without crashing the ratings, I think that MG sees that as reason enough to ignore what the audience wants. 

    • Love 3
  15. But they aren't even together in the comics and haven't been In a long time I don't understand how people would want a relationship on screen that's toxic and in the comics he cheated on her a bunch.


    I'm not a comics reader but I gather there are enough versions of the characters that you can pick and choose the ones you want? 


    Good point about being labeled the moral center.  Talk about anvils.  :-)

  16. I've felt this all along, MG is just toying with fans of Felicity and Oliver he has no intention of ever doing anything meaningful with them. 


    This season he has made Laurel Black Canary, next season I'm sure she'll return to being Oliver's love interest. Felicity will be stuck with Ray. Correction: in love with Ray.


    Once it was clear that Sara's Canary was going to be sacrificed to make Laurel BC, I was pretty sure that Olicity, if not Felicity herself, was doomed. Maybe not this season but eventually Oliver has to have a reason to be with Laurel again.  Because comics.  I hate that phrase anymore, I really do.  None of the spoilers I've seen give me any reason to think they ever plan on following through with O/F in any meaningful way.  (I agree, meaningful is really the key word.  What's the tv equivalent of click-bait?  Whatever it is, Olicity is probably listed as an alternate definition.)


    I keep thinking that the woman who was murdered who was shown only next to the name of her company had some sort of deeper meaning for POI-verse.  Was her company part of Samaritan's plans for domination alongside such things as the 3-D printers and Ant Farm Town?  Or was that to be another red herring?  I still feel the cold, dead hand of Pruneface pulling the strings.


    Yes, even though the episode seemed to be just a number of the week procedural, I kept expecting to see what was REALLY going on revealed.  :-)  Especially since the murder victim was  part of a high tech firm.


    So is it okay for Harold and John to hang out together now in public?  I was a little confused by that.


    ETA:  I'm not crazy about the ongoing therapy.  Maybe if they can keep it from becoming a romance...  the last therapy storyline I liked was on Numb3rs. 


    So basically every couple is equally disgusting, only Rick and Maya are just plain evil. What kind of storytelling...


    I don't think they are evil. Rick is BSC and Maya is delusional.  Whatever they once had doesn't appear to have made it intact into the present. 


    ETA:  I kind of feel sorry for Maya but then I remember that she signed up for it voluntarily...

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