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Posts posted by KateHearts

  1. On 9/13/2023 at 7:41 AM, Pi237 said:

    Loved her mom being honest about not really wanting to watch her kids. I won't be one of those grandmothers raising her grandkids. Hell no.

    She wasn't asked to "raise" them; Monica asked her to watch them for a couple of days. And at least one is a teenager. For as involved as the family appears to be with each other (all living within blocks of each other) you'd think Mom could at least act agreeable on camera. 

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  2. On 9/12/2023 at 8:17 PM, TexasGal said:

    And, not only is Whitney inviting people to Meredith’s trip she’s also trying to pick the best room for herself before the others even arrive?  Klassy.

    But honestly, that's all the storyline they have? It's the equivalent of some 4th graders running to the lunchroom to take the cool girl's seat. So boring.

    Heather, just because you made a bunch of money bashing the LDS church doesn't mean you are the ultimate authority and get giddy about another reformed Mormon discovering "panties" (ugh) or getting all up in Lisa's business if her son wants to go on a mission. So it's not for you. Don't feel like you need to reform the world. Freedom of religion and all that.

    So Monica swung back and forth from "super family Portugese girl who lives near Mom and Grandma" to "girl who slept with her brother in law for 18 MONTHS until the guilt ate her up and now is mad that her church excommunicated her." We also get to see how inadequate she feels around those "really popular girls" because her house is small and, despite the fact that she says she is now living a more frugal life, goes out and buys a (fugly) LV bag to make them like her. Girl, these women are as vapid as fog and don't care about you unless they can shoot a scene with you to get more camera time.

    Lisa is looking a little more haggard this season- is it her steady diet of Big Gulps, fast food and tequila? I liked her green puffer jacket on the "walk" with Meredith but what in hell were those long straps with some sort of designer name plastered on them? Too bad they didn't say BROOKS MARKS. They would be a constant annoyance to me as I saw them flapping around in my peripheral vision. And it seems she got some sort of promo for hideous platform shoe/sneakers.

    Angie used to be cute (high school pics) but there is something very off about the proportions of her face. Like maybe her eyes have been pulled too high up on her forehead? I can't place it, but she looks especially odd in her confessionals. 

    I think Mary has been brought back as a sort of cartoon character. She offers nothing, gets involved half-heartedly in their activities, but throws something laughable in there every now and then ("please don't pass chips over my clothes") or gives her memorable pop-eyed double take ("you don't have Dom Perignon??!") but otherwise she is pretty boring.

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  3. 18 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

    I wonder how he would have felt if Ysabel had told him the same thing.  That she would not play fake happy families with him until they cleared the air about how he treated her around her surgery.  First telling her to go across the country by herself, then not even calling or sending anything to express support.

    But... he gave her his sweatshirt! So she could smell his essence near her as she recovered. (BTW I used to work with a spine surgeon. Scoliosis surgery is VERY huge and recovery can be extremely painful. Moreso than, for example, getting one's ears pierced.)

    6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    Nothing like throwing a few random family members together who probably haven't spoken in months to pretend like all is well just because it's a holiday.

    Hey, that's kind of like... a family of alcoholics getting together after a huge drunken fight and acting like everything is all fine.

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  4. 18 hours ago, DaRanger said:

    Wait until Kimberly figures out she is marrying the whole damn family.  And she is the maid. Surprised they haven’t said anything about her tattoos yet. 

    I was trying to read the tattoo on her left arm. Did it say "one tough broad"? She seems to think that being tough includes saying "suck my dick" to very straight-laced foreigners and very haughtily telling them "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

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  5. 2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    I love freeze-framing on her house and just marveling at the incredible amount of crap on every surface.  Those Dickens Village items are not cheap, and she had a whole long section of them. 

