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Posts posted by Snarkette

  1. Seems to me that a lot of tiny living is 4-season camping with upscale accoutrements and a lot more stuff. All this "I have to be able to have guests" doesn't really make sense if you're living in a tent / trailer. For Zack, it makes sense if his house is moving around all the time to stay places with shower and toilet facilities. As for peeing by your bed, well, it wouldn't be my first choice.

  2. I'm pretty sure Juliette is a real live wessen biest and not just hallucinating as the exploding lightbulb seemed to indicate some raw power.  This is probably the most interesting thing that has ever happened to her. On the other hand, if she does end up attacking Rosalee, I wouldn't mind if Monroe killed Juliette. Because that would be the second most interesting thing that ever happened to her.

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  3. Jen's continued appearance isn't just producer meddling. Two of the judges are producers. They know entertainment when they see it. Now if they'd only do a Ludo spin-off: "The all aluminum Ludo workout. He's going to pump. beat. your food up."

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  4. Jeremy and Lindsay have traveled the world and they are finally ready to settle down--in a tiny house! Lindsay is a fantastic baker who needs functional kitchen space. Jeremy is 6'5", will he even fit in a tiny house? Plus they have a collection of sentimental travel mementos they aren't willing to part with. With a limited budget and the goal of fitting a king sized bed into the bedroom, John and Zack have a big challenge ahead of them.


    Fitting it in. Fitting it aaaaaaaaaaalllllll in. OMG, the tiny house compulsive hoarder movement.

  5. It's not just a musical and a dessert topping, it's also a feminist manifesto. Galavant is a hero only so much as he's a good looking jackass in a can used by the women around him as a nice dish of (gently used) man mutton. Despite his filling the title role, all the plot, seriousness, and power is held firmly by the women in this piece. At best, Gal (sic) is dragged along as slightly bemused eye candy whose greatest feats of traditional power include telling someone to fall down and succeeding in standing on his own two feet after an overly-hard work-out.


    By the end of Episode 6, Madalena has made yet another step along the path towards becoming a Disney Evil Queen. Isabella has been playing her own game of Save-the-Kingdom. And despite their apparent menace, Gareth and (not-ben) Kingsley are yet defined only in terms of their relationships to Richard and how those relationships can be subverted by Madalena.


    Even Chef cannot get a girl on his own.



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  6. I thought Rafael treated Petra abysmally. Yet another reason, Jane needs to OTP dump him too. Jane the Virgin: OTPing her own dignity since 2014. I give Xiomara 2 days of JtV'ing until she realizes she is constitutionally ill equipped to deal with chastity. Poor Rogelio.

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  7. Normally, I'd be upset because of the "dumb ass stunt" party killing but when you think about it, it's not actually a bad move. As far as he knew, this is the guy that was going to kill 7 billion people. As soon as he'd kill him, everything would revert and billyuns and billyuns of lives would be saved. Who cares about the party or having enough eps for a full series. Of course, from a plot point of view, it was moronic. Spend a few minutes, gather some intel, figure out that mosquito dude was more likely as a mad scientist...

    • Love 2

    I'd rather it not be Sousa

    But, but, but....Enver Gjokaj!!! Trust me, he can be very very not-bland and very very not-forgettable when he has the script to support him, which means he's probably going to end up working for Hydra. To hire Gjokaj and use him so minimally screams either of incompetence or a deeper game.

    • Love 8
  9. I was already kinda meh on this show, and then I've accidentally read the spoiler who's the killer in the book (apparently this is based on some book). It doesn't really make much sense based upon what's been shown in the pilot, so maybe they'll change it, though.


    So Ben then? I'm completely unspoiled but this seems to be too much of a hint.


    In any case, I wouldn't mind him coming back because eye candy. In fact, I enjoyed the ep far more than I expected to. How long is this series and will they wrap up the mystery this season?

  10. Not much of a spoiler, but protected in case people hate that sort of thing. This is from the advance press this past summer.

    One specific character that may be seen -- or at least teased -- is Peggy's unnamed husband, mentioned in this past spring's "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" as someone who Steve Rogers saved during World War II.

    "We're aware that's a question that people are going to ask, and we will certainly hint at different options," Fazekas said.

  11. A google for "Ellebracht ranch Marshall" turns up this of July 15, 1986, which mentions Marshall Van Scoyk, who was "charged under the organized crime indictment". The National Geographic site mentions them as Mary and Marshall, of Viborg, South Dakota and a man of that name lives in Viborg, SD.


    See also:




    There's a lot more on Newspapers.com but you have to access it through Google's cache, for example: "Joyce, Van Scoyk said, "started handing him a bunch of guns." Then the younger Ellebracht chained the three men together with a logging chain as the senior Ellebracht fired a rifle over their heads. "Junior gave me a handgun and made the men get in the back of the black pickup truck," Van Scoyk said. "Junior told me if those three guys run to stop 'em, shoot 'em," he said. Van Scoyk said the junior Ellebracht told the three men they were going to dig their own graves. The three men then were taken to another part of the ranch where they were forced to dig ditches. Van Scoyk said he was one of several men who held guns on the three. "Junior had a cattle prod. He was shocking those guys with it — all over. He made them take their shirts off," Van Scoyk said. The witness said he was shocked once with a cattle prod at the ranch. "It felt real bad. It freezes all your muscles up in your hand. It makes 'em lock up, "he said. But he later admitted under cross examination that he asked another ranch worker to shock him with the cattle prod so he could find out how it felt. Van Scoyk said he later watched as the Ellebrachts threw a rope over a tree limb, tied it around the neck of one of the workers and threatened to hang him. The man's life, he said, was spared on a coin toss. At one point, he said, he saw Mrs. Ellebracht carrying a plastic bag full of red gelatin and a piece of meat. "She told senior she was going to take it back to the barn and tell that guy (one of the chain gang workers) that senior had cut (another worker)," Van Scoyk said. Senior, he said, "Just started laughing." Van Scoyk has been granted use immunity, meaning his testimony cannot be used in his own trial."

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