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Black Knight

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Posts posted by Black Knight

  1. I have to admit, Adrienne's talk with Sonny made me interested in Sonny and Paul's relationship. That's because she was insisting that Sonny had to lay out for Paul exactly where he is now, and...that just wouldn't be what I would be saying to a married person whose ex from three years ago just turned up again. It would ordinarily just be, like, a data point for me, like "Oh, so-and-so is in town?" Many, if not most, married people have exes, and those exes are usually irrelevant because, you know, married now! So it wouldn't ordinarily occur to me to be all, "You HAVE to tell your ex that you are married now!" especially on the very little tidbit of info that Adrienne had (i.e. not knowing about the kissing) - the married person has obviously moved on, I'd assume that an ex from three years ago has probably moved on too.


    So the fact that Adrienne went to that place immediately really underlines what a big deal Sonny and Paul's relationship was for Sonny. Which corresponds nicely with the fact that Sonny not only kissed Paul back, he had a second round of kissing with Paul. That's a really strong pull Paul has on him. No wonder Adrienne is freaking out, and Sneasel better watch out.


    I agree the Paul character is a little skeevy...but Christopher Sean (whom I enjoyed on "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries")is so much more appealing of an actor than Guy Wilson. And the character of Sneasel has been a horror lately anyway. So, they're going to have to make Paul a rapist (please, no) or something equally awful to get me to root for Will over Paul. I agree Sonny could do better than closet case Paul who chose baseball over him, but as of now he's still a few rungs up the ladder from Sneasel.

    • Love 3
  2. It's puzzled me why Chrishell Stause has generally been so flat in her scenes (since I watched and liked her on AMC), but her reaction shot today when Kate opened the door so perfectly mirrored my face earlier as I watched the Kate/Clyde crap. I really hate that DAYS decided to give Kate Curtis Reed 2.0. I like her being on top of the world and being fabulous, and instead she'll have to deal with the fact she got involved with a man exactly like her abusive ex who did the same thing to his kids that her abusive ex did to hers. Blech. Anyway, Jordan's face spoke for me. For once.

    • Love 6
  3. Lauren Cohan is a good actress and she gave her all to the scenes where Maggie finds out the group knows where Beth is and when she finds out Beth is dead...but it was just too little too late given the writing that's had her ignore her sister's existence for so long and thus left me completely unmoved. It doesn't help that I watch TWD right after Once Upon a Time, where one of the main plotlines of this season has been a woman looking determinedly and desperately for her sister. And as it happens, tonight was the night she finally reunited with her sister and that was so much more emotionally affecting and convincing for me because, you know, OUaT had devoted screentime to her search (as well as to how much the sisters love each other and are continually concerned for each other). So the contrast with OUaT definitely did not help.


    I'm just relieved that it was Beth who bit it, because out of all the female characters on the show, she was the one I didn't mind losing due to her being played by Emily Kinney, who I'm sure is a lovely person but is the most limited actress of the bunch. The only thing I'm sorry about is that Beth didn't get to smack Maggie first for being a shitty sister. (But, at least now that Beth is dead, I can go back to unreservedly liking Maggie because I don't have to think about the Beth thing anymore.)


    It seemed to me that there were a couple of ways that the standoff over Noah could have been avoided. First, I don't think Dawn was originally going to ask for him - it seemed like that her demand was prompted when she heard her group whispering about something behind her. Since she's paranoid, I think she thought they were grumbling about Noah, as she mentioned that officers had risked their lives to go looking for him, and she and most of her group were under the impression that that one cop had died as a result, and so she thought it would make her look weak in front of her people not to insist on Noah's return. If it hadn't been for the whispering behind her, she might not have gone to crazytown.


    The second way the standoff could maybe have been avoided is if Rick hadn't decided to kill the runaway cop. If he'd kept him alive, he would've had three cops to trade and Dawn could have accepted that without loss of face since it would have been a trade of equal numbers. When watching the opening, I'd thought that Rick made a dumb decision to kill the cop, because it seemed like a poor strategic move to reduce the number of hostages he had available, and that was underlined for me by the end.


    Third, and easiest of all, Noah should have stayed outside, out of Dawn's sight. Bringing the runaway along was another poor strategic decision.

    • Love 10
  4. I do not understand the interlude with the juror who had trouble hearing.  Even he would have had trouble with Dante's testimony, so why bother with all that confusion about his hearing? 


    They surely will bring back the plot of Geneva's love triangle, otherwise why introduce that? 