    I joined a "ROBYN BROWN" FB page for a minute (seems it was taken down quickly- lots of rabid supporters on the attack there.) One of the laugh-worthiest comments I read was "Robyn and Kody keep a beautiful, clean house." Also defending Robyn because she works "full time" (MSWC, evidently) and that she NEEDED childcare because Sol was having learning issues at school and she couldn't possibly help him with his schoolwork while having the other kids to care for. Lots and lots of hatred for Christine on that page. And if anyone asked "why do you feel like vomiting when seeing Christine on the screen?" (that was an actual post) there was a flurry of comments like "if you don't know you are stupid," and "open your eyes!"  Crazy-town.

    2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    That said, what would Janelle have to do to extricate herself from the crapshow of Kody and Robyn's finances? 

    I would imagine, since three of the women involved were not legally married to Kody, that they may have formed an LLC or some such to purchase the properties as a group. So maybe Janelle can make legal moves to extricate herself from their LLC and ask them to buy her out? If they still owe money on Coyote Pass, maybe they could sell it, pay off the loan they took out with the previous owner and each walk away with a little bit of the cash that remains? Just spitballing here.

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  6. 1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    I agree completely! Meredith, on the other hand, shows up with a new face every year, and it is exquisitely done.  I wonder who she goes to.

    You think her face is well done? Seems there have been so many iterations of frozen upper lip, over puffed cheeks, and the one season where she looked as if she couldn't move one side of her mouth. And let's not talk about the odd breast implants that resembled a unified armor of flesh.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I used to be an adoption social worker and a big red flag for a prospective adoptive family is to see them wanted to “save” a child or expecting gratitude. I seldom saw that from prospective adoptive families but heard it all the time from friends or extended families “”that child should be so grateful that X and Y are saving them from the terrible life they would have had otherwise.”


    While I get the idea that adoptive parents who might have a "savior complex" might be troublesome, I think there are situations where the adopted children are indeed saved- as in, being removed from a potentially (or actual) dangerous or neglectful family. I have two adopted nephews- one was from a home with neglectful and violent parents who admitted that they wouldn't follow through with anger management/parenting classes and another whose mother was a drug addict who didn't know which man fathered the child and also admitted she would never give up her addiction. I do believe those kids were saved. 

    Their parents don't demand special treatment from them however- and they are still pretty normal boys who have done their share of teenage dumb things.

    This season has been the most boring of any 90 day season, any iteration, EVER. I find myself playing it and not remembering anything because it's so, so dull. Vapid people. Relationships that are going nowhere. Tired old reruns of idiots like Jasmine and dolts like Gino. No chemistry between any of the couples. Too much sex detail (if it happens). So much nothing.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Orcinus orca said:

    Am I the only one that had a sudden loss of consciousness during the Bro Chat in the truck?  I totally lost the thread with all of the mumbo jumbo BS. I did revive (briefly) with the "sacred lonliness" line (WTF?) and bailed out.  What a waste of time.

    But, then, this was the worst episode of all time except to cement that fact that Kottie is clinically insane.

    The truck man-confessional was way too long, the acoustics were awful and honestly, there were so many metaphors thrown around that I gave up on trying to figure out what they were saying.

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  9. 17 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

    Gwen mentioned in one of her videos that she went to her friend's for Christmas 2021. The unspoken reason is that Paedon was part of the group at their mom's house, and after that at the post-Christmas "rental" in Flagstaff. Also I believe the joke she reportedly made during the Christmas gift exchange text thread, that got misinterpreted (acc. to Christine last week it made things worse). 

    What is the rift with Gwen and Paedon? And what joke?

  10. On 9/6/2023 at 9:35 PM, RealHousewife said:

    That's part of the appeal of the show to me. I haven't been to Utah yet, nor thought much about it before, unlike some of the other cities in the franchise. Salt Lake look absolutely beautiful, especially in the winter. I definitely want to visit at some point. Winter is my least favorite time of year, but having pretty scenery really helps me appreciate its beauty. Salt Lake also looks cozier to me than say Beverly Hills or Miami. It is kind of like Real Housewives of Dallas in that sense. Not full of celebrities or a huge party city.

