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Everything posted by Cricket

  1. Here is Kody taken last night, 11 weeks old about 22 lbs. he is going to be a smart one. already knows to sit, what COOKIE means, to go outside.... Another picture.. look at those paws! (I find if I first post to FB then I can save as a download and pick it up here without going through the cropping process and losing most of my picture. Don't ask me why, I have no techno answer!)
  2. Good morning. Sorry for the delay, wanted to wait till Sat to catch up here. Okay... so I get the results back on Thursday and the only thing the nurse tells me at my doctor's office is that they could not "find anything" and they want me to go to a Ob/Gyn doctor next! WTF? Okay, I am relieved, but puzzled because I still have this pain and no explanation. No thoughts - cystitis? See a gastroenteritis specialist? head doctor?! I had the normal exam done down there in Feb nothing. Now they do another pelvic exam, nothing. So they send me for these tests which will cost me probably 1800.00 or more before it is all done, and you find nothing but you want me to go to an OB/Gyn? WHY?! Not happening. I am very disgusted with this practice at this point and considering going to a group my boss and his wife like, if they take my insurance. Since my insurance is probably going to change after the first of the year, no point in doing anything till then when I find out if this other practice takes whatever insurance I will have, at that time. Time to ramp up the googling searching. I have never been one to "imagine shit", and I am no hypochondriac. On the contrary, I usually wait too long to see if my body heals itself, thus the reason my Lyme Disease went to Stage two on me a couple years ago. I also read and watch stories of people who can go years before they find a doctor who can help them. So frustrating. the only good thing in all this, I think, is they probably ruled out tumors on the repro parts. (least I hope so). This is the same practice in Feb who did my breast mammo and waited till the day before I left on vacation to tell me I had something suspicious that needed to be looked at when I got back. Have a happy vacay. They just informed Joe last week when he was supposed to have his first appointment with them since 2011, he had no current health insurance. What?!? They looked up MY name with his insurance in error... I WAS THE ONE dropped from his insurance in 2010/11 when his company found out I was capable of getting insurance through MY COMPANY! Dumbasses. So he missed that appointment because they would have charged it to us. They straightened it out and rescheduled but the woman told Joe that did not happen. He said he was not arguing with her, but that is exactly what happened. Logic toots. SO irritated with them. Now two mornings having my positional vertigo back. Seriously? At least I know why now, because Dr. Love quickly diagnosed that for me there last winter. I am going to start the exercises later today to correct it rather than go the 5 months like I did last year, waiting it out! God willing, I need to get to the gym again if I can get Joe somewhat on his feet, so to speak. I think a lot of all this is somehow tied to my never ending stress. And the update on Joe.... he has another blood clot found in one of his thighs, so they can still not take out the filter and that is time sensitive so nervous about that. All he can do is continue to take the Lovenox and hope it breaks down the clot. Chemo to resume in about 4 weeks, unless something comes up to stop that too. Lord Almighty, this is wearing. Thank God I can come here to unload. If I do around my daughter(s) I am over reacting, being negative etc... Ending on a positive note... (yes I can be positive sometimes) Kody is almost 22 lbs and his ears are almost up and he is a JOY. (other than his constant desire to grab your ankles with those sharp razor like baby teeth). Sorry for such a long post, and for taking so long to respond. Carry on!
  3. Maybe I should get some Happy for you, Booney! How nice!
  4. Well back from the crack of dawn, look up your crack test. One good thing, it was done early so they *should* be able to read it soon and get the info to my doctor. I told the technician that I hated to wait, and whatever it is, I need to know as soon as possible. My doctor's office did not tell me that this "ultrasound" consisted of a vaginal probe/camera "thingy". She said they rarely tell their patients. Wonder why... She said she found no mass on my uterus, and added, "That's good!" but was silent while searching out the ovaries etc. At the end, she said, " You're done, hope it turns out good for you" or something to that effect. WTF? Nice way to send me on my way, scared $hitless at this point. I wonder how many ways I can mentally do myself in today?!? Sucks getting older.