    And something will overturn this, because it is not just two years in jail -- it is the loss of Carey's license to practice law.  And howver bad the writing is, that will not be the arc. 

    Yup, something will overturn this - and that's the hearing problem of the juror. One Life to Live used exactly that plot device way back when - a trial conviction was overturned when it was discovered that a juror's hearing aid had been malfunctioning. I wonder if Renee Elise Goldsberry (who plays Geneva here and played a defense attorney on OLTL - in fact I think she was playing the defense attorney in that very trial who used it to get the conviction overturned) told the Kings about it, because it just seems too coincidental.

    • Love 1
  5. Considering AZ was so angry for so long about losing her leg, I would have thought she'd get over herself and WANT to be fixed. As in, it's the least Callie could do for choosing to cut off the leg in the first place. Since when did Arizona decide she was better off one-legged? She finally stopped blaming Callie, which is good, but not wanting to be fixed? Stupid show.

    First, I'm not sure that Callie would have been allowed to include her wife (now ex-, but at the time she started this, they were still married) in her study. I would think that wouldn't be allowed due to the conflict of interest. They never showed a conversation between Callie and Arizona discussing whether AZ would or wouldn't take part in the study herself. Even if it would have been allowed, I don't think Callie would have wanted to do it, because the work Callie is doing is about getting her new prosthetic perfect. Once that's done, then give it to her wife. AZ's condition is not life-threatening and she's doing just fine with the prosthetic she already has, so it's no big deal for her to wait.


    Second, there is no such thing as "being fixed" when it comes to Arizona. The only way she could "be fixed" would be if her leg could somehow be regrown. That isn't happening; all we're talking about here are better prosthetics. And better prosthetics are nothing to be sneezed at, but it's not "being fixed." Arizona has already learned how to have a perfectly fine life with her current prosthetics - they did an entire episode on that last season, on how she's adjusted and how she knows how to take care of problems as they come up (her best prosthetic breaks? fine, she has a spare. Blisters? Fine, she can bandage them). No matter how great her prosthetics are, she's never going to be problem-free. She can certainly improve her quality of life even more, but this is where the point about Callie's work still being in a pilot stage comes into play. Like Arizona, I have a disability for which I use technology, and that technology has made lots of improvements over the years and continues to do so. And I do look forward to the next significant improvement. But would I, at this point, participate in a study or pilot program of some kind? No. That's a lot of time and energy and commitment that would get in the way of my regular life, which happens to be just fine. I'm not in a rush. It's not that important. I can wait for them to get the kinks worked out first. The issues with Arizona's disability, like the issues with mine, will never fully vanish no matter how good the technology gets.


    But you know what? That happens to most everyone in another way - getting old. As we age, our bodies start breaking down, and there's only so much we can do about it. But that's not called a handicap, it's just called aging, and it's just something people learn to live with. Maybe you can't walk as far as you did anymore, maybe you need to spend more time stretching and recovering after a workout, maybe you don't have the strength you once did. You adjust, you learn to make decisions that take those things into account, and hopefully not have a poor quality of life. Arizona's quality of life - at least as far as her leg goes, since her personal life is in shambles - is fine: She's able to work full-time and operate, she doesn't have body image issues anymore, she's mobile. Note that in the beginning, when she was so angry about her leg being amputated, she believed she wouldn't be able ever to pick up her daughter or operate again, but she's gotten all of that back. For all intents and purposes, if you want to say "fixed" in a practical sense (since her leg isn't going to grow back), she is already "fixed." Further improvements on prosthetics is just fine-tuning. (I'll skip the lecture on how many people with handicaps and disabilities would find the whole concept of "fixed" extremely insulting, though April touched on that last season when she and Jackson were arguing about what they would do with a deaf child.)

    • Love 2
  6. Wasn't there a challenge last season where a guy also won only because he charmed the woman who was responsible for picking the winner?


    So the guy with the lowest fan score came in first place - nothing shows how irrelevant the fan score is more than that.


    Yu Tsai is the worst shoot director - or whatever his title is - that the show's ever had. No wonder Tyra's gotten more involved in the photoshoots in the back half of the season. And did they even mention who the photographer was?

    • Love 1
  7. Maybe. The problem is that although impulsive, I don't think that sleeping with Liam was ever in character for Amy. If you love your best friend like that (romantically and just as BFFs) you would never do something like that. Everything that flows from it feels like BS and the writers have made the decision this season to exacerbate Amy's 'crime' by having her wage a campaign of concealment, and now in the unveiling of the crime they've chosen to focus on said concealment.

