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Posts posted by Snarkette

  1. This close-knit family is looking for a tiny home to do some extended stay vacationing in. They've asked John and Zack to build them a high-tech tiny home that they can monitor from afar to check weather conditions in the long winter months. Zack's challenge will be building a tiny space that meets all their high tech needs, stores some of their winter gear, and brings the family closer together.


    I want this house. In fact, every single house from now on has to be glam and full of gadgets.


    • Love 1

    And I honestly credit his haircut upgrade between Seasons 2 and 3 with this development. It's made a huge difference!

    Word. Just word.


    Looking back, the stuff about Peter Hale being Malia Tate's father stands out because it's a thread that's left hanging for next season.

    It should have been Jackson.


    Plus since this bit is about "LETHARIA VULPINA", how brilliant was that final scene between the boys, if you ignore Posey's facial expressions.

    At least Malia is the one person on this show to realize what a babe Stiles is.


    Stydia forever. I'm hoping that Malia will be cannon fodder (or canon/trope fodder) in S5. (Sorry Sterek folk.)


    this episode-long flashback to Kira's mom's internment-camp past plays like a lot of wheel-spinning before the season's final kick

    This is why the good lord has given us fast forward buttons.



    a few really great Sheriff Stilinski scenes (one with Allison, one where he reasons that the Nagitsune wants irony over carnage)

    Sheriff <3. All Beacon County SD, all the time please.



    That's how Allison died.

    And yet she managed to make it all about Scott.

  3. Are there people really tuning in to hear how families can winnow down their possessions to live in a house they're just 5, 6, or 7 days away from occupying?


    At first I hated the design, with the stupid staircase occupying 90% of the ground floor but after it was all installed, I like how there was a private room in the back, and two clear spaces to the left and right of the stairs. 


    Why don't people just put in a 2nd floor? Wouldn't that gain them a lot more room? When I saw the builders walking across the beams I was all "Yeah! That's right. Use that space."


    Summary: Pro musician can't stay on pitch. Cranky daughter was awful until the end. Everyone has horrible taste. Daughter is living in a shoebox and making the best of it. 6 pets? Really? Poor doggies and kitties. Parent's room notably doesn't have any privacy barriers. So...ew?

    • Love 2
  4. I enjoyed the early parts of S4 but by the finale am no longer sure I'll even bother coming back. Creepy super-powered baby kind of sealed the deal for me, being complicit in the murder of her grandfather, and then joyously smiling with his murderer. In fact, the only part of this ep I really enjoyed other than Killing Juliette (woo!), was Creepy Grandpa admitting he had a thing for corpse-faced hexens.

  5. So Rayna illegally paid Beverly $1Million and indirectly caused her death plus the money behind her album is now tainted and subject to asset forfeiture, right? And Juliette and Jeff have turned Avery and Layla into Desperate Housewives? 


    Oh well. The singing is purty.

  6. Alpha Pact had so much to love. The scene of Lydia with her mom: "Someone tried to strangle me. And I survived. I don't need to hide that." Stiles and the tall FBI agent and the field sobriety test. Peter manipulating Derek into rebetaing. Stiles and Lydia with the panic attack that didn't give into romantic teen tropes. Sheriff Hot Stuff *finally* getting the 411. And all the bondage jokes. Bless.

  7. So far she hasn't gone along with murder has she? (Forgive me but I tend to blank out most of what's happened over the last few weeks.) So head-in-box could be a fakeout or the trigger to (ew) re-juliette her.


    Wow that whole jacktheripper plot was pointless. Was it only there to keep Reynard out of the way of the other plots?

    • Love 2
  8. I think the problem is that the writers simply said: The WotW thing is getting old. Nick is generally accepted now as both a police officer and a Grimm in the Wesen community. The threats from local vigilante groups has been mitigated, how do we make things personal for him again?


    Oh right: Juliette. Ex-girlfriend can have the greatest power to hurt and threaten because of her insider knowledge. She was dragged into his world unwillingly, exists under constant threat from his lifestyle, is always the outsider having no innate abilities. (Although both Wu and Hank do just fine in this world.)


    So they say, let's turn her into a threat through no fault of his own and have Nick work through divided loyalties both to his long-time love interest and, oh is Coffee pregnant? We can complicate it even further. Let's make Coffee the mother of his child to further motivate the estrangement of Juliette.


    Problem is that Juliette has both been poorly written to date and has a subpar actress. We don't care about her long time ill use by Nick & Co so her journey (or in this case, inexplicable turn-on-a-dime) falls flat. 


    It's really easy to see why the writers went this direction as well as the hamfisted reality of how they and Tulloch brought it to the screen.


    Die, Juliette, die.

