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Posts posted by anna0852

  1. Really?


    She's been passive-aggressively pressuring him for years. The whole 'cold' debacle when she was faking sick, multiple comments and requests about moving in together, tricking into going away for Valentine's day.... Sheldon's always been very clear about his limits from day one and she's been pushing them for years. If the genders were reversed, would we find this as funny?


    I'm not saying Amy's needs are wrong or bad, but I'm not sure Sheldon can meet them. It's not anyone's fault but sometimes people just can't meet in the middle.

    • Love 1
  2. Jenny Agutter turned up in The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a member of the World Security council. It was very odd to see her beat the crap out of some security guards. 


    But not nearly as weird as seeing Pam Ferris as the awful Miss Trunchbull in Matilda and the even worse Aunt Marge in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

  3. The Nazi's had mutiple ghettos all throughout Eastern Europe. They used them as a way to concentrate the Jewish population before shipping them to the death camps. Look up the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

    • Love 2

    Not much of the Internal Affairs Plotline.  I hope they don't drop the storyline, as I feel like they can- Hetty never told Kensi that she didn't send her to Afghanistan as a punishment.


    I was really hoping that we'd get more of this story before the season ended. Since the oil/russians/Arkady thing seems to be wrapped, maybe IA will get a bigger focus next season.


    Honestly?  I'm starting to believe that Callen is Hetty's and Arkady's love child.  In fact, I thought that's where Hetty was going when she mentioned getting married in that church (museum?).

    I'm starting to think that too. 

  5. That was....I'm not sure what that was.


    Just like last week, the story just didn't hold my attention.


    It was nice not to end the season on a cliff-hanger. I don't think that has happened since season 1. 

    • Love 4
  6. I just caught this episode during the past week, and came to read this thread.  Okay, I'm confused about something.


    Haven't there been episodes where Sheldon has had to be taken (by one or more of the gang) to the doctor/emergency room/Dept. of Motor Vehicles?  For some reason, I cannot believe that no one caught his birthday on the paperwork (which, if I recall correctly, one of them may have even once had to help him fill out).


    And God knows, as often as Sheldon feels a need to see a doctor, I totally do not buy that Leonard would not have caught him calling the doctor at some point and then stating a month, day, and year, since the person on the other end of the phone would normally respond "What is your date of birth?"


    AFAIC, there are just a million reasons why "no one knows Sheldon's birthdate" is an unbelievable plot point.  

    Well they drive him there. But there's never been any indication that he's incapable handling his business with doctors or the DMV or that any of them are doing paperwork and such for him. 

  7. I think Hulk busted Veronica up pretty good. I seem to remember him swiping the support container out of the sky. Plus that suit was hard to manuever in. Great for fighting Hulk but dozens and dozens of smaller ultrons would probably have ripped to shreds.

  8. No, that's exactly what happened. I just meant that surely Callen would like to know as much as he can about both of his parents. There is only so much Hetty can tell him. How did his parents meet? What kind of foods did they like? Music they listened too? Did he get his nose from his mother or his eyes from his dad? Just all those little things that add up.

    • Love 1
  9. I know. Poor Stan. I can forgive Danny since it was pretty much a one time mistake (and we've all made those). It's not like he and Rachel have been carrying on for years. And also, it's Danny. I'll forgive him just about anything.


    But my god poor Stan! To be confronted with the fact that your isn't your child and that the woman you love and trust has been lying all along. It's not like Rachel didn't know until now. She told a deliberate lie. And now Stan is faced with his son being told another person is his Daddy and that person (who has been clear he doesn't like you) now having a moral and possible legal say in Charlie's life. Of potentially at least having joint custody. 


    Can you imagine how it will rip Stan's heart out the first time he hears Charlie call Danny 'daddy;? Or when Danny hears Charlie say it to Stan?


    Rachel really is a despicable human being.

    • Love 1
  10. If Arkady turns out to be Callen's dad he is going to be just so hurt. Especially since Hetty probably knows and kept it from him. That would just be all sorts of wrong.


    Although I was totally waiting for Arkady to say that Anna was his daughter 'and your sister!' Glad they didn't go there.


    How does Kensi not have a concussion after the car wreck? Her head bounce off the car frame pretty good.

    Looks like we'll have to wait until next season to find out about the Deeks/IA investigation, unless they slip something in next episode.


    It was an exciting episode, lots of action.  And Arkady has a daughter! Who is in danger!  Now they are off to Russia to save her.


    Are we also supposed to find out more about Callen's early life?  I suppose it would be too much to expect for him to actually meet his father but that would be nice - unless, of course, it's already been established that his father is dead.

