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  1. One thing I found confusing was when Kelly was trying to justify herself to Meghan she said she has never dealt with a group of girls being so mean... wasn't she bullied? I thought she said that several times
  2. My hubby & I were at my Christmas party where we were introduced to my co-worker (whom I genuinely like)'s fiance. FFWD to April & we were at a bar for an informal mixer for alumni of my HS (I enjoy these kinds of things vs a straight up class reunion, it's a mix of the classes) & we spotted the fiance with another girl, in a more than friendly manner. My husband pointed it out & I told him flat out it was none of our business. My husband was upset, he is very black & white when it comes to everything & couldn't believe I wasn't going to tell my coworker what we saw, like it meant I was condoning his actions... far from it but I felt it was a no win situation for me. Long story short, she eventually found out about his ways, they broke up but ended up back together & she never forgave anyone who spoke negatively about him when they were apart, which I never did. I never told her what I knew, what was the point after they broke up? Would have been like gasoline on an already huge fire. If I was Bethenny I would have kept my knowledge to myself, I wouldn't have told Carole or Ramona or anyone. That's just me.
  3. Luann can STFU with her what elegant people do comments. Here's one for you, Countess, truly elegant or classy people aren't on reality TV holding fruit so stop trying to school everyone because you aren't elegant or classy... I'm ready for this season to be the fuck over so I can quit hearing her cackle about her engagement.
  4. Vicki irritates with her wanting recognition for her generous gifts to Briana, the car & now the house. I think it is nice that Vicki loaned them the down payment money but she didn't buy them a house. When my hubby & I were first starting out he had student loans so we were hell bent on getting those paid off before buying our first house (at the recommendation of a realtor family friend) Anyway my in-laws were hell bent on getting us to move to the small town my hubby grew up in instead of the high crime city were living in with our new baby (their first grandchild) so when a house came up for sale, that was perfect for us, they offered us the down payment & the mortgage was cheaper than our rent so we jumped on it. We paid them back a few years later. My MIL (who likes for people to think she is more generous than she is) was telling everyone in the family she bought us a house. Which I found out about at a family Christmas when someone said I wish I had a house given to me. I lost it! I had made every mortgage payment, paid my taxes & insurance, repairs. etc. Buying me a house means you paid for it. Not loaning a downpayment, which you were repaid. I've always paid my own way so it pissed me off & I told her about herself! Besides, we felt like it was between the 4 of us (me, hubby & his parents) not really anyone else's business what our arrangement was. So Vicki rubs me wrong with that shit!
  5. Maybe it's just me because I don't like to be fussed over but I would rather do the procedural crap without Jim & try & plan for an October birth since Jimmy will have several months off to spend with a baby then. I went to nearly all my dr appointments alone when I was pregnant at least until I couldn't drive anymore (big pregnant belly, short legs & a clutch didn't mix) then my mom took me. Hubby was just starting his electrical apprenticeship then & we couldn't afford for him to take off work for every appointment. He was an excellent father, still is but my baby is now 22 so he doesn't require much parenting anymore ;) Meghan needs to realize this may be her first baby but it is Jim's 5th.
  6. another thing that really bothered me about Kelly is she told us all she was bullied in the past (which I have sympathy for anyone who goes through that) but it doesn't give you license to be an asshole to others. Her & her husband taking such glee in calling Shannon Mrs. Roper & trying to upset her at her party was beyond dickish. It had shades of Kelly Bensimone in it, she can say whatever she wants to someone, no matter how hurtful or what the tone but if anyone comes back at her, it's bullying.... Girl, Bye!
