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Black Knight

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Posts posted by Black Knight

  1. I agree that's the problem. I love Sami, but the soap could get along without her. But there is nothing going on that I want to watch. So it's not so much that they lost Sami as it is that they aren't filling the screentime with anything I like.


    I found out that Melissa Archer is joining the show, so I've decided to hang in until she shows up. I've always really liked her, and maybe she'll have a storyline I want to watch. The odds of that are low, I realize, seeing as how all these other actors I like are stuck in awful storylines (or no storyline in MBE's case) but who knows.

    • Love 4
  2. Yes, I appreciate the bail judge. The way the lawyers talk over each other on this show has always really annoyed me because it seems highly unrealistic. The few times I've witnessed trial proceedings, the lawyers didn't do that - they would take their turns and state their argument, not try to just shout over each other as if whoever shouts loudest will win. I was over TGW's way of adding drama in this fashion a long, long time ago. So I take the bail judge's irritation as the Kings' nod to fans saying the lawyers' behavior on this show is ridiculous. In any case, he speaks for me.


    Even though I haven't liked Alicia for a while, some of the stuff they're playing with her now is ridiculous. For multiple seasons we were told she was a critical part of her husband's campaigning, she did very well in every interview we saw despite having to tread some incredibly tricky ground, and now suddenly she's never heard of basic concepts like message discipline. Please.


    Most of this episode was a yawn for me. It's a shame, the season started off so well. But these past three episodes have been a nosedive.

    • Love 6
  3.  I don't understand the pissy, bitchy,cold Joan who seems to have lost any and all caring for Sherlock.

    I don't think it's at all that Joan lost any caring for Sherlock - very much the opposite. She thinks he doesn't really care about her, so she's not going to let on that she still cares for him. She has too much pride for that. He completely dropped out of her life for eight months, and then when he came back he kept saying things that implied that she was disposable, replaceable. She asked him at the end why he's back in New York, and again the answer she got was one that had nothing to do with her. But of course, he has his pride too.


    They'll sort it out. I'm not worried.

    • Love 7
  4. I don't remember what turn it is they have to use the Save by, but I was thinking...if they lost the Save, the physical envelope of the Save, they probably couldn't use it. TAR has always seemed to be a real stickler for teams having everything when they check in. So there is a way that the Dentists could be out the next time they finish last. Unlikely, but not impossible.

  5. And I like to think that as soon as Sami left the house, Harold fed the ashes to Sydney's fish, because EJ was always being an ass to him.


    (I did like that little running gag. So Will and Sonny couldn't say no to Sydney, and Sami sent Eric to stop it - and it turns out Eric couldn't say no to Sydney either. Ha! I enjoyed their slightly guilty expressions when Lucas mentioned to Sami that Sydney's backpack was oddly soaked...)

    • Love 2
  6. Wasn't there a scene where Sami ripped up all of her wedding dresses after something went wrong with one of her weddings? Maybe that flashback could have been included.

    I don't recall her actually ripping up the dresses, but I do remember after the disastrous failed Stan wedding to Lucas, Austin took her home. He opened up her closet door and found all her wedding dresses in it and pulled them out and named the wedding each dress had been for. It was hilarious. (Oops, I just rewatched that scene. Austin pulled out the first three and named the weddings, and then Sami got mad and pulled out the other three and named those weddings. LOL) AS has said that's one of her favorite scenes ever, and I was really hoping that it would be included. I never really expected that it wouldn't be included. I still can't understand it...even if they can't write any sort of competent exit SL, how could they screw up the flashbacks? With all the material they had? Any fan of this show - even Sami haters - could have put together a much better set of flashbacks. It's easy to do. It's even easy for Sami haters because lots of the memorable scenes involve Sami getting exposed for one of her schemes and/or slapped.


    Didn't Sami find out about Abby and EJ that way?


