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Posts posted by steelyis

  1. On 3/1/2019 at 5:41 AM, Sakura12 said:

    They probably should've thought that through more. I'm sure some diehards and the people that would love Liz to forgive the hot guy because he's sad would still ship them. For me that would be a nope. Max could save her life 100 times and that still wouldn't change what he did.  I wasn't a big fan of Max and Liz on the OG show, but I didn't hate them being together like this show. 

    After sticking with The Vampire Diaries and The Originals to the very end I've been so well trained by Julie Plec shows that if Liz did forgive Max I probably wouldn't bat an eye.

  2. 2 hours ago, The Companion said:

    Camryn Mannheim made the Alice storyline better/more interesting, but I still can't get into it. It feels like a total break from the rest of the show and I am struggling to care that she is learning that magic can be used for good. Blaming magic feels like more of the same avoidance of consequences/responsibility to me. 

    It really does.

    I also think Alice never dealt with the guilt she feels about the things she did as a Niffin and that's getting mixed up with the guilt she earned from betraying everyone to the Library, so she can't process all of it in a healthy way.

    That, or she might be just a wee bit of a high-functioning sociopath.

    • Love 2
  3. 12 hours ago, phoenics said:

    And black women characters are constantly treated this way.  The showrunner is SOOOOOOO concerned with not doing harmful LGTBQ tropes, but she's doing very harmful racial ones.  What makes me so mad is that I KNEW this would happen.  I KNEW it.

    I expected nothing better from Julie Plec.

    12 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    You know who doesent have to be possessed to be scary? Alex's horrible father.

    I'm sure Trevor St. John is a nice person, but goddamn does he know how to play psychotic creeps.

    11 hours ago, phoenics said:


      Reveal spoiler

    According to this, Isobel is not being controlled.  Her actions are because of the trauma she experienced with the man in the desert - question is - is the man human?  Is there nothing alien about him and he was trying to rape her and this is how she coped?  If so - then I don't trust Isobel not to freak out and kill someone else. 

    Ugh!  I was really hoping for some alien-related reason - as in another alien - for all of this... guess not.  It sounds like Isobel developed a "protective personality" to keep the three of them together and protect them from outsiders.  Liz better watch her back.

    Hey - was Isobel in blackout mode when she and Michael came at Liz in the diner?  Isobel sticking her finger in the jam and looking at Liz all crazy reminded me of how she was in this episode during her blackout... although Michael was nuts too, so ... 


    That's... a somewhat disappointing and boring motivation for a character to have on a genre show about aliens with superpowers. Yay for edgy realism, I guess?

    • Love 2
  4. 37 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

    Quayle's inherent nature as an over-coddled entitled child promoted past his level of competency was already well enough established that I wasn't at all surprised. This is exactly what a spoilt little man-boy would do when he realises his wife betrayed him - even though he betrays her every time he bangs a hooker. The big picture is nowhere near as important as his fragile self-esteem. So of course he gets drunk and confronts her and then chooses entirely to believe her when she says the cyanide pill is a dud.

    This whole paragraph is pure truth.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Ruby Gillis said:

    I also don't know what to think of Pogo in all this.  Is he like an adult human?  Because he seems to have a high level of intelligence.  Would he have been able to walk out and get a job as a mutant chimp?  Or was he a slave of Sir Reginald's who could never have left?  Did Reginald control his medical care?  There were so many points after the funeral when it would have been helpful for Pogo to speak up with what he knew.

    Slaves can be intelligent; and Pogo was a slave. If he wasn't a slave then he was an indentured servant, which arguably isn't much better than a slave.

    31 minutes ago, Ruby Gillis said:

    In family tradition, Pogo also likes having no plan.  He told the children to run while he dealt with Vanya but then went in there without a weapon?

    I think his plan was to make a last ditch effort to talk Vanya down and give the others time to flee, or die trying.

    And considering he barely looked surprised when Vanya killed him, I think Pogo was prepared to die for his silence a long time ago.

