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Posts posted by steelyis

  1. Oh, no, Maria is black. Cast in a show with Julie Plec as executive producer. I hope Kat Graham reached out to Heather Hemmens and offered condolences.

    I remember liking the 1999 Roswell pilot a lot more. I also recall instantly falling in love with Shiri Appleby and Majandra Delfino's Liz and Maria. Seriously, those two were friendship goals personified. No character in Roswell, New Mexico stood out like those two did.

    I do think most of the cast, except Lily Cowles and Michael Vlamis, gave solid performances. Cowles was too bland and Vlamis's attempt at swagger was awkwardly try hard. I usually find Nathan Parsons hit or miss as an actor, but he was fine as Max (even though I was distracted by how much he looked like Jason Behr and Nick Wechsler's love-child).

    I think the show has legs, but I can see it falling apart quickly if it's not handled carefully.

    • Love 3
  2. Dick is boring.

    His imaginary perfect house and his imaginary perfect family are boring.

    I don't care about Dick's dull imaginary journey into the abyss. They already did it in the episode where they rescued Raven's mom, and I didn't give a shit then, either. I don't generally care about Batman outside of the DC animated universe, but Dick constantly whining and complaining about the darkness Bruce put inside him wore out its welcome after the first three hundred times he cried about it.

    The people writing for this show need to understand that it's called Titans because it's an ensemble. Its universe need not focus on giving Dick long, involved reach-arounds at every turn. The show isn't called Dick Grayson or Robin or Nightwing, so stop acting as though it is.

    Seriously, Superboy? I might be here for Krypto, but do we need another mopey, white edgelord eating screen time? Do we really?

    This finale is not even overwhelmingly disappointing, it barely whelms on any level.

    • Love 7
  3. On 11/28/2018 at 7:22 AM, adora721 said:

    Did you notice the weird eye acting? Like he went full overacting with the raging, squinting eyes in his final scene in the episode. It was so first year acting student version of a villain acting.


    And it was amazing! I sat there after his fist clenching, eye-twitching, raspy growling "I'll get you, Gadget!" declaration and I just marveled at the sheer glory of his overacting. It was smell the fart level acting and I'm not too ashamed to admit I loved every second of it.

    It was transcendent!


    Oh, Nora, I want to care about your problems, but I don't care about your problems.

    • Love 2
  4. On 11/17/2018 at 6:31 AM, Luckylyn said:

    All of Doug’s actions are ultimately selfish because he’s focused on getting points to get into The Good Place.  Nothing he does is really altruistic. 


    I mean, yeah, the guy donates pee radishes.

    Re-watching the episode is a little horrifying because I know he's using pee water for everything--even showering.

    • Love 1
  5. On 11/16/2018 at 9:35 AM, DearEvette said:

    Since Nora has made zero effort to look at, speak to, spend time in the same room with the current Iris, the assertion that current Iris is like future Iris from Nora's perspective is baseless.  By contrast, Iris has attempted time and time again to connect with and get to know Nora.  The only time Iris gets at all impatient with Nora is when Nora is acting impulsive and out of control out in the field.  Not following the protocols the team have in place for good reason.  In this episode alone she cut Iris off, went off half cocked and almost got two innocent bystanders killed because she was in her feels instead of acting like an actual crime-fighter. 

    One of the biggest problems I have with how the character of Nora has been presented so far is that she had the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.  Everything takes second place to her feelings and impulses.  She is all Id.  She doesn't stop and think about how something might need to happen for the greater good -- just for her.  Even in the previous episode, they had come up with a plan about how to approach Spin.  And because she was attracted to the girl, all thoughts of the plan went straight out the window and all she did was flirt.  She refused to even consider Spin might be trouble because Iris was suspicious and she'd do anything to disagree with Iris or to show Iris up.  Welp, turns out Iris was right because Iris had a better perspective.

    So I can't get behind everything Nora says a gospel truth because so far she had not proven herself be a reliable narrator and she definitely doesn't seem to think outside of herself.

    Maybe, just maybe, future Iris has some perspective about future events that informed why she did what she did that Nora never took the time to find out because she ran off without even trying to talk to future Iris about it.



