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Everything posted by Cricket

  1. Thank you. Just unbelievable. Too many people aren't prepared for their jobs. At least I don't think Skunky unpreparedness would get someone killed.
  2. Some more traumatizing news... a little more than an hour ago, I had to unhook Joe up from the chemo machine. That means I have to inject his port twice with saline solution then an injection of heparin, clip off the iv line remove the bandage and pull the needle out of his port. Now this is stressful under the best of circumstances, but I had a hard time to remove the needle. Come to find out, the idiot nurse at the hospital used a 1 inch needle instead of the 3/4" needle. I was a wreck and had Joe call his oncologist. He has to go in on Tuesday now for a chest xray to be sure the needle did not damage the freaking port! And should he not feel well before that, to go to the ER! I hope his doctor reams a new asshole for this nurse and I told Joe he is never to have her touch him again! My God, even when I worked as a vet tech, we always had to double check the size needles we were using or giving to the doctors! I am so upset. It has poured all day, I managed to be constructive cleaning most of the day, only had a little while this afternoon when it came to overcome me again. Then this fiasco with the nurse. On a positive note, made cheese ravioli tonight with the homemade tomato sauce from yesterday and it came out well.
  3. Chore of the day, to try to keep sanity, make spaghetti sauce. Those screw on tops with the Talenti jars are so handy for this!
  4. I would be interested in the info as well. We hate Spectrum, but they carry MSG so we can watch our hockey games. Otherwise, I would ditch it
  5. I agree with you on this. You can enhance without coming off like a clown. It doesn't have to be black or white.
  6. Prayers just offered on your behalf. Seems I am pretty good at praying especially of late. I hope they will be successful and your cousin gets good news soon.
  7. Thank you. I appreciate this, truly Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I appreciate it, really. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would be going through this. My dad died of colon cancer so this is a nightmare to end all.
  8. Joe is at the hospital for chemo today. They had him every other Monday before the tumor in his liver was found. Now it will be every Monday for 7 weeks. They said he has an aggressive form of cancer. Duh. I have been questioning them for months. They are testing him to see if he has this B-Rath Mutation. I looked it up and I am sickened. I have never been so terrified in my life. I am at work now and I can not even function. "Some 5% to 10% of patients with colorectal cancer harbor the BRAF mutation, placing them at risk for poor treatment response and worse outcomes. The ASCO Post interviewed S. Gail Eckhardt, MD, an expert in this area who is Professor and Head of the Division of Medical Oncology at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and holds the Stapp-Harlow Endowed Chair in Cancer Research. Dr. Eckhardt also directs the Program for the Evaluation of Targeted Therapy, a multidisciplinary effort focused on finding alternative treatments for colorectal cancer and melanoma"
  9. Thank you DH. I am having a particularly hard time of it this week.
  10. FINALLY got word a moment ago, Joe resumes chemo tomorrow morning at 7:30.
  11. Just watched George Sanders, Yvonne deCarlo and Zsa Zsa Gabor in "Death of a Scoundrel" Excellent movie. Still have my upset stomach and headache though. :(
  12. Nothing helps a bout of depression than finding an old Inspector Clouseau movie! :) Laughter does not help this bugger of a headache tho
  13. Thank you. All. Just had a "mini breakdown" by myself upstairs. Can't do it in front of Joe. Now my asthma kicked in, I am dizzy and I have a headache. I'm not in a mood to see a wheel cover right now tell me, "life if good". Sorry. :(
  14. Thank you, TexasTiffany and HissyFit. Can't put it in words the terror, but also the appreciation for the good thoughts from all of you. CarpDiem54 - good news for your friend. Much relief there, I am sure.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised, but I try to say away from stations that carry too much politcal stuff now. Just overload, you know? So horrific what is going on there still. The amounts of rain falling is unreal.
  16. This butterfly spent a long time visiting my Butterfly bush yesterday Today we got some upsetting news that more "concerning" spots were detected on his liver on last Friday's CTScan I am shattered. Prayers appreciated. Waiting on a call from the oncologist to let us know when they can start Chemo. It had to be interrupted in late June to do his liver tumor surgery on July 13th. Then the blood clots... It never seems to end unfortunately.
  17. The presence of anything that increases the local conductivity of the ground (such as ore - but also water, graphitic shale etc.) should presumably help to gather up charge induced in the ground by the cloud above, and act as a sort of natural lightning conductor. There certainly seem to be a few things on the web about it, and people have done lab experiments too, e.g. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2153-3490.1949.tb01268.x/pdf I'd imagine that factors such as local topography of the ground would have a strong influence as well. Perhaps this might be enough to conceal moderate variations in the ground conductivity. Reply · Quote · Report Paul Brandes May 25, 2011 08:27PM I would tend to believe that if you had a hill or knob with a high metallic ore content that it would act as a lightning rod. When I lived in the "Copper Country" of Upper Michigan, it always seemed like the taller buttes and hills got struck more by lightning than other places. Granted, there were also tall pines on those tops as well, but the tall trees in the valleys and flatter areas (topographic lows due to interflow sediments that usually don't contain copper) never appeared to get hit as much. I'm sure the same is the case in the "Iron Country" of Upper Michigan as well; Jasper Knob in Ishpeming comes to mind (maybe Dan Fountain can chime in on this??) I also remember doing some exploration work in Canada one summer when the folks at base camp told us to get off the knobs in the area because a strong storm with lightning was on its way. At the time we didn't think much of it, but after some thought we concured that any one of those knobs could have had a greater concentration of metallic ores which might just attract a lightning strike. Luckily none of us were on higher ground to test this theory..... B)
  18. ugh. Harvey needs to go away. I was expecting him here for the long Labor Day weekend. That is usually what happens.
  19. I missed it... where are you going? We looked at an extended weather forecast for Tampa a couple of years back now. They called for showers every day but 2 we were down there. Never got a drop.
  20. Put down the last of the mulch. Miserable job. Now onto the closets.... (not with mulch of course) but first I better make a salad. Or... I can take a short nap.... Hear that? that is my sofa calling my name....
  21. ^^^ This times 1000. I am terrified of them, not sure why as I never went through one, close tho. I dream about them and usually something bad happens too... not good. I would move to the Venice Beach, Fla area if I could. Naples that area. I love the ocean, and the mountains, so the mid west would be out for me. My brother and his wife live in southern OH now, (we are all from southern CT) and they bought a retirement cabin outside of Anchorage, AK. Will be moving there in a couple of years. Gorgeous area
  22. And sink holes... :( Yes, I would still like to live there!
  23. Back in the mid 90's I bought one of those ionizers the Q was pushing. thought it would be helpful for my asthma. Well during one really bad storm, I went around frantically pulling everything. Lightning struck and went through the ionizer. Big puff of smoke came from it. I guess those negative ions really called the the positive lightning charges. Still turned on after that LOL but I never trusted that it worked, nor did I want it attracting lightning again. Out it went. Never got a new one
  24. No kidding. Sitting in the open, on shale attracts it we are told.
  25. I agree. Horrible situation but it has been known for YEARS that Houston is in a big flood bowl and they say that does not deter folks from moving there. No different than moving to tornado alley, or Cali. They all have their known weather issues. You are not going to change Mother Nature. We looked into these things when we bought our house. We are on a hill in the moutains so not much can affect us. Only thing, we did not take into consideration lightning LOL. Our house has been hit 4 times.
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