    31 minutes ago, Ruby Gillis said:

    but then went in there without a weapon?  Reginald really should have installed a glass case in every room of the mansion with a tranquilizer gun labelled "Break In Case Vanya Goes Nuts" during her childhood. 

    I don't believe Pogo would raise a hand against those kids under any circumstances.

    • Love 12
  6. 46 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I am not familiar with this version of Cyborg, but I like him so far. Kind of cocky and rushes into things too fast, but is well meaning and empathetic as well. 

    I love that he's not mopey or edgy. He's not as cheery and brash as Teen Titans or Teen Titan Go's Cyborg, but he's surprisingly well adjusted. How great would it have been if the Cyborg in the Justice League movie was more like this Cyborg?

    • Love 4
  7. On 2/21/2019 at 4:19 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    Asking why didn’t Vanya take a step back and think things through logically is like asking someone why they didn’t act logically after their siblings put tnem in their worst PTSD nightmare and not give them a chance to explain or defend themselves.  

    I am not saying what Vanya did was right.  But she wanted out of that room and unless you are saying she would have let her sibling keep her locked up forever then I can understand her wanting out whatever the cost.  

    The problem is once she blew the prison every slight and lie against her came rushing back.  Every time she was excluded and demeaned.  By that point she was running on pure rage.

    There is no stepping back from that.

    On 2/21/2019 at 5:07 AM, Last Time Lord said:

    Worst part is she was showing genuine remorse over what she accidentally did to Allison, only for Luther to do that, shoving her over the edge. 

    The worst part is Luther clearly made the decision with zero planning.

    How did he plan to feed Vanya without opening the cell? Was she supposed to sleep on the floor for however long he decided to keep her locked up in there? How was she supposed to use the bathroom, because I didn't even see a bucket for her to use!

    Luther's a fucking moron! None of them are all that smart, but Luther is almost too stupid to live.

    I was lukewarm on Vanya, mostly because I'm not a big fan of Ellen Page's acting so it's hard for me to connect with the characters she plays, but by the time Vanya went BSoD I was cheering as she tore the academy down to its foundations. I was less thrilled about her killing Pogo, and causing Mom's death, but I understood Vanya giving zero fucks at that point.

    • Love 11
  8. If Doom Patrol and Legends of Tomorrow ever teamed-up the world would explode from their combined insanity.

    "Rita opened her mouth even though she had nothing to contribute." Mr. Nobody is fucking savage!

    It's weird to see how chill Chief is with Victor and his dad; he's like an entirely different person when he's around them.

    I'm starting to understand Larry's passiveness.

    Speaking of passive, Rita and Larry ignoring the fight between Jane, Cyborg and Cliff and going outside to avoid them was kind of messed up. Hilarious, but messed up.

    I loved the way Brendan Fraser said, "What the fuck?" when the talking cockroach vanished into the vortex.

    8 minutes ago, starri said:

    You know, on just about any other show, Mr Nobody's fourth wall breaks would annoy me, but for some reason they completely work here.

    The writing helps, but Alan Tudyk really knows how to sell it without going too over the top.

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, festivus said:

    I said to my son last night that Alice didn't close to the door to the poison room and surely that was going to come back to bite her. If Ol' Chris could get out it might take him a few weeks to die like it did Penny so he could still have time to fuck some shit up. I wasn't thinking about until I read on another board that Martin had put some runes on him so he couldn't die while he was being tortured. If those are still there and he's in there reading all the stuff the library thinks is too dangerous for anyone to see....

    Shit, I hadn't considered that!

    I was hoping Plover was gone for good, but since Alice is the show's whipping girl right now I think he might come back worse than ever just so Alice has something else to feel guilty about.

    • Love 4
  10. 2 hours ago, chrisvee said:

    OMG is my ship a real thing???

    No queer baiting, no subtext, no one-sided pining, just the real possibility of an Eliot/Quentin romantic relationship.