    Actually, no, they didn't have Sami find out via eavesdropping. Shocking! Nick had arranged for photos of one of the EJabby hookups to be sent to her after he died. Then she pulled security cam footage and got an eyeful of the shower sex.

    • Love 1
  7. I know!  I thought the same thing!  I don't see why Allie had to go, too, since Lucas is still in Salem!


    It seems to me like Sami has primary physical custody of Allie? i.e. Allie lives with her and Lucas has visitation. So I think it was the clear choice that Allie go with her mother and siblings since that's her household. It's better that she be with them, especially during this time. Lucas travels a lot for his work and doesn't take Allie with him on those trips, so if Sami hadn't taken Allie she would've had to be left with other family members in Salem whenever Lucas was away, which really doesn't seem ideal to me. Better she stay with her mother, and her siblings whom she clearly did not want to be parted from.


    The Ari situation is murkier. I do think it was the right choice for Ari to go with Will, but not because he's the biological father or the better parent per se, only that he can do his work from home and Sonny can't. In situations where both parents are fit and have good relationships with their child, I tend to favor the one who can spend more time with the child.

    • Love 2
  8. We could see her footwear in the shot of her standing in the doorway and her shoes were not particularly high, which is to be expected since she and Lucas were about the same height today. In the Lumi days they would always keep her in low heels around him because otherwise she would be taller. I remember we used to know right off the bat if it was a Lucas day or an Austin day based on her footwear. (And then there was the episode where she started off with Austin, so she was in high heels, and then he left and she took off her heels and so we knew Lucas was about to show up.)


    I think the height discrepancy you're noting in the flashback is a combination of Sami wearing flats or low heels and Marlena being in high heels.

    • Love 2
  9. Sami didn't end up with her rapist! Sami didn't end up with her rapist! Hell yeah! There are some things that disappoint me about this goodbye, and I'll get to those, but Sami not ending up with her rapist is so huge that I can live with everything else. If I had gotten everything else I wanted but then Sami got into the limo and came face-to-face with EJ, that would've ruined everything else for me.


    That said, congratulations DAYS, on such a mediocre goodbye overall. I don't know how you can screw up when you have someone who has produced 22 years of memorable scenes, but you did. The weird thing about this Hollywood exit is that it feels like the writers came up with it as a way to do a bunch of good flashbacks - Sami meets with the Hollywood people over the course of multiple episodes and tells them the story of her life - and then they just decided not to for some reason. While I liked the flashbacks we got, they just scratched the surface. It was the same deal with the photo album - I appreciated the pictures we got, I liked that they included a couple of people who aren't currently on the canvas (Belle and Carrie), but the presentation was still somewhat perfunctory and there could have been more pictures. All My Children did the photo album so much better years and years ago (picture of a young James Scott included!) : 


    But, all the real emotion among the cast members for AS's goodbye has really helped save a bunch of these scenes. I loved that Sami's last exchange was with Lucas. I adored the Kami we got - although, Marlena and Roman, worst timing ever! I hate you both! Sami was so close to getting Kate to crack and then her mostly-useless parents interrupt. Sigh. But I was amused at how Kate had gotten her walls back up at the end and tried to get away with that handshake, and Sami so didn't let her get away with that. Strange how a couple months ago I was so weirded out to see Kami hug, and now nothing seems more natural.


    I'm really trying not to just delete my season pass, because there are some characters I still care about in the wake of AS's departure and I've appreciated seeing them all again - but they are all in such awful storylines that I have no desire to watch! And those storylines I don't hate are boring. So I don't know, I'll give it another week or so. But if I can't find something, then this show is off the Tivo until AS comes back for the 50th anniversary. I hope the show does better with flashbacks and montages for the anniversary than they did for AS's departure.


    But complaining aside...Sami didn't end up with her rapist! I'll take it. Fare thee well, Samantha Gene Brady, and thanks for the many memories.

