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Posts posted by KateHearts

  1. On 6/14/2023 at 12:56 PM, Elizzikra said:

    Honest question… does this actually happen to people? I mean, I’m a middle aged suburban mom with a boring life so maybe the scammers don’t even try with me but I never get random friend requests.

    I've gotten a few random requests on FB and Instagram- I'm over 60. They are always (their picture, anyways) handsome middle-aged men with private accounts. I honestly don't know how they pick random people to try and "befriend."

    On 6/14/2023 at 10:15 PM, Meowwww said:

    Gino is going to Pyanama to see Jyasmine to talk about a prenump and apparently have anal sex because he can’t , uh, finish in her 

    Oh my gosh, everytime he says "Peeanama" I cringe.

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  2. On 6/12/2023 at 11:29 AM, MrBuhBye said:

    Well if one ear is fully functional does that really impede daily life other than not being able to enjoy stereo?

    Yeah I can't say that she can equate hearing loss which is helped with hearing aids to being totally deaf. I do give her credit for trying to be empathetic, though.

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/12/2023 at 10:35 AM, MrBuhBye said:

    I wonder if Gino’s uncle broke up with that woman whom he was dating last season.  No video or mention but she was shown in the flashback to the Tell All.

    Worse they were in Columbus.

    Tongue kissing at the airport is a bit over the top.

    After the big one she may need to rejuvenate her sphincter.

    So Jasmine wants her vag tighter and the backside bigger.

    • Sad 1
  4. 10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Vinyl snobs insist analog sound is vastly superior to digital.

    There is definitely a collector's value to old records. My 92-year old uncle has a house full of jazz records dating back probably to the 1930s, many of which are valuable, I'm sure. People collect- and pay good money for- a lot of things that make me scratch my head (action figures, anyone?) but there is definitely a market for that sort of thing.

    So many sad stories already, and we haven't even met half the cast yet.  I think Amanda is taking what her husband said very literally ("he wanted me to find love again...") but wow, this is hella fast. Everything in her presentation- how she tears up so readily, the timeline, carrying the cremains around- just screams "THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA."

    Jasmine, thanks for sharing Gino's sexual dysfunction with your doctor- and the world. Honestly, is there a bar lower than TLC and this show? When they showed him looking at the extensions, I was kind of hoping they were for him and we'd hear a confessional of some sort regarding his need for hats (giant scar? obvious deformity?)

    David seems very sweet and sincere, but I am not holding my breath. 90D has done the old switcheroo before and I don't want to get fooled again. 

    The previews of the upcoming cast intros has me intrigued. 

    12 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    The attentions of a foreign playboy may make her feel wanted and desired, and there's nothing wrong with that, but she needs to be going to counseling and concentrate on her kids who obviously have not fully processed their father's death. For the three weeks she's gone, her toddler children will be without either parent.

    I was happily married when my kids were small, and never would have left them for 3 weeks for ANY reason. Her kids are cute. 

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Mean Jeanne said:

    Here I am late for the party as usual. Looks like everything has been hashed out quite well already (which is why I hardly ever comment) but there is something I can’t stop thinking about. Has Monica, Gabe’s sister, had some kind of dimple “implants”? Is there even such a thing? She has some kind of divit in both cheeks, same exact spot on both cheeks.

    Seriously, I don’t think I’ll sleep again until this is cleared up.

    I noticed those too, and wondered if they were piercings that she didn't have any jewelry in.

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  6. On 5/29/2023 at 8:42 PM, MrBuhBye said:

    It’s always weird how Shawn has guests leave and then just signs off.  She did it with Taylen and Tim and Veronica this time. There are no more segments and no one needs those seats so just sign off with them still out there rather than make us watch them walk off in real time and then sign off.

    Thinking back,  I don't recall Taylen saying a single word during the tell-all.  Did he?

