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Everything posted by Kagomei

  1. Arizona at the dinner table next week when she finds out about Penny I lol'd, am I a bad person? haha
  2. Totally agree! I think it would take much more time to "get over" all this and move on to a new love. Oh, just a reminder that Mer had a daughter called Ellis, not a son. She gave birth do her son (Bailey) three season ago :)
  3. The dinner party is going to be a nightmare and I love it! lol
  4. I can't help but feel the same way, Greysaddict. I still think it's too soon for her to move on. I know it's been over a year for her, but for the viewers it's too early. My MerDer heart still hurts too and I don't think I'm ready to see Meredith with somebody else.
  5. I'm really enjoying this season. First I'd like to say how much I enjoy Arizona and April as friends. They are adorable together and I think these too should have been friends since forever because I love their dynamic. Arizona and Abe were really adorable too. He reminded of my deceased grandpa so when Arizona found him dead I was really upset and of course I teared up a little. For the first time I actually liked Amelia in one episode and it felt great. Stephanie's storyline was okay, although I do agree that it was very contrived. I also agree that Jo needs a storyline of her own. I'm tired of "jealous Jo", "girlfriend Jo", "invisible Jo", etc. I've always liked Jo and I want to see her succeed. Go back to Team Ortho, Jo! I like Maggie and DeLuca together, it's sexy and fun. It was predictable that they were going to have sex again, but I enjoyed their scenes. I don't think it's weird for her to be freaking out over that, Maggie is weird. Btw, I love her speeches because they always make me laugh. IMO, Meredith was the real MVP last night. I adore the way they are showcasing her as a widow without making it too sad. Meredith's speech was very touching and it worked well with the tone of the episode. Ellen is doing an amazing job. Plus, I loved that she was talking about vagina and orgasms with Maggie instead of Alex, it's about time for her to let go of him. Maggie even asked if she wanted Alex and she said it was okay. Praise the Lord!. Don't get me wrong, I love their friendship, but it's kind of awkward to talk about certain things with a male friend. As for the ending, it didn't surprise me because I read spoilers, but on Twitter most people were very surprised. Any regular viewer would be surprised over that, IMO. YES! So cute!
  6. I think they just lock the kids in the basement when they have people over. It's getting ridiculous. Oh, what about Sofia? Arizona was there and so was Callie, so Sofia was....? Perhaps she's in the basement playing with Zola. Sigh.
  7. I thought it was a very enjoyable episode. Gonna write a review once I rewatch it tomorrow. But omg the ending was exactly what I thought it would be. I can't wait for next week!
  8. Just saw this. I'm even more excited now! Do you think it's gonna be Callie's girlfriend?
  9. Sarah Drew tweeted this. Damn it, I'm getting my hopes up and I'm not ready to be disappointed.
  10. I'd love another AU episode, Greysaddict! AU is so much fun. And I read the same speculations, Deanie87. I'm very curious and excited. I think Denzel wouldn't be there if they didn't have a good enough script, so perhaps we can hope for something really good? At least that's what I'm expecting.
  11. Oh dear God, not another disaster. I thought Shonda said this season was going to be light, right? Please Shonda, don't do this to us. We can't take another disaster. It's freaking ridiculous. Sigh.
  12. Did you read the comments? People are going crazy over it already lol The guy Ellen tagged owns a special makeup effects company that works in the TV industry specializied in prosthetic makeup and body duplication,
  13. Found this interesting: Ellen Pompeo To Produce ‘Personal Motives’ ABC Drama Based On Spanish Format From ‘Mysteries Of Laura’ Team Is it okay to post it here?
  14. We don't know yet, but I think most people are assuming episode 12x08 will be the mid-season finale because we had the winter hiatus after episode 11x08 (Nov. 20) last year.
  15. I agree, windsprints. Why wouldn't Cristina keep her shares?! In what world would anyone give up millions of dollars like that? Even if you have money, I don't think anyone would do that. I find it ridiculous, tbh.
  16. Thank you for the info, BaseOps. I don't know how I feel about that, though.
  17. I remember the same thing, Greysaddict. And I also hate everything about the board.
  18. Pretty much. It doesn't bother me, though. When I first started watching this show, back on 2008, I was 13 years old and at that time I was very surprised, I guess, watching how those people were always hooking up with each other, everything was very exciting from my point of view. After all this time they are using the same formula again but it's the main core of the show, so it doesn't bother me at all. I know it's repetitive but television is repetitive and yet we keep watching it.
  19. This whole board thing is a mess. I wish they could sell their shares and then just be doctors again. Those people can't barely manage their lives, it's outrageous that they're managing a hospital.
  20. Thank you for posting it , Season5OwenHuntfan. I read that they are already shooting episode 8, so I guess it will take a while until we get to see this new character.
  21. In regard of the kids issue I was wondering if perhaps they do shoot scenes with the kids but they don't make it to the final cut, you know? Sofia is played by twins and I remember I once saw their father saying "Hopefully they won't cut their scenes this week". I think I read this on Twitter or something. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that maybe some episodes were supposed to have the kids but then they decide to just cut those scenes because they feel like it's not necessary. I don't know, I'm just speculating here. We know that a bunch of scenes don't make it to the episodes, so it wouldn't be strange if this happened. But I think the main problem that we all agree with is that the kids aren't shown when they are supposed to be with their parents, like when they are at home, or going to work. I think it would be enough if they just explained quickly where the children are, for example, when Meredith was drinking with Callie and her "sisters" she could have just said "The kids finally fell asleep. Now we can talk." This simple line would show us that she takes care of her children when she's home without having to show us a scene involving kids. Same goes to Callie/Arizona.
  22. Oh my God! I thought I was the only one bothered by that scene. I was like "Did they just forget Sofia at the hospital? Do they even remember she exists? What the hell?!".
  23. I just assume she has one, but I agree that it would be good to see her mention it once in a while, just so we can solve this "mistery".
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