    I can't even right now!

    2 hours ago, Luckylyn said:

    Hell Yeah!  I’m all in on Elliot and Quentin.  It’s a shame that Quetin put himself out there and that Elliot was too scared to try.  

    When I saw that I was like. "Get your shit together, Eliot!"

    • Useful 1
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    • Love 12
  11. Two things:

    One, after watching this pilot I finally understand what Josh Trank tried to do with his Fantastic Four movie.

    And two, Doom Patrol should have been the opening shot in DC's streaming service's gun.

    Even Titan's Doom Patrol episode didn't prepare me for how much I would love the pilot and every character in it.

    It was smart to replace Bruno Bichir who played Chief in the Titan's episode with Timothy Dalton. Dalton elevates whatever he's in, and this pilot is no exception.

    Brendan Fraser is great as Robotman. The last thing I saw him in was Condor, and while I liked his performance there, I was struck by how much charm and range he showed in this pilot. Most impressive is how well both came across in his voice acting, which isn't easy to do.

    April Bowlby brings her pitch-perfectness from Titan's Doom Patrol episode to the pilot.

    I'm not sure how I feel about Matt Bomer as Larry Trainor. I know I like Larry and his relationship with Rita, who it appears can make him do anything, and it's really frickin' cute! But he didn't stand out so much in the pilot.

    Maybe all you folks who watched Orange is the New Black already knew this, but Diane Guerrero is fucking amazing!

    Mr. Nobody should narrate everything.

    • Love 5
  12. 2 minutes ago, toolazy said:

    I'm okay with that.

    That's my point, why even have him in the story when the show and the audience have zero interest in him existing? Plover's presence is a waste of time. It should be Penny helping Alice.

    • Love 4
  13. Julia and Penny 23 are cute.

    Arjun Gupta is a good actor. He's not on Tatiana Maslany's level, but he doesn't have to say a word of dialog and I can easily tell the Pennies apart just looking at their body language.

    I don't think Q should be taking Darth Eliot at his word about anything.

    Margo is a really good friend. Josh is very lucky to be Margo's friend. Not that I'm jealous, or anything.

    Alice and Plover could be an interesting vehicle to explore guilt and redemption, but I doubt The Magicians will do that. They've been pretty haphazard about how they've dealt with Plover's crimes, and every rapist they've shown so far has been one-note and irredeemable.

    Where was Kady?

    What happened to Queen Marina?

    Next week's episode looks wild!

    • Love 1
  14. 11 hours ago, Brinny said:

    The many attempts at being Cisco were fun, and my GOD his hair

    His hair was stunningly gorgeous when he was pretending to be an Influencer. The words, "What a luxurious mane of hair!" went through my mind, I swear.

    I like Groundhog Day episodes.

    No, I love Groundhog Day episodes! Time loops are my jam, okay? They're a surefire recipe for fun, wacky, off-the-wall shenanigans.

    Cause and XS was not fun by any stretch of the imagination. It actually made time loops boring, and I didn't think that was possible.

    I did like some things: I liked Barry's scenes, Cisco's final do-over date, because Carlos Valdes is adorableness personified, and I liked Cisco's talk with Nora.

    Beyond that, this episode failed in almost every regard.

    And, Jesus, all the stupid things that kept happening!

    If Nora had time to avoid Cicada's dagger, she had time to push or super speed Killer Frost out of the way. Cicada's dagger is slower than a bullet, so why isn't Nora running the fucking Boston Marathon around it three times before it hits anybody?

    And this,

    15 hours ago, shantown said:

    And then when Chris Klein is down on the ground after being stabbed by his own dagger no one does anything! They just stare at him! Until he Super Mario jumps out of there!

    And this,

    13 hours ago, rtms77 said:

    What should have happened was Frost freezing the dagger and Cicada separately and taking both back to the tube to neutralize the powers of each.  

    This episode should have been a season highlight, instead it flopped really, really hard.