    Bear in mind: the only real Salt Lake scenes that are shown are the opening ones and an occasional visit by the housewives to a restaurant. The bulk of it is in Park City, where all the alleged "cool people" are- and where everything is 5x more expensive than in the rest of the state because- well, it's cool! Sundance is held there! I live north of PC and it's even more beautiful because it's much less populated and not a tourist magnet.

    A few things I noticed about this season opener:

    -I thought the whole opening was obnoxious: the Biblical references, the constant "angel choir" type music interspersed with what sounded like horror movie music. Get off it, production. Yes, there are LDS Church members here, but there are PLENTY of people who are not. Two cast members are "fallen" Mormons, one (Lisa) is a Mormon but joined later in life and seems more of an In Name Only Mormon, Mary is Baptist (or whatever), the others I'm not sure. But especially in areas like Park City, it's not wall-to-wall Mormons or all about religion. 

    -Lisa's deathlike lipstick choice in the early scenes. Not flattering.

    -Meredith's immobile upper lip. She seems to have fixed the armor-like chest; now she needs to relax on Botox and let her face move a little bit

    -Heather's increasingly mannish looks- is she visiting Beauty Lab as a customer a little too much? The brief photo of her at her wedding showed the stark difference in her past and current looks.

    -Meredith's insistence that she doesn't hold grudges, yet can't seem to overcome that Whitney insulted her bathtub.  Poor bathtub!

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  11. On 9/9/2023 at 9:25 AM, RazzleberryPie said:

    I wish janelle had asked HOW have you “corrected” the situation. Did you call them, contact them in anyway yourself, how did you relay the correction to them? 

    All he meant was "I've corrected what I said to mean I just want to have a conversation." which, as Janelle points out, still means he won't talk unless they come to him "hat in  hand" and say they were wrong. And it would be up to HER to facilitate any communication (as in, "your dad won't budge an inch unless you call first and apologize."

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  12. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    I feel a bit differently. I see it as the kids stuck with them.

    Yeah, I agree. Once most of the kids reached maturity, they were on to his game of "do as I say, not what I do" and his overt favoritism of Robyn. If we can see it for 45 minutes a week, I can't imagine how they felt living it.

    Also, I get irrationally annoyed when they talk about how hard it is to "divorce," when in all honesty the only legal marriage (i.e., requiring a lot of legal untangling if divorce occurs) is with Robyn. I'd be interested to know what sort of obligations Kody might have to Christine given that their "marriage" was never seen in the eyes of the law, only their church. Is it more complicated if they had joint property but weren't married? Is child support a more sticky issue?

    • Like 7
  13. On 9/5/2023 at 11:50 AM, UsernameFatigue said:

    And the notion that Kody can't leave a wife? Of course he can, he did it to Meri. And would have been thrilled beyond bits if she had actually left the family, once he had no use for her and she embarrassed him by the cat fishing scandal. 

    But Kody DIDN'T leave Meri- at least not physically. He froze her out; he insulted her on camera and to everyone else ("I don't love Meri anymore. If she left I wouldn't care.") She hangs on like a sad little puppy for two reasons: she won't give him the satisfaction of making her leave (although she looks pathetic at this point, begging for scraps), and to hang on to the show for the paycheck. Most of us wouldn't subject ourselves to such humiliation. But this is the Brown family we're talking about.

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  14. On 9/4/2023 at 10:12 AM, Cherry Styles said:

    I don't see how Robin needs a nanny at all. 


    Her argument that Kody is "gone 75% of the time and that's why I hired help with childcare" doesn't' hold water. First, he was not equally spending time at other wives' houses, as we have been told by both Christine (who only rarely saw him, even pre-COVID) and Meri (who he admitted he had no relationship with for several years prior). And before COVID, why wasn't she relying on the fantastic SW way of living to help her out (when all the sister wives pitch in to help with kids)? Nevermind that she DID NOT WORK.


    So Kody demanded an apology from the lying sons for going to work and socializing during the pandemic, thus disallowing him from seeing them.  The apology demand was to be relayed to the boys by Janelle (how nice. Imagine telling your kids "DAD says he won't see you because you broke HIS rules!") But then he "CORRECTED THAT" (his words) so it was Janelle's responsibility (again) to tell them that he changed his mind. And she was supposed to facilitate them "having a conversation" so they could spend Christmas together?