  5. SSE - Yes, after I wrote that, I thought, "I miss medicine back in the 80's!" You really have to research what they want to do, with what others do, with what your gut tells you. it is a lot of work now. used to be able to go to the doctor and get a decent diagnosis most of the time, and a quick resolution to it. Now, for me at least, they don't want to commit to a diagnosis till they put you through 3 different and expensive tests! It is ironic, I have to "fight" to try an antibiotic because God forbid, I risk becoming immune to it down the road... but, most doctors have no problems writing prescriptions for Valium, Oxycontin, etc..
  6. Well I went to the doctor today to set up the ultrasound for the pelvic area the PA wanted. But, I wanted one for my kidneys too as my daughter said I could have a kidney stone, even though I am not urinating blood. Well... they did not like that suggestion and said I needed a CTScan for that. I told them I could not afford this ultrasound let alone a CTScan too. I had researched this, and guess what, found an article in the New England Journal of Medicine stating that it is no longer necessary to do a CTScan first for detection of kidney stones first. If steam could come out of her ears, it would have. I did not make them happy this morning. She said that the medical community does not like to practice medicine in the way the insurance companies want them to. Well, I said she better start looking at how insurance companies deal with their patients, because we are the ones having to foot the bill. I was nicer about it but again, she shot me disdain. Guess what time my appointment is for tomorrow? 6 am. Yes... AM. Fortunately I am an early riser LOL. So I have to be at the hospital at 6 am. I suggested the hospital actually; said if their facility did not have the equipment to do a good ultrasound on my kidneys, I would to to the hospital for it. Hospital it is. Besides, I have 3 payment plans running there for Joe, so might as well add another one there LOL. I am supposed to get some idea by Thursday I am told. Joe goes someplace else tomorrow too.. he has a meeting with the head doctor of the practice I go to (like him) then a CTScan of his veins and the filter catching the blood clots. Then a vet appointment for Kody. Nice day with the medical field tomorrow.
  7. Actually, since I am so type A, I marked on my calendar when this all started. That was July 4th. I just assumed it was a UTI and let it run its course a bit. We are going to doctor's here every week with just Joe... so.... Picked up Kody on the 22nd I think. No worms, but he is was wormed as a precaution as most pups have worms. And this reminds me, I have to give him his next dose, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! Picking him up, now, however is not so easy as you say, with this back issue. Hopefully I will get an answer by the end of the week if I can get the ultrasound in tomorrow.
  8. It has gotten almost to the point I want to stay curled up in bed. I posted a moment ago, going to book that ultrasound. Maybe it will show something. Pretty expensive test to show me nothing. I am going to ask my practice (love that word... that is what they often do...) to have Dr. Love or my RPA deal with me. I was not impressed by the young PA I had last week. I doubted after leaving her, she could diagnose a head cold. Probably tastes just like chicken.... or so says my brother over anything I can't pick up in the meat department of my grocery store. Just can't bring myself... maybe if I was lost in the great north woods....
  9. I have a lot of spurge weeds too.. another one that is so hard to eliminate totally.
  10. Miserable stuff. Lots this year here, too. I did read just this year, that it is good for some ailment... brain won't release this info at this early of a time in the morning but this stuff apparently is good for something and it impressed me at the time. Went to Conn over the weekend so Joe's parents and brother could see him. 4 hrs down and back and I had to do all the driving. I was up from 2 am Sunday morning straight on though. Pain is incredible. Took one of Joe's pain pills it was so bad (yea I know I know...) and it did not TOUCH the pain. I am heading over to the doctor's this morning to get that expensive ultrasound booked. Back hurting again. Youngest daughter, my beloved, thinks it is a kidney stone. Never thought of that. She had them last year and she said it was the worst pain ever. So there is another possibility. I totally concur!