    • Love 9
  10. Even in FF, this Jennifer/Daniel/Kristen/Brady/Theresa thing is really the most ridiculous ping pong. As DanaMB said, Daniel will now have sex with Kristen. And probably Brady will run straight from the hospital/Theresa back to Kristen, only to see her with Daniel, and this'll go on and on.


    The only positive is that it seems like Theresa might possibly be free of Brady very soon. Unless they're going to do the same thing with her as they did with Nicole for months, make her cry and follow Brady around begging him to take her back. Please, no. Just accept the break-up, Theresa, and thank your lucky stars that you don't have to deal with the idiot anymore.


    No Safe flashbacks? (I wasn't really a fan, but they did have their moments. Grace's death, Sami holding the gun on the two Rafes...and their Thanksgiving wedding was the most beautiful of all Sami's weddings IMO.) No Sami/Caroline flashbacks? Come on, show. They better be building up to the mother of all montages tomorrow. And I want my Kami!

    • Love 6
  11. I see I made the right decision in FFing the Jen and Dan scenes.


    Now Kayla wants to show up, didn't she tell Sami not to call her aunt anymore since she went after AbiFail?


    Yes, but Sami referred to her as Aunt Kayla in a scene a little while ago, so she obviously didn't take it seriously and I think we're supposed to take it as seriously as Sami did - just something said in the heat of the moment. I still laugh when I think about how Kayla was sitting at that table with her arms crossed like a petulant teenager while Sami talked, so I can see why Sami didn't take Kayla's words before she flounced off seriously.

    • Love 2
  12. I was really happy to see Dina take it. I suspected she had the win in the bag when Glenn mentioned that her dark knight was screen-ready - to have that much detail and have it be screen-ready is a knockout punch.


    I was expecting Cig to have the second-best work in the finale, but that light knight of his...I couldn't get past the red face or the terrible fabric he had to wrap around much of the body because he hadn't planned enough armor.


    Since Cig surprisingly fell down, Drew was in second for me. But my problems with Drew's work were two-fold: First, as mentioned above, the concept was too simple for a finale with extra manpower and extra time allotted. Second, too much of it was identifiable as Rayce's work, while Dina's knights were clearly hers. If only one of those issues existed, it wouldn't have mattered as much. But since he neither had a particularly strong concept nor did much of the key work, I can't give him the win. There's a difference between using a talented teammate and riding on the talented teammate's coattails.

    • Love 6
  13. So, AS & KA had no previous acting scenes before today? Where were the flashbacks? When AS first started was KA still there? I forget their timeline. I'm guess this was more a of a goodbye between friends/co-workers than characters, right?


    Hope was still "dead" when AS first started, and they've never had a lot of scenes together. Of course, so much of the last 20 years of DAYS was written by JER, who in his later years islanded everyone to an extreme degree. They do get on well and have never had any feuding that I recall like Sami has had with other family members. So I was fine with their dynamic yesterday, just puzzled as to why there was so much more screentime devoted to it than to Lumi. When anyone makes a list of Sami's top five relationships they think about when they think about Sami, Hope isn't one. I'm not sure Hope would even make the top ten. Kate, Lucas, Marlena, EJ, Rafe, Eric, Will, Nicole, John, Carrie, Austin, Brandon, Roman...yeah, Hope is not even close to making top ten.


    I wonder how much of the scheduling affected her decision to leave. I assume the actors are willing to tolerate bad writing, since this is, well, Days of Our Lives, but if the scheduling is taking a toll like that I can see why they'd want to get out when they have enough security and money to give them peace of mind.


    I definitely think DAYS's taping schedule is what prompted AS's departure; without it, I think she'd have stayed. All the soaps cram in more work now than they did in the past, but DAYS takes it to an extreme degree. The DAYS actors work super-long days in order to fit so much taping in. DAYS's argument is that the trade-off for the super-long days is that the actors get to have more weeks/months off in between so that they can do other projects, spend time with their families, etc. And I understand that argument, but I think it works better for young actors, who have the advantage of youthful resilience (I never thought about things like recovery time until I hit my mid-30s!) and are less likely to be married and have children and other serious time-sucking commitments.