    Kody, newsflash: your kids are young adults but you are STILL the father and you are the one who basically alienated them from you. If you want to mend things so badly, don't put Janelle in the middle, don't just "sit there" (they love that phrase) waiting for them to call you. How about picking up the phone and saying "hey, I miss you guys. Let's talk." The fact that he can't do that speaks to his pride and stubbornness.  He could open the door if he wanted to; he doesn't want to.

    Meri is pathetic. She basically mopes in her talking heads that she is fully aware that she is considered a nobody in Kody's eyes; then she goes over to his house (relegated to the yard) and panders to his narcissistic demands and bends over backwards to (please!) earn a seat at their table. She allows herself to be in this humiliating position. She doesn't have to.

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  15. On 8/28/2023 at 5:56 PM, Meow Mix said:

    I was puzzled by Christine's reaction to Paedon's remark about Kody and Robyn's immune systems.  I thought she was being ridiculous saying that they were sicker than most people.  I have a friend whose father was in the hospital on a ventilator for 11 days.  That is being sicker than most people, not Kody's ass pain.  Plus, given her recent behavior on social media, that scene has not aged well for her.

    What behavior on social media?

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  16. On 8/27/2023 at 10:53 PM, BnJJ said:

    Kody's excitement about Aurora getting her ears pierced was so over the top.  And, of course, he has zero recollection about any of his other kids getting their ears pierced.  He's such a douche.

    AND, he again used the "touching occasion" to make it all about himself. Was it necessary to watch a drawn out montage of Kody's golden high school years and to hear him wax on about what a wild and crazy stud he was??

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  17. 1 hour ago, anoninrva said:

    I have never been in a hotel where you could see the toilet from the head of the bed in over 40 years or so of personal and business travel.  I'm sure they exist, but even the cheapest of hotels I've stayed at had some separation between the bed and the bathroom.

    Well, there was a door to the bathroom. Which Statler politely semi-shut for us while she was having uncontrolled diarrhea in front of the camera crew.

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  18. I live very near Holly and when she said, "I just don't want to be with a man from Utah" (paraphrasing) I thought, that's when we know there's something wacky about this person. Similar comments: "I've given up on finding someone here in the States," or (as a coworker of mine who was seeking a Ukranian girlfriend said), "all American women are [fill in the blank] so I decided to look elsewhere."  Yeah, everyone from Utah/the US/wherever is EXACTLY the same. Holly is originally from AZ and I am not a native of Utah; I can say that there are a lot of different types of people in any given place!

    Who noticed that in the previews, Danielle has what look to be long hair extensions? Surely she could have used that money more wisely- say, to pay her back rent or her EZ pass debt. I cannot wait to hear Yohan read her the riot act.

    I am really sick of Kenny and Armando and I think they will contribute nothing to this current season.

    Brandon and Mary are in for a world of hurt. She won't let him be around his MOTHER or SISTER for fear there may be another female nearby? Yet she fakes a "wifi outage" so she can go talk to her pals who are male? Could we have another fiery showdown in our future?


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  19. On 7/10/2023 at 12:25 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

    I can't possibly be the only person questioning David's level of intellectual development now that we've seen him refer to "bananas" and "donuts." What sort of adult talks like that? If you're mature enough to be having sex, you're mature enough to talk about it like a goddamn grown-up. I'm now even more disgusted with how David's deafness is being handled/portrayed, because it seems pretty evident that both he and Sheila (she, to a far lesser degree) have some developmental arrest and they're just being exploited horribly by this show. I used to NEED to watch each episode as it aired, to avoid spoilers and be able to snark in real time with all y'all. Now I have to record the episodes so I can FFW through certain couples.


    I think that since he has been deaf his entire life, David misses out on the social cues and nuances that we all take for granted as hearing people. What is ok/not ok to discuss and the use of blatantly descriptive language vs having a little more subtlety. On top of that, though, it's maddening that the producers have absolutely capitalized on his deafness as entertainment: muting all sound when he is featured walking through the market, for example. 

