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Posts posted by Iguessnot

  1. 3 hours ago, J80134 said:

    Karen's booty looks lumpy and dumpy in that white dress

    Ashley's ugly friend is desperate to be hit on. He breathed in air....he must want me. 

    Karen has always had a strangely shaped backside. Now her backside is sliding down all over the place. I know she likes her tight sweatpants and jersey knits, but that rear view can't handle those fabrics.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

    These women are disgusting and vile.

    They are trying to get Candiace so angry that she will snap. However, she continues to pay them dust. This is the only enjoyable thing on this dreck of a season.

    She has an inner peace about her this season. Her tongue is still smart, but she wields it appropriately.  Her talking heads are joyous even if she is trashing her castmates.

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  3. Episode isn't finished yet, but yeah Ashley, your friends are liars. 

    Chris looked at her and his reaction was like he had acid in his eyes. He did not stupidly say all Chris's were alike. He said it was a common name. 

    Eddie was laughing it up with Chris. The man smiles at everyone. 

    Deborah does that valley girl thing of swinging her hair and head around every damn minute.  I was wishing for a well-placed paper shredder.

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  4. On 12/20/2022 at 10:54 PM, drivethroo said:

     This is Ashley’s Sesame Street friend and she wants us to believe both Chris AND Eddie were eyeballing her. 

    They probably were, just not for the reason she thinks they were...


    I nearly pulled all my back muscles howling at your post.

    • LOL 3
  5. 5 hours ago, ladle said:

    That's the other thing! Ugggh! What kind of sick, sad world does this woman live in where just being in a room alone with a person of a different gender is somehow an issue? 

    The only way this would make sense would be if Gizelle had some sort of prior trauma which made it difficult for her to be alone in a room with a male. And even in that case, the solution would be a quick, private conversation with Chris and maybe Candiace ("Hey, this makes me uncomfortable for x reason. Thanks for understanding!") not something to be saved up and publicly weaponized. 

    Something can be an issue, but that doesn't equate to the other person having wronged you. Recently I went to a boutique to pick up an item I ordered and they said I could try it on first. However there were only 4 dressing rooms, and a guest chair. There was a lady in the furthermost room, stepping in and out modeling in front of her husband, sitting in the chair.  If the dressing rooms had doors, I wouldn't have hesitated, but they had curtains which weren't closing properly so I asked the sales lady if that had another dressing room. She then politely asked the gentleman to step away from the dressing room. 

    Although I was in an uncomfortable situation, nobody owed me an apology.  Even if he hadn't moved, I would have just taken my items home. End of story.

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  6. 13 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    I went to Catholic school (I am Catholic) for grades K-8. When it came time for HS, I chose public. I would say there are always really super smart kids no matter the school or type of education as school is what you make it.

    My Catholic school class was pretty small so there wasn't the variety of courses one would get in a bigger school, especially a bigger HS. It was surprising to see some of the courses where things I had already been doing for the last 2-3 years. Coming out of Catholic 8th grade, I felt the majority of my class had a leg up on the average public school student. I certainly could spell better than most of my friends. 

    My heart breaks for some of these kids that are getting barely an education in the name of religion. We had religion class every day. My teachers were mainly nuns but they were well educated. I never felt that I received a poor education. They wanted us to be smart, they wanted us to be excellent. These fundies just seem to want the basics and that just barely. 

    Catholic schools have always been serious about education. My mom was a public school teacher, thus my parents made sure I went to Catholic school.

    I don't have a problem with the concept of homeschooling and given the state of some public schooling I see why some parents choose it. But the notion that every mother is qualified to teach all her children from K to 12 is ludicrous. If the woman is stupid it will be difficult for the children to overcome that.

    However their choice. Better opportunities for my children.

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  7. Ohhh, maybe Liv will let them adopt Noah then we won't have to hear from him again. Especially with that line about his only real family, Noah can guilt trip Olivia to give him up. 

    I bet the family is in for a deathly end.

    Why would she leave her front curtains open in Motel 8?

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  8. 18 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

    Since we don't have separate topics yet for all of the spinoffs, I'm just going to leave this here.

    Norman Reedus says his Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon spin-off series is a 'reset'

    While I'm mildly (very mildly) intrigued by how a French lab ties into Jenner all the way back in the beginning of the franchise, it still feels like a mad stretch to think a show so uncreative it's calling itself Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is really going to answer a decade-old origin mystery in a way that's finally satisfying. Reedus sounds like he's trying oh so hard to justify all of this. How does Daryl ride his motorcycle into the sunset and end up on the opposite side of the Atlantic after the likely end of air travel? Oh, I don't know. He just ... wakes up there? Sure, let's go with that.


    • LOL 2
  9. 17 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Steak knives are sharp. I have a question for all of you. What do you butter your bread with? Special knives or table knives?

    Maybe Amy should redirect Dax toward baking so there's less or no things to cut.

    I would butter my bread with a table knife but that doesn't make it a butter knife. A butter knife is a specific tool. 

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  10. 14 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

    That video of BME interviewing the older girls in the cornfield was downright creepy.  Jill has really done a number on those girls.  Bizarre brainwashing at its worst.  I’m not sure why those girls speak and behave in that manner, but you can be sure that they learned it from their lunatic of a mother.