    • Love 2
  14. Maybe Sami subconsciously realizes that EJ's death is the best thing that could've happened to her at this point. I'd prefer conscious realization but whatever. The EJ grief-a-thon got old for me two seconds after it started, and since it's starting to look like this exit won't end with an EJami reunion, I'm not going to get greedy.


    I like Hope nowadays - and she especially earned points with me for never bothering to go lecture Sami about AbiFail when Jen wanted her to - but why did she get more time with Sami than Lucas got? Did KA pull rank or something?


    I did laugh at there being a Sami/Ciara flashback. And really, I think Hope should've just sent Ciara off with Sami and hoped it would result in an attitude adjustment. Sneasel is a brat but Sami's three younger kids aren't, so I'm attributing Will to the teen parents factor. Hope has certainly had no luck with Ciara, so maybe try something else. I also laughed at Ciara mentioning how great she was as the stepsister in the Cinderella play. Yes, of course she played the evil stepsister! Snerk.

    • Love 4
  15. Isn't this the second time that Will thought Sonny should just up and follow him wherever her was going?


    In fairness to Sneasel, I don't think he thought that. He brought Sonny up very quickly to Sami, pointing out that Sonny's business is in Salem, and was firm that he couldn't commit to anything without talking to Sonny. Then it seemed like on the way home he started considering how it would be possible for Sonny to come out for six months with him, who could cover for him at the business...only he didn't know that Sonny was in the process of expanding the club, so that didn't work.


    I'm surprised Will's even taking Ari. Sonny's the best parent that kid has.


    Sonny just assumed Will would take Ari. That I didn't like - the two of them should have discussed where it would be best for Ari to be for the next six months. I know Sonny isn't a legal parent, but Gabi was very clear before she left that she considered Sonny to be one of Ari's fathers in every way that matters, and Will hasn't said anything that I recall to indicate that he sees things any differently than Gabi. And Sonny said that he would want to keep Ari should anything happen to both Gabi and Will (which both of them were also onboard with). If they feel it would be risky to leave Ari in the care of a non-legal parent, fine, I can understand that - but have the conversation and have that point made. It's an issue that has created difficulties for many same-sex families and so I would have been glad to hear it stated on TV.


    I admit to not knowing what is going on with AS's career post Days but I thought she had other bigger better things lined up and her leave sounded way more permanent with the possibility for return being more like years rather than months, if at all, with the exception of the anniversary episodes.


    Oh, I do feel like AS is genuinely done with the show except for brief returns for the anniversary and holidays - I don't think she would have made this move if she weren't certain, and she's sounded very certain in her interviews, and the way she was crying during her goodbye with BD reinforced all that. But the show is probably hoping otherwise, and that continued repetition of "six months" screams of them leaving the door wide open in case AS should change her mind.

    • Love 2
  16. That's what I don't understand. If it was an accident, why not just admit to her brother and stop with all the angst!? This way Clyde can't blackmail her, right? There's got to be something more to his blackmail.


    Clyde's claim is that it wasn't an accident, that Jordan deliberately drove the car into the tree or whatever to kill her mother because they were arguing. He's basing this on something he saw when he arrived at the scene, but he hasn't really explained what makes him believe it to be murder rather than an accident.


    I wish they would stop saying that Sami is only going to be gone for 6 months. Is that for 50th anniversary purposes?


