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Everything posted by Rancide

  1. I really enjoyed Nikolas's screaming today. The contrast with Nathan's unconvincing bleating yesterday was particularly stark. I don't understand why the show doesn't have more for TC to do. Okay, the hair is awful. But he's one of the better actors on the show, he plays an important legacy character, and when he's not all puffed up, he's also one of the more attractive guys they have. Why can't the show make better use of this?
  2. I agree that Nik is gross, but Tyler Chistopher is looking good (minus the hair). Glad he's staying de-puffed. I wish Britt talked to Spencer more like a kid and less like a co-conspirator. Spencer is annoying as crap, but the pursuit of Nikolas would make more sense if Britt had fallen in love with Spencer as a child instead of as a member of her peer group. I can see it happening--Britt grew up in a crazy, mixed-up family, has just had a child taken away from her. The story would make more sense if what Britt really wanted from Nikolas and Spencer was the family she never had and the opportunity to be a parent that she lost when Ben was taken. Rather than... what? What does Britt see in Nikolas? I am failing to understand.
  3. Brad!!!! Okay, that's really all I got out of this show. Nathan and Silas sounded like they were competing in a contest for least convincing screaming of the year. Writers, neither of the actors can muster the energy to pull off rage. Please stop trying to make it happen. Someone please explain to me why no one has shown the least curiosity about how long Nina has been out of a coma? Twiggy's been on this show now for what? 5 or 6 months? And everyone seems utterly certain that it's not possible to go from being in a coma to full mobility in that time frame. So if she showed up in Port Charles totally able to walk, it stands to reason (yes, I know "reason" and this show have not yet been introduced) that she had been out of a coma for at least that long before arriving in Port Charles. So....??? Was she out of the coma for months? Years? Now, I don't personally care about the answer to this question, but I would think that, say, Silas might. No? Annoyed that the previews show Silas running to Franco to prolong the nightmare rather than running to Alexis to ask her to draft the papers to end it. I really thought we were nearing the finish line with this terrible plot.
  4. I don't find Rosalie any more genetically improbable as Silas and Nina's kid than I do Kiki. When that reveal comes, someone's going to have to explain to me how two pieces of spaghetti combined to create a meatball.
  5. When? They had extremely unsexy and ff-requiring sex a couple of months ago because she guilted him into it not long after her attempt at drugging and raping him failed. It was gross. Then this week he shot her down for a quicky in the hospital supply closet. But it's generally unclear, I think, whether they just had sex that one time or are having sex on an ongoing basis--though not last week in the supply closet--and man, is that ever a question I don't want to ponder. No pregnancy because she went to see Britt after the first round, and Britt said she wasn't pregnant and couldn't get pregnant. Doesn't mean it's true, but does probably mean that she's THANK GOD not pregnant right now. Nina is keeping the information about her inability to get pregnant from Silas so that she can keep grossly begging him to impregnate her to make up for Kiki, I mean, the baby she lost. Silas, consistent with his general apathy and lack of any apparent opinions about anything going on in his general vicinity, has not expressed feelings either way about the baby issue.
  6. Awww, McBam! It hurts me a little even to see the name. Damn Prospect Park litigation! I was more tolerant of Silas pre-Nina. Not excited exactly, but I thought he was mostly okay-ish with potential for improvement until the Nina crap started up. Since Nina it's been 100% terrible for me. I may have to go watch some clips on youtube. I miss the good cop who told Jasus to sit his ass down so that he, Dante, and pre-mobbed out ex-Marine Shawn could go save the town themselves. So much potential. Yet here we are 2 years later, back where we started, with mobsters and criminals running the show. Bah.
  7. I agree, at least in the sense that if I had to guess this would be my best guess as to what we were supposed to think was going on, but also agree this could be spelled out more explicitly. Also, I really, really, really wish they hadn't had sex if this is what they were going for. Obligation sex with someone you're not interested in, who is lying to you in a pretty major way, and who has already tried to drug you into having sex with her feels rape-y to me. I'd feel less gross about the whole thing if I had the sense SIlas was attracted to Nina at all or even just torn by happy memories of her, but I'm not seeing that on the screen. You may be right, it may be that ME is actually just playing what Silas is supposed to be feeling--numb and checked out. But if that's true, it makes the Nina stuff all the grosser and possibly grosser than I can stand. The story only becomes somewhat palatable to me if SIlas is at least a LITTLE BIT into his wife, or trying to convince himself that he is, but that's not coming across on the screen at all. So I agree we could use some point of view information here. Maybe Nathan could escape from horrible plot point judge for 15 minutes to wander over to his beloved sister's apartment and notice that, despite his sister's insistence that she and Silas are back together, Silas looks slightly queasy every time she opens her mouth. Hell, maybe Britt could dislodge herself from her pursuit of NIkolas's penis for long enough to say something. She and Nina are family, and she and Silas work together. And she's right up there with Silas on the list of people who desperately need to be moved outside of their little mono-plot bubbles of hell. But mostly, I just really want this terrible, terrible storyline to be over.
