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Posts posted by lulu69

  1. 47 minutes ago, queenanne said:


    It is a puzzle.  Personally, I'd be too busy wondering if your coworker is intent upon bragging to everyone what a good Christian he is, by dint of feeling the need to talk showily and publicly about the deceased friend's salvation (I should think most people would leave that out of a conversation that started with "So, what did you do this weekend, James?"  "Went to a funeral of a good friend of mine.") 

    Actually, I remember one of Jill's CA updates regarding this very topic. IIRC the girl/woman friend died suddenly but thankfully the dead friend had accepted Jesus right before her demise so it was ok. They then finished the dead's pinata. 

    Pls tell me I didn't dream this lol

    • Love 10
  2. 3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Good Lord, those flights must cost a fortune. 

    They probably have to fly from Arkansas to Dallas to LA to Australia. Multiply that by 16 and you probably could've sent a kid to college for what that trip cost. 

    Who's dumb enough to foot the bill for these yahoos? 

    Oh please Lord, let it not be TLC!

    I can see it now, a 'very special' 2 hr episode not to be missed  - "Duggars Down Under".


    • Love 4
  3. 35 minutes ago, ChaChaSlide said:

    This theory is kinda (well way) out there, but she could've been inspired to get the piercing by Derrick's time in Nepal. In Ayurvedic medicine, a left nostril piercing is meant to help ease reproductive related problems. Similar to Chinese acupuncture, in Ayurveda there's a pressure point in that area that is said to connect directly to the reproductive organs. Maybe it's a last ditch effort to try and reduce some of her childbirth woes.

    It sounds out there, I know, but people have been piercing their daiths (innermost ear cartilage) for years to relieve migraines. While the piercing itself is not a research based practice, vagus nerve stimulation has been proven to reduce migraine symptoms, and the daith is exactly where the vagus nerve is in the ear.

    I've known Christians who believe in Eastern practices but just divorce them from their religious roots, kinda like the Christian Yoga thing that was touched on. I can see Muffy being that way. 

    Maybe Jilly will use this belief to sell Boob on nose piercings. 

    Jill :  But daddy its supposed to help with reproductive issues, really.

    Boob: Reproductive issues? That's baby making stuff, right? Hey, hey, hey. Ok, carry on. In fact, get one for Jinger too.

    MEchelle: Me first. I'll pierce my whole face. That'll get me lots more 'blessings' for sure.

    • Love 18
  4. A question, isn't Jill's piercing/mole a little far back? It is almost in the crease of her nose. I don't have personal experience with nose piercings but all the ones I've seen are on the nostril. I suppose you can put a piercing wherever you want but i was just wondering if crease piercing is the norm.

    • Love 3
  5. 7 hours ago, Lunera said:

    I wanna know what they're living off. Very stupid and irresponsible of Derick to jeopardize his and his inlaws only source of income when he has a wife and 2 kids to support. Why isn't everything that has happened (failed donation grifting, fired from SOS, botched births) a sign from God telling him to quit wasting time on "ministry" and get a job. Jill is gonna be having risky pregnancies from now on and a job will provide medical benefits.

    The Lord will provide.

    Seriously, that's what clowns like Drek believe. My husband had a friend, a pastor's son, with a wife & 1 kid plus twins on the way. Wife didn't work, said friend worked a crappy low paying job but he wouldn't take extra work or look for a better paying job bc he trusted in the Lord. He had no problem taking for himself items that were intended for his father's church outreach pantry and  accepting donations from his father's congregation, all from people who were struggling themselves to make ends meet.

    I guess the Lord does provide, but in this case, at the expense of others even less fortunate.

    • Love 8
  6. 38 minutes ago, Aja said:

    My perfect 10: Boob and TLC forced everyone to sign insanely strict NDAs and Jesus McProverbs over there is deliberately trying to get them to break his contract so he's legally free to write a tell all.

    I know, we're talking about a guy who gets his giggles trying to injure stray cats. I know.

    In the past I would've said never gonna happen but given the way Derk burned down the TLC house I wouldn't put it past him. He might see it as his 'godly duty' to call the Duggars out on all their hypocrisies, not out of spite of course, but out of christian love (sarcasm fully intended lol)

    • Love 1
  7. I think Derick & TLC might be a chicken & egg scenario. Jerick's absence from the reunion show leads me to believe TLC was already soured on the Dullard's. It's possible Der's crazy twitter rants were as much a dig at TLC as at Jazz, as in 'TLC will feature a non-reality trans teen but they won't feature godly me and my oh so important, life altering missionary work'.  Maybe Der even demanded TLC foot the bill for his Cross education as a condition to feature the Dullards & TLC told him to pound sand. I don't know...just some possible theories. In any case, way to thoroughly burn bridges you  picasso faced butthead.

