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Posts posted by steelyis

  1. Dub-Dub!

    I gotta say, I would not be opposed to Emily/Green Fury hooking up.

    I liked the past couple of episodes, which got a few chuckles out of me, but I think this is the first episode I thought was really funny from beginning to end. Everyone worked, even Ron, who I find irritating half the time. I like Wendy fine, but her BFF'ing Jackie's daughter really endeared me to her. Also points to the writers for having Ruby use emasculating correctly in a sentence.

    • Love 3
  2. 3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    Guess Rach shoulda just continued with her confident talk of the healthcare bill being DOA, rather changing her tune last nite & saying it could pass.  Still don't get why she did that.


    I'm glad Rachel allowed for the possibility, because one can never tell with Republicans. Big R or little r, republicans have a twisted habit of not caring if they shoot themselves in the foot as long as they get to shoot everybody else, too. Not to mention complacency--and Russia--are what got us here in the first place.

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Rachel was not the only journalist who did in-depth reporting on Russian hacking of the Clinton campaign.  She is not the Mother Teresa of journalism.


    No, she isn't, but Rachel and her staff have connected the dots in ways other news venues have not. Not to mention her show has been relentless about Trump and Russia, devoting almost entire shows to the topic, and that's something few reporters can claim. If Trump is complicit in Russia's attacks on the United States then Rachel's dogged reporting is extremely notable, is worth praising, and I hope people pay attention.

    • Love 15
  4. I was bemused so many people were eager to see Rachel's report on Trump's returns to the extent they lost their boners when she only had three pages of a return to show. As someone who wouldn't vote for Trump to be dog catcher, Trump not paying his fair share in taxes is the least evil thing he's been accused of doing. And I think anyone who voted for Trump also assumed he didn't pay much in taxes and don't care if he isn't as rich as he says he is, so I'm not exactly sure what people expected to happen if the return had been damning in that regard.

    I know Trump releasing his full tax returns matters, I do, because it can lead to other discoveries and maybe build a stronger case for impeachment, but his Russian connections are what scare the shit out of me.

    I did get one thing out of the brouhaha and that's how quickly liberals and progressives turned on Rachel. It reminds me how conservatives will support Fox News no matter how corrupt and truth-y they are, but when someone like Rachel Maddow gives a long-winded report on facts, or Howard Dean lets out a weird scream, or Keith Olbermann gets too "hyperbolic" they're mocked, lose support, or lose their jobs.

    I didn't like the speech Will McAvoy gave in the first episode of Newsroom, but one thing he said to the, coincidentally enough, Rachel Maddow stand-in always stuck with me:

    "You know why people don't like liberals? Because they lose. If liberals are so fuckin' smart then how come they lose so goddamn always?"

    I think liberals' response to Rachel's report perfectly encapsulates that question and answers it.

    • Love 9
  5. 8 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

    I may have to stop watching Rachel because every time she connects a few more dots I sink into despair.  If anything good comes out of this or not, I hope she wins a bunch of awards for her reporting.


    Rachel connecting U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's firing to Russian money laundering made me want to scream. After she reported Flynn's connection to the quid pro quo leak, I was seething!

    I can't even wrap my head around the CBO report saying 15 million people will lose their medical insurance by next year. I want to hope the ACA survives, but Republicans are so goddamn nihilistic...

    • Love 8
  6. 2 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

    Wasn't there a shot of two aged hands? Then the shot of the walking on the street looking young? I took that to mean they lived a long life together and looked young again in the afterlife. It was just a clever way to not have to use "old age" makeup or cast older actors.


    I watched it again and those didn't look like elderly hands to me.

    As much as I disliked--well, I was more indifferent to Elena/Damon than anything else--I hope they were happy and lived long enough to grow old together. Otherwise, I can't help imaging one of Damon's many enemies tracking him down and killing him and Elena, and that bums me out.

  7. If I had to describe the finale in one word it would be: fitting.

    I'm happiest Bonnie lived and saved everybody (who else?) with Grams and the Bennett witches joining in to help. Those were the best moments of the finale to me, because they felt earned.

