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Posts posted by anna0852

  1. I don't think their relationship is a secret though. I mean they were kissing in full view at the ice rink.

    I don't see them having to face any music unless their relationship gets in the way of work.

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    As a young teen in the early sixties, I think that the one thing that kept me from dropping my panties was the absolute fear of being sent to the Good Shephard Home for Wayward Girls if I would have gotten pregnant. Like the place in this episode, it was a place that forced adoptions.

    You were very lucky, in that you knew that "dropping your panties" would result in pregnancy. If you really want some nightmare about this era, read The Girls Who Went Away by Ann Fessler. More than one of the women interviewed, who were sent to these homes in this time, had no idea how pregnancy even happened or how the birth process went. And Chummy and Patsy were far kinder to the girls in their care than most of the real-life staffers of these places.


    As an orphan, Avril was actually in the best position to keep her child. If she could get the money to move somewhere else at discharge, she could pass herself off a widow and avoid societal censure altogether. There was no disapproving family to throw her out. It was the girls with homes and families and so-called respectability that were utterly unable to keep their children.

    • Love 3
  3. I would absolutely love to see one character pay off another (ie, settling a bet) when it gets out that Kensi and Deeks got together. If it isn't 't out already, that kissing was pretty public.


    Completely unrelated, you think Kensi is short for something or did her parents really dig deep for a unique name?

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  4. There is a rule. Deeks is also not a NCIS agent. He still, technically, works for the LAPD. 

    These 2 have all but have an officially title b/c, im my humble opinion, they've been dating for a while >> I.E: This season. I think they can still be work partners and be in a relationship. As long as it doesn't affect their work or comprise the safety of the team and themselves, Hetty and Granger [b/c he knows too] will alright. 

    I think that is what will make the difference. The second their relationship does cause issues (probably someone overreacting or disobeying orders because the other is in danger), then Deeks will be sent back to LAPD so fast his head will spin. Hetty might be willing (to a point) to turn a blind eye but no way Granger will allow that sort of thing.

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  5. Oh, and by the by, because I cannot stop obsessing about this awesome episode, did anyone else catch the sweet call-back to last year's Christmas episode, Merry Evasion (which I thought was one of the best eps of Season Five)?  When Deeks answered the sat phone with Kensi's surprise call, he said "Go for Santa."  And when he skated up to her when she said she wanted to talk, same line.  This show is one of the best at remembering its own history.

    I totally caught that! I just thought I was reading too much into it. I also thought it was funny that that they were spending this episode chasing a thumb drive with dangerous info, just like in Frozen Lake.

    • Love 3
  6. Seconded.


    I *might have squeed when Deeks pulled Kensi in for that kiss. Ok, I squeed. Out loud. A lot. And rewound. A lot. Am anxious to see how it affects the team.


    I really like Joelle and was so glad she is giving Callen another chance.


    Soooooooooooo - we still don't know if Michelle is Aiden's mother? It didn't seem like it last night.


    Granger looked like shit.


     I squealed so loud! 


    I'm so glad that this show has bucked the trend of keeping the 'will-they, won't-they' going until the end. I'd much rather come to a conclusion and then move forward. I think it's going to be enormous fun to see what happens next.  


    And on a practical level, I can see why the production team went in this direction. The relationship between these 2 characters has been building since we first met Deeks, all the way back in Season 1. Whether it was intentional or not, the sparks between them were very nearly visible. At some point, a decision was going to have to be made to either jump in or dial it back. Not to mention, it's not out of the realm that DR has another child before the show ends for good. Now there is an out for writing it in (if it should come to that).


    NCIS LA is my favorite show on TV right now, and it's partly for the gloriously silly save-the-world, James Bond, shoot-all-the-bad-guys-and-blow-everything-up-with-no-consequences plots, but it's mostly for the clever banter, engaging actors and interesting relationships that percolate in the background.  And this episode paid me off in spades.  So kudos to you, powers that be :)



    This!  A thousand times this. A perfect description of exactly why I love this show. Perfect mix of characters, relationships, storylines and pure escapism.

    • Love 2
  7. I have a really stupid question--Agents of SHIELD is directly connected to the Avengers movies, right? So anything that happens in the AoS world is also happening in the Avengers world, correct?


    If so, that makes me even sadder over Tripp's death. I'm sad that we won't get a Simmons/Tripp romance, but I'm even more sad that Captain America has lost yet another friend.

    Captain America has never met Trip. You might be thinking of Sam Wilson (also known as Falcon).

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  8. I get the sense that if there is a son,he's a teenager and not Michelle's child. I think he must be from a prior relationship and probably doesn't live nearby. That is the only reason I can think that Sam wouldn't mention him more. He's not the type to be a deadbeat parent.

    • Love 1
  9. Shallow alert: I'm tired of Kensi's plaid button downs. Get a henley. A v-neck tshirt. a light blue oxford. CHANGE IT UP. (Altho, then i'd have to request LL lose the henleys, and i don't want that.)


    I'm not particularly a fan of the plaid but I do like that our characters all have their own style. And I'm very glad the Kensi dresses sensibly for the fieldwork she performs. I think the only times we've ever seen her in a dress/skirt/heels is when she's undercover.  It's a nice touch of realism that most cop shows don't consider (the CSI franchise is terrible about their female leads being dressed in low cut blouses and 2-3 inch heels at crime scenes)

    • Love 4
  10. Story seemed a bit shaky this week. And it would have been nice to get some mention of Granger recovering or charges pending against the mole (can't remember his name).


    If the name 'Aiden' was supposed to tell us that Sam also has a son, it didn't work. I spent half the episode trying to figure out who he was talking about.


    I'm not surprised Callen screwed around in school, the various foster parents/group home situations probably meant a lot of school transfers and no one watching over his grades or teaching good habits. He seems to have overcome it though.


    It is nice to see Callen loosening up a bit. He can get so dour at times.

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