    I do think it was in character for Amy, so our mileage differs. I felt the show did a good job last season of establishing that Amy is someone who unthinkingly lashes out when hurt, so much so that Karma, who is not a character who can ever be described as mature, had the function in their friendship of being the rational one who would rein - or at least try to, she notably failed at the bridal shower - Amy in. Yes, perhaps sleeping with Liam was extreme even for a girl who would make a huge scene at her mother's bridal shower or was seriously thinking of ruining her mother's wedding reception (Karma did talk her out of that one), but she was hella drunk at that point.


    As for the concealment, I got the impression that was just something else for Karma to yell at them about, rather than the focus. Learning that Liam had wanted to tell her the truth and Amy had stopped him did not cause her to soften towards him even an iota. As she said at the end, she hates them both. The main issue isn't the lying or the sex, it's that they maliciously set out to hurt her as much as they could. The lying is an additional offense, but I don't think her reaction would have been much milder if Liam and Amy had sat her down the morning after and told her what they'd done.


    But all tv lesbians are unable to control themselves around a penis even if it hurts a friend.


    It's not an "even if" - hurting Karma was the entire reason why Amy (and Liam) did it. It had nothing to do with sexual attraction or desire. If they had thought of something else that would have hurt Karma even more, then they would have done that. The show underlined that heavily in this episode: The sex was entirely about hurting Karma. Amy didn't want Liam and Liam didn't want Amy.


    However the writers could not be more clear in trying to paint Liam as a saint and Amy as the weasel.


    I don't agree. Amy more than any of the others is the POV character of the show. She screws up, but because she has the main POV, gets the most explanation and context for her actions, she gets plenty of audience sympathy and rooting value. Yeah, she kept this secret, and for about half a day she let Karma assign all the blame to Liam, but she also came clean in the end because she felt bad for Liam. A weasel wouldn't have done that. I think she's been portrayed consistently as a generally good person who does some wrong things for understandable and sympathetic reasons - fear, love, anger - and she feels genuine remorse when she does.


    If they wanted Liam to look like a saint, they wouldn't have Karma pointing out in this episode how hypocritical his honesty bullshit is (nobody is making Liam hide his Skwerkel connection from his classmates), or have him hurting Karma more just so that he could take Amy down with him, when he'd already acknowledged five seconds earlier that he knew that Karma wouldn't forgive him anyway. Karma was in denial because she couldn't deal with her best friend betraying her, but did Liam care that she wasn't ready to hear it? Nah, the only important thing to him was that Amy go down with him. Sure, Amy was guilty too, but telling Karma that did nothing except hurt her further. If Liam had been innocent and Amy guilty, that would have been one thing, but they're both guilty. Who was more responsible for keeping what they did a secret is not really the point. What they did was awful. If Liam were a saint, he wouldn't have done it in the first place - and he told the truth only to ease his conscience. He also showed no consideration for Karma's feelings at any point in this episode.


    I don't think the writers want us to root against any of the main characters, really. Look at Lauren, who started out looking like the stereotypical villain but very quickly proved to have much more depth than that. None of them are saints, they've all done some awful things, but they all also have their good points and are right sometimes. It's not a show that goes for the laziness of putting all its characters neatly in boxes of heroes and villains. They're flawed teenagers trying to figure their shit out.

    • Love 1
  8. I think Amy being the one who didn't want to tell Karma is completely in character. She spent all of S1 keeping her feelings a secret from Karma, and Karma had to figure it out on her own and confront Amy, and even then Amy still lied and denied it. She admitted the truth only after Karma told her she knew it was a lie. When Karma asked her why she didn't tell her, Amy said it was because she was afraid she'd lose Karma. Since "I slept with the guy you care for because I wanted to hurt you as much as possible" is exponentially likelier than "I love you" to get you kicked to the curb, I'm not surprised she spent S2 up to now keeping that a secret from Karma.