    That's like a horror show. Grinning like banshees, verbalizing with high pitched droning noises. Stuff of nightmares.

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  11. 7 hours ago, Audpaud said:

    Thank you for the answers iguessnot. I haven't gotten techno enough with the quote feature so hope you see this.

    I fall in the category of underwhelmed with not only the finale and the last few years but also have loved the show, lol. More needed to die (All of the newer characters plus Eugene) and Rick needed to land a helicopter on the roof of the helicopter to rescue Judith for it to come full circle.

    This finale worked for me only because of Rosita's performance and the group living in peace. They had a bunch of pretty explosions but there was no tension to the Commonwealth storyline. 

    The best you can hope for are these pockets of happiness. Eventually someone is going to die in their sleep then start eating through the community.

    Hopefully they'll develop a push button walker alarm to warn everybody when there's trouble inside, but that's the reality of this existence.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Audpaud said:

    Can anyone tell me what Judith told Darryl that her Mother told her? That he later asked her if it was true? I replayed and just could not make out the words.

    Also, in an earlier episode that I now cannot find, Carol was gathering baked goods in the Commonwealth kitchen when Ezekiel appears in the doorway and they speak to each other. The bad guys soon appear to grab her, Ezekiel disappears but Carol manages to escape. Was he ever there? Did he deliberately distract her? I've never understood that scene.

    She said her mom was going to find her dad and they would all be together soon.

    Carol is speaking to Ezekiel while gathering the bread. She hears a noise, turns around and he's not there and he doesn't answer. She knows something is wrong and she manages to escape. They had grabbed Ezekiel. That's why he disappeared.

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  13. 5 hours ago, alrightythen said:

    Just finished watching the Talking Dead tonight.  Did anyone else notice how pissed off Christian Serratos looked?  And her body language with Josh McDermitt.... brrr.  Maybe she just wanted the whole thing to be over with too.

    She's been on other TD episodes and she's been kind of a sour puss. I think she might naturally have a grouchy demeanor on top of being pissed off for some reason. Also I'm sure it was a very long day in uncomfortable clothes and she might have been a little hangry.

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  14. One of my least favorite characters was Beth, at least when they started to make her more prominent.  The actress was just awful and she attracted the most annoying fanbase to this forum. 

    Reminds me that one of my favorite scenes is when Ace? perked up when Carol told him she wasn't a lesbian.

    Morgan's a great character, but that all lives are precious phase was infuriating.

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  15. The seasons before the "where's Negan" were terrific with a few duds in between. The Governor was good but too long. The Claimers scared the hell out of me and I loved when Rick went vampire on the dude. 

    Carol has always been a joy to watch. Look at those flowers Lizzie!

    As I've stated before, things changed with the season long teasing of the Negan storyline.  I didn't read the comics, so it was clear the storytelling took a backseat to challenging the comic readers.  Only they could get some enjoyment out the of peek-a-boo storytelling. 

    The show did that epic bait and switch cliffhanger and pissed off everyone and never recovered from that blunder. Chris Hardwick doubled down as groupie/show apologist and made TD nearly unwatchable. 

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  16. Ok it's over. Rosita saved the whole episode because is was sloppy.

    Their escape from the hospital with Judith on the stretcher and all hallways blocked was never shown.

    There were only two children at the center?

    Rosita escaping the fall was exciting, but when she got up and started swinging, all the walker reared back. They are walkers. They don't have self preservation moves.

    When Aaron, while doing the zombie shuffle, comes across Ezekiel, he and a few others abruptly move towards the loading dock. Most of the walkers take no notice of this nor take notice of all the activity on the loading dock.

    The walkers were right behind the crowd at the gates, but the ongoing speeches and inactions were unbelievable.

    Why was Judith addressing Pamela telling her it's not too late? Unnecessary interference from a child who should have been in bed. Plus it made no sense. Her role was over dead or alive. Helping other people no longer depended on Pamela.

    They are all explosive experts and they managed to rig all that up, attract all the walkers and escape within 4 minutes. Yeah.

    Maggie had a good talk with Negan. Honestly he hasn't bothered me for awhile. He should have been executed and not imprisoned. Even Maggie had the opportunity to kill Negan, but she didn't. It wasn't an outside group that put him in prison. It was our own group. So he served his time and has saved the group several times as repayment. He earned his place as Maggie said.  No one needs to forget what he has done. They don't need to be chummy with him and they don't have to forgive him. But they need to find a way to integrate him fairly. I was glad they gave him his own family because it kept a distance between he and Maggie. I worry the new show will cross the line with those two. 

    Gosh little Coco is amazing. That babe sleeps so peacefully.

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  17. 23 minutes ago, KeithJ said:

    So they kill one main character and it’s Rosita.  I guess it makes sense, the writers haven’t known what to do with her for about the last four years now so they just make her the sacrificial lamb.  

    FU Walking Dead.  I’m glad you’re over.

    On the after show, the actress who plays Rosita says she asked for her death because she wanted closure for character. She also said it made the happiness of the ending more poignant. 

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