    • Love 4
  15. Liz declaring Kyle's dad was in a sexual relationship with Rosa because of a 13 word post-it was a giant, "WTF! How did you Hulk jump to that conclusion, lady?"

    Knowing how her family was treated after Rosa supposedly killed those two girls, it doesn't make Liz look super great pulling the same shit on Kyle. It looked like she was about to kill him for something his father might have done.

    Isobel has good foe yay with Maria. So does Micheal. It felt like Isobel and Micheal had long, sorted histories with Maria. I think Lily Cowles and Michael Vlamis gave their best performances to date acting opposite Heather Hemmens.

    The telepathic invasion brought back some bad memories, so I wasn't crazy about that.

    Max's meltdown in the hospital was terrible. Nathan Parsons completely whiffed that scene, in every sense of the word. It would have been better if he decided to repair the hospital's power and never said a word.

    • Love 4
  16. Iris should take over catching Cicada.

    Hell, if CP and DP could share a scene for more than three minutes Iris and Killer Frost would catch Cicada in two.

    I wonder if Orlan would've actually hurt Iris?

    Ralph and Barry make a good team. Love them pulling out the main henchman's pistols and blasting the crap out of Goldface.

    Sherloque's C-plot was cute. Kimberly Williams-Paisley is a treasure, so it's always nice to see her.

    I'm still waiting to come even a micron closer to giving a shit about Nora.

    • Love 1
  17. Julia don't give a fuck.

    I always low-key liked Todd, but him side-kicking for Julia has earned him a place on my top 10 favorite The Magicians characters list. I love how desensitized he was after watching Julia die a bazillion times. And when did he get dat ass? No lie, it was mesmerizing.

    Hey, it's Bacchus!

    That moment when Margo got her crown back... Chills. All hail King Margo!

    Dean Fogg always had a snarky, dry humor to him, but the frank way he went about tying up loose ends were the funniest scenes in the episode. I didn't think Rick Worthy could be so funny.

    Marina is stone cold. Seriously, that was arctic what she did to Dean Fogg. I am both terrified and awed. "Take off your shirt and make me a sandwich." The sheer royalty.


    2 hours ago, Indigo Luna said:

    Hale looks like he's gonna rock it as The Monster. 


    He's going to be amazing next week!

    • Love 8
  18. 55 minutes ago, adora721 said:

    The general consensus is that she got the job because she's friends with AJK and AJK's wife is her agent. In one interview, DP claimed, "Their weekly hours are quite grueling, but Panabaker’s audition was “super duper fast.” In a few short days she was cast for the part of Caitlin." The 'super fast audition" line is to cover up that she was given the role; she didn't really audition for it. Robbie Amell was also given his role as "Ronnie". 

    ETA: Here's yet another interview claiming her ties to Greg Berlanti: "

    What was your audition process like?

    Danielle:  It was so fast. I had been in New York, and I flew back on a Monday night, and by Friday I had the role. It was incredibly fast. I have known Greg Berlanti for years... "


    Okay. Wow. I'm trying not to judge, because who you know has been part of show business forever, but casting Panabaker was haphazard and shortsighted by the producers.


    • Love 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, adora721 said:

    I agree except for the part about DP reading for the role; I think you're assuming that she auditioned for the role. She didn't. She was given the role by AJK because of her friendship with him. I think you're right about Caitlin's coldness fitting DP's limited acting range, which is why she seems to do better when she's playing Killer Frost who has limited emotions.


    Wait. What?

  20. 49 minutes ago, adora721 said:

    Per IMDB, Danielle Panabaker has been acting since 2002. By now, she should have enough experience with good and bad writing to be able to rise above the bad. There's no excuse for it. She's also 3rd billed on the show; that should mean she's more than competent at her job, but she's only competent in scenes with Cisco. An actor who completely depends on another actor to bring out a good performance is an actor that needs to work on the craft. Even good actors still take courses to sharpen their skills from time to time. There's no shame in that; the shame is to skate by hoping noone notices. Guess what? We notice. Even by CW standards, she's bad.