    I should add that my POV may be colored by the fact I don't think Amy wanting to keep this a secret was necessarily an awful thing, nor do I think Liam's desire to tell the truth was necessarily a good thing. He wanted to tell the truth to ease his own conscience, which is essentially selfish. Amy also had selfish motives for not wanting to tell Karma the truth, but I do think that knowing how much Karma would be hurt was a motive for her as well. And it's hard for me to look favorably on Liam the truth-teller for telling the truth when he's screaming at Karma in front of a fourth of the school that her best friend wanted to hurt her. I winced at that when watching it. If he must tell that part of the truth, there were many better ways to reveal that incredibly painful information to Karma. I don't think the show has really come down firmly on one side of the moral question of, "Is it always better to tell the truth, even when it's going to hurt someone else tremendously, even when you're doing it to ease your own conscience?" Liam's the only one who thought telling Karma the truth would be the right thing to do; Amy, Shane and Lauren were all against it. Granted Shane and Lauren are greyer characters, but still, there are good arguments to be made both in favor and against, and I think the show has acknowledged that and that maybe for such a complex issue there's not a black-and-white "right" answer.

    • Love 1
  9. The writers are continuing with their Liam is a martyr trope, which was painful.

    I don't think they made Liam out to be a martyr - true martyrdom would've been him nobly pretending that Karma's belief that he manipulated poor heartbroken vulnerable Amy into sex was correct because Karma had already been hurt enough. Instead not only did he yell at Amy about his getting all the blame, he told Karma flat-out that they both did it to hurt her as much as they could. As Karma commented to Amy immediately afterwards, Liam tried to take Amy down with him. And for what? It wasn't going to make Karma any more willing to forgive Liam, and it just hurt her even more. First he outed Amy, and then he outed her motive for the sex. Yes, it happened to be the truth, so I guess points for that - but still, it makes him anything but a martyr. A martyr would've nailed himself up on a cross about how he was going to willingly conceal Amy's role in the fiasco so that Karma would still have her best friend.

    • Love 1
  10. Wow the denial is strong in Karma. She seemed so desperate to believe that Liam took advantage of Amy even though I think she knew the truth deep down. I did like her calling out Liam on his whole honesty bs.


    Amy really needs to work on the whole lying thing. It is like her default mode. Something tells me her trying to keep this from Reagan is going to bite her. Also what did she really think Karma was going to say when she asked Karma to forgive them both or hate them both.

    Amy needs to learn that ultimatums usually result in the other person choosing the option you don't want them to choose. But of course, there she is in the previews all "You need to decide right now whether I'm in your life or not," so apparently she hasn't learned it yet.


    I really liked that initially Karma tried to blame Liam for everything and excuse Amy completely. First from a writing perspective, it worked because it means that her reactions to Amy's and Liam's actions weren't all crammed into one short episode - she mostly focused on Liam in this episode, and the next episode she will mostly focus on Amy, I'm sure. From a character perspective, it said a lot about Karma. I felt like we could see influences from her upbringing in there - her parents seem the sort who, all her life, would have told her that she should assume the best rather than the worst of people, and also educated her on how in situations like these, the "other woman" so often catches all the shit while the guy gets off scot-free. Although, ironically, this did sort of happen here anyway (with the genders reversed) - Karma loves Amy more than she does anyone else, so of course she wanted to excuse Amy and heap all the blame on Liam.


    But as posters have said, it seems that Karma did know the truth deep down and was in denial. First, the fact that she didn't seek Amy out herself. Second, the look on her face when she hugged Amy. And third, the "You wouldn't betray me like that, right?" line. And she knows how Amy lashes out when she's hurt, several times last season we saw her either try to stop Amy from doing something extreme or recount a time where Amy did something extreme, so in her heart she knew this was something that would be in character for Amy, however much she didn't want to believe it. I also had the impression that Amy knew that Karma was in denial and that that wouldn't go on forever. KS and RV both did really nice, nuanced jobs with their scenes.


    Poor Lauren. Damn you, Theo!

    • Love 2
  11. Eh. Lenox stated on her Tumblr that Chantelle lied. Plus, Chantelle's response was rather a give away.


    And Lenox knows this for a fact how? Unless Chantelle told Lenox that she lied, Lenox doesn't know. She just has an opinion, and is hardly an objective party. And it goes both ways - if, say, Adam were to say on his Twitter that Keith lied, I wouldn't take that as evidence either because, again, how would he know?


    One reason for Chantelle's response could be that she had been lying. Another reason for her response could be that she was telling the truth, but felt she would look pathetic if she kept insisting that she and Keith did sleep together after she found out that he was denying it, especially in a house where his word was going to be taken over hers because he's more well-liked. It wouldn't have been a flattering situation to be in.


    It's all just speculation. Until either Chantelle or Keith say straight-up, "I'm the one who lied," we can never know. I am not going to condemn either of them on speculation.


