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Posts posted by hyukx3

  1. I love Spencer, such a good kid. Everybody was ripping into Tony at the final tribal. Then Spencer just came up and said Tony backstabbed everybody, fooled everybody, lied to everybody, and that's why Tony deserves the million. They need to bring him back. Another individual challenge beast that was on the wrong side of the numbers. More strategic than Joe though.


    Mike was naming everyone in his alliance might backstab him. It's just paranoia. He doesn't really know that Rodney's gunning for him.

    • Love 2
  2. Yeah, no, no, no. This is like a dance. Even physics; if there's an action, there must be a reaction. Mike is in the majority and calling the shots. That's the action. The reaction is that Tyler and Carolyn is just lying low, let them do whatever at Tribal as long as its not them out. Rodney been scheming since the merge to usurp Mike. If Sierra want to make a move, she could try next episode. There's a lot of waiting involved. First step not even complete yet; boot out the NCs.


    Plus, when it's a numbers game and nobody flips and everybody sticks to their script, it's hard for the minority to win. So saying someone is steps ahead strategically just b/c they have the numbers, is giving too much credit.


    The playoff starts when someone decides to go off script and messes up everybody. Then you have to rely on your sub-alliance, the flipping, the lies, then that's the good stuff.

    • Love 2
  3. That's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. But if you don't search for it, it's 100% chance of no idol. So which options are better? Still, you should go find that idol.


    Just find it, then play it, then everyday its idol hunting day. It'll be so much fun to watch people scramble for the idol.


    I think the deaf woman woulda stayed loyal to the NCs. Now Will has flipped. Oh well.

    • Love 1
  4. Just let people complain. Don't turn people's complaining into a justification of how they are, like she's bratty, entitled, yada yada yada. You never hanged around at the water cooler and just yap it up? What Jenn was doing was like a confessional. Put one more person in, and it'll be yap yap yap, it's harmless.

    • Love 5
  5. It's not right to say the girls are doing nothing. If Carolyn is doing nothing, so is Tyler. Everybody is just waiting. We'll see what everybody's plan for the final 3 later. Right now, it's the waiting game.

    • Love 3
  6. Sierra made the right choice, sticking with the BC for now. There's not a lot of upside, flipping to the NC; they still don't have majority. I don't think they would harbour ill feelings towards her for that. They already know she hates the boys. She didn't flip. No big deal. Best choice is to either stick with the BC all the way or wait to usurp them.

  7. Just let them see you find the idol then. It doesn't matter at that point, if you have people tailing you. It's still a plus that you have the idol, so you can't just give up the search.

    • Love 7
  8. Sierra made some claims previous eps to make a move on the boys, just waiting. Who knows what she thinks now, coz she's a good candidate to win if she makes it to the final with 2 of the boys. She would have to get one out before the final though. I think the best choice would be to usurp them. Gives you a better case in the final, but also leaves you more vulnerable to be picked off yourself though.


    Will and Dan just being dragged along. Rodney's waiting. Tyler and Carolyn are happy under the radar. If somebody wanna make a move, they have to approach them, so it's not wrong for them being so passive. Shirin makes some inroads with Mike. Mike might do something about his own alliance, so maybe that could take Shirin somewhere.


    All in all, it's good. Mike still fucking sexist though.

  9. Will was just being dragged along by the NC. He can't win if he went to the final with the NC. When Rodney promised final 4, it's a better deal for him. Who knows if he'll ever make a move to claim as his own, plus playing the possum all the way to the final. That's the only argument he has if he makes it to the final.


    Anyway, Shirin seems to have dialed down on her yapping, so I don't know why Will would be going off at her. Maybe b/c she's playing harder now at the game, talking to a lot of people and ruffled Will's comfortable feathers. And I hope something crazy happens next time, since Rodney and Mike are at odds again over some flipping accusations. It's gonna be good, I hope.


    It's 7 votes from the BC. Plus 1 vote from Joe for Jenn. That's 8 votes, split even. Jenn's not gonna vote for Joe, so Shirin's the swing vote. If it's 5-4 between Joe and Jenn, Shirin's vote left, it's still a swing vote since she could force a tie, so it's kinda a moot point. But I'm pretty sure they knew Jenn's not gonna vote for Joe.

  10. Is it that an Individual Immunity challenge beast is more qualified to win than a social strategic one? Like Yu, Yoo, Yun, whatever. If all he does is outplay, but not outwit, I wouldn't be so inclined to give him the million.

  11. Yea, Rodney can't win. I'm just thinking if I'm a jury, I would consider voting for his misogynistic ass. I agree with his assessment on Mike's decision. He has a plan to go deep. We'll see. But yea, he can't win with so many women jurors.

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