    Your whole post perfectly lays out how much of an unreliable narrator Nora is when she talks about future!Iris's actions.

    Nora is angry, impulsive and worst of all, she's selfish (yeah, I'm not letting her running around in the past, despite the risks, go anytime soon). She too flawed of a character right now for me to take anything she says seriously. She sounds like an overly dramatic teenager complaining about mommy not letting her play with her superpowers. Poor Nora, mommy forced you to be like 99% of humanity: not special.

    Whatever, girl.

    How am I supposed to empathize with Nora when she comes off so entitled and petulant?


    3 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said:

    I don't get this. First off, what exactly is Iris getting a pass for? Who is giving Iris a pass? What I've others say and what Barry and Cecile did was point out how wrong it was for Nora to be disrespecting past Iris for something she didn't even do. Has this person been watching this show? How could anyone think current Iris deserves to be treated this way?


    Thankfully, Nora is the only character treating Iris badly. Team Flash, if they all know future!Iris chipped Nora, seem to be staying out of it and are nothing but supportive of Iris. I think The Flash fandom and not the show itself is conflicted about present!Iris's culpability for future!Iris's actions. The show sides with present!Iris and that's all I need to care about, because certain right wings of fandom have been way too messy about Iris being black for me to concern myself with their excuses and rationalizations for hating Iris whenever she takes a breath.

    • Love 7
  6. I love two things about this episode:

    Everything about Rag Doll and Iris YOLOing off a skyscraper like a boss.

    I really like Cisco and Caitlin being friends and helping each other out. I also really liked Ralph doing his best Stretch Armstrong across the city while Iris half-choked him to death.

    The things I like in this episode are how Barry said the daytime robbery was bold; his voice and expression made me think he actually was appalled at the audacity. Cecile telling Nora to cool it talking trash about Iris in the Allen house. And Ralph. I've never disliked Ralph, I actually liked how the show twisted some of Plastic Man's shadiness into Ralph's character, but I understand why some found last season's Ralph to be an annoying show eater. I think he's really settled down and relaxed in his scenes this season and it makes him even more likable to me.

    I only care about Caitlin's dad because Kyle Secor is playing him, any and all Homicide: Life on the Street alum automatically get my undivided adoration attention.

    I didn't hate or dislike anything in the episode, but I was indifferent to Nora. I think I won't warm to her until the show gives us a solid, believable, basis for Nora's animosity towards future!Iris. Otherwise, I'll probably always side-eye her judgement and personality.

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:

    And on a completely shallow note, the punk hair looked really good on Brandon. Can we keep it please? Mick could still call him Haircut, even.

    Because Ray is such lovable goof I sometimes forget how good-looking Brandon Routh is.

    2 hours ago, Jediknight said:

    Constantine was kind of a dickhead. 

    He's a right bastard.

    He does feels bad about what a bastard he is, not a lot, but sometimes.

    I'm becoming a big fan of Tala Ashe. She works in any combination with the rest of the cast so naturally. I was feeling shaky about Constantine, worried he might throw off the lighthearted chemistry of the Legends. I know him to be a very dark character from the comics, and most recently the Justice League Dark movie and City of Demons, which had one of the bleakest endings I've seen in any DC animated movie, including Flashpoint Paradox


    where damn near everybody dies.

    But his scenes with Zari softened the edges of his character and I started to feel like he might not drag the show into a morass of darkness. I think Tala Ashe's ability to make Zari down-to-earth and genuine with everyone made that happen.

    • Love 6
  8. I'm glad they're making a Doom Patrol series because I enjoyed this episode from top to bottom because of them.

    This is the first episode where I liked Rachel. I was getting tired of her everything if I'm being honest, but she was funny, playful and accepting with the Doom Patrol and it opened her character up to so much more than her usual panic and dourness. It was nice to watch her connect with them on a level she hasn't with the other characters on the show.

    I still don't care about Robin. He's a boring rage monster and I am not interested.

    3 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

    Kory is still the MVP of this show for me (followed very closely by Minka Kelly's Dove).

    Kory is perfect. I like her so much I barely gripe about her hair anymore. I can't take my eyes off her--not because she's gorgeous, which she is, but because Anna Diop breathed so much life into Kory in just a couple of episodes. She's amazing!