    I just think overall, this franchise has hopped from "interesting couples who are different from most of us and who want to get together with someone from another country" to "really weird people and people with obvious emotional issues who we can exploit for viewership." My lord- in this episode alone we heard (again) about Gino's inability/disinterest in getting it up (and in past episodes Jasmine's discussions about butt plugs, porn and jerking off in the bathroom); all of the inappropriate places Statler has had sex; we've watched Statler essentially perform oral sex on a dessert (what the hell was that restaurant, really?); and we've heard in great detail about Sheila's pain during sex, the way they pleasured one another (my mouth was gaping open at the nipple comments) and his graphic banana/donut details. I mean, come on. Every one of these people seems to either have sold their soul or is too damaged to realize that they are embarrassing themselves for the sake of a buck.

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  20. 12 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I loved the show so much the first few years, it was just everything that fascinated me about people and their stuff, but even I have grown a little bit bored with it.  In the beginning I hoped to see houses completely emptied of excess  clutter and the owners happy in a clean organized space.  But now I know the houses rarely get to that point of cleanliness and the hoarders themselves almost never get cured and can't wait to re-hoard so they'll feel safe and secure again.

    Kind of like My 600 lb Life: the early seasons showed truly motivated cast members; they followed the instructions given them and actually lost weight and improved their lives. Lately, it's a bunch of whiny people who bend all the restrictions, complain and basically do nothing- and never get to the point of surgery.

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  21. On 6/15/2023 at 6:07 PM, kristen111 said:

    First of all, Jen has lots of help in the house.  Probably a cleaning person, maybe a nanny at one time, and who knows what else.  Bill gives her everything too.  He is a surgeon and needs alone time.  What’s wrong with her?  Spoiled brat.  I’m married over 50 yrs.  My husband goes in the bedroom everyday, closes the door, watches his sports show, then naps for a couple of hours.  I’m fine with that.  He worked his whole life,even two jobs when the kids went to college.  He deserves time out.  Jen is selfish and overreacting.  Everything is about her.  She doesn’t realize how lucky she is to have him and should appreciate him.  

    I agree. I'm sure Jen fully realized when she married a surgeon that he would have long hours and weekend call- and that is how she can have her Chanel accessories, her gaudy house and her girls' vacations. 

    My husband traveled almost every week when my kids were small, and I sure as heck didn't have any help- not even a grandmother nearby. I made the best of it- heck, I got used to it and liked the early bedtimes, cereal for dinner on occasion, and having the TV remote to myself.

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  22. On 6/15/2023 at 11:06 AM, Chatty Cake said:


    I found this photo online . He looks ancient next to her real children. The poor kid was little when she hooked up with Fuda. She could have adopted him a long time ago.


    I’m reading that John Fuda got a lot of positive feedback from standing up to Louie. This means we’ll probably get stuck with another year of Rachel.

    Oh, those poor little girls have their daddy's chin- or lack thereof.

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  23. On 6/13/2023 at 9:27 PM, Lady of nod said:

    For someone who just got married and is in her love bubble, Teresa doesn’t seem very happy.

    She looked downright grim throughout the entire reunion. Even when happy clips were played like from the Ireland trip when Paulie's mother commented on the calendar and they all were laughing. If the camera was on her, she was complaining; if it was focused on someone else she looked pissed off.

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  24. On 6/13/2023 at 8:25 PM, ZettaK said:

    So? A lot of people say negative things and then they reconnect. 

    It wasn't about "reconnecting" after a falling out; Teresa (as usual) flat out lied by stating "I never said anything bad about Jacqueline," when that was so far from the truth. If T only admitted that she may have crossed lines at times, that she was unkind to others in the past, that MAYBE she played a part in a lot of the discord between herself and literally everyone else, she might gain some credibility. But she has spent 50 years stirring shit and then playing dumb (or losing her shit) when confronted. 

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