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Posts posted by Snarkette


    I wonder what Theo was trying to accomplish chasing Liam and Mason.  He basically just forced Liam to show off his wolven abilities, and when he transformed back to human, he had an "exactly as I planned!" smirk on his face.

    The evil plan is this: Steal Scott's power. They failed with the Lee Press-on Rave Model Nails of Doom monster (although they drank up a little Phoenix/Fire Demon Juice, but I'm not sure that got recycled back at the low-rent lab of Dooooom).


    That failed, so they fell back to Evil Plan Number 2: Power-up Liam so he can de-power Scott because a beta of one's own making can hoover off True Alpha Power Juice.


    As a back up plan to that, they're establishing Theo to try to join the pack just in case an adopted beta ("We wuv you just as much!") can take the place of Scott-the-single-dad-Werewolf's true-born beta son.


    For some reason, most of this hinges on creating inky crow-juice that people can vomit and spread over their bodies and use as for deep-skin conditioning and exfoliation while they wait in (and soften) walls for random deputies to show up for noise complaints.


    I've got to say, Teen Wolf is way more logical and straightforward than usual. I think Jeff Davis may be taking drugs.

    • Love 2
  2. Still watching, still enjoying. I think half the fun comes from comparing this with Dark Boring -- more or less the same pool of actors and budget, but oh so much better, especially Lucy vs that horrible android.

    • Love 2
  3. I'm guessing he's hepped up on crowjuice, which is why he can go full dog.


    What I can't figure out is whether crowjuice is for supes or can be applied to norms (skylightgirl?) to give them supernatural powers. I'm thinking that the whole rapey Lydia scene was about her getting injected with boost-ya-juice. If so, and if it boosts the supe what ails ya, then it's possible that the whole Jeep/Stiles/Parrish flashforward scene (No! Not the Jeep!) is because poor Parrish's inner fire demon got a wee shot of the old jack daniels of doom.


    Also, what was skylightgirl doing down that hole? It was her necklace, right?

    • Love 1
  4. He was in the Morgue? I thought he just took him to the hospital.


    I think the metal doors in the background and the dissection table he was laid are kind of a giveaway.




    No, Parrish was specifically staking out the skylight for weird bird activity. He was looking through a scope which completely limits your field of view. Tracy was the victim—he'd have no reason to be looking for her sneaking out.

    Oh, that didn't occur to me. Maybe she snuck out the back door so she could circle round and stand right next to his car for the dramatic monster shot. Kind of right up there with making that poor glowy blue werewolf with talon guy wait for hours behind a brick wall that Parrish was only randomly sent to. (I love you Teen Wolf, but logic?)


    Speaking of which, isn't it kind of a little hurtful when your boss drags you to a morgue, dumps your body, and then pulls a gun on you when you resurrect? After the whole desk work for 6 months thing? Does Parrish have some kind of Title 9 Monster discrimination suit in his future? 

    • Love 1
  6. Wow. That scene with the parents. Wow.


    And we now know why Parrish was on desk duty for six months. Wasn't because he's so creepy and scary when he goes full Smoker. It's because he's a really bad policeman. Wow. Way not to stake out dude.


    Someone please explain the whole bird thing. Was chick-friend-of-lydia's-weve-never-met-before a normal supe or did she get souped with black goo and bird implantation or what? And why didn't Parrish say anything about the dead birds on the roof?


    Was there a scenes-from-next-week? Mine cut immediately to Scream. No credits or anything. (Actually the credits were with Parrish and Lydia, when I had looked away. For a second.)

    • Love 1

    I don't know but if someone could clear up this timeline I'd be grateful.

    Happy to help.


    1972. Derek is born.

    1989. Derek is born.

    1852. Derek is born.

    1978. Derek is born.

    6 BC. Derek is born.

    In all cases, he is too old for Stiles.


    Season 1: They're sophomores.

    Season 5: They're seniors.

    Season 2: They're all geriatric outpatients at retirement homes.

    Season 4: They were never born and it is an alternate world.


    Claudia Stilinski died in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 1876. She also died in childbirth 6BC.


    Let me know if there any other fine details you're confused about.