  7. OMG I forgot about the ketchup with the steaks. If you need ketchup with your steak, you've cooked it too long. During family dinners I can't sit anywhere near my 9 year old niece who wants her steak nearly burnt then whines she needs ketchup because it's dry.... if you have to have your steak done more than medium just save the money & get burgers. The greatest travesty in life is Filet Mignon well done (Yes, my MIL will buy my niece a Filet that she slathers with ketchup on her plate) Maybe Kelly can invite Vicki over to get MC Hammered (UGH!) & Vicki can pee on her white sofa
  8. I can't wait for Heather to lose her shit next week, at this point I'm only hanging in to see the Hotel Dubrow completed. Next week might just be enough to keep me interested until that finally happens. While I agree, Jim comes off like an asshole when dealing with Meghan, I think he made a common mistake of marrying someone he was attracted to but had nothing in common with & is now paying the price for his shallowness (my BIL did the same thing, married a cute little skinny thing who is dumber than a box of fucken hair.. 2 kids later she gained over 100 lbs & is still dumber than shit) Beauty fades, but if you have nothing going on in your head, that shit is forever. I don't think Shannon set Kelly up either, not really Shannon's style. And I don't buy for one minute that Kelly didn't know about the Brooks faking cancer thing like she claimed on WWHL. It was all over the internet & my hubby, who doesn't watch any of these shows had even heard about it. I can't believe Kelly, who is supposed to be a friend of Meghan PI didn't know about it.
  9. I've been biting my tongue with regards to LuAnn because the only time I cared at all for her was when she was "a friend of". She is absolutely unbearable these days, I get she is happy she landed a new wallet & all but she is acting like she is a sorority girl who got the captain of the football team. (just a note: but I swear if we are treated to another storyline of Lu talking of having a baby next season, I am out! We all know the next baby in Lu's future is a grandbaby at some point) Tom is the Goldilocks of these crew, testing out the HWs to find out whose bed is just right... Sonja was too delusional but still a fun lay once in a while, Ramona was.. well, Ramona, she's crazy! On to LuAnn, who must be the least offensive. All this HW jumping reeks of Slade Smiley & I just can't warm to it. I don't want to hear anymore about how much Jules picks up the slack regarding her kids, you have a fucken Nanny, which I don't begrudge anyone who can afford it, but stop acting like you are doing it all alone!! PS Her hubby is a prick
  10. Can't stand Kelly so much that I don't even want to elaborate on it. Hopefully she will be one & done. She's so far up Vicki's ass that she knows what kind of casserole she ate as it's being digested... Vicki's new tag line this year irritates me every time an episode starts. Guess what Vicki, I'm far from perfect but I sit on my sectional & judge you every week for the sham of a person you have become + you lied about cancer, you vile bitch! The scene with Briana & Troy reminded me of the time my son was his age & I was really sick (just flu, not death bed or anything LOL) & my husband was looking for my son, he had brought a bucket (I always put one by his bed when he was sick), his blanket, sippy cup, goldfish crackers & a Barney video to bed with me. My hubby found him laying next to me, watching Barney & rubbing my back. He refused to leave my bed "Mommy needed me" He was a sweet boy :)
  11. AMEN to you all regarding pretty much everything! But WTF is up with the walls in Benji & Shanira's nursery? Is that a baby's room or is Benji throwing raves for extra income? Hot pink room with what looks like a black glitter wall LMAO
  12. That Cyrene has to be one of the most ungrateful pieces of work I've seen in a long time... She makes my palms itch with the need to smack that stank attitude right out of her. "So do you regret having children now?" Yes, as a matter of fact I'm sure she does, Cyrene! And I was cleaning while watching but did I hear correctly & I am hoping I didn't... Did Brooklyn say Jewel rides her daddy's *bleep*? Who thinks about something like that?
  13. I don't know why I was so excited when I saw this show was returning (maybe absence made my brain forget how annoying these people are) it only took the first "juveniles" to remind me but this entire family is ridiculous. UGH!
  14. I don't think you are overreacting at all, Enigma X! Not one bit.
  15. I find myself wanting to throw stuff at my poor defenseless TV when Phillip can't pick a clue in a timely fashion. I tell my hubby everyday that I will not watch tomorrow if he wins but being Jeopardy's bitch draws me back every single day. Yesterday left me with no one to root for because the other contestants were equally annoying (with one thinking she can just keep guessing until she got it right & then basically becoming non-existent in the game) I just find it intolerable to get the less than a minute warning when 1/2 the board is still up there. I am one who hates it when one clue is left uncovered so more than one makes me super stabby. I record the show so I never listen to the interview part. My FFWD stopped just in time to hear Alex say the show is weird today.
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