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  1. p.s. regarding a comment that was posted while I was writing. With or without this psychodrama and it's resolution, I would love to switch from adapted from to based on the this one of the books and have the show remain in the 1700's Scottish highlands with Claire, Jamie, MacKenzies, Frasers, clans, history. Not just for the central relationship but for the great characters, stories and settings I loved. Plenty of trials, tribulations, and drama available.
  2. I've been reading reviews (straight press and blogs) since I watched the episode last night, and yours is the first that echoed my point precisely, with some echoing comments that are similarly unique. I was stunned that there were almost no critiques of the veer into "slash fiction, torture porn" (well put in a previous comment). <br /><br />What the fucking fuck, indeed. Not only were the visuals of every detail of graphic sadism unnecessary, they distracted from the performances they were supposed to offer these (excellent, imo) actors a stage on which to show everything they have to offer. Did I appreciate the great performances? I'm pretty sure I noticed something but what's indelible is the hand smashing and nailing. And NAILING btw, we already know Jamie is martyring himself. So, please.<br /><br />This episode is supposed to show us Randall destroying Jamie physically and crushing his soul. Fine, that sets us up for a great psychological journey ahead, no spoiler that's in every ad. By all means leave in the sicko scar licking, violating kisses, psychic subjugation, etc., and glimpses of the physical torture, with some more of the fine accompanying dialogue. <br /><br />Soul destruction runs throughout classic drama and Shakespeare had to settle for acting over gore to make his points. I know this isn't Shakespeare and granted, they're attempting to get closer to cable's sick sweet spot, but a bit of editing would leave enough room for the prurient as well as the creative. If you're telling the truth, Outlander, and "going there" is needed to carry the story, or any nod to your classy cast, let them act to get there.<br /><br />I did read Outlander and I did think, wow this author is one sick f#ck during the torture scenes. But seeing and hearing are that much more visceral than reading. The show is supposed to be an adaptation and this episode cried out for more. To all the readers who reply "it's in the books!" to any criticism of the show, I don't care, I'm not reading, I'm watching.
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