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Everything posted by AkitaLex

  1. I'm ashamed I've never noticed it before, but "figure it out" with no other comment is not a critique! It's just a meaningless aphorism. The "mentor" on PR:All Stars is beyond useless
  2. Commenting as I watch, but dear lord, the horrible turnout and feet from the ladies wearing pointe shoes during Jason Derulo's performance is why we should never have a ballet number that isn't danced by a ballet dancer. I guess this is how ballroom people feel when seeing ballroom dances being desecrated. And it's easily fixed! Just have them do it on demi-pointe. They already did it for most of the number. This "broken-down ballet dancer" is a trope that needs to disappear. It's no excuse for bad form. That hurt my dancing heart.
  3. I was so excited to see "the two ballet boys!!!!" but I wasn't impressed by the performance. I think the idea was good, but the execution was poor. You would never cast these two in a number with so many synchronous sections. They're both amazing, but have very different strengths. If these dances are being choreographed specifically for these groups, I would have preferred to see the ballet boys kick the butts of the other people in their group routines than see them pitted against each other. Jim is getting all the Alex Wong comparisons, but Darion is an amazingly powerful dancer. I loved his audition, and he's going to kill it in the partnering, once this show finally decides to make the dancers do something outside their stage/street zone.
  4. Pallida, Robert and Amy did a routine to "Say Something," and Kenya andConnor's rather impressive one-handed lift was lifted (haha!) straight from that routine. The rest of it was pretty different. In the Robert/Amy number, there was some dangling off the stage and a lot more angsty hugging.
  5. I also wish this had been a 3 person ellimination challenge. I would have loved to see Doug cook his own food on his own terms. It really seemed like he got steamrolled by the other chefs. I know he could have spoken up and demanded a more fair division of the ingredients, but it feels like a failure on the part of the show to just leave everything to the "cheftestants." At the very least, Greg shouldn't have been able to call guavas, then regect the idea of serving them as the last course. He has definitely come across as a jerk on more than one occasion on the show, though I get that editing is contributing to that. As a Portlander, I'm happy both Greg and Doug made it to the semi-finals, but I was really rooting for Doug. Partly because of his (non-native) Portlander status, but mostly because he looks like my ex-boyfriend and seems super nice.
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