    Partly for 50th anniversary purposes, but I think mostly because they are hoping that after AS has time off, she'll decide to return on a permanent basis. That's the second reason, besides Sami's Merry Widow act this week, that I'm thinking that Sami and EJ will not reunite after all - if Sami comes back, it won't be with EJ. So if they send Sami off with EJ they just create something that has to be written away in six months (they hope). They can't just write that the couple broke up, because they have children and EJ would move back to keep living in the same town with his children (and because he's always been unhealthily obsessed with Sami). Killing him off yet again would be ridiculous. Far simpler to just have NotDeadEJ stuck in one of Stefano's compounds (why would Stefano release him anyway, knowing he would just go back to Sami, whom Stefano hates?) and if he ever comes back, it can be to throw a wrench in the works of whatever relationship Sami has moved on to.

    • Love 1
  17. No, Sami and Rafe haven't said goodbye yet.


    You're probably right that DHer will be the last, but I'm hoping it'll be LK. Well, actually, I don't want a Kami goodbye - I want Kate to rush to the airport and board the corporate jet at the last minute, having realized that she and Sami should be fabulous in LA together, swishing around in their robes and clinking cocktail glasses.


    Failing that, I will settle for Kate finally admitting that she cares about Sami, and not just because Sami's the mother of her grandchildren.

    • Love 5
  18. That's all we got for Lumi flashbacks? I feel ripped off. And I can't imagine how angry I'm going to be tomorrow...

    Just how much of Sami's time tomorrow do they plan to devote to AbiFail?? Really, even one scene is too much. If it's half the episode, or god forbid the entire episode, I will scream!


    I did tear up during their goodbye because it was so clearly AS coming through.


    I like the idea of bringing on a Kiriakis brother. And they could kill two birds with one stone by pairing him up with Nicole. Not that I haven't liked Rafe/Nicole's recent interactions, but let's face it, GG is not close to AZ's level.

    • Love 5
  19. Agreed, shesajar. In addition to your excellent points, I also suspect that a SL of Sonny cheating would be made to be Will's story rather than Sonny's, so it wouldn't fix the root problem of Sonny never having a story of his own.


    I think for Sonny to truly have his own storyline, it needs to be something that doesn't have anything to do with his relationship. Maybe something to do with his Kiriakis relatives? It would help bolster Sonny as a character...he's a Kiriakis, son of a supercouple, and yet feels almost as untethered as, say, Nicole, who currently has no relatives in town.

    • Love 4
  20. As an atheist myself, I both did and didn't appreciate Alicia's storyline. Americans are less willing to vote for atheists for elected office than for any other minority, even Muslims - atheists are that mistrusted. So I appreciated it on that level. But, atheists have started to break that barrier and get elected to office even while being openly atheist, so this felt a bit behind the times to me, particularly given the show is set in Illinois rather than a Bible Belt state. So I didn't appreciate it on that level. It's kind of like the DOMA episode all over again - while I'm usually happy to have some focus shined on gay issues, I disliked it because the episode was so out of touch with where real-life court proceedings were.


    They've ruined Elsbeth over these last two episodes. That is all.

    • Love 5
  21. The other thing I really like about the "Hollywood? EJ who?" aspect, aside from my just not being interested in watching Sami cry over EJ, is that it gives me hope that this exit SL really isn't going to end with Sami and EJ being reunited. If the story were going to end that way, they would have Sami be consistently unhappy throughout all this instead of smiling and laughing and already moving on with her post-EJ life.

    • Love 2
  22. I honestly can't think of a storyline on any soap where an adoption was actually shown in a genuine, positive light.


    Dorian and Langston on One Life to Live. First Dorian was her foster mom and then she wanted to adopt her and Langston wanted to be adopted by her, and then the obligatory biological relative showed up...but Langston never wavered in wanting to be adopted by Dorian, and in the end she was.


    The ep descriptions are up for Tivo now, and apparently AS's last day is this Thursday, not this Wednesday. Also, I can't believe that

    they are spending even a moment of AS's last days on Sami and AbiFail reaching an understanding. That's tomorrow. Bleah.

    • Love 3
  23. Not much time then to fit in the rest of the flashbacks that they should do. Hmm. They've done Ejami and Sami/Nicole, and at the very least they need to get the Lumi and Kami greatest-moments in. Maybe this stupid Hollywood exit SL will serve as the way for them to introduce all the rest.


