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Almost 3000

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Posts posted by Almost 3000

  1. I don't understand how she has an advanced age dog with a history of seizures and she seemed so unprepared. Granted I wouldn't know what to do in this situation but I can't imagine the vet hadn't given her some suggestions or medications to deal with this. I hate to say it but think she knew it was the end and that's why she posted it. Yes, I went there.

    • Love 6
  2. 19 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    We can twist it any way but to say that Vicki is the OG because she was hired first is incorrect, Jenna was hired first. Jenna was SD's neighbor and knew him and he hired her as the first HW. Yes, Vicki out lasted all of them but she did so with help from various HWs and that still doesn't make her the "original (OG)" HW. Tamra helped her get Jenna ousted then grew to regret that as she watched Tamra become a force of her own. Now Vicki has to face that Tamra may get her booted off the show or down graded to FOH after this season. Vicki is merely the longest lasting full HW of the entire franchise.

    Jenna said Scott got the idea from knowing her and her family and I've always believed it. An ex-playmate marries baseball star and have 3 kids while living behind the gates of an upscale So CA suburb was a good idea to build on ten years ago. Vicki prefers the story of son, Michael answering an ad. They can each have a different crown. One for being the original muse and one for staying power.

    • Love 14
  3. 18 hours ago, swankie said:

    I truly hope they're not going to make Teresa and Melissa feud again.  I'm really enjoying them being friends because I believe family should be close, even in-laws.  I have a sister-in-law who gets to me sometimes too but I try to keep a good relationship with her because I don't want to alienate my brother.  At the end of the day, she's family and if he loves her, I like her!  No, I'm kidding, I love her too.  LOL!  Anyway, I just hope they're not angling for another Gorga against Giudice season.

    I something to do with her not being brought onto the show in earlier seasons.  Maybe she thinks Teresa should have pushed for her to be a housewife as her best friend in the beginning.  Plus, she is wedged up Siggy's ass no matter how much she claims she's not.  I'm with Teresa and Joe.  If we've been friends since we were kids, why are you so loyal to someone you've only known for a year?  Something isn't right with Delores.  And what's with her new boyfriend being ok with her living with her ex husband?  Everything about Delores is off if you ask me.  I just think her and her ex are a couple of flaming famewhores!  There, I said it.  Haven't used that word in years.

    Someone up-line said Dolores is friends with Caroline Manzo and if true that would explain it.

    • Love 5
  4. 7 hours ago, Chess Girl said:

    Thanks for the welcome!  I have been reading this thread since wonderwoman and even earlier.  Today's problem:How do I get meds into a cat that is so picky....   We've just moved and the tech was fantastic, she tried kitty crack AKA Temptations, baby food and straight tuna and Autumn would have none of it.  She's on oral antibiotics and her first dose went to a sibling, who was not as discerning. 

    I had a cat that was very sick many years ago and my dog just had some minor surgery and the vet gave them an injection that is suppose to work over/for a week. It costs more but I opted for it so I wouldn't stress either the pet or me out.

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    To be fair, Lydia's mom is the only paid subscriber, so their subscriber base probably does want to read about Lydia's vacation Whooping it Up since said base bought Lydia a new parka for the trip.


    It was in her friend Jaye Adderton's husband's helicopter.  He use to be my boss.  He made poor business decisions and spent money like it was nothing.  One example being taking said helicopter to work every day instead of driving from OC to LA.  We had 2 pilots on staff and also, unrelated but more ridiculous, a UFO-ologist (really a cryptozoologist, but his title was Staff UFO-ologist).  I have lots of fun stories from that mad house.

    Now see, this has never made sense to me. TPTB seem to want a younger than the originals, rich and coastal OC HW cast and Heather wanted to bring her friends onboard. I could never figure out why this didn't happen. Instead we got the prosperity Christian set that seems to falsely portray their wealth in rentals that are water adjacent. I'm sure snooty Heather's friends are well heeled and to stay on topic she probably could have found a better mystic too.