    The editors/producers know exactly who lied and they put it in the title of the episode.


    No, we know who they want to be believed to be the liar. They didn't have the footage of Chantelle telling Shei that she and Keith had hooked up, or they would've included that in the episode. Chantelle and Shei were able to have that conversation without being filmed, so Chantelle and Keith, by the same token, could have had sex without being filmed. The show is proud of having a ex-NFL football player in the cast, and Tyra wants him to win. So of course he's going to be presented as the truth-teller. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. We don't know. The show doesn't know.

    • Love 1
  12. Yes, Kate has certainly been the overbearing, over-interfering mother-in-law.


    Which is why I'd love to see how she would react to a Lumi reunion now, given how her relationship with Sami changed over the last year or so. I think she would have a more complex reaction than just a knee-jerk "Time for me to plot to ruin their relationship again!" one.

    • Love 2
  13. Her lie was made public the minute she decided to open her mouth and tell an untruth.


    I've said that I had a guy lie about sleeping with me. I was not gentle when I called him out, nor did I do so quietly. For that reason, I don't think Keith owed Chantelle any consideration. This situation could have been avoided entirely by Chantelle keeping her lies to herself.

    Problem is, we have no way of knowing who was lying, Chantelle or Keith. We don't know these people. In your case, since you were one of the involved parties, you of course knew the truth. If Chantelle lied, I agree that he doesn't owe her any consideration. But we have no evidence supporting either possibility, and both possibilities are plausible. People do also lie that they haven't slept with somebody if they think that it makes them look bad to others. And men Keith's age sleep with women Chantelle's age all the time. So in the end, I simply don't know what happened. I'm a little puzzled that it seems to be taken as gospel that Chantelle's the one who lied. She only admitted to telling Shei, not to lying. Any opinion is based on speculation, not on hard evidence, and considering how very shitty either of these lies are - it's as awful to lie about not having slept with someone as it is to lie about having slept with someone - I'm going to presume both of them innocent until something concrete surfaces (which will probably be never) because it's a terrible thing to hang on either of them with no evidence.

    • Love 4
  14. Has AS ever said what her favorite pairing was? I guess BD can pick sides without facing much backlash since Lumi was his biggest and longest pairing.

    Indeed. AS said in an interview that she was scared to say what her favorite pairing was because some fans go crazy on actors who do. But she had three major pairings, while Lumi far outdistances anything else Lucas has had.

    • Love 2
  15. It isn't incest, she's his stepdaughter.  But it is child abuse and statutory rape.

    Legally, it's not child abuse as Jordan wasn't prepubescent. The incest question depends on who you ask/where you live - for some people, cultures, religions, and legal jurisdictions, a sexual relationship between two people related by marriage, such as stepparent/stepchild, is considered incestuous. For others, it's not considered incestuous. But statutory rape, absolutely, and not the kind where the minor willingly participated but is too young to legally consent. I remember Clyde saying some shit about Jordan's part in the sex, but I dismissed it as that's typical excuse-making and blame-shifting by rapists and I don't remember Jordan saying anything about being willing. So I understood it to have been forcible rape in every way.

    • Love 5
  16. Brady and Kristen haven't had sex since right before she was exposed as a rapist. If she had gotten pregnant by Brady she would already be showing. I have no doubt that she will try to pass it off as his but I'm wondering how she will convince Brady it's his. I know he's stupid...but is he THAT stupid? 

    Technically, the problem is not convincing Brady that the baby is his. It IS his. It's just not Kristen's. (That said, I don't think her plan is to use the baby to get Brady back. She just wants to have Brady's baby to raise.)


    Chrishelle got fired?  Where did you hear that?

    She tweeted on her last day of filming that it was her last day. (Comings and goings aren't considered spoilers, are they? All the other exits were discussed here well in advance of the actors' final airdates - not just AS and JS, but CB and BB and so on.)

    • Love 1
  17. I don't remember that at all. It really must have been a fleeting moment.

    It was revealed in "The One Percent" when they were going over Finn's potential liabilities as a candidate for SA - his divorce was listed as one because he divorced his wife after a miscarriage, which looks bad on the surface.

    • Love 1
  18. The campus rape storyline felt rushed and ripped straight from the headlines. If you're going to do it, do it right, writers! Seemed odd why no one asked why the girl didn't report it to the real police, not the campus police.