    I was caught off guard by how teary I got when Lexi met up with Stefan, Bonnie telling Elena how she was starting figure this witch thing out, Stefan telling Elena goodbye, and every scene with Damon and Stefan. Especially that last one, by then there were tears.


    Hi, Tyler! Bye, Tyler!

    The ending was a little confusing because I didn't realize right away Elena and Damon died at some point and we were seeing their afterlives. It was jarring, so I don't know how to feel about it. I can't decide if that ending is tragic since it looks like they died not too long after Elena woke up, or hopeful, because Damon and Elena reunited with their loved ones (but not each other?) and found peace. Or both?

    Not enough Katherine, but it was good to see her have everyone twisting in the wind one last time. Not cool, Show, alluding to Katherine and Kai scheming without showing it. What's wrong with you?

    As disappointing as The Vampire Diaries too often was, I think they made a decent, maybe even good, series finale. There have been a lot of shows that had shitty series finales that put me off their shows to the point I refuse to re-watch old episodes (I'm looking at you, True Blood). But I can see myself watching The Vampire Diaries again at some point since it went out on a good note.

    • Love 4
  8. The episode over-all could have been a boring slog if not for a few genuinely sweet, and even cool moments.

    I will be forever salty the show didn't give Bonnie and Enzo a chance to happen naturally and on screen. KG and MM were so damn good in their scenes, especially in that last one. I believe they could have been one of the better couples on the show if they had given the actors time to breathe and grow into the relationship over time.

    Bonnie better get a happy ending. And, no, becoming a teacher at Alaric's magic school does not count as a happy ending, Show. Shit didn't fly on Charmed and it won't fly on Vampire Diaries. No. NO.

    I used to hate the idea Caroline would forgive Damon, but after the death and mayhem she caused when she turned off her humanity I can accept Caroline taking a flexible "glasshouses" approach to Damon. It made their practice toast scene pleasant to watch.

    I loved Bonnie and the twins handling that fire, it was one of the coolest displays of magic the show has had in a long time.

    While Katherine didn't show up in person, her scheme was suitably scheming. Using Matt's mom and Vicki was a great twist I did not see coming. Still disappointed Katherine didn't put in an appearance, though.

    • Love 2
  9. 6 hours ago, kieyra said:

    I kind of liked the Trump thing--it's an opportunity to tell some stories about the current political devisiveness, how it's affecting people and estranging family members. It would be easy for them to just snark on the guy who voted for Trump, but instead we're going to see what the fallout *feels* like for him, especially in what on the surface appears to be a "liberal" firm, and hopefully find out what his reasoning was.


    I wish they hadn't given that plot to Julius because it marginalizes him as a character, and I can't imagine sympathizing with any reasons they might come up with to justify his voting for Trump. It's a shame, because I always liked Julius on The Good Wife and missed him when he disappeared from that show. Side note, I cackled at the look Robert and Barbara gave each other after resolving not to ostracize Julius in the firm.

    Bringing back Marissa Gold is one of the best casting decisions The Good Fight has made. She is a delight. And I like her working beside the firm's investigator Jay Dipersia, played by Nyambi Nyambi, who I'm glad found work after Mike and Molly ended.

    I already like Lucca and Diane as a team. I just get the sense Diane respects Lucca; I never got that from Alicia and it annoyed me when they were law partners.

    Christine Baranski is amazing. I felt every bit of Diane's dread when Barbara brought up equity just from the expression on Diane's face. And I loved Diane's "I have to eat shit" expression when Barbara partnered Diane with Lucca. Christine Baranski is amazing.

    Even though I didn't sour completely on Alicia towards the end of Good wife, I do find I enjoy the Good Wife universe a lot more without her focus to detract from the excellent ensemble The Good Fight has. I'm glad this universe and the way it tells stories are back on my screen.

    • Love 9
  10. Yes! Say her name!

    Kai is the best. Every scene with him was gold, even his off-key Karaoke was fun. I could have done without the twin drama, I'm so indifferent to them the only reason I was worried Kai was trying to kill them is because, well, they're KIDS. They barely register to me as characters.