    • Love 12
  8. Kira's belt sword was great because it was unexpected but it really makes no sense in terms of use as a Sword (of course, it should collapse right back in combat) and BHHS's no-weapons policy but...cool.


    I do think the premiere set up the whole season or at least the front 10, which is really nice. It gives a structure that will probably still be The Doctors for 8 eps and then suddenly back to the Desert Wolf at the end if they follow the bad example of S4. Hoping they'll start building the Desert Wolf (or the Dessert Wolf, which you know, better) sooner.


    So there's a way to infuse supes with extra power and a side of fries and...birds!?!?! (Escher would approve) That's where I'm guessing Lydia got her power up. He hallucinated Lydia I think in a similar way to Lydia hallucinating Aidan, right? I'm hoping it's not through the black goo because it's disgusting and Parrish was not practicing safe-victiming and got that black stuff all over. He burned it off a few minutes later I suppose when the Sheriff dragged his corpse into the Morgue. I love that it's the first ep and Parrish has already died once. I hope they all-out kenny-from-southpark him.


    The whole rape-by-injection scene at the start is still creeping me out. And the ep seems to gives new meaning to giving someone the bird, assuming those crows (they weren't big enough for ravens, right?) that flew out of stomach had to do with the steampunk powerup. Or maybe he was just made of birds to begin with.


    But the really big thing of the ep. Sheriff. Melissa. A thing? No physical distance between them in the morgue. That slap in the flashforward. Eep!

    • Love 1
  9. Lydia was awesome. Parrish was hot stuff. I felt for Stiles. Liam once again proved what a great addition he is to the cast.


    Scott and Kira? They just aren't working there for me.


    Oh and nice Sheriff/Melissa moments, no? Teamwork? (And why did the Sheriff pull the gun on totes-obviously-Phoenix-Parrish?)

    • Love 1
  10. It feels less like a game by ep 3 (not that it's lost that cut scene bad acting quality, but less). I am sick of ZoieeøE Palmer. Can they hire the guy from Holly/Red Dwarf instead? Every time she shows up, I feel heretofore unknown rage at her character and her acting. In fact, I think this show needs a lot more evolved cats and vindaloo.

    • Love 1
  11. So relieved nothing really spoilery here other than the first 6 minutes because I hate being spoiled -- which is of course why I opened a "Spoilers" thread and looked. There are help groups for that, right?


    In the case of Eichen House, I really really want to see their HR Department. Because...reasons.

  12. I'm pretty sure *all* of these follow the standard House Hunter model. You never see negotiations or lost sales, or anything real. I do enjoy peeking into other people's homes, which is why I watch, but the "drama", the "conversations", all of it is fake and stupid and takes away from the design story. Tiny House nation, where you see the build, is far better but even then there's a fake "OMG, we need to move in 5-7 days" story. Always. And for some reason, no one realizes that they're going to have to downsize until All Knowing Tiny Patriarch indoctrinates them into the Church of the Holy Composting Toilet.

    • Love 3
  13. Wooden dialog. Wooden acting. Pointless plot. Out-of-nowhere-hook. I feel obliged to see another ep, but ugh. I kept waiting for the cut scene to end and to get back to actually playing the game before realizing this was supposed to be TV drama.

    • Love 3

    I agree that the show is sanctimonious, and that's why I like the people on it who don't buy into that.

    A lot of the show is about retaining upper class social markers while fundamentally mimicking the behavior of the poor. Participants park their trailers on the lawn but use solar power and reclaimed siding. I could live without the neomonastic downsizing and conversion parables. For John, handing over keys is the same as a faith-based baptism.

    • Love 2

    But poor, honest, responsible people would not benefit from the scheme. Poor people who ran up a lot of debt to buy fancy cars and homes would. So would rich people who overspent.

    Exactly. But fortunately, I have a limitless capacity to ignore stuff and enjoy the ride. And right now the ride is strange, gritty, and engaging. Looking forward to more.

    • Love 9

    I turned this one off before the build even started,

    What a pity. This was my fave build of the entire series, mostly because of the fantastic tech the budget allowed. This is what the show should be: aspirational and slick, full of ideas, and people with eight fingers.

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