    • Love 11
  6. 14 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Peggy writes in her blog that she was not articulate because she is still recovering from surgery-at this point in the show it has been five months since the surgery.  To me it is Peggy's unwillingness to form coherent sentences and responses that have given this story life.

    I was sympathetic to some degree to Peggy's poor communication because I thought that recent surgery, expanders and meds were part of the problem BUT she was recently on WWHL and stood by her story. She said the cast members were not coming from a place of concern. She's seen the episodes and still doesn't get or doesn't what to accept that she's part of the problem. Now I think she's just a bitch.

    • Love 18
  7. 1 hour ago, Shellbell59 said:

    I haven’t been able to see all comments...but I just saw end of episode...Gretchen Rossi from RHOC...

    ...and OMGAWD...could swear she was wearing the exact SAME DRESS she was wearing at Victim’s birthday party....when she JUST HAPPENED to ask Rickyif he knew whether Eddie was gay...

    stupid biotch...she can’t stop trying to get her huge face seen somewhere on TV....she’d die if someone called her out on wearing same thing twice...being the star she is...she won’t shut up about how higher her Qrating is...ugh go away....and take Vicki with you...

    sorry didn’t intend to highjack convo!

    Thx for mentioning the dress. I thought it was the same one too.

    • Love 2
  8. As much as Soggy is annoying to me this season I did sympathize a bit with her because she did put thought into the cake gift and put effort into "making it nice." Neither Dorinda or Siggy got the apologies they thought they deserved but the edit is really stacked against Siggy this season.

    • Love 14
  9. 3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

    No, but I think parts of Diko's explanation made some sense.  From what I could gather from what he was saying on the boat, they (the doctors?) must have found something (a mass or something).  He said they did a biopsy and the biopsy came back normal (no cancer), but they decided to remove "the mass" anyway (he made a point to say it was a mass, not a lump -which, to me, added to the confusion).  When they sent the "mass" off to the lab they found the 3mm of cancer (or precancerous cells, that part is still unclear to me, but either way, scary as shit) and from that, decided to do the double mastectomy.

    Every time one of them tells the story, I can't help but think they are being purposely vague and contradictory.

    I thought they biopsied the tissue that was removed after the mastectomy and they found the cells. This would make sense of Peggy saying during WWHL that she was in denial about the findings and that made her not want to talk about it with the cast while filming.

    But really I'm still confused...It seems like they found precancerous cells, did the surgery and found something more serious from that. Does that sound right?

    • Love 4
  10. 3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Top of the gas pump, old gas pumps frequently had a glass circle at the top that lit up and that would have the gas companies logo. 

    That might be why David made the comment about the silver spoon. A glass topped gas pump would probably have been a bit of a vintage designer's detail even though it was on a farm. Sounds like it was a "gentleman's farm" and if I remember correctly it was in a very wealthy southern OC area.

    • Love 2
  11. 7 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

    Oh man, how did you know about the auctions?  I would love to see what the HW's peddle instead of donating to those less fortunate.

    Shannon gave a heads up on one of her social media venues. It was about 20 designer label small size dresses and blouses with notes of when she wore the item on the show. She said her girls were doing all the work to earn money for their music/group. I just had to laugh because my first thought was of the stress to all of trying to organize and post 20 items ending at the same time. They earned good feedback though so good on them.

    • Love 3
  12. 15 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

    Can I just say though how proud I am of Shannon?  During her talking head, she said that one of the main reasons she was opening up the restaurant was because she needed to find happiness on her own and couldn't base her happiness off of her marriage.  That is HUGE for her. If she can find happiness independent of her marriage and an identity outside of her marriage then I think that will really improve the state of it. 

    And Vicki...  Foul, loathsome, evil, little cocroach Vicki. Production has to be fed up with her. It almost makes me wonder if that is their grand plan.  Like, they sell Vicki each season that this season will be her redemption season and then they just keep throwing her under the bus.  She really seems to be spiraling out of control. Like, she's always been vindictive and had trouble hiding it but she is letting it ALL OUT this season.  She has gone full crazy this season. 

