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Passing Strange

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Posts posted by Passing Strange

  1. 6 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    The term "chef" gets thrown around loosely. I consider someone with formal culinary training to at least have some credible food knowledge. 

    I agree, and I'd say it's definitely a YMMV thing. I'm older and my idea of a chef is older, too. To me, a chef has not only knowledge, but experience running a professional kitchen. I also believe food knowledge includes knowing not only when to use a particular ingredient, but why you use it. The source of the information, whether culinary school or working up from dishwasher, isn't as important to me as the actual knowledge.

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  2. When Giada battled Rachel Ray on Iron Chef it was said specifically that they weren't chefs, so I've never thought of her as one. Others do and it has been 16 years since that IC episode. People magazine says Giada left FN for Amazon Studios earlier this year. 

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  3. I just happened to catch Gabe's episode of HHI, which is why I was interested in this show. He rejected one place because the kitchen was lacking, but so was the one in the place he chose. They made significant changes to that kitchen, so you'd think they could have done so for the other one. If you're going to make up a reason for rejection don't turn around and contradict it. I should have known then to lower my expectations.

    Remember when Top Chef had a home cook, a culinary school student, and multiple caterers as contestants? This kind of reminded me of those days. But just like TC evolved, so have viewers. If we wanted basic food we could watch reruns of Aaron McCargo's show. Maybe they wanted contestants very likely to be thrilled with the vague yet life-changing prize.

    I don't know if this show was meant for Giada, who isn't a chef, but I'm happy not to see her. I'd be happy not to see Alex, too. I agree with those who noticed an element of meanness in some critiques. More than once I wanted to shout that the reason for someone's choice was that they only had 45 minutes. And she was unhappy with commercial pasta but didn't mind jarred tomatoes.

    Not having enough scallops for two chefs in the first round was ridiculous.

    It does look like they're trying for Food Competition meets Big Brother. The problem is that this is a cooking competition. I want the winner to be the person who cooked the best food, not the one who picked the best team or made the best alliance.

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  4. On 4/10/2023 at 8:43 AM, Gemma Violet said:

    That home was mentioned on the show (by Amanda?), but I'm thinking some other family member(s) may have been living there when Amy and Tammy rented their duplex.  And then it was apparently vacant around the time Tammy needed a home.

    This sounds right. Amanda said she arranged for Tammy to have the house where Amanda used to live. This article says a family member from the Halterman side helped Tammy out.

    There's an article in a post above about Tammy buying a house. Some of the same terminology is used in this article, making it like the same house.

    The latest article about Michael says he was ordered to remove his belongings from the house he and Amy shared (which is as it should be if he was abusive) so who knows where anybody is living now.

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  5. 11 hours ago, swankie said:

    I seriously don't get the Jason hate. (And I'm not just talking about you Marley.)  He seems to be a gentleman who is very chill and laid back.  My only bad thing I have to say about him is I wish he would stop acting like "the help" and exert himself more and stop letting women like Lindsay walk all over him.  Who the hell does she think she is having Carl tell him not to speak to her?! I wish he would tell them both to kiss his ass!  And I don't think for a minute she had a miscarriage.  She aborted that baby!!!  Yes, I went there!!! And this is just my opinion.  I really don't want to argue about it. 

    I think people are adjusting their understanding of Jason as we see more of him, not hating. For instance, I was disappointed when he was upset with Lindsay for for a matter he could have resolved without information from her. Then he handled the situation wisely by telling Lindsay, in private, what the issue was. She apologized, and he seemed to accept but now it may be that he really didn't. We need to know more and maybe we'll find out who the hell she thinks she is. Although the way this season has been going a relative of Jason's could have been ruined by the SVB collapse and it would all be Lindsay's fault.

    Lindsay has been consistent about the fact that she very much wants children. I think a couple of the others even mentioned it when talking about the miscarriage. That's one reason I think an abortion is doubtful. The other is that she praised Jason for stepping up, so it's possible he offered marriage, something else she wants.

    Please don't think I'm ignoring your last sentence. Unlike emotions, opinions are open to disagreement. I've stated mine and am fine with agreeing to disagree.

    6 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

    I think I’m more like Lindsay than not in one way (I swear it’s just this!). I don’t think I need to give my friends a ton of unsolicited opinions about their lives, nor do I want them. Like sure, if you have concerns express them once  just to me. After that, let it go.

    You and Lindsay are spot on that way. Imagine if Danielle had actually done that and then maybe followed up by explaining her hurt feelings and asking for more support. Heh, everybody else would have had to come up with actual storylines.

    • Like 6
  6. Last week I thought the hazing was stupid and boring. Chris seemed to think so, too, and I appreciated that he went along with it only because Kyle and Carl were acting like friends again. This week I'm pissed at the entitlement of all of these straight, White, CIS-gendered men who think it's fine to rifle through women's possessions in hopes of inconveniencing, or, better still, embarrassing them. And that display with Ciara was ridiculous.

    Kory is as bad, or worse. I hope the show isn't going to go to the Ciara-in-a-love-triangle well again.