    Danielle and Nicole subscribe to the "I'm a modern-day, independent female and F$%# what MY MAN wants me to do!" Danielle, more than once, has used the phrase "I'm not gonna put up with..."  -Perhaps the men you chose are not the right ones for you! If someone has a strong belief that you should submit fully as a Muslim wife (Machhhmoud) or is a devout Catholic who, for whatever reason, dislikes your communicating with (and hanging pictures of) an ex in your marital home, and you just can't abide by it, then FIND SOMEONE ELSE!  Just because someone is cute selling rugs or has a man-organ like a club, you don't need to decide to marry them- and then spend the rest of your married life arguing with them that your way is "right."

    I agree with others here, that there were certain pivotal scenes that BEGGED to be brought up.  Danielle smugly telling the camera in English in front of an unsuspecting Yohan, "I have no intentions of bringing him to the United States!"; Kris shoving Jayme; Gabe admitting he didn't tell his family about his upcoming wedding plans; Debbie acknowledging that yeah, maybe she did dangle a ticket to the US in Ousama's face.

    11 hours ago, gaPeach said:

    And Jeymi had to have picked up on Kris's drug use but said nothing.  it was really kind of weird how one sided there "story" was on The Tell All.

    Well, Jeymi tried to hint at it at the end, saying "I'm concerned for your mental health," to which Kris lashed back with a nasty insult. Another missed opportunity for Shawn to ask, "can you elaborate on that?"

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  7. 16 hours ago, renatae said:

    I doubt Gia meant it the way I'm thinking, but it makes me think about what she must have been through all those years with nasty Joe G.


    Nasty or not, he is her father and there seemed to be a bond with his daughters, especially Milania. I give them all credit for keeping contact and (seemingly) being respectful despite all of the bad water under the bridge.

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  8. 23 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

    Not that many years later, we were all watching "real" surgeries and "realistic" surgeries on television...often during dinner.  Things change; mores change.  That's "mor-ays".

    I get it. And I'm a surgical person, and get that "appropriate" can be vary by person. I have a brother in law who can't even READ about a surgical procedure without nearly passing out. 

    I guess I'm thinking (as a grandmother) that we teach our 4 y/o granddaughter that saying "I farted!" or running around the house stark naked are ok around us, but not at school or in the grocery store.


    (PS- putting in pacemakers was probably one of the least bloody surgeries we do!)

    • Like 1
  9. I was laughing when Louie said "this is the most blissed-est I've ever felt!" and his brothers were soberly nodding in agreement.

    I am not a mauve fan (even though I was married in the 80s and my sisters' (bridesmaids) gowns were - MAUVE!- and I thought the bridesmaid's dresses were too shiny and too tight. The daughters all looked fake like Barbie dolls (I always thought Gabriella was pretty but she looked a bit disturbing in her makeup in the talking heads). Gia can take a seat with her exaggerated hand motions: "we are DONE with Joe and Melissa!"

    As for Joe and Melissa, they so want to be made relevant and act as if they are taking the high road but come on- the wedding day provided them a PERFECT moment to do just that; they couldn't help themselves. It's so immature and gross. 

    I was nervous for the dancer with the pasties when she did her handspring- I was wondering if the people in front of her got a full-on crotch shot. A girl in a champagne glass? I guess those things are what Teresa labels as "sexy". What came to mind for me was "tacky." 

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  10. Anyone watch the newest TLC "matchup show," Match Me Abroad? Same formula, but this time they are using overseas matchmakers to find mates for Americans who can't find one here- and for obvious reasons: a NYC 52 year old woman who has a mile-long checklist for a mate and has a dog who she treats like a child; a man with Autism who wears Hawaiian shirts, wants a prenup before meeting a woman because he wants to protect his "potential millions" he hopes to earn as an inventor of thousands of things; a woman who, at 32, has never left her hometown and never so much as gone on a date in her life. Of course, I'm watching.

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  11. On 5/23/2023 at 10:09 AM, Back Atcha said:

    It's apparent that certain body parts cause embarrassment among many people.