    Yeah, she hasn't grown much as an actor since the last role I noticed her in, Shark.

    I have a theory when Panabaker read for Caitlin Snow her acting fit the role much better. Caitlin was supposed to be cold and aloof after Ronnie's death, and that allowed Panabaker to obscure her lack of range in early to late season one. Panabaker's limited skill as an actor couldn't keep up with the character growth Caitlin was given, and the character (and some of the audience) suffers because of it.

    • Love 2
  21. On 1/23/2019 at 11:31 AM, SimoneS said:


    The comments about Danielle Panabaker's terrible acting crack me up. It is such a given to me that I don't even bother to comment on it. I just roll my eyes during most of her scenes. Other than Black Lightning, I think The Flash has the most overall talented cast on the whole CW so I just figure her lack of acting talent is the bad that we tolerate so we can enjoy the good. 


    Danielle Panabaker has moments when I think she acts really well.

    She absolutely nails Caitlin's friendship/bonding moments with Cisco, and she has a knack for spouting medical and techno babble. She has talent, but Panabaker makes a lot of acting choices that don't work because she doesn't know how to rise above the fair to middling material like other actors on the show often have. That's why her weak performances can be glaring by comparison.

    • Love 7
  22. I bet Marina was up and running shit within a week of joining timeline 40.

    Is it wrong I miss Ember?

    Kady being a cop is a twist I never knew I wanted. She's a good cop, too. I think having Leanne Lapp play her glammer is bit of a waste, though.

    Julia deserves a break, and I'm glad she's getting a second chance (in the current timeline) to attend Brakebills.

    Margo as Janet is a dick to her personal assistant, but I still love her.

    Hale Appleman as Monster Eliot is delightful. This show really knows how to present its remorseless killers. Poor Brian/Q. Poor ice cream vendor.


    1 hour ago, Philbert said:

     This post. Remember when she was the most hated character on this show? No, me either...


    ...because I've blocked it out.


    Hmm, I vaguely remember that being a thing.

    I also vaguely recall personally hating Quentin Coldwater. Now? No harm must befall my sad little nerd king!

    • Love 7
  23. On 1/15/2019 at 6:22 PM, bettername2come said:

    So, the Legends won't come home for crossover shenanigans, but they'll visit to drop off Mick's book? That's so Legend - wait for it - dary.




    9 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    I actually think that it would be a good thing if the meta-criminals who are tried and found guilty of their crimes are given the cure that Cisco develops as part of their punishment, but you just know it won't go way. Rather ARGUS or some government will get hold on it and start using it on metas. ARGUS is already secretly experimenting on metas to try and weaponize their abilities.


    I hope they don't end up using the "cure" as a punishment. First of all, the cure always ends up "in the wrong hands." Secondly, this show has issues with its characters not acknowledging people's rights to the point it was distracting.

    If they use the cure on matas who want early parole, fine, otherwise it's just a huge violation of civil rights and body autonomy.

  24. 1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

    I mean, this was a 22 minute episode of a tv show.


    I know, but they had a real opportunity to add something fresh to the conversation, and they didn't.

    • Love 4
  25. This episode felt like baby's first discussion about color-ism in the black community.

    The performances were great, as usual the actors stepped up, but the depth needed to really tackle the subject wasn't in the writing.

    I wished they touched on how color-ism in black communities all over America varies from region to region. Or how there are a lot of dark-skinned black people who only want light-skinned children and how that influences who they hook up with, or marry. And since the show brought up the field slave and house slave dynamic, I wish they very carefully talked about how and why there were so many lighter skinned black people in America during slavery in the first place.

    Don't get me wrong it's good the discussion happened on a platform seen nationally, but I don't think the episode was insightful in any meaningful way. Then again I'm old-ish, and I've seen similar conversations played out many times throughout my lifetime, and that could be why the episode didn't resonate with me.

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