    I enjoyed the flashback to last season's Paige and Craig. It was a nice change to see her looking actually interested in him.

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  7. I think most doctors would say, "I'm a dermatologist" or "I'm a dentist." That's why Josh calling himself "a physician" stood out to me. Just state your specialty. If some people think it lacks prestige, that's their problem.


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  8. On 3/22/2023 at 1:01 PM, RedDelicious said:

    Something just isn't right, perhaps he has a processing disorder of some sort, or maybe brain damage as I was saying above. He has to pause before answering questions and then he blurts out otherwise inappropriate things (the cake scene) at inappropriate times.

    Good point. Caleb does read like a person with traumatic brain injury, maybe from a car accident or a fall. He doesn't seem intellectually impaired; in fact, he's better-spoken than the Slatons. He does seem to have some of the issues with communication and behavior that can happen with TBI. That would explain the pausing, blurting, and extreme emotional reactions. I don't think he's a grifter, just someone who's high functioning but has a disability.

    On 3/22/2023 at 1:01 PM, RedDelicious said:

    I think Amy deliberately mispronounces words as part of her schtick and then has a good laugh thinking other people will find it funny as well (pro tip: we don't).

    Agreed. I've thought Amy was smarter than she lets on since the tea party. She knew some words and concepts that didn't fit with the bumbler image she usually portrays. You can see when she's working the schtick. She mispronounces a word to the camera, then looks at the production person and asks about it. Then she does that little explosive "puh!" laugh that makes me want to slap her.

    32 minutes ago, Teriacky said:

    It just occurred to me that maybe if they had played the wedding March TLC would have had to pay royalties. 

    Nope. Both the Mendelssohn and Wagner music often played at weddings are in the public domain.

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  9. Too bad Andrea isn't a regular anymore. Maybe he could explain to Chris that women aren't an alien species and that you talk to them like regular human beings.

    The dogs seem better adjusted than Kyle or Amanda.

    Lindsay and Amanda don't get along. Everybody, including Kyle and Carl, needs to accept that. It happens; it's not the end of the world. Grown people simply limit contact between the two and make an effort to be civil when it has to happen. I'd rather watch people dealing with these situations in a good way than have the tortured drama.

    The pearl-clutching about going to Montauk was ridiculous. Compromise is what happens in healthy relationships. But this wasn't even that. Lindsay was OK with going out and OK with staying in. She deferred to Carl because she didn't have a preference. She got what she wanted, which was time with Carl.

    2 hours ago, ksutton625 said:

    So MUCH projection coming from Danielle, Paige and Amanda. 

    I hadn't realized this and I think it's spot on. Maybe also add Mya, whose relationship is going south, and Ciera who is still talking about fuckwad Austen.

    • Like 7
  10. 5 hours ago, Meh said:

    I guess the whole family suffered trauma in their youth then, as all of them are/were morbidly obese, including the latest generation? Including their mother?

    I think the poster was referring to Tammy being verbally and emotionally abusive and manipulative, but I've seen it suggested that her size is a result of trauma. I blame Dr. Now's show for focusing on a relationship between past issues and disordered eating. Yes, sometimes that's the case, but I believe most of us just like to eat. You make a good point about this family, the overeating seems to be learned behavior.

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  11. All of these women would say they're strong, fierce, and independent, yet here they are promoting toxic masculinity. No, Carl should not be speaking up to defend Lindsay; it's Lindsay's job to defend Lindsay. We've seen her do it in the past. She doesn't require a man to do it for her. Nor should Kyle be yelling insults on behalf of Amanda. That's no different than the incident with Will Smith and Chris Rock, just with less violence.

    Who is the Great Manipulator in the house? Amanda. She could have made a small joke at Danielle's comment and moved on, because that's all it deserved and because that's what adults do. Instead, she burst into tears and took to her bed, causing everyone else in the house to be involved in her contrived drama. Lindsay can't hold a candle to Amanda in the manipulation department.

    33 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

    i still do not understand the problem with Carl and Lindsey. Are they annoying? Yes! But they were both annoying before they got together.

    So true. Is Carl now more subdued?  Yes. He's adjusting to being sober and he's still grieving the death of his brother. The other cast members need to lay off the concern trolling and find new storylines. This one is old and the people using it are boring.

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  12. 18 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Does anybody need to be schooled on IG by Whitney on why this vibrator is so fabulous?   She does it for the money and it's gross.

    Whitney is pointing out why someone might want to buy this vibrator. People who aren't potential buyers for whatever reason don't have to be "schooled"; they can just move on. To me, promoting products on social media is no different than earning money from any other kind of endorsement.

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  13. On 3/3/2023 at 12:06 PM, bichonblitz said:

    Whit's back on IG selling dildoes again. Gotta keep earning those $$$$ no matter how humiliating. The woman has no shame. 

    You mean the Lelo vibrators? I don't see the humiliation in promoting something that's sex positive. This particular brand is also inclusive and informative, so I hope they benefit from the mention.