    The Bonnie/Kai reunion scene did not meet my expectations, no where near enough flirting, and it was too short, but Bonnie creating a prison world for Kai where Two Princes (I hated that song for years) plays on an infinite loop is pretty bad ass. I'd feel bad for Kai, but then I remember the guy likes murdering children and then I'm okay with his fate.

    All that said, I feel like Bonnie was marginalized this episode. She more or less saved the day, yet she was hardly in the episode.

    Kind of hate the show merely implied Kai and Katherine being in cahoots. That's the kind of stuff that needs to be on my screen, not Stefan and Caroline getting re-engaged for the hundredth time.

    Give me Kathrine Pierce!

    • Love 6
  11. I love Kai Parker, he's right up there with Katherine Pierce; they're always entertaining and continually flawless.

    I'm going to need Bonnie and Kai to have at least one scene together, or better yet, I want a Bonnie, Damon and Kai reunion.


    1 hour ago, GraceAnne said:

    As always enjoyed Kai and someone rightfully telling Damon he's redemption arch is bullshit.


    Right? I love that Kai didn't fall for Damon's idiotic wake Elena for redemption, because fuck that.

    Outside of Kai, and Bonnie finding Enzo in the afterlife she created, I can't say the episode was anything special. I don't care enough about Intern to feel moved by his plot with Stefan, though I think the actor portrayed anger and grief fairly well, and I never warmed to Alaric and Caroline's kids so their drama isn't compelling either.

    • Love 2
  12. 25 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    Damon couldn't have bothered to photocopy the journal or take pics with his phone. Or asked Alaric to do it if Damon was concerned that Arkadius might read his mind.


    Thank you! Jesus, how easy would it have been for Alaric and the intern to scan the fucking book then hand it over? I can't... So. Stupid.

    Kai! Hell, yeah! My favorite sociopath has graced us with his presence once again!

    • Love 1
  13. 3 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

    For a moment, when Enzo was listening to Bonnie's conversation with Damon, I thought Enzo was going to turn Bonnie into a vampire thinking if they can't be human together then they will be vampires together.  I'm so glad that didn't happen.

    Me too and me too.

    I think I like Cade. He's less mercurial than most big-bads the show's had, but I appreciate how uncomplicated his goals are and how straight forwardly he goes about accomplishing them. I do wonder why he didn't kill Bonnie after he got the info, that would have saved a lot of time.

    I was annoyed by Matt. Sometimes he can be extra when he goes on one of his anti supernatural rants. It gets tiresome real fast. Like, I get it, you hate vampires.

    Aw, Bonnie. I still feel Bonnie/Enzo suffered because of their lack of proper build-up, but KG and MM are so damn pretty together, and they never slacked selling the pairing, so I felt bad when Stefan killed Enzo.

    I was delighted but not surprised, because this show loves repeating itself (Elena basically did the same thing to Katherine), that Bonnie gave Stefan the cure. She kind of/sort of killed him? And put a target on his back.

    Most of the episode was by-the-numbers and predictable, but it did effectively make me excited to see the fall-out.

    I give the show fifty-fifty odds they'll make it pay off or utterly fuck it up.

  14. Am I crazy or was that a thinly veiled rehash of Kill Bill? Cas paraphrased The Bride's words to Vernita Green's daughter and Alicia Witt even looked, and sort of acted, like Elle Driver. Was I supposed to not notice, or was it meant to be obvious?

    Weird episode.

    • Love 1
  15. I've been disengaged from the show for a few episodes, but I will admit Damon reciting his letter to Bonnie was touching. Of course KG killed it, even IS brought his A game. If the final episodes can bring the same emotion Bonnie and Damon's scene did maybe the show can end on a decent note.

    • Love 4
  16. 5 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    But I don't think it's necessary to show those overly long clips of him spewing his daily idiocy & hatred & nonsensical egotistical babble & outright lies.  Then MSNBC (& Rach) goes mostly on mute for me -- or I'll stop watching.  Too nauseating for me to take.