    Even MORE embarrassment seems to be caused by what my son told me when he was six or seven years old, "But MOM, it's a normal body function."  Normal body functions need to be discussed ad nauseum so they no longer are cause for concern ... or channel-changing. My little boy's "normal body function" was a fart.  I had told him what my mother told me and my sisters, "Go into the bathroom if you HAVE to do that!"  Sadly, my sisters and I were more afraid of our mother than my kids were.

    Eh, call me old-fashioned but I do think that some things, while normal and not necessarily "cause for concern," are best kept private or discussed at home with the family (especially for younger kids) than broadcast on TV constantly. Just as kids are taught that they don't display certain body parts in public. There is such a thing as appropriate vs not.

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  12. On 5/21/2023 at 9:51 PM, MrBuhBye said:

    Well Jenny and Sumit did get married and they didn’t have to live with his family so while it goes against the culture it’s not impossible if the couple really wants it.

    Sumit has a brother (older, I think) so maybe the legal responsibility for caring for parents falls on the eldest son?

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  13. On 5/16/2023 at 10:34 PM, Miss Slay said:

    That said -- Louie weirds me out. He's not made for TV. Why does he have private investigators? Again, I believe he is leading this as Teresa has been on the show for years and I doubt she was investigating anyone.

    I read it as Louie "name-dropping;" he said something like "I surround myself with successful people and that's why I'm successful." (At what, exactly?) So he's friends with this Bo guy, who happens to have lots of dirt on everyone but noble Louie won't repeat what he's heard because, you know- he's so upstanding and moral.

    I am really tired of the formula of: let's have a theme party/vacation/luncheon; let's bring up a topic that we all know is inflammatory; let's drink a lot so everyone is uninhibited and says stupid shit; let's all fight/scream/name-call and stomp out. If I drank a quarter of what these people seem to drink on a regular basis, I'd be dead.

    I am trying to put myself in Danielle's position and think how I'd handle it. New girl in the group, still figuring out personalities. Hears from a few people that Margaret can be vicious and keeps a secret "arsenal" of ammo on everyone. Drags a bit of gossip out of Jennifer Aydin, also gossipy, about another person in the group that was circulated by Margaret. Already partially on the outs because she blurted out the "arsenal" comment and alienated another group member. Said gossip involves something that Jennifer heard from Teresa who heard it from an ex-friend of Margaret who "knows someone" who saw something questionable. And for all that, she feels compelled to spill it to the subject of such gossip, at a very nice party?

    Know what I'd have done when I heard the "shocking news" that supposedly rattled Danielle so badly in Ireland? I'd call my husband, tell him what I'd heard, we would speculate and maybe raise our brows or laugh, or be shocked- and it would stop right there. Remember Danielle's mother saying "Ohhhh, you've GOT to tell Melissa!"- Why?! She doesn't know these women; Danielle has been their "friend" for a hot minute, and it's very questionable info at best. My mother would have said, "well, I hope you keep your mouth shut because stuff like that can start all sorts of trouble." And there it would stay.

    On 5/16/2023 at 10:58 PM, Axie said:

    This is completely off topic and apropos of nothing, but, I was so engrossed in this episode that I started wondering how many times tiny Joe Gorga was given a wedgie and stuffed into a locker when he was in high school.  Carry on.  

    He looked exceptionally tiny in the "construction boss" scenes. Speaking of which, given his profession, why doesn't he replace the missing shutter on the front of his house that is shown several times each episode? I realize it's a rental, but it gives a cobbler's-kids-go-barefoot kind of vibe.

    • Like 9
  14. On 5/15/2023 at 10:02 PM, magemaud said:

    Despite Jordan being an “eyelash artist” I think her lashes look absolutely ridiculous. They’re just solid strips of black like she attached fabric to her eyelids. Like little individual visors. I never thought I’d say this, but Darcey’s look better. And the way she has to tilt her head back to see under them gives her a very derp expression. 