    • Love 13
  8. 2 hours ago, Normades said:

    I think Jessa really doesn't know any better.  She was brought up by lazy filthy parents and she thinks that's the norm.  I believe she called Ben a germophobe because he actually expected to live in a reasonably clean space.  She would be shocked if she ever dealt with a real germophobe.  Part of me feels bad for Ben because I think he would like to live a more ordered lifestyle, but of course he bows to his headship :), but part of me thinks Ben should get up and show his wife how to clean and manage their household and he should help out, too.  Of course, that would never ever happen.  I imagine Jeremy is doing lots of teaching with Jinger on how to clean, etc.  Excellent job done by Mechelle preparing those girls to be awesome homemakers!!  I wonder what Ben's mother thinks.  I would be livid if my son and grandchildren were living in that filth!!

    This. I keep thinking back to the Alice posts (re-pasted in 1 of these threads recently). Alice said that MEchelle hadn't cleaned the house, cooked a meal or bathed the kids herself in YEARS. And this was way back around the time of the 1st Duggar special. Jessa appears to be aping her mom to a T except there are no daughters/sistermoms to pick up the slack.

    God, I hope none of these duggar girls ever have a daughter!

    • Love 17
  9. 8 minutes ago, louannems said:

    I still can't understand why such a young man would claim to have sought out his father's advice, at such a young age, on what he needed to do in order to marry. His dad recommended flipping 5 houses  and I assume that must have taken a few years. His friend also said that all Austin talked about, from an early age, was marriage and children.

    Seems to me that more  women desire early marriage than men.  Men usually flee from early commitment.

    Since he was raised with The World's Strictest Parents, you'd think he'd want a longer period of freedom before being saddled with wifey and kids.

    He wanted sex & figured out early that marriage was the only way he was going to get 'righteously fulfilled' (unless he went the Josh Duggar route of course)

    • Love 13
  10. 7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Sammy is much darker than his fair skinned parents and brother. I thought maybe he was jaundiced. 

    HUGE speculation. Maybe there was more than just an assault by a shower caddy? Like I said HUGE speculation, however the abortion rants then and now, and very few pictures of Sam.

    I've seen internet chatter about Sammy's darker skin as well. In this particular case people were speculating that Jill may have had an affair while down in CA. While it's  highly unlikely that Muffy would ever cheat, my mind immediately went to the same dark place yours did GEEGOLLY. Jill's breakdown over a seemingly silly shower rod combined with Derick's anti-abortion rants and general unhinged manner and the strange radio silence around the birth all came to mind.  I hope we're both very wrong as that would be a horrifying scenario. 

    • Love 5
  11. If we're throwing out fantasy scenarios let's go all the way. I hope Jana is already married (assuming that's what she wants) and living on the down low with her non-Boob approved non-fundy husband. They use birth control and do whatever they damn well please. Boob's head is exploding but he keeps quiet to keep the gravy train rolling.

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, flyingdi said:

    I often try to imagine(I'm bored!)  the different ways Jim Bob manipulates his children.

    "Jana, you've got to do it for the family!"

    "Jill, it's what God wants!"

    "Jessa, come over here and look at the bottom line.  That's your share."

    "Joy, I am still your father and you will do as I say!"

    "Jinger?  Jinger?"

    I know you're joking around but I could see Boob & MEchelle's manipulation being far more subtle and passive-aggressive in nature. You know, mess with the kidults heads. Something like, "Jesus loves those who honor their father's wishes" and let the kidults stew for a while to contemplate whether their current behavior is 'pleasing to the Lord'.

     Yes I grew up with a maddeningly passive-aggressive mother.

    • Love 11
  13. 12 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Holy moly, close up of Grandma Mary. Looks like she wore Mechelle's Tin Man dress for the nuptials. 



    I'm trying to come up with a scenario where it's appropriate for the grandma of the groom to wear all white to the wedding. Other than an all white theme I've got nothing.

    • Love 9
  14. 3 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

    Considering this family's track record, a premarital pregnancy is literally the LEAST scandalous thing that has come up so far.

    Agreed, plus in this day and age an out of wedlock conception is not that uncommon. It's more the the mental image of Big Boob's head exploding when hearing the news that makes me giddy. 

    Boob & Possumhead always 'claimed' each couple decided their own courtship rules. What if a couple decided premarital sex was a-ok? Or living together before marriage was ok? Boob, you're ok with that right? Because afterall, its the courting couple who decides these things? Yeah, right lol

    • Love 21
  15. 1 hour ago, PradaKitty said:

    Okay, why does the baby (Sammy) always have mittens on - are they hiding something? Does he have webbed fingers? extra fingers? Missing fingers?

    Maybe baby Sam accidently grabbed his little weenie. The devil makes work for idle hands you know. Can't have Sam be a sinner baby like his big brother. 

    • Love 16
  16. 1 hour ago, Lunera said:

    I think he just deleted because of the backlash. I searched through the the website and found many people asking for $6,500 for the same Cross Church mission program. Most of then are young and just out of college. I guess cross encourages this because their fees are ridiculous. 



    Please, I'm surprised Derick didn't 'pad' the amount asked  to include living expenses for his wife and 2 children for the next year. Let's see, in DA the Dills claimed to need $24,000 for what amounted to barely 3 months missioncationing.  So $8000/month × 12 months = $96,000 plus you have to figure the cost of living in Arkansas is higher than DA. Better make it an even $100k. Everyone DONATE.

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