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Posts posted by Snarkette

  1. I know that most of these homes are sold furnished, but you don't base your home buying on something that will need to be replaced down the road.


    Notice that there's never any negotiations on these shows? That deals don't fall through? No inspections? That's because the people on the show have already bought one of the properties. (Or as the producers generally say "Are far along in the process" and recreating their emotions with scripted scenes.)  The other properties may not even be on the market, may be places who want publicity, or just where their friends live so they can have 3 to choose from.


    It's fake, all fake.


    The most amusing eps are when they complain about their own furniture.

    • Love 1
  2. Watch a special preview of the Series Premiere of FOX's thrilling new action-drama SECOND CHANCE in its entirety!

    Season 1 Episode 1 TV-14 - See more at: http://www.fox.com/watch/590491715746/7765920768


    I was pleasantly surprised. It engaged me, wrapped things up in a way that pilots don't normally do, brought a lot of favorite actors back to TV (where did the girl assistant come from? I know that assistant!), introduced some really cool special effects, and has a hero who is nicely flawed.


    The twins didn't get any time to be developed but I'm invested in JrSheriff and his Prostitute Girlfriend.

    • Love 1
  3. Wow, I just realized both Person of Interest and Limitless have people named "Finch".


    Mind blown.


    Sadly, Alan Sepinwall doesn't watch this and he'd love it. Remember he loved Chuck? He gave the pilot a very tepid review and apparently never returned to watch again.

  4. You must be mistaken. Remember when Audrey tearfully said goodbye to Nathan and Duke, telling each one she loved them and the show finished after just three seasons when she entered the barn? What a pity there never was a season 4 or 5.


    (Yes. The Jason Priestly moment (that didn't ever exist) was priceless.)

    • Love 10
  5. I loved this ep. It showed how normal people react to NZT.  If your first 24 hours on and off NZT are a test of character, Brian passed with flying colors and pretty much all the rest of them failed badly.


    Brian's great strength is his kindness and decency. Cuckold man knew for sure his wife had been cheating and committed murder.  Casey was rockin' the villainy feeling betrayed and misused. Even when Brian has been ill done by, he does the right thing. This ep showcased that even in his absence as viewpoint character. 


    It also showed that NZT is a skill set. Brian is getting way better at using it -- even seems to have a natural gift.

    • Love 5
  6. Meh.  I think Kelly will turn out to be Nik and Juliette's and Diana will return to Adalind and Renard.


    Carrying a surrogate baby and breastfeeding it for a few months doesn't make you any less attached just because genetics. If show goes that way, well,... I just hope they don't.

    • Love 4
  7. Honestly don't get Jordan. Hallelujah is supposed to be bitter. (And Girls just Wanna Have Fun isn't a ballad.) Wish Zach could come back in 3 years after he's grown into that voice. He's fun but *not* *ready*. Liked Shelby tonight, loved Barrett, applauded Korin's de-platinuming but not her singing.

    • Love 1
  8. Despite going against the opinion of nearly the entire Internet, I was really happy that Robyn was part of this story. No superpowers, no "heroism", just taking care of a disabled relative 24/7 and being crap at her responsibilities. Probably could do with a carer of her own. It's not a character you often see. Adding to Trish's mom and Jessica's Kilgrave PTSD, Robyn's story painted another layer of twisted pain to connect to. Hopefully in heaven there are lots of giraffes and the angels remembers to serve seedless-crusts.

    • Love 4
  9. Yay Tennant. I thought this was far more engaging villain-wise than most everything else in the Marvelverse.  It was also about 2x as long as it needed to be (6 eps would have been about right) and Jessica, bless her, really got on my nerves towards the end. 


    Bringing in Nuke wasn't necessary, too heavy handed, and not sure why they even had the Luke Cage subplot, when he disappeared for the middle 10 eps. Would have been much better with the same plotline -- her obsessed with the guy whose wife she killed -- but no reconciliation, and him dying in the bar, no night-nurse, etc..  Forcing stuff into to the Marvelverse always ruins things. 


    That said, David Tennant should have been named with some "uke" name, not Kevin. Duke, Luke, and Nuke?

    • Love 2
  10. Best of Haven: Farmer

    Worst of Haven: Whatever the hell this was. Not because it was written or acted so poorly. Not because there haven't been more cringeworthy eps. Nope, just because they *tried* to do Farmer again. And they did a piss-poor job of it.


    Today's lesson: Don't let fan fiction writers take over your show.

    Today's second lesson: What a pity Haven was cancelled after Season 3. It showed such promise.

    Today's third lesson: Nathan and Audrey must be together at all costs.

    Today's fourth lesson: Oh, you murdered gadzillions of people and have showed absolutely no regret or growth? Well, let's just send you back to the civilization that threw you out because my best friend killed a girl so I could get back to my one twu wuv.

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