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Lily H

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Posts posted by Lily H

  1. I don't get why it has anything at all to do with Kate that Madison slept with Kevin. Neither of them is married or attached, so why not? Madison seems quite immature though, so I hope Kevin sees her silly phone calls to Kate as a big red flag, and I really hope she's not the baby mama.

    • Love 19
  2. 3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    It never occurred to any of them to pull a fire alarm?  I saw one on the wall.   What the hell is wrong with those people?   They also could have called 911 using their cellphones.

    The fire alarms had been disabled and their cell phones didn't work.

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  3. After watching both last night, I realized that I now like Sanditon more than Outlander! What a shame there's only one more ep.

    I like Lord Babington, and I think he deserves better than Esther, even though he's besotted with her.

  4. Well, there should now be no more question as to whether this show is completely fake and staged and with a preordained result. Some stars clearly only want to appear 2 or 3 times at most, so their contract specifies a quick exit. Other "performers" (Gronk, I'm looking at you!) have nothing better to do, so they agree to be in it until the finals. I mean, only a hard-core Patriots fan would have thought that display by the White Tiger was anything but excruciating.

    • Love 12
  5. And just when Sidney has become much more likeable, he rushes off to chat up the insipid-looking Eliza, leaving newly-lovestruck Charlotte standing alone in misery in the middle of the dancefloor.

    The old lady's not actually dead yet, right? Aren't they taking a big chance by destroying the will a little prematurely?

    • Love 2
  6. Watched this tonight because there was nothing else on, and thought, How bad can it be? (Answer: pretty bad).  I think I may have gotten a headache from all the eye-rolling I was doing.

    The writers really filled in ALL the squares on their Diversity Bingo cards, didn't they? Plus the bonus of Baby In A Tree.

    I hadn't been watching other shows Rob Lowe has been in lately, so it really struck me that time has finally caught up with him. He actually looks like a man in his mid-50's now (albeit a handsome, in-good-shape one).

    • Love 6
  7. I'm liking Randall less and less. His behaviour in his office when Darnell came to see him was boorish and rude. You don't pick up your phone and ignore someone who is sitting across from you trying to talk to you. Whoever's calling can just leave a message and damn well wait.

    • Love 13
  8. Amelia seems a lot dumber this week. She not only had a hard time understanding the connection between someone who makes a living posting selfies and narcissism, but she was looking right at a painting of Narcissus admiring himself in a pond, with a big X over his face, and still needed Lincoln to explain how that tied into the murder.

    Not as good as last week's ep.

    • LOL 2
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  9. My husband watched this on Sunday night and raved about it (I was watching Sanditon instead), so I made sure to catch the rerun tonight and was expecting big things.

    I hated it. I see from the comments that I wasn't the only one to

    (a) not realize that the dead kid's mom had died after she helpfully smashed up her own dinner table,

    (b) not be able to make out what was in the pile of stuff in the barn at the end, and

    (c) not know who the idiot in the bar was who attacked the other guy for no apparent reason and seemingly had nothing to do with the story

    I don't remember anyone's name except the victim Terry. The detective is bland and unmemorable, yet biased and incompetent. The DA is completely corrupt (which is probably realistic given the location). The setup of walking a prisoner that you already know has an alibi through a long gauntlet of screaming, gun-toting townsfolk (who were purposely whipped into a frenzy by the DA/detective duo) was beyond ridiculous. The huntin' redneck cop is already the most hateable character on the show. (And it wouldn't be a southern crime show if they didn't manage to somehow shoehorn in some gratuitously graphic animal slaughter).

    And to top it off, I can see this is headed toward a silly supernatural conclusion.

    • Love 3
  10. 5 hours ago, debraran said:

    the examples they gave of "mild cognition" my doctor just said were normal. Forgetting a word, or spatula isn't a big warning, her getting lost etc are. I don't think the examples they gave were a good education for most

    That clock she drew was pretty frightening. Looked like more than just a warning.

    • Love 14
  11. 3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Austen may very well have invented the trope of Insufferable-Is-Revealed-to-be-Endearing.

    I know he was probably meant to appear Darcy-like, but to me he crossed the line from "he can be a supercilious boor at times but he's handsome and dashing so we'll make allowances" to unforgivably and unnecessarily rude, mean, and just plain nasty. He asked her for her opinion at that ball, and then skewered her when she gave it. His deficiency of character (as portrayed thus far) outweighs his pretty face. This is Austen, though, so I'm sure he will be redeemed.

    • Love 10
  12. 9 hours ago, norcalgal said:

    Yes, I too found that Sanditon (at least the first episode) suffered in comparison to Howard's End.

    I'm surprised that so many people seem to feel this way. I had the completely opposite opinion. I found Howard's End stultifyingly boring, so much so that I dozed off twice in the first episode. Sanditon was much more lively and it grabbed me from the start.

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  13. 6 hours ago, Clawdette said:

    I read that the developers have already announced that the series didn't do well enough in England to warrant a second season.

    That's disappointing to hear. I watched the first 2 eps and I absolutely LOVED it.

    Sidney is definitely fine to look at, but rather than "humorous and charming" as per the Masterpiece site, I found him to be an insufferable prick. It'll be interesting to see how the character evolves.

    I'm in.

    • Love 10
  14. I mostly liked this, except the dumb part where she was shooting up the subway tunnel in her efforts to stop the train.

    Also, I must have missed something. I thought that at the end the Bone Collector was in his own basement/wine cellar with a hostage. Then what were we shown right at the end that was labelled with Lincoln Rhyme's name and address?

    • Love 1
  15. 9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    I think they re-ran the premiere and season finale one night last week, too. (Not that I watched.)

    They did indeed, and I watched because I knew the new season was about to start, and I realized I had absolutely NO recollection of what had happened at the end of season 1. Way too much time had gone by. Good thing too, because I had completely forgotten about the ominous June whatever, 2024 date.

    • Love 3
  16. 6 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    If the mantra of “Save the Passengers” assumes the viewers watched, were fans of, and still fondly remember Heroes’ season 1 saying of “Save the Cheerleader,” that’s asking way too much. 

    The very first thing that popped into my head when someone said "Save the Passengers" was "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World"!

    I laughed at Michaela clutching her left side every now and then, when she had so clearly been shot on the right.

    • LOL 6
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  17. 6 hours ago, Packerbrewerbadger said:

    She was an annoying character on Big Bang as Raj ‘s girl friend and equally annoying here as Bonnie’s sponsee.

    Agree. I couldn't stand her on TBBT, and I'm dismayed to see her again here. I really hope they don't make her a regular or even a semi-regular.

    • Love 7
  18. On ‎12‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 7:57 PM, saber5055 said:

    I couldn't figure the ages of these people. If blind grandma is 60, her son would be 40 and grandson 20, and grandson was serial killing 20 years ago? Things just don't add up. Maybe this is a hand wave thing.

    Blind granny looked at least 80 to me, so 80-60-40 would easily add up.

    • Love 3
  19. Am I the only one who really, really wanted Malcolm to just smash the old lady's face in when she was screeching for her killer grandson to come back and finish the job?

    Great episode, looking forward to January 20!

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