    • Love 2

    There's even Stiles's dad, who had been a total throwaway up until this point, but who gets a few good moments in this stretch of episodes as he investigates the mysterious deaths of the Class of 2006 swim team...I'm really digging Linden Ashby as Pa Stiles, so I was glad to see him in the mix as much as he was.

    Papa S is the best. All Sheriff, all the time as far as I'm concerned. He gets some better stuff starting towards the end of 3A. In fact, kill all the teens, and make this the Beacon County Sheriff's Department show. (Including shirtless deputies, which for you are still in the future).



    loving power of loving Lydia's love

    Utterly utterly moronic. Both characters were at their best as sharp narcissists. This twu luv nonsense was ridiculous. Plus they now lose Jackson to Arrow. Fortunately, Lydia gets a better plot coming up. Although the dead werewolf renfroing amused me. Plus I detected a frisson between Peter and Prada.



    we could be spending more time with the Isaacs and Ericas and gay, gay Dannys of the world is something I hope gets adjusted in Season 3.

    About that... There's some good Danny in 3A but the first few eps are a little hard to get through. It gets better though.

    • Love 1
  10. From what I understand, they did something like 36 episodes nonstop between 3a, 3b, and 4, and everyone got burned out. Not that Teen Wolf was ever a masterpiece of plotting. 


    The best stuff, the stuff that works, is always the bits with the parent/child relationships but any good solid meaningful relationship moment works in this show.


    Stiles and Derek were comedy gold together but no way no how were they ever going to make it canon. Obvious adult with underage boy was never going to happen plus at some point (they've dropped it) Stiles was defined by his loyal adoration of Lydia. Writing to promote shipping is just silly. The Stiles and Derek relationship worked because it was so great to pair off irreverent and overly grumpily serious.


    Similarly, Stiles and Scott's scene at the MRI with Scott's promise showed why that was such a great writing touch point.


    With Stiles / Lydia, having that resolution that did not lead to romance in 3A was a great step forward, although now they have no idea what to do with her. She's sort of been pushed to the side, although she had better moments in 4 than 3B and I hated what they did with her in 2.


    The great thing about Teen Wolf is always the heart, and if they can give us more of that in 5, I'll be pleased. I suspect 5 is the end of the line, the high school year, after which there are no more teen wolves.



    And if she and mama Grimm team up, I think it would be great.

    OH, you mean two actual bad-ass women who aren't whiny and horrible? Yes, please!

    That is so the show I want to watch. Bye Nick. Bye Juliette. Monroe and Rosalee and Wu and Hank can do recurring. Reynard stays for obvious shirtless reasons. "Oh fearsome chick-power-pair, why do you have that shirtless man in your backseat?" "Reasons."

    • Love 3
  12. "Is it made from real Castors?" - Wednesday Addams?


    I'm loving the Castors, especially Rudy.


    Admittedly, the girls got it bad. Their infertility pre-programming has them dying of cancer but they grew up for the most part as individuals with real families, and while monitored, they've been allowed to have lives.


    The boys are nothing more than slaves. What are those tests supposed to detect? And what does it mean to start glitching? 


    When did Rudy know? Is that why he gave Seth a special night before mercy killing him?  

    • Love 1

    WTF?  Do people in the Teen Wolf fandom really hate these characters so much?  Or is it because Malia manages to break up an entirely fictional ship that Tumblr decided should become canon?

    One at a time. Kira. She is overpowered so can't be used, has no potential growth arc, has zero chemistry with Scott, doesn't challenge him, doesn't add to the story. The cool bits about that storyline (her mom in the camp) were never about her. Dragging her in was pointless where at the start she was exposition girl and then after that was "Hey, I'm in my 30s but act as if I'm a clueless teen". No grit, no interest. Bad writing, bad character.


    Malia. She should have been Jackson. She got dragged in to do this Peter's child story, and while I like the actress a lot, the character has been terribly served by the series. She's in a very dysfunctional relationship with Stiles, but one that isn't played with growth or development, but in a weird caricature of a screwball comedy. Despite having one the best lines of S4 ("Deer!"), she and Stiles don't work as a couple and they're not interesting to watch together outside of a few moments like the basement scene in IED.  You can't be raised by wolves (coyotes) for 8 years and get back into highschool as if nothing has happened, dump your real dad, etc etc. The actress is doing a terrific job with the material she's given, but she's being given absolutely terrible material.


    The show very quickly identified its core audience of teenage girls and gay men, and pandered to them (us) until MTV decided to discard those demographics in favor of hypothetical 18 to 34 male viewers about a year and a half ago. Cue gratuitous Malia and Kira sexy dancing, Stiles and Derek not being allowed in the same room together, etc.

    Naked. Deputy. Clothes. Burned. Off.


    How does that not appeal to teen girls / gay men?


    Malia and Kira should be thrown off a cliff.

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