    He disappeared into a Soviet gulag in the early 70's. I think it's a long shot that he's alive at this point. I think Callen knows that and would settle for just more info about him. And his mom.

    • Love 1
  11. Oh my god!


    I totally called that the baby was a boy as soon as the narrator said that Jane's family had girls.


    I did not see that coming with Sin Rosetro!


    That's not fun telenovela badness, that is real heart rending evil. My god, poor Jane! She'll be so frantic.

    • Love 6
  12. I think both Steve and Tony need to learn from each other and that is what I hope ultimately happens in Civil War (cause God know's they'll need to get it together for Infinity War). Steve's insistence on the 'team' mentality comes with it's own vulnerabilities, the same as Tony's loner outlook. Steve needs to develop the ability to see the team as individuals as well as parts of the whole because otherwise he's going to recognize far too late when one of them is in the kind of trouble that will destabilize the team. Like Tony's raging PTSD and Banner's gradual breakdown through this film. I don't recall Steve addressing either of these very real issues. Tony said it the first film, he's not a solider. He's just a person trying to do good in the world with the resources that he has been blessed with. 


    I think Steve's biggest blind spot is recognizing that with the possible exception of Thor (and now Rhoady and Wilson) none of the Avengers are soldiers. Barton was a SHIELD agent, Natasha a spy and Banner a scientist (with a very bad temper). Vision and Wanda aren't soldiers either. If Steve wants to be able to utilize the skills they bring, then he's going to have to recognize that each person/Asgardian/android will have to be approached at least a little differently.

    • Love 2
  13. I think one of the things I liked most about this movie was that it did a very good job of setting up how Tony Stark comes down on the side of the government during Civil War.  He is absolutely terrified of what is out there and what may have to be done to protect the earth. If organization and registration means that the next time the Chitauri or Thanos or Loki or whomever comes knocking, earth is ready then I can see how he thinks it's worth it. He is clearly still blaming himself for 'opening the door' as it were by building that suit in the first place, (not to mention providing the arc reactor used to help open the wormhole in the first movie) that he'll do anything to make it right. Even if that means cooperating with the government.

    • Love 2
  14. Actually, I think I know what I'd like to see in Infinity War. Thanos has the gauntlet with all the stones. The heroes lie battered at his feet. He raises his fist to finish them off, and then we hear... Ooga Chaka! The Milano blasts him away long enough for the Avengers to regroup.


    Later, Tony asks, "Who are you, the Rebel Alliance?" Peter: "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy." Steve: "If you're with us, then you're with us. What does Thanos want, anyway?" Gamora: "He worships Death." Steve: "Death?" Peter: "Capital D. He believes the Grim Reaper is a hot chick, and if he kills enough people she'll be interested in him. The Infinity Stones give him a way to kill on a universal level."


    Something along those lines, anyway.

    Best. Thing. Ever.


    Feige? Russo brothers? Are any of you on this board? Take note please.  To put Evans and Pratt together on-screen in these personas would be perfection. As would the general group reaction of the Avengers meeting the Guardians.

    • Love 1
  15. I got the feeling that they had decided to switch the babies back, but that they were going to resume their friendship. And that means a side effect is that they each get to continue to stay in the other baby's life in some capacity. I don't mean to sound heartless, but that was what, a week they were switched? Maybe two, max? I thought the amount of angst over it all seemed a little overblown. And I was a little surprised there was no yelling from one of the fathers at the mother "how could you not know it wasn't your baby?" but was glad it wasn't there.

    I took the advice given an episode or so ago and emailed my pbs station to thank them profusely for showing the unedited version.

    I thought the same thing. We're not talking years here. I know it's a terrible mistake but it was caught so quickly. Is it really that angst-making?

    • Love 1
  16. At the very least he should be able to take Rachel to court and get the same custodial arrangements for Charlie that he already has for Grace. Complicating that though,  some time on Google showed that Hawaiian law says the mother's husband at time of birth is the legal father regardless of biology, until a court order/voluntary surrender of rights changes that status. Will he do that? Probably not right away, as Charlie is very young and doesn't know Danny at all beyond 'Grace's Daddy'. Danny might be supremely pissed off at Rachel and wanting to get to know his son but I can't see that he'd do that in such a way as to freak Charlie out either.


    Not to mention, while what Rachel did was despicable it's not like she is a bad or neglectful mother. A lot factors go into determining child custody but first and foremost is the what is best for the child (at least that is way it is supposed to be ) and family court probably isn't going to give Charlie to Danny just because Rachel lied to him.


    I don't think we'll get to see it but I'd really like to see Grace's reaction to finding out that Charlie isn't Stan's child. She's old enough to understand the mechanics and the implications of the lie her mother told. I see some serious trust issues between Rachel and Grace.

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