    Oh my gosh- I hate those fakety-fake eyelashes and where I live they seem to be the RAGE. I describe them as black bars across the eyelids. They look heavy and as if they would impair one's vision.

    Gotta love the haughty "Don't EVER LIE TO ME!" when each and every person who goes on this show is... a liar. Jordan omitted the little fact that she makes money by squatting on cakes for voyeurs and spends most of her time naked. Oopsie! Didn't tell ya!

    I am already fed up with Wyoming girl constantly reminding Juan that he is going to be a father, there is a baby coming, blah blah. These women all use the same playbook: get pregnant (usually by "accident," this one just said she was ready and the poor guy just aquiesced), insist that the guy give up his lifestyle, job and family to become a live-in babysitter. Then they wonder why the guy is miserable and they fight all the time.

    I'm really sick of VaLentine, Carlos and their stupid fights, garish outfits and sex talk. Get married and get off my screen.

    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

    What happened to my sweet little Gabe? I really liked him, his story.  Is he SO DESPERATE for a reality TV career that he morphed into a COMPLETE JERK?  His wife and his father-in-law had better nip that in the bud.

    Perhaps the market for underwear complete with inserts isn't as lucrative as he wants it to be...

    3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

    Jeymi is a refugee from Venezuela. They have inundated the rest of Latin America for years, and it probably is NOT easy for her to find a decent paying job in Colombia.

    Not to mention, over the past several years I don't think ANY job in Venezuela paid much of anything. I had a Venezuelan coworker whose father was a physician there; he was a government employee, made next to zero, and with all of the political unrest and economic collapse over the past decade or so, couldn't even sell his home for enough to be able to leave.

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  16. I am only going to comment on the Tell-All part because frankly, the first half of the show was an absolute snooze-fest. Except for Kris showing her already repugnant self by pretty much accusing Jayme of all the horrible things that she herself is.

    I am so, so effing sick of the Americans on this show (looking at you, Gabe) openly scorning and name-calling the foreign cast members simply because they don't do things "like Americans." God knows, we have our own issues and problems in this country that we have NO place ridiculing others. Sure, Maccchhmoud is controlling and has certain expectations of Nicole as a Muslim man in a conservative country- so Gabe feels it's "wrong" and okay to eye-roll and tell him he is no good? You can't judge a person from another culture, another country, another RELIGION based on your own. That's why we get drama on this show in the first place- the Americans always want to go to their soulmate's country and change THEM. Jen, that's you... in India the kids are expected to care for their parents as they age. Nicole, that's you... Muslims in Maccchhmoud's part of Morocco do not have wives that wear plunging necklines and no sleeves. If you don't like it, then reconsider your choice in a mate. 

    Now, Oussama is a different story- he wanted to come to the US and played along with Debbie's naiveté until he thought he could railroad her otherwise. I laughed and laughed at his portrayal of himself as an artist who wants to be appreciated and wouldn't "sell underwear." Oh, honey- we all think we are super-special; still, there is reality like paying bills and being able to buy food. 

    Kris is so full of shit. I know enough about addict behavior to see her glaring excuses-ahead-of-time: "Ohhh, I've been so sick; I've been throwing up- if I have to leave, don't worry about me!" And her line about (paraphrasing) "we put so much into wanting to care for others..." Barf!

    I'm living for next week to hear Yohan put Danielle in her place. Did you see her, all chirpy and "hey, good morning!!" as she sashayed into the studio? Yeah, girl- she's in her home turf of NYC, feelin' herself. She looks genuinely puzzled when others point out that she was controlling and unpleasant. It may be a tease, but the little clip of Yohan saying he doesn't love her the way he used to- I'm here for it.

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  17. On 5/8/2023 at 6:12 PM, Hotel Snarker said:


    "ESCOTT?" Her exaggerated expressions, the "note-taking," the squealing and joking with Lydia when they know he can't understand them- yuck.