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  14. I dunno, it looks to me like Tori just needed a caption for a cute picture, not that she was making fun of Josiah. The picture is before the face plant, so she likely was there to help him if he even needed it. As for hats, in the first photo, he's wearing one. In the second picture, it's a snow suit with a hood, so she probably pulled it down for the picture. Both outfits look warm. There are very old photos of ruddy-cheeked baby me in a lot more snow. I was fine and I believe Josiah will be, too.

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  15. So six or so years ago Gabby's boyfriend cheated  on her and ghosted her and that's cause for giving up on love. Because that's never happened to anyone before. Then, based on a sample of one, she concludes that all Cancer men are assholes and uses that as a reason to be rude to a man who was nothing but pleasant and polite.

    It looks like the prediction that Lindsay might be cast as the root of all evil in the house is correct. Yes, she's crazy and yes, the constant couple-ness is annoying, but Carl has a mind of his own. Maybe expect him to take responsibility for his decisions, Kyle. And Mya, you trusted Carl? Have you seen the show?

    I'm glad to see them back in the city and going out.

    I'd like to see more of Chris and Sam. Whiny Jessica from Winter House can take lessons from Sam in how to join a new group. And also in how to get compliments. Oliver and the Cancer guy can show up on my scene any time they want. Craig not so much.

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  16. While the picture, blanket, and pillow in memory of Little Bit might seem a bit much down the road, I get being heart broken at the loss of a pet. It was the funeral that I questioned. Then I watched and I sniffled a bit. I felt bad for Amy and Micheal. I'm glad the family came out for them and that no one was an asshat.

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  17. The way I watch these shows is to understand that they're fake but to play along with the fantasy that they're real. It's not hard. I mean, who hasn't booked a stay at a retreat without knowing its name or the type of services it offers?

    I'm fat, I spend time with a close friend who is fat. Odd as it may seem to the producers of this show, we don't spend all our time together talking about being fat or awkwardly trying to do things we're too big to do.  I'd like to see the same with these women. It would be interesting to see Ashley doing some job hunting, for instance, or Tina picking out books. They could take a class in something fun, like scrapbooking, or practical, like being an informed shopper. And I would be forever grateful if Meghan and Vannessa learned how to do their makeup. I want to see emphasis on them as people, not on their weight.

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  18. Said in the workroom, "There's so few of us left it's really intense now." Seriously? Three quarters of you are left. It won't get intense until it's down to five or six, which probably won't happen for another 16 or 17 episodes.

    Marcia and her OTT reactions to almost everything are annoying.

    Mistress is one of those people who thinks she can be as mean and rude as she wants by saying it's all in fun. Fuck off, Mistress. And I mean that in the funnest way.

    I wish RuPaul was as over himself as I am. He's said that drag isn't an insult to women, that drag artists love and respect women. Apparently the way to show that is to use words men have traditionally employed to diminish women-- furry pink boxes, fish, pussies and the ultimate cleverness, a tag line with an acronym that many woman hate. And this episode? In the age of Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, Joy Behar and other active, vital older women, we get cringy stereotypes. RuPaul's 62-year-old ass can join Mistress in the great FO.

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    32 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    Every season they seem to dig up another sibling who was never mentioned before and their actual relationship is vague. 

    IKR? That's why I question the frequent statements about how close and supportive the family is and how they're all sad and enjoying things less when Tammy can't be with them. It feels like all this need for togetherness maybe happened when the other siblings saw the money.

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  20. The meatloaf was done. The fat Amy drained after she took it out of the oven was the color of regular ground beef drippings. When she cut the first slice there was only a little bit of juice and it was clear. What it's sitting in is the tomato sauce she poured over it before serving. The red splashes on the meat are the sauce. The pink look of some slices is due to lighting. If you watch the video you'll see what you can also see in the picture above; the slice looks underdone when facing the camera and done when it's down on the plate. Amy's productions are by no means slick and that's the reason for the unpalatable look of this particular product.

    I don't enjoy her videos, so I just don't watch. I can see why others do, though. She's a nice, normal home cook who kind of bumbles around the way many of us do in the kitchen. She's also not a bad role model, as she doesn't make a big deal about being little; she just copes. And, on a shallow note, her hair looked great in the video.

    I'm kind of sorry I watched the video now because, as much as I love hot dogs with cheese, I'm kind of craving a mozzarella and sauce stuffed burger. 🙂



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  21. In a nutshell, what I learned about etiquette is that it's common sense and consideration for others. From Rachel wanting to air dirty laundry in public to Amanda shit stirring to Kyle telling a story that wasn't his to tell to Jason insisting Jessica should revisit their conversation, there was precious little of either at that table. I think production instigates these things because they believe it's entertaining. I don't agree.

    Ciara and Austen's thing really is old news but neither of them had much of a story line without it. Instead of trying to make them happen, maybe production should just dump them. I do get a sense that if Austen made a dramatic act of contrition and asked Ciara to come back to him, she'd run to him so fast she'd leave skid marks.

    I think editing set us up for there to be more to the Jason/Lindsay discussion than there actually was. All he wanted was an apology from Lindsay for not telling him when the story was going to break. His concerns were that he wasn't prepared for the calls and texts of support he got and that the media didn't contact him. He got what he wanted and seemed good with it.

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