    • Love 6
  9. What does Nora, in the throes of her mid-twenties adolescent angst, think she's accomplishing acting the way she does towards Iris?

    Iris could easily start thinking she screwed up being a parent and decide to put off being a mother, or not be a mother at all. What if Barry had taken Nora's side and his lack of faith in Iris severely damaged their marriage or caused them to divorce, what then? Nora is already playing with nuclear fire running around in the past, why jeopardize her parents relationship before she's born? 

    If Nora is as dumb in the future as she is in the past then Iris was right to keep her idiot daughter from having the power of a speedster.

    • Love 11
  10. First I had to deal with D'Arcy Carden being out of control hot in Existential Crisis and now I have to process William Jackson Harper being swole AF!

    For fork's sake, everyone in this cast is sexy!

    On a less thirsty note, Chidi's existential breakdown was hilarious. I knew he wouldn't handle it well, but he really was 100% done. I loved every minute!

    It was sweet to see Tahani decide to do good after learning of her unavoidable fate, and it was even sweeter she listened to Jason's suggestion to give life-changing money to random people on the street.

    Eleanor is so clutch saving Chidi from the abyss. Her convincing the others to save souls is taking the show in yet another unexpected direction, and I can't wait to see it all unfold.

    • Love 16
  11. On 7/19/2018 at 6:21 PM, UNOSEZ said:

    Lol... I enjoyed that tandy is gonna be tandy.. Equal parts goody/dirtbag... Showing up to steal from ty's mom.. But genuinely caring how he's doing on the big day...


    On 7/20/2018 at 1:49 PM, Jacks-Son said:

    See, these are the things that would help us understand Tandy Bowen. 


    I love Tandy. She is a legit badass who knows how to get shit done. However, there's a reason my nick-name for her is Lying Sack of Crap.

    She's still my favorite character, though.

    • Love 5
  12. On 4/20/2018 at 6:55 AM, Gurkel said:

    --when Amy said she was turned on by Adam partly because he was wearing an Obama T-shirt. And Cheyenne gave the classic line: "Thanks, Obama."


    I'm still not sure how I feel about Amy's pregnancy, but I have never identified with anyone more, fictional or in real life, than I did with Amy when she said how much she missed Obama.

    • Love 10
  13. 3 hours ago, nekilarose said:

    I must have said "Diogo, you little shit" a thousand times tonight. But he got what was coming to him. Speaking of...……All Hail my Captain Camina Drummer!! Woman is seriously bad-ass. I was damn near screaming when I thought she was gonna sacrifice herself to handle that little shit Diogo. Holden will have to get used to sharing his girlfriend. 

    Diogo died so Queen Drummer could live!


    3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    I guess that final exchange between Holden and Proto-Miller means the latter will be sticking around for a bit longer.  Might suck a little for Holden, but that is good news for me!

    Can never have enough Miller.


    Welcome aboard the Roci, Bobbie!


    Next season (Thank you, Amazon) is going to be lit!

    • Love 3
  14. 1 hour ago, slf said:

    This makes no sense to me. How can the reputation of someone specific be damaged if she hasn't named anyone? 

    I was with you until this somewhat disingenuous sentence. Pauley Perrette refusing to film scenes with Harmon makes it seem like there are serious issues there. Add abuse accusations and people are going to put two and two together.

    • Love 3
  15. 7 hours ago, hendersonrocks said:

    NBC picked up our show for season 6.



    The Good Place, Superstore, Timeless and now Brooklyn Nine-Nine...

    NBC is making a lot of good decisions.


    • Love 9
  16. 1 minute ago, sjankis630 said:

    He told him to get out of the  car .........


    He did.

    I didn't think Chris deserved to die for ignoring Barry's warning, he couldn't possibly know what was really going down (what he thought the loaded assault rifles were for, I don't know). But when Barry said he worked for people who would murder Chris's wife and child and Chris still couldn't get his shit together, a lot sympathy I had for him evaporated.


    20 minutes ago, hendersonrocks said:

    SALLY SUCKS. (And I don't know that I want to know what it says about me that the annoying but largely harmless acting class character gets under my skin more than the murderous but conflicted Barry.)