    Trump's verbal diarrhea can't be ignored.

    Ignoring him, and people like him, is why we're still fighting battles we thought we won decades ago. It's why so many states were unprepared for laws republicans concocted to effectively ban abortion in states all over the U.S. Why they got away with, and are still getting away with, dismantling voting rights. They have always been vocal about wanting to do those things. They said it on Fox Entertainment "News" and on their talk radio everyday, but so many of us acted like it was irritating noise we didn't have to take seriously or pay attention to.

    I hope The Rachel Maddow Show keeps reporting every detail of Trump's rise to the presidency--because if I'm going to be crushed by his regime I want to see it coming and give myself every chance to fight back.

    • Love 8
  17. 5 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    The HUGE prob for me is EVERYONE in the MSNBC lineup shows too much Trump.  I can't listen to the orange clown, let alone do I wanna look at him -- which I do NOT.  

    Look, I get it.  They wanna make a point & show that he did actually say whatever idiocy & lunacy he said that day.  But I still can't listen to it -- or the Orange Ass . . . EVER!  It's impossible for me to watch the MSNBC nightly lineup now without the remote nearby & constant access to the mute button.

    Rachel does this as much as others.  I love Joy Reid, but she did this to a maddening degree this weekend.  I feel like I muted half her shows to avoid hearing Trump speak & keeping my sanity intact.  Ugh.


    I don't want to see Trump everyday, either, but I still need to hear about what he plans to do to me and this country. I don't ever want to be uninformed or caught off guard by anything he does. Me and so many people I care about will be more vulnerable than ever under his racist kleptocracy and I can't afford to ignore the disaster him and his cronies will bring.

    • Love 5
  18. 14 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    I totally get that and I do understand what you are saying. I've read the Flashpoint comic and even own the animated film based off the book. In there when Barry goes back in time to save his mother, it is Flashpoint that was all screwed up. He no longer had his powers, Thomas Wayne was the Batman, Aquaman and Wonderwoman's people were at war. So he had to fix that by getting his powers back and going back in time again to stop himself from saving his mother (much like that scene at the end of S1) where things went back to normal. But the writers borked it all up. In the TV verse Flashpoint wasn't that bad. Mom and Dad were alive, Cisco was a tech billionaire, Caitlyn a doctor still, Iris/Wally a crime fighting duo. But when he allows Thawne to kill his mother again now it's the returned to timeline that is all messed up (which makes no sense).

    The only way I can see this happening is in the comic, when he lost his speed, he had Batman help him get it back by recreating the accident that gave him powers, but the writers already used that in S2 in the Zoom story. So in the TV verse when he is losing his powers he has to ask Thawne to take him back and go kill his mother again to correct things. When Thawne dumps Barry on the porch of the house he even eludes to how Barry might not like what he has returned to, which makes me think that Thawne did more than just kill Nora Allen again.

    But I do see your point. It's just the writers really haven't consistently showed it. Sure there are time wraiths for crimes against the timeline, but then why weren't they all over Barry in Flashpoint? Or Thawne for that matter with all the things he did in both Flash and LoT.

    My point is in show, Barry's time jumps haven't hurt people, so I don't think he knew he was going to hurt people as your original post stated. It's Flahpoint that should have been screwed up and not the original time line. Correcting the timeline should fix things, I mean that is what LoT does in every episode no? Even Stein haughtily says "Unlike your friend Barry I have the luxury to change time" . Which made no sense to me, because you are both time travelers regardless of your mode of transportation correcting time.


    Agreed on your whole post.

    SuperLegendFlarrow verse is extremely inconsistent when explaining why time traveling shenanigans causes cataclysms in some instances, but not others. That's why while I think Barry did something selfish and reckless I haven't written him off. It's understandable why he thought there was enough wriggle room to hope changing his past wouldn't have a lot of negative repercussions, which, like you mentioned, turned out to be more or less true. His decision was very human and that makes it hard to hold against him, despite how badly things ended up.