    Wyoming girl is so transparent with her work on the unassuming fiancé (sorry, I forgot their names). Seduce him on vacation, spend several bang-fest trips with him to really hook him, tell him she's spent enough time with him that it's time to get engaged; get pregnant and then start harping on him endlessly about his "obligation," that he's "going to be a father now," criticize him endlessly; and finally, insist he quit his job and move to your boring stinky town to be a built-in babysitter to your two bratty kids and the one you insisted you needed to have yesterday.

    I was waiting and finally heard the doctor admit she has OCD, not just "germs are gross and they're everywhere." She has a problem. A big, potentially crippling one. 

    Thanks, no thanks to Carlos for letting us know that they did "lots of new things last night" that didn't involve a dildo. Then he coyly says "don't ask what!" (believe me, I won't.) My imagination didn't need that.

    And there is a new character forthcoming! What wacky, weird lifestyle does she lead? 

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  18. On 4/27/2023 at 3:53 PM, kassa said:

    I think that's actually a serious point of contention between Jennifer and Bill - he said she was a "terrible" patient (which means she didn't follow instructions? Wanted excessive pain meds? took dressings off too soon?). For better or for worse, her plastic surgery DOES reflect on him, and she went ahead with a foreign nose job/chin implant to send him the message that he wasn't the boss of her, and fucked up her face in the process.  

    I personally think it's unethical and a slippery slope for a surgeon to operate on their family member (especially their spouse!) so I understand that he didn't- but spinning it to sound like either he didn't want to deal with her as a patient or- worse yet- that she didn't trust him to do it looks bad for him. It also looks bad for his practice, because normally a surgeon will refer his family members to someone within his/her own practice who they (presumably) trust and know will do a good job- or at a minimum, another surgeon in the community whose work they are familiar with. 

    When I worked with heart surgeons, my husband needed open heart surgery and I knew exactly who I trusted to operate on him, as well as the team that would be in the room with him. I can't imagine him wanting to choose someone overseas who we knew nothing about to do ANY procedure on him! It just looks bad for everyone.

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  19. On 4/27/2023 at 5:55 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

    The mural painting was so stupid and I hate to say the Jennifer's picture made me laugh but the funniest thing was Teresa immediately saying something about not painting her behind bars, my mind went there first and fast too.

    If any of these women were real friends, her "request" would not need to have been voiced.  I mean, if one of my friends were having a "let's paint her life" celebration (I can assure you, that would never happen), we wouldn't think to depict her ugly divorce, horrific car accident or death of a family member, right?

    Honestly, this show is on its last gasps.  I loved the early seasons when everyone looked rather normal, Teresa had no "bubbies," and every episode wasn't a big fake themed party or screaming match. Speaking of theme parties, I don't recall my husband getting together with the "guys" and having everything catered and decorated. Same with all the hugs and kisses. And they always sneak in one of the guys making sexual inuendoes or kissing another one on the mouth. Weeeirrd. 

    So Frank has been "eating, sleeping and living" cannabis? Wow, what a great accomplishment! Should we be impressed? The guy who was disbarred, cheated on his wife, yet still expects accolades, camera time and "his" family on demand?

    Rachel Fuda needs to fix her nose. I just saw a picture of how Disney designs their characters' noses- bingo. She must have brought in an Anna picture from Frozen to her plastic surgeon. And her husband is downright weird looking. He needs a chin- did you ever notice that dogs don't have a chin? He looks similar. Like his mouth ends and then the neck begins. 

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  20. On 5/2/2023 at 2:13 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

    I don't have kids so I don't know whether all kids are as whiny and insufferable as Jessica's kids, but daaaaammn! She's raising a couple of entitled, petulant little jerks. And what was with her not lifting a finger to get her picky-ass son's breakfast? I already feel like Juan is getting treated like he's the help.

