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Posts posted by Oracle42

  1. 7 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:
    13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    I think it sucks that out of everyone, Drew is the one who actually ends up hurting someone with his blindness. 

    She hit him with a car and gave him amnesia. So this kinda had to happen

    1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

    C'mon, Show, there's your off-ramp to get out of the awful retcon story with Anna/Faison/LWB/FS, DO IT! 

    I don't trust this show after RC's shitty fake-out with Ethan and Robert

    • Love 3
  2. 3 hours ago, Lyndy said:

    Hi. New person here with a spotty viewing record over the last few years. What if (hear me out), we returned Michelle Stafford to her rightful place as Phyllis on Y&R and sent Gina Tognoni (who I love) over to GH to play Nina? Maybe I'm nuts but would Nina be more interesting if Gina were playing her?

    Probably. But I like GT too much to want to subject her to the GH writing staff

  3. 18 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    For the same reason the male leads of this show are gangster thugs.

    Not really. Sonny and Jason provided good ratings for something like a decade - and decent ones for awhile after that.  I think they are waaaay past their expiration date, but I can see why TIIC are reluctant to get rid of them.

    Franco? Not so much.

    • Love 2
  4. 34 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Seriously. Lulu has every right to her feelings about Franco, but that doesn't mean she can yell at him in court. I had to laugh she didn't feel vindicated when Franco pleaded guilty. She'd probably not be satisfied if she could flip the electric switch herself. 

    did Lulu ever get to react to the fact that Franco kidnapped her, taped her to a bomb and let her sit and wait to die - and is now raising her brother's sons? Did Laura?

    Why is this problematic ass character still part of this show?

    • Love 4
  5. If Scout is onscreen at this point it'd be because she's either sick or the subject of a custody battle. Or because the writers have finally decided to give Drew his memories and develop the character beyond Anti-Sonny* Jason.

    *Anti-Sonny is a decent start, but it's not enough (Hi, Taggert!) Too bad AJ isn't around to develop a relationship that would help flesh out Drew's character. On the upside, here's not around to be forced into a pairing with Nina - so, there's that.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 hours ago, ulkis said:

    I think Nina and Jax are being paired. Maxie is on the verge of cracking the case, and who has just been hired who is tall enough to be paired with MS? That's right kids.

    Why do you want to hurt me?

    • LOL 1
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  7. 10 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Whereas an Elizabeth & AJ long-term relationship would be complicated and messy, the Elizabeth & Franco relationship is just toxic.  

    Elizabeth & AJ also had so much built-in potential for soapiness. This Franco thing makes it look like AJ wasn't damaged and dependent enough for Liz.

    Which, if this was a callback to Jason thinking she'd be happiest with him if he were literally in a wheelchair, and about her fear of abandonment motivating her to pick someone who is completely dependent because no one in their right minds wants him - maybe there'd be some hope of her getting past that and having some character development.

    • Love 7
  8. 56 minutes ago, gibasi said:

    Chase. Peter. Griffin.  I keep forgetting which is which and why they are there.

    FV, the EP, has a casting type - and for some reason, he won't let GH's casting director do his job

  9. 30 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    .  I know we're never supposed to feel bad for Franco, but I do in this case

    I'm pretty sure that's the point. Poor innocent Gentle Farmer Franco is being accused of being a serial killer just because he's a SERIAL KILLER.

    This is the second time they've done this. Maybe next time they can have a story where he's falsely accused of sexual assault just in case anybody's missed the point.

    • Love 3
  10. Do Ryan's murders look like serial killing? They seem kind of indiscriminate unless you know that he's killing people who are on to him - plus Keeks.

    Unless there's a mob link, Jason and Sonny aren't obvious suspects.

    I loathe Franco so I'm not objective - but, is there a point when you get to be self-righteous about being suspected of being a serial killer when you actually were  a SERIAL KILLER and never went to jail?

    • Love 4
  11. Wasn't Jakeson's focus on Sam, to the exclusion of all else, one of your complaints with the recast? Because I agree that one of the reasons that Drew is floundering right now is because he barely had a life outside of Sam. Why double down on that by making the decision of whether to regain 40+ years of his life about Sam?.  Sure, she should matter - they have a relationship and a child, but she shouldn't be the primary focus of this life-altering decision.

    Plus, I don't think the writers are going to bother fleshing out his character by giving his memories back. So using Oscar as  an excuse is less pitiful than Drew giving up his whole pre-PC life and keeping the memories of a man he despises so that he can hold on to his (and his brother's) memories of Sam.

    • Love 1
  12. 59 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

    Drew and Oscar didn’t have anything quite deep developed at all for most of the audience to care about the loss of their bond.

    It's not the loss of their nearly non-existent bond; it's the loss of their future. He's not going to be able to get to know his (dull) son because the kid is dying.

    He's not going to get a second chance with him and he can't make new memories with his son, whose entire life he already missed out on.

    It would be awful to lose the first few years of his daughter's life and his memories of Sam and Monica. But I think you could argue that the loss would be worth it, if it meant that he'd get his life back and get Jason out of his head. Especially since Monica will love him no matter what, and Sam walked away. But if he gives up the last five years and Oscar dies he won't have anything of his son.

    Losing the memory of an ex who left him for his brother shouldn't be in the same ballpark

    • Love 4
  13. 41 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:
    58 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:


    Yeah, but his relationship with that kid was super rushed. At least with Sam there was something to feel some type of way about because we saw their bond develop. (I mean, as much as it could under these writers).

    Sort of. He remembered, they kissed and that was pretty much that. And TIIC still haven't bothered to develop Drew. But, if he got his memories back, he'd have all of his history and a chance to build new relationships with everyone - including Sam - as himself.

    But he'd lose Oscar forever. I don't care because GS is pretty terrible and I'd happily forget his Oscar forever, but it should matter, deeply, to Drew.

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