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  1. Add ' and Bethy' each time you wrote Heather's name and I might agree lol Bethy was awful to demand Kristen to stop talking to the press about her. What right does Bethy have to issue demands like that? Controlling. Bethy hijacked the book naming discussion because Bethy knows it all. Bethy's voice grates on me, as Heather's grates on you. Bethy's constant shilling of her products on the show was tacky. Her Hamptons kitchen at brunch looked like a QVC set instead of a home. Bethy thinks Heather's crying was too much. Self awareness on that point completely escapes Bethy. IMO Heather has a ton of flaws, also. She wants to solve every dang problem with these dysfunctional women and it takes a big ego to think one can solve other's problems. Bethy dips into that realm, also, maybe to a lesser degree. Many times, Heather is bossy. And on and on........ I would much prefer having a lunch with Heather than the Boozy Four and Carole and Bethy. Not sure if I would want to or if I could be friends with Heather, though. I prefer Heather's brand and degree of dysfunctional over any of the rest of them. Pineapple, anyone? Very sweet, cut from the garden this morning.
  2. Loo was not lunging at Carole, she just took a few moments to get some exercise in during the reunion. Gotta keep in shape for her next date, yanno. I wish people would get off Loo's back, she needs that area to stay clear in case a man wants to grab on while she is doing exercises on her chandelier.
  3. I have the portable defibrillator charging up now :)
  4. That might be bedazzler-shaming lol
  5. SOL wabbit! Those rabbit ears are low enough for the Black Knight to bite, no hands/legs necessary, be afraid, lil wabbit, verrry afraid lol
  6. I wonder why there is one way to vacation is good and another way is considered being a wet blanket. I prefer to not get wasted and blare music. The best vacation I had was one at a cottage on the beach. Swimming and water sports all morning then heading out to explore the island on a bikes in the afternoon, finding a restaurant for dinner then a calm night relaxing, listening to the ocean and a moonlight swim. It was so good, my hubby and I did the same on our recent honeymoon. I am not just a wet blanket, I am a wet down-filled double-thickness duvet and I like it. :) Wet Blankets of the World unite!
  7. Dang it, I woke up ready to fight to the death (imagine the limbless Black Knight in Monty Python) and you've ruined it with logic lol Now I gotta put away the defibrillator until the next episode. [King Arthur has just cut the Black Knight's last leg off] Black Knight: All right, we'll call it a draw. King Arthur: [Preparing to leave] Come, Patsy. [King Arthur and Patsy ride off] Black Knight: [calling after King Arthur] Oh, oh, I see! Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you! I'll bite your legs off! :)
  8. OK, but only if your opinion is the same as mine :) If not, those nags are still viable and I know CPR lol
  9. I don't even like Carole and I thought she was just answering the question posed to her ' ...does Loo only do it with Euros' and answering that 'she pretty much sleeps with anyone'. I took it to mean not just Euros. It seemed to me the question was rather snarky likening Loo to Epcot so I thought Carole took the snark in the question and answered it with a snarky comeback. I should have known better though. WWHL is a serious show and Andy doesn't suffer snark from his guests. It would be different if other HW's/guests had come on the show and been snarky. They know Andy does not allow that kind of behavior on his show. Heck, I was surprised when Andy read that question, I bet he didn't read it beforehand and was probably horrified reading a question that might lead to some to think that just asking the question might lead others to think he was slut shaming and encouraging it. He is a serious interviewer. He has a ShotSki and a bartender, for goodness sakes. When I watch the show I think, wow, Andy is like Walter Cronkite in so many ways. Yes, I am old enough to have watched WC. I prefer snarking on Carole, not giving her the benefit of doubt but to be fair....... :)
  10. I do believe that sanctimonious is a requirement to be a HW so Heather fits right in. lol Even my fav, LisaV has been a sanctimonious bish, sometimes. You got me thinking and I cannot remember one that I have watched that has not been sanctimonious at some point. And, shhhh, don't tell anyone but I have been the S word at times but I bet you noticed. lol
  11. I did say SkinnyWrap on a post but I should probably have written HealthyWrap....... except that sounds like a sandwich selection at Subway lol Anyhoooo, congrats! One question, do ya use floatie noodles like Ramoaner? lol
  12. OK, I have tears from laughing now LOL Splinters.
  13. LOL I did that once, not during Thanksgiving, just a normal dysfunctional family dinner. I spent the morning cooking then all the in-laws came over, and as usual, started yelling at each other and I yelled and told them to take their crap to their own homes and leave me and mine in peace. I walked out the door and took 10 minutes to myself. When I came back in my house, they were falling all over themselves being kind and respectful to each other. It was priceless. I had never gone OTT before. Makes me smile, remembering it. BTW they are now my ex in laws lol Maybe that is why I give Heather a pass for her OTT reaction, Ramoaner has a lot in common with my ex MIL.
  14. Loo said her T&C man kept his marriage vows. Like Clinton, maybe Loo "....did not have sexual relations with that....." man. I believe ya, Loo, just like with Clinton.
  15. I agree both parties can be wrong. I felt that way with KimR and LisaR. Kim was 100% wrong to be vile and Lisa was 100% wrong smashing a glass and reaching for Kim. I think I tend to understand one side and not the other. For Kim she was just plain mean, for Lisa she was reacting to meanness (albeit in a very bad way) For Ramoaner, she was 200% wrong to allow a stranger in the house with sleeping, vulnerable women. Loo was 100% wrong in dismissing another HW's fear. Heather went OTT 100%, yeah. I just understand a 100% OTT reaction rather than a 100% wrong action. I would prefer to have someone go OTT than deal with the situation had it ended very badly. One is over in a short time period, the other, maybe never. I guess, for me, an OTT reaction is miniscule in comparison to a possible horrific ending. If after the flight, a passenger on a plane found out that the pilot had been drunk, I would understand if that passenger had an OTT reaction. It ends. Crashes are forever most times. We don't always agree but I like that we can have a calm, respectful debate. Thanks!
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