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  1. Vote for up to 9 (including 7 Full Time and 2 'friend of HW') and post your cast - remember you need drama so we can't really have a cast full of Joyce/LVP/Camille etc i.e the 'nice ones'. My choices: Brandi Camille Erika Faye (Friend of) Kathryn Kim (Friend of) Kyle Rinna Vanderpump
  2. Faye to me is just a great villain on the show. That is, she was during season 3. Any other time I have found her pleasant enough. I don't hate her though. I would like to believe that she is not the same woman she was during the era of the book or whatever, but I look at her like I look at Kenya Moore, Brandi Glanville or Bethenny Frankel - a woman that pisses me off but I still want her on the show. I wouldn't be mad if she was made a HW next season.
  3. Kathryn doesn't have a 'rabid' fanbase, how did she come second? Not that I'm complaining, I prefer her to Erika, I think she's more 'real'. Here's a link to the actual page with voting figures on: http://www.poll-maker.com/results653136x75D3432a-27#tab-2
  4. I remember saying she has that Teresa vibe during the last reunion. (As in being a fan favourite that can easily slip into the villain role)
  5. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills Reunion trailer + another preview!
  6. They cut the Eileen vs Kathryn scene!
  7. I used to hate Kyle and love Brandi during this era ... shudder
  8. Reunion I: The gripping three-part reunion begins with some fun insights into new housewife Erika Girardi, a.k.a. Erika Jayne. Kyle defends her friend Faye Resnick when Kathryn's connection to the OJ Simpson trial is discussed, and Yolanda opens her heart about her pending divorce from David Foster. However, further conversation about her health becomes too much for Yolanda, leading to a surprising moment Reunion II: The reunion picks up with Yolanda taking some of her friends to task for questioning her health issues. Tears are shed and apologies are made. Old wounds are opened when Kyle's sister Kim Richards returns to talk about her difficult year that's been splashed through the tabloids. When Eileen confronts Lisa Vanderpump about not understanding her, Lisa breaks down in unexpected tears. Reunion III: ?
  9. They don't buy the dresses, Bravo get a selection for them to choose from.
  10. Relating to LVP wearing Erika's (or should I say Bravos) dress, I just noticed Yo is wearing the same red dress that Kyle wore to the reunion last year, in her short haired VT.
  11. I definitely wasn't one of those members ripping into Yolanda every chance i got. Common sense would tell anybody that when LVP said 'never' she didn't actually mean never.
  12. True but I think she was exaggerating when she said 'never'. at the reunion she said rarely.
  13. She's been on the show for two years, 10 calls is not a lot imo. Erika and Kathryn's reactions to Rinna pulling out her bag was amazing.
  14. Ouch, LVP ripped Eileen apart in her blog this week.
  15. So Kyle did an interview with E News where she said Kim AND Brandi were at the reunion, that there were plenty of tears and yelling, and somebody walked off
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