    Lydia is the reason why I hate telling other people that I'm a Christian.  I feel like it needs to come with a disclaimer.  "Hi, I'm Diadochokinesis and I'm a Christian but not one of those judgmental ones that is going to harp on you for every single little thing and tell you constantly that you are going to hell."

    I find Shannon's restaurant passion rather odd in that it was the storyline Heather tried to push her first season along with introducing her friends and tptb let it drop for whatever reason. Shannon has always talked about her charity work but we've never really seen it as a solid storyline. Its almost like tptb handed her this idea for this season since Heather is gone but it seems so misguided and like a really bad idea since the success rate is so poor and man talk about added stress for the family.

    • Love 9
  13. 15 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    YES!! This summarizes what I was going for much better than my post of a couple of days ago! I mean, I hope I'm wrong, and I do sense that he enjoys reading to a far greater extent than the typical Duggar, but at the same time I kind of see an acquisitiveness that overwhelms the actual love of the written word.

    And, as a follow up to my earlier post, had our book sale today...I counted the books once we had them all out...slightly below my estimate at "only" 352 books. We sold 26. I think twenty-two of those were split between two of the seven people who showed up in a 6-hour chunk of time. Made $17.50.  And our sale included a significant number of once-read hardbacks by popular authors. Where are all the readers? I know a lot of people like e-books, but still....

    Guess I need to find the best place to dispose of the rest tomorrow since they are in the back of the truck and there are a few days of rain forecast here starting Tuesday...

    I manage our local Friends of the Library group. I'm sure your local library would love them otherwise Salvation Army will pick-up. (yes I know SA isn't gay friendly but they pick up...) I use a local Rescue Mission for pick-up but they're not national.

    • Love 2
  14. 8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    I disagree, it made her look like an adult woman that wants to move on. Not everyone, even Bravo HWs, have the need to slam their ex publically.

    and no need to stir up resentments when the state has yet to stamp those papers as final. B could have saved herself a lot of cash and drama if she would have handled it more this way but she'll probably just make fun of Lu.

    • Love 15
  15. 3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    My uninformed guess about Jill's collapse is that the wholly unexpected clash between her missionary dream and reality, combined with some PPD, probably was a major cause. And I really hate to say this about any young woman, but that suggests that Joy's apparent lack of any such dream may be a saving grace for her. .... Plus the fact that, unlike Jill, she's never been a favored Duggar child who got the message that she was special somehow.

    That's depressing, but there it is. She doesn't appear to have many expectations that won't be fulfilled. Or at least we haven't heard about them. So I expect that will help her in the end. ....

    Even Meechelle had expectations that to some extent undid her, I think. She had a long fall from the sought-after cheerleader to that laundry room. And expecting to be a cutesy, socializing bundle all her life couldn't have helped her much. 

    For Joy, seems like it is what it is. 

    and she can play with the boys again or at least one of them...

    • Love 4
  16. 1 minute ago, doodlebug said:

    All this info about the Army and their treatment of LGBTQ is interesting to me.  The first person I ever knew who died of AIDS was an officer in the SA.  He was a hospital administrator and wonderful person who had a secret life (30+ years ago, this was not unusual).  His wife, also an SA officer (actually ranked higher than him because she was born into it and he wasn't) and their teenage son cared for him with love and affection at home, never denied what he had (though certainly never discussed how he acquired it) and their fellow SA members were also extremely supportive and caring.  He had an SA funeral with full honors from the Salvation Army.  I suppose, like many religions, what the church says and what real people do can very widely.  Being a Catholic, I get it.

    That's the sense I had but I also honored my friend's request. Giving shouldn't be complicated but it often is so the more information you can get the better and then give with an open heart. Because I was referring to donations of my unwanted but good stuff and not cash, I'm mercenary only use charities that pickup...

    Giving a monetary donation in emergencies can be a whole other area of complications. Thanks to those that mentioned Amazon. I have some gift card $ I can use to send a few items!

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