    I was relieved that Sami and Nicole only had to talk about EJ for a few minutes before being allowed to move on to far more interesting stuff to play. I loved Nicole's reaction to the Kami portrait. I also find it hilarious - and, of course, I'm filled with glee - that AS is just plain forgetting (or she doesn't give a shit) to play any hint of the grieving widow with the Hollywood subplot. Not that she hasn't given the scenes where Sami does grieve over EJ her all, but outside of specific grief scenes/dialogue she doesn't - the way Sami's running around and laughing, I'd never know she hadn't just lost a husband. Whatever the reason, I'm grateful because I really didn't/don't want Sami's last few episodes to be bogged down with EJ grief.


    As predicted, I'm back to my regularly scheduled Sneasel hatred. So yes, Sami, please get the little asshole to go to LA with you and get some plastic surgery, that procedure known as Recast Facelift.


    I think it's wonderful Sami accepts that Sydney remembers or certainly has been told about Nicole's involvement, and Nicole sends xmas presents.



    Agreed, and I think part of that is because whenever EJ was being an ass and keeping Sami and the kids apart to punish Sami, Nicole would facilitate visits behind EJ's back.


    ETA: I just took a quick trip down Youtube memory lane, to when Lumi got together and Kate's reactions. There was that shower sex scene, and then Sami answered the door and Lucas came out of the shower and Kate realized he'd had sex with Sami and screamed "Noooooo!" And another scene where Kate literally walked in on Lumi in bed, and she threw food on Sami and alternated between yelling at her and hyperventilating into a paper bag. Too funny. I also came across a flashback to the sewer scene, same as was on today. Which reminds me:


    Those flashbacks were great, especially the one with Sami in the sewer.  Were her and Nicole friends at that time, or were they partners in crime?


    The friendship had been over for a while by then, so they were partners in crime. I forget what Nicole's motivation was, but Sami needed the tape in the sewer so she could expose Kate and get Lucas back.

    • Love 3
  24. I also think that Shane's "I don't date guys in the closet" stance is inappropriate for a high school student, even one who's out himself. I realize this is a fantasy oasis of liberal tolerance, but for a lot of gay high school kids, being out is not an option because of how their peers and/or parents would react. It can be a safety issue.


    I disagree. If Shane had said something along the lines of, "You should be out of the closet," then yes, he would have been over the line because some people have situations that make it very difficult and/or unsafe, for them to be out (though note he wasn't talking to a high school student, but an adult). But he just said that he isn't going to date someone who is in the closet. It's not easy for an out person to be in a relationship with a closeted person - the hiding, the sneaking around, the evasions or outright lying, and so on. It's entirely appropriate for Shane, like any other out person, to make a choice of whether or not they want to deal with that. There's no right or wrong answer, it's just up to each person to decide what they are or aren't able to deal with, like any number of other factors (e.g. not wanting to date someone who works so much you hardly see them, not wanting to date someone with children because you don't want children ever, etc.).


    I guess I heard the promo completely wrong, because I thought Liam said, "I slept with Amy," but I gather from the comments here that he didn't. What did he say, then?


    I agree Amy was being a bit Nice-Girlish, but at least she snapped out of it finally. And while normally I would think the whole "giving permission" thing was gross, I can see where here it was necessary because Karma's position was that she wasn't going to see Liam if it would cost her Amy. She didn't think she could have both of them and so she chose Amy. And I can see where she would think that because, while Amy made a lot out of the whole secrecy issue, she was bothered last season even when Karma was telling her everything - Karma pointed that out in the season finale. So while Karma shouldn't be keeping secrets or lying, I don't think Amy's reaction would really have been any better. The root of the issue for Amy is that she didn't want Karma to be with Liam because she wanted Karma all to herself. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Amy/Reagan. Then presumably everything goes to hell...

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