    We've seen this before: with Sherlon, and on 90 day (Ron and Tiffany). "I need to teach [man name] how to step up and be a father to my kids so I'm just going to essentially drop the kid(s) on him and he'd better SHOW ME HE'S WORTHY! Always fails- spectacularly.

    Scott has a weird mouth that looks like a cat's. Add to that the gross attitude, the "look at my muscles" tank top (on a plane?) and his obvious disappointment that a) she can't communicate with him (he could have studied some Spanish, perhaps?) and b) won't sleep with him on night 1 and he's a solid NO.

    What do we think the "bad news" is that nudie-girl received the minute she landed? Let's poll: he has another girlfriend (shocker!); he impregnated another woman; he watches women online sitting on cakes; he has 3 other wives...

    April's scene with her "patient" was so, so fake. First of all, if she is an intensivist (I think she said that), then she doesn't see people in an exam room and take their blood pressure like a primary care doc- her patients are ICU patients and she surely isn't going to take their vitals and tell them "keep exercising and I'll see you in a month!" Such amazing fakery. Her germophobia and OCD are painful to watch and why, oh why, does she think she should go on TV and expose not only her neuroses, but her sex life? And sorry, but it's hard to believe she has multiple professions and still is opening gyms and dealerships far away. Very suspect.

    Lidia and her daughter at the "party" where they were giving her sex toys? Just no. Ugh. The thought of my mother discussing having sex, or my daughter giving me underwear that "can be taken off with his mouth!" makes me nauseous. Please, please stop. The added squealing and screaming over the "gifts" was disgusting. 

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  21. Daniele doesn't want a husband, she wants someone she can boss around. The whole scene where she sat on him in the car was horrible. She wants whatever she wants, no exceptions- and if Yohan disagrees we have to hear about how "childish," "immature," and "unready for marriage" HE is. She doesn't hear about his previous girlfriend's pregnancy/abortion and her interpretation is that he is "dishonest." Yet she has laughingly told the audience that she will not be bringing him to America, despite the fact that she told him she would and he is planning on that. She pays no heed to the fact that her meeting up with an old boyfriend (how coincidental is that?) in the DR would be uncomfortable for him, tossing it off as being old-fashioned or unyielding. She is so, so awful. I wonder if she's watched herself on this show and had any thoughts about how she comes across.

    So Kris, the constant victim of bad luck, can't get her medication in Columbia (for her "narcolepsy"), and her bank froze her account! How does one constantly have so many unfortunate things happen? And as someone else mentioned-what does she bring to the table in this relationship? (For that matter, what does Jeymi bring?) Kris says she agreed to take on the financial support for the two of them, but it's not hard to see that she has little to no money, a life full of turmoil, and a drug problem. I would say she is taking advantage of Jayme but I'm not sure what she is getting from her.

    The dull story of Gabe and Isabel continues. "I am trans. I love a woman. I hope her family has accepted me. They say they accept me! Do I believe them? Maybe they are lying. No! Now Dad is okay with it! " What will next week be? "Does Isabel really love me? Maybe she is just saying that."

    Very little Debbie and Ousama footage. Maybe this all fizzled out before anything really happened...

    Nicole and Maccchmoody's "romantic" dinner of chick peas in lemon juice on an overpass? That bar is pretty low. "We are getting along because we have decided to avoid discussing our differences." Good plan!  And I'm sure TLC had a hand in finding an "edgy, modern Egyptian Muslim woman" to stir the pot. Because these two are dull as dirt and going nowhere fast. I will be happy to never hear "I love you so much, Honey Bunny" again in my life.


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  22. On 4/6/2023 at 8:42 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

    The website is terrible. If you are on reality TV hawking garbage at least hire someone to put together a decent site. Half of the pictures are blurry. The menu is terrible, contrast colour illegible, the language unreadable etc. No.

    So exciting! I've been looking all over for illuminated armor in custom-made gold lamé!

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