  8. I don't know if it's the writing or ME's acting choices, but I've rarely felt as uncomfortable watching this show as I did when Nina was begging Silas to screw her today. If Silas had looked remotely into it or tempted, I might have been able to deal, but he could not have looked less interested. I really, really do not need to see anyone, of any gender, trying to bully anyone else, of any gender, into having sex with them. It's just gross. Thank God Silas appears to be getting a clue. I hope it's a sign that this rancid storyline that's eaten the show for going on a year now is finally wrapping up.
  9. This season had too many contestants, too many bland and forgettable designers. I have no recollection of ever having seen Emily's helper, and even after spending half of last night's show thinking "who's that? She was on this show this season? Really?" I can't recall her name this morning.
  10. I love them because she can't call him "Fray." The ridiculous nicknames and the overuse thereof are the source of at least 20% of the (very significant amount of) ill-will I bear this character.
  11. Today's episode was actually okay for me. Nothing great, but a minimum of horrifying. The good: Julian/Alexis. I love how after years of being treated like an afterthought or a stopping over point on the way to someone younger/hotter, Alexis has a man who is all about her. The guy playing Julian does singular focus really, really well. He's also really, really hot. Morgan/Ava. I really like the character of Morgan. He's basically the only grown-up in his immediate circle of acquaintance, and it's pretty awesome. Franco. Okay, as long as I don't have to believe him as a romantic lead, I really like him. RoHo is charming. He's also the only person who makes Nina bearable. ME woke up. The bad: Do I only have fond memories of Duke because I was, like, 8 when he was last on this show and didn't know any better? Holy crap, is he boring. The did not watch: Sonny, Carly, Shawn.
  12. Wait--I don't watch scenes with Sonny in them, so I wouldn't have seen this, but did Carly REALLY say that she "wanted" to love Franco? Why? Because he's such a great guy? Such a stable emotional presence? Great with her kids? A good provider? Excuse me??? Also from the "excuse me?" files, did I catch Shawn, the HIT MAN, lecturing Jordan again about selling drugs? Why? Because drugs kill people, and that's his job? Shut it, Shawn. Nick and Britt continue to perplex and befuddle. I realize that the engagement party was, like, 7 months ago, and 7 months would totally be long enough for Nikolas to forgive Britt if we'd actually seen either one of them more than twice in the intervening 7 months. This is what I mean about the pacing being both too fast and too slow. People are either on plot overdrive, or they're completely gone. RC's idea of "slow build" is three action-packed days every 4 months. I'm going to enjoy Sam and Patrick because they're pretty and happy together, and both characters needed a lot more pretty and happy in their lives, and I'm going to do my best to ignore the fact that the writing for them blows. I remain very skeptical however that Sam and Silas are really done. If they are, ME better be polishing up his resume because since Sam and Silas broke up, there has been NO effort to move his character out of his tiny existing circle of acquaintance.
  13. Can someone explain to me how all the relationships on this show seem to be both too fast and too slow at the same time? It's the weirdest thing. Maxie and Nathan have been sniffing around each other forever and don't seem to be making any progress (too slow) but at the same time we're supposed to see them as star-crossed lovers being kept apart by fate when there's been no real progression to this point that would indicate that that is an appropriate way for these people to feel about each other (too fast). They're not the only ones I feel that way about. Britt/Nikolas, Silas/Nina, Lucas/Brad. It's weird. Anyone else feel that way? Strangely, the only couple I do NOT feel that way about is Franco/Nina, and considering they're two of the most annoying, loathsome and generally unwelcome characters on the show, that's really saying something. Maybe because instead of just randomly starting to date, they're spending time together talking and getting to know each other in a non-romantic context? I really don't get the pacing on this show. So, so weird.
  14. I hope once BM settles into the role a bit, they back off with the Jasus worship. Okay, I get that he's a big catch and a new toy, so I'll put up with the parade of people paying homage to the anonymous man in the hospital bed. But the #2 most annoying thing about Jasus V.1 (immediately behind SBu himself) was how the whole town worshiped at his altar, and how he always, always got to be the hero despite the fact that he was, you know, a hit man. I'm keeping an open mind about the reboot since I do think the character of Jason Morgan has potential, and I've heard that BM is a good actor, but I'm not going to be able to take it if the character is St. Jasus 2.0, even if he does somehow escape the mob.
  15. KMc isn't a writer, director, or producer of this show. She's told them her availability, and if they can't make a good story out of that, they are free to decide not to use her. Actors are just people. They have bills to pay, too. If GH is willing to pay KMc to show up a few times a year for a few episodes, I don't fault her for taking them up on the offer. She's not in charge of the gawdawful stories being written around her absences. KMc may be in film/directing school, but one would hope that the writers of this show would have already graduated from it. Moreover, they're the ones getting paid to perform that particular function on this show.