    • Love 2
  19. I like three things about this episode:

    Alaric delivering a pretty good Liam Neeson Taken speech to the siren, Caroline making it clear to Stefan she's not having his split loyalties get in the way of protecting her kids, and Caroline telling Alaric he better never say those girls aren't her children again.

    Everything else was either 'eh, whatever' or boring.

    Matt and Alaric teaming up reminded me of the old days and I like the idea they wanted revenge for Tyler's death (especially if Tyler is burning in Cade's hell because of Damon), but Damon's probably unkillable so staking him is a waste of time and drama.

    Bonnie and Enzo's scenes only served to remind me they should have been given way more build-up; I was unmoved by their romantic declarations, despite how hard the actors tried to sell it.

    Still can't invest in the sirens. So boring.

    Cade seems okay, but his motives are too hazy to make him really interesting to me.

    • Love 1
  20. 39 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    Please enlighten me on why/how/where Barry knew he would hurt a lot of people? All of Barry's previous time jumps have saved people for the most part. The only person who's life was ever alter drastically after a Barry time jump was Hartley who was no longer a bad guy and his parents accepted him as being gay. Oh yea and everyone who was dead and then wasn't when he time jumped. That would be Cisco (dead by Thawne's hand) Iris and Joe from Marden (plus others in Central City from the tsunami) and the Arrow crew and Hawks from Vandal Savage.

    Short jumps back in time may be safer, but Barry didn't just go back an hour or a day or a week or a year, he went back more than a decade. Any familiarity with movies, books, TV shows and comic books dealing with time travel, which we know Barry has, plus legit theories on time travel, personal experiences and common sense should have told Barry people's lives would be affected by changing a large chunk of the past. Hell, the first time Barry tried to stop his mother's death a future version of Barry told him not to. Barry even saw how the universe dealt with speedsters who mess with time and misuse the speed force when Jay got dragged to hell. How many warnings does Barry need to figure out changing the past is dangerous?

    • Love 2
  21. 12 minutes ago, KirkB said:

    Expensive, yes, but remember the last time a Kryptonian got involved in a city wide alien battle? DC probably does too. More likely though, it was to maintain the masquerade. Keeping the fight confined to a small area means most of the world will never know the world was invaded by aliens in the first place.

    Remembers Man of Steel


    Good point.


    13 minutes ago, KirkB said:

    It's not exactly a false equivalency though. Cisco's point was "we went back in time and changed the past, which screwed up the future." So did Barry. Neither of them meant to cause the damage they did. It was a realization he needed to start mending their relationship.

    I think what separates the two actions in my mind is motive and intent:

    Cisco and friends intended to go back in time and capture the dominator (which allowed the government goons to get their hands on the dominator) not directly change the future. It was a plan they all come up with to save the world and it led to someone being tortured to death and they chose not to let it happen in front of them even though it was an enemy, because that's what heroes do.

    What Barry did was pure selfishness. He wanted to make his life happier and made the decision to alter time on his own, consequences be damned and people suffered. Barry knew his motives were wrong from the start and he didn't care until it began to affect him personally. There was nothing heroic about Barry's actions.

    I can forgive a lot if someone's intentions are good but bad things happen as result, it doesn't negate the bad stuff but I can at least see that the person paving the road didn't mean to hurt anyone. Barry hurt a lot of people, knew he would and shrugged it off with a big dumb smile on his face. The two actions are not the same to me.

    • Love 6
  22. I like this episode of the crossover, but I do wish the final fight on the roof had been a city-wide rumble instead. There was probably a budgetary reasons not to do that, but it would have given the episode an Avengers feel, which is the live action gold standard of alien invasion battles.

    I was less happy about Cisco comparing rescuing the dominator to what Barry did. Cisco and them saved a sapient being from being tortured to death because it was the moral and ethical thing to do, if not the most practical thing to do. Barry changed an entire timeline--wiping out or bringing to life countless people--for understandable, but selfish reasons.

    But if letting Barry off the hook through false equivalency means we get our adorable little geek back, I'll allow it.

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