    It was explained at the start, I think by Owen - she didn't report it to the real police because she didn't want her life turned upside down the way it would have been if she'd gone that route. So she just wanted to get the guy out of her classes.


    Kalinda's storyline is peaking pretty fast, like she's not going to be on the show much longer, and I'm sure Archie Panjabi would like to be done in time for pilot season so she can concentrate on getting her possible new show off the ground, and lining up other possibilities should that show not work out. I expect either Lana will get her put into Witness Protection, or she'll simply vanish to start over somewhere else with a new identity of her own creation. I kind of think it'll be the latter because that would bring the character full circle. I can't see her being willing to testify against Bishop no matter how many promises of safety she's offered, given what's happened to every other witness or informant over the seasons.


    I like Cary, but he can come off as smarmy and entitled, so I did enjoy Viola's cross-examinations (it's not like there are real-world consequences for these - if that happened during his actual trial, I'd be very upset for him). And he did get back on track in his final session.


    I liked seeing Alicia working on this CotW - I liked her much more during that then I have in a while. As for the election storyline, well, I liked the focus group part better than I have some of the other stuff they done. But I had to roll my eyes, just like last week, over Alicia needing to be introduced to the concept of photo ops and how she can't do anything off-the-cuff without filtering it through the optics of the campaign. She went through several elections, one gubernatorial, with her husband. She would already know about this, and message discipline. And it's irritating because it simultaneously dumbs Alicia down while making her male campaign advisors look condescending.


    Didn't Finn mention his wife last season, now his EX-WIFE. Okay I see where this is going and it's soooo slimy IMO


    From Finn's first episode on, he never wore a wedding ring, so I knew his wife was no longer in the picture and he was either widowed or divorced. They let us know during Finn's brief flirtation with running for SA that it was divorce.

    • Love 3
  19. So Arizona thinks she gave up her marriage because she wanted to do the fellowship? Was she even listening in the counselling sessions? She is so self-absorbed, I see why Callie could not be in a relationship with her.

    No, Arizona said that there were a lot of reasons why she and Callie were splitting up, but that the fellowship was the nail in the coffin. Which is a reasonable enough assessment, since that prompted Callie's assumption that Arizona didn't want to have a baby, which led them to the counseling and the therapist-recommended break that resulted in Callie realizing she wanted the break to be permanent. Up until Arizona got the fellowship, Calzona had been limping along - not doing well, they'd buried a million things, but they'd been limping along. They'd still be together, at least for the time-being, if Arizona hadn't taken the fellowship.

  20. Eve getting pregnant never occurred to me.  My first thought was Eve is going to accuse JJ of rape.

    I think it's going to be both! Eve's pregnancy will expose her having slept with JJ, so Eve will accuse JJ of rape. (In other words, yes, the writers are going to make this story as awful as they possibly can.)

    • Love 2
  21. The CotWs can be pretty lame, but the problem is that without them, all the show has is the overall mythology arc with the royals and the keys - which suuuuuuuuucks. I definitely don't want any more airtime going to that. So, I want the CotWs, I just want them to be more interesting. This show was always at its best for me on a micro level, when the cases meant Nick getting involved in local Wesen politics, and I wish the writers would expand on that. It would also let the writers finally bring Monroe and Rosalee back to the forefront - they've played around a bit at Rosalee potentially being a leader of the local Wesen, and if they went all the way with that, Monroe and Rosalee could be involved in the CotWs in a way that isn't redundant like now (they're no longer needed to ID local Wesen since Renard is around, Hank being in the know eliminates the need for Monroe as a partner, and they beat the Potion of the Week solution to death back in S2).

    • Love 5
  22. I felt sorry for KdP and CM, watching the Eve/JJ scenes today. I felt like neither had any real idea how to make their coming together for sex make sense, though CM seemed more at a loss than the veteran. I love me some inappropriate sex, but that was just bad - completely inorganic and plot-driven. I didn't believe it for a minute. Worse yet, this guarantees Eve being stuck in the kiddie pool for months to come.

    • Love 4
  23. I agree that's the problem. I love Sami, but the soap could get along without her. But there is nothing going on that I want to watch. So it's not so much that they lost Sami as it is that they aren't filling the screentime with anything I like.


    I found out that Melissa Archer is joining the show, so I've decided to hang in until she shows up. I've always really liked her, and maybe she'll have a storyline I want to watch. The odds of that are low, I realize, seeing as how all these other actors I like are stuck in awful storylines (or no storyline in MBE's case) but who knows.

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