    I think Sally is a good actor and I admire her drive, but I never liked her.

    • Love 3
  17. I don't think the iZombie is flat out terrible, yet.

    There was even a lot to like about tonight's flawed episode: Blaine and Don E setting up their short-sighted get rich quick scheme, the zombie serial killer infiltrating FG, and Major navigating working for Chase and dealing with his recruits. Just those three plots could have been woven together and made an excellent episode, instead two or three other plots are happening that should have their own episodes. Cramming it all together makes everything feel sloppy and disjointed, which has been this season's biggest problem from the start.

    I love the characters and their relationships and the world they live in, but I think this need to be the final season if the writing and plotting doesn't tighten up and get focused.

    • Love 2
  18. 7 hours ago, nekilarose said:

    Errinwright, you little bitch.


    7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Errinwright really is a smug little shit, isnt he? He was practically giggling half the episode. God I want the smug wiped off his face. 


    32 minutes ago, snowwhyte said:

    The extent of my hatred for Errinwright nearly causes me physical pain. There's a lot of bad people on this show but his combination of evil and smug really makes him the worst.


    Every time Errinwright was on screen I wanted someone to punch him in the throat.

    • LOL 2
    • Love 3
  19. So Syd's a rapist. Plus, her rape victim gets sent to prison and will live with the stigma of being a child molester for the rest of his life--assuming he isn't killed in prison. What the fuck. Seriously, what the fuck?

    I never warmed up to Syd; her believing that bullshit David said to reach her ain't helping me get there anytime soon.

    • Love 2
  20. This show is pretty good. Way better than I expected it to be.

    I thought the kid playing Will Robinson gave a weak to middling performance and when the focus was on his character I usually felt bored or irritated.

    Everyone one else was excellent.

    The Robinson sisters worked perfectly. When Penny almost broke down when Judy was in the ice I was sold on their dynamic instantly. I wish the show explored their relationship more.

    Molly Parker and Parker Posey played so well off each other! They made their characters' interactions--friendly or antagonistic,--feel natural and effortless. Was Dr. Smith's line, 'How can I help you fit something in your box?' supposed to sound dirty? Did Parker Posey do that on purpose?

    John Robinson was great, too. The original series John Robinson was bland and entirely forgettable and the 1998 version, although more memorable, was kind of an asshole. This version brought a vulnerability I did not expect, and I dug it.

    Don West is my second favorite character. I really liked everything about him. His shadiness, his halfhearted selfishness, and most of all I like the character avoiding the love interest trap. I really can't stress enough how refreshing it was to see Don doing the right thing out of decency and friendship rather than the need to get into Judy's pants.

    Dr. Smith. I love her. Every devious, self-serving, manipulative, psychopathic inch of her do I love! She was the perfect mix of mercenary and desperate. Jonathan Harris will always have a special place in my heart, but Parker Posey owns the role of Dr. Smith now.

    A few observations and musings:

    Having Parker Posey and Selma Blair, two indie darlings, play sisters was pretty cool.

    Victor Dhar being a decent guy was almost a plot twist.

    Not Evan! I liked Evan!

    When Will ordered Robot to restrain Dr. Smith I said out loud: "Wow. And I thought Dr. Smith had no shame."

    • Love 8
  21. Chrisjen not hesitating to shoot you in the face; Naomi putting up with her piss-baby crew-mates; Bobbie climbing out on the hull of a moving ship because shit needed to get done; and my homie, Drummer, who cannot with all the stupid surrounding her right now.

    All the royalty in tonight's episode gives me life!


    2 hours ago, nekilarose said:

    Oooh boy. The tension  on the Roci  was hard to watch. I mean, I get it, but it was hard to stomach.


    Having near-omnipresent awareness of how little Earth and Mars regard Belter lives makes it hard for me to sympathize with the Roci men. I get they're pissed Naomi unilaterally went against crew consensus, but I don't think they realize just how fucked Belters would be once Earth and Mars gained "control" of the protomolecule. One of Naomi's character flaws is she can be a high-handed, know-it-all, but she was absolutely right to keep the protomolecule in her back pocket.

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