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  1. Are we even supposed to like the character of Carter? I can't stand her at this point and find myself wanting to fast forward through every scene that she is in. I really enjoyed this show season one, but find myself questioning why I even watch it now. I guess I still like Max, Taylor and Grant, but could care less what happens to everyone else.
  2. I think Max dropped out of high school. He mentioned in the second episode that he does "home school without the actual schooling."
  3. Taylor and Carter are 17 and are also juniors (the guidance counselor mentioned something about Carter possibly having to repeat her junior year because she has been missing so much school). I kind of assumed Max was the same age. I thought Crash was 18 maybe 19 but apparently he's in his 20s. I don't know why Carter's parents are ok with that...
  4. I guess being one of five girls in my family,I feel very sympathetic towards the Taylor/Max/Carter thing (sister code!!!). Taylor used Ofe as a way to cope with everything she was feeling. The woman who kidnapped her twin sister as she watched, which ultimately led to her having a sheltered upbringing, is actually her biological "mother." That's a lot to take in. Add on her boyfriend being shot by her sis' bf, and you have full on drama. Yes Taylor used Ofe...but Max still loves and wants to be with Taylor and her SISTER knows that (and has full on encouraged it). I felt like Max and Carter were the only two that understood what Tay was going through and then they slept with each other for no reason other than feeling instant gratification.
  5. Yeah, the actor that plays Grant was definitely the right age when cast for the role.
  6. The only friend I sort of liked (besides Max) was Ofe (he had some funny one-liners in the first season), but even with him, he was sort of forgettable. I feel like Carter gravitates towards really awful friends .
  7. I agree with how the actors look older than teenagers. I think the only teen that is actually still a teen is Anna Jacoby-Heron (Taylor) who is 19. Kathryn Prescott turns 24 in a few days and Alex Saxon (Max) is like 27.
  8. David and Elizabeth win the award for worst parents. I always find myself shaking my head whenever they interact with their children. I love how Elizabeth questioned her mother for connecting Grant with a therapist when in all honesty, all three of her children should be seeing one. When I applied for college, I think SAT scores were encouraged for schools in the Northeast and on the west coast, where as all the Midwestern colleges I applied for were big on ACT. I'm pretty sure Virginia encourages students to take the SATs over the ACTs.
  9. Gabe mentioned in the first season that Ofe stands for "One Frickin' Eyebrow" and that Ofe had been called that for so long that people don't even remember his real name.
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