  11. Yes, I can't bring myself to eat them though. My brother likes them. I am curious as to why there are different rules from Gray to Red squirrels?
  12. This is my only hibiscus. First daughter gave me 4 from QVC about 4 years ago... all guaranteed. This is the only one to survive. Seems to be well settled in at least, blooming for the last 3 years. Think it was from Springhill
  13. A little research says in NYS we can't relocate them. However, we can kill them in season, taking 6 per day. Okay... like that is better? We can't kill red squirrels but grey ones are ok. Good example, just because something is the law, doesn't mean it makes a lick of sense. We have some possum here, so homely they are cute as can be! Meant to say red squirrels can be killed ant time. Grey in season. Good to be grey I guess
  14. LOL Yup. THEY COME BAAACCCKKK! My brother lives literally around the corner from me at work, where we have the squirrel issues. He caught in one season, over 25 yes, 25 gray squirrels. He had to drive to the country to release them, otherwise they would just come back. Squirrels need a little bigger hole than mice, rats and chipmunks, to come into your home so it was easier to find the entrance hole of our building. In an older home like mine, there are all kinds of entry areas for small critters to come in. And believe me, Joe and searched and corrected many yet they still find a way in. We even had a black snake in the basement a few years ago! And I like snakes, but we really had to go on a search to find that possible entry hole. Since I live in the country, there is no where for me to release them unless I drive miles away to do so... although, I suppose I could bring them to my brothers - ha! We had a large bunny population here too but they are not destructive here and unfortunately, the red foxes discovered they too like my yard and came to spend a few seasons. :( Such is the circle of life I guess.
  15. A few years ago at our office, we had one actually running up and down the halls!! The building is on a slab so the boss was able to open a door and it eventually got out. Seriously, they are all over the place up here like rats in NYC. We had squirrels in the attic crawl spaces BAD. Took forever to find the hole they were using to get in and close it off.
  16. We keep chipmunks here even through the winter. They don't hibernate. The idea is good, but even feeding the birds only in the winter I would still have the chipmunks. I don't poison them. We hunt deer in this family too. Clean quick and only if it is a lethal shot. And only for food, no trophy hunting here. No suffering. Some areas are over run with deer too because their numbers are not kept in check. No matter what we try, they always find one to get into my basement. After too many stories of house fires due to chewed wired from squirrels, chipmunks and mice, I can not over look this. You are right about the tomatoes too.. they won't eat one, they bite out of all of them. Ah gardenias! My mom had some of them too, she loved the smell and she was surprised when I thought they were a little too sweet smelling. Never smelled a flower as rich as that before. Thank you for rekindling that memories. I think gardenia have an old fashioned Victorian back story? too lazy to google this early in the morning.
  17. I still like butter cups, and queen anne's lace. I only use butter... I will cut calories elsewhere but I have to use butter. :) Well ladies, almost time for Columbo! Funny the show I look forward to most during the week, is 30 years old! Ha! Night all!
  18. Not at all. You (we) are blessed to have them. When I was little, I used to bring my mom wild flowers on my walks home from school. One day I brought her some which included dandilions... and proudly presented them to her. I was about 5 but still remember this. Mom was "pleased" but she said they were full of ants! I said no problem, took them to the kitchen sink and using the sprayer doused them - severely - with HOT HOT water... to kill those ants. Mom said she laughed so hard when I put them in a glass and walked away. Apparently to my 5 year old brain, I never thought what scalding hot water would affect the wild flowers!
  19. In honor of all the moms we have lost, wondering what your mom's two favorite flowers were? My mom loved lilacs and roses most.
  20. :( I miss my mom so much, still. She died in 1992. I feel your pain, truly.
  21. Walnutqueen... I think I have made their home irresistible with a pond, rock walls, and bird seed. They are those relatives that come and never leave...
  22. Yea, they are cute and fuzzy till they invade your home and chew wires and cause a house fire. We are OVERRUN with them.
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