  16. I really can't take it any more. What are we up to now? Britt/Nikolas/Liz/Jason/Robin/Patrick/Sam/Silas/Nina/Franco/Carly/Sonny/Ava/Morgan/Kiki/Michael/Rosalie? It's not a triangle--it's a goddamn Conga line.
  17. This. ADD blew the Jason tension. I like SamTrick and have never been a JaSam fan (though I'm keeping an open mind with the recast), but there is 0 dramatic tension with a Patrick/Sam/Jason triangle at this point. A couple of makeout sessions does not make a relationship. If Sam and Patrick had spent the last year growing closer, people would have more invested. Even though I lost interest in Silas/Sam once phase Nina started last winter and actually like SamTrick, I agree that having Silas/Sam be together when Jason returns would be a better story than hastily slapping together SamTrick at the last minute and trying to pretend like it presents Sam with a difficult choice. The Nina crap was just such a tremendous misfire. Almost anything else would have been better. For example, they could have killed off Rafe and had Rafe's death lead Silas and Sam to think about their parenting choices and discuss having Silas adopt Danny. Then when Jason comes back, they could have been fighting over the kid, with Jason feeling guilty about the role he played in stealing Michael from AJ. I mean... ANYTHING. Instead they had Sam--arguably the lead female character on the show right now--spend the better part of the last year chasing around after effing Nina, a character no one cares about who has no natural connection to or affect on her relationship with her soon-to-be-resurrected husband. And then the second Nina arrives on the scene, she peaces out on the entire story just in time to spend 10 seconds flirting with Patrick before she finds out Jason is alive. It just makes no sense.
  18. This is where I am, too. So sad because McBam was all kinds of hot. I didn't even think Silas was that bad at first. But he went downhill in a major way once the Nina crap started up. In my head I know this ship has sailed, but my heart still hopes that PP litigation will settle and we can all collectively pretend that Kiki/Silas/Franco never happened.
  19. Since I basically ignore Kiki, I'd forgotten until I clicked that link that her last name is "Jerome." When she's revealed to be Nina's kid (not a spoiler--just, c'mon... you know it's coming), is she going to change her name to Clay? Kiki Clay? Can it get any worse?
  20. I feel dirty even saying this, but I sort of don't mind Franco as weirdo probably unstable, may go batshit at any moment oddity. Mostly because I find RoHo charming, and I think he sells the weirdo vibe. He's also the only thing that makes Nina tolerable since she's also weirdo batshit. Speaking of Franco/Nina, poor ME must have been getting terrible audience response. They spent months chewing up airtime with effing ComaWife, seemingly to set up a Sam/Silas/Nina triangle with a side of Ava/Kiki/Nathan, but then when Nina finally did show up, Sam headed straight for Patrick on the flimsiest of excuses, and after stewing for 5 minutes about her husband and all the others who did her wrong, Nina headed straight for Franco. Meanwhile, Nathan barely remembers his sister existed, and Kiki and Ava have their own problems and aren't thinking about Nina at all. I don't have a problem with dropping stories that aren't working, and I also don't have a problem with changing course to build on organic and unexpected chemistry that might arise. In fact, I'm in favor of both. But I wish RC wouldn't go so hard out of the gate with his grand ideas before he figures out if it's going to work so that we didn't waste MONTHS of heavy, heavy screentime on crap that is terrible and is eventually going to simply disappear. See, e.g., Patrick/Sabrina, FauxLuke, ComaTriangle, etc. Maybe RC could slow down a bit and see what's working and what isn't before he goes all-in on these tremendous timewastes.
  21. 1) Allison is one of my two or three favorite SYTYCD dancers of all time, 2) I do not want her on this show and do not think she is doing a good job, 3) she needs to eat a sandwich or twelve.
  22. Sandhya's outfit was terrible and the worst of the day, but I'd rather have had Emily go home. I can't remember anything she's done all season and am not even mildly curious about what a runway show from her would like. One of my major criticisms of this show is how it's gone from Project Runway to Project Gap, where people are rewarded for sending down things that look like you could buy them off-the-rack at any shopping mall. For better or worse (and I freely admit it was often worse), Sandhya's designs were never ordinary.
  23. Why? Lord, the last thing I want is for the new guy to try to emulate the epic suck that was Steve Burton.
  24. He looks better standing still in his underwear than he does dancing. (Or at least he did pre-Botox.) Movement does not do him favors.
  25. Forgive me in advance for being an ageist, but the reason I credit Alfonso's dance experience more than Lea Thompson's is because she's 50something, and at at a certain point that ish gets hard. So I give her a pass on the fact that Baryshnikov said she was an excellent dancer. Frankly, if Baryshnikov himself came on this show at this point, I'd give him a pass, too. Dude has to be pushing 70 at this point. If he's still got it at that age, more power to him. I was going to give Antonio Sabato crap for being a latin dude with no rhythm, but my latin mama pointed out that he's Italian and not Spanish, and only half Italian at that. So I guess I can contain my horror. Still, he was stiff. I hope he never gets the Samba.
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