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David T. Cole

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Everything posted by David T. Cole

  1. Good observation. Jarl Borg is from Gotaland which is in modern day Sweden and given that the second season is in 800, he's about 200 years shy of Christianization. Seems far too specific even for a worldly ruler.
  2. HINT: It has nothing to do with Breaking Bad or restaurants.
  3. That is in fact exactly where I said "well, fuck this show."
  4. I was coming in here to say that "Lifting Up The Skirt Of The Night" is hands down the best BB song. I don't remember really paying attention to the music in the show before that episode and I don't think they have topped it since. I wish they'd do more of that and less of the porn-music under the baritone's speaking the word of the subject-at-hand stuff they usually do.
  5. Siggy is putting her house in order, eh? Slapping Rollo around, sexing up the King, and making peace with Aslaug. Not bad for (four years and) a few days.
  6. Can't they just have regular sex? http://i.imgur.com/KQO1fjW.jpg Oh my no, it had to be TERRORSEX!
  7. This one is still in play: "Those peanuts aren't French, bitch." Ryan: Also interesting trivia:
  8. A single mother struggles in the hospitality business while her son murders colorful beings.
  9. These two haven't come across any Sanctuary signs yet, right?
  10. The Small Talk topic is for: Introductions Off-topic chatter Having virtual tea with forum buddies This is NOT a topic for actual show discussion. When you want to talk about the show: Figure out the nature of the topic you want to talk about Look for an existing topic that matches or fits If there is NOT an existing topic that fits, CREATE ONE! Examples of topics that populate show forums include (but by no means are limited to): Character topics Episode topics Season topics Spoiler topics Speculation topics In the Media topics Favourite X topics ...you get the idea Happy trails beyond Small Talk! Converting this to the Small Talk thread. Please feel free to start dancer/host threads!
  11. Well the lumber bit is if someone can fill in the teen drama part. Not my forte.
  12. Ryan you have stumped me. I'm guessing there's an iconic Canadian lumber show in there but I can't piece it together.
  13. So this collection of TLOEG is printed on some sort ever-so-slightly semi-gloss stock that is SUPER FUCKING ANNOYING to read. I'm sure it's a function of just being used to what you started with but I really don't like comics on paper.
  14. aka SPHINX Commander, aka The Viceroy.
  15. I've yet to think to myself, "that episode had too much Monarch."
  16. Legendary dispenser of violence and Led Zeppelin super fan.
  17. Aka Billy Whalen, Quizboy contentant, human dogfighter.
  18. Geeky computer scientist and roommate of Billy Quizboy.
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