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Passing Strange

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Posts posted by Passing Strange

  1. 2 hours ago, MartyQui said:

    However, we never saw her act like a woman in a relationship and tell Gary to cut it out.

    We never saw Gary act like a man in a relationship and be faithful. When Daisy said she was with Colin and Gary said he was with Mads that should have been the end of it. But despite proclaiming that he wanted a real relationship with Mads, Gary pursued Daisy. Gary's choice; Gary's responsibility.

    1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    Daisy is definitely not responsible for Gary's actions, but the problem is that nobody is holding him accountable in a way that's going to change his behavior.

    Agreed. Sad to say it will only happen when other men criticize the behavior. Gary didn't listen to Daisy when she said no. Smiling, laughing, drunk or nervously giggling when someone says no doesn't magically turn it into yes, but there were no consequences for Gary when he ignored Daisy's objections. What would have stopped the pursuit was a "not cool, bro" from Colin. Before this season I would have said that was exactly the kind of thing Colin would do. This season? Feet of clay.

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  2. A second show during which Andy led a pile-on on a woman because she enjoys sex. And this time Glenn jumped in to say tsk tsk to Gary but that the real problem was that Daisy didn't handle him better. WTF.

    Daisy was in a no win situation. Glenn (and his girlfriend) thought all she had to do was be more forceful in discouraging Gary and the problem would have been solved. That's naive. Gary, like too many men, unconsciously believes he has a right to women's bodies. We know Gary is a petulant, selfish brat. If Daisy had denied him, he would have mocked her and accused her of having no sense of humor or complained about her to anyone who would listen, including Glen, or sulked and made passive-aggressive comments about her. The one thing he wouldn't have been was gracious and trying to work with him would have been a nightmare. We've almost five years out from MeToo and people are still expecting women to be responsible for men's actions and feelings. It's sad and frustrating.

    And regardless of how diplomatic Daisy was trying to be last week when answering the question about Glenn and Gary's friendship, she was wrong. Glenn is very biased in favor of Gary. When a department head's staff say they're better off without him and we can see why, that's bad management. Glenn should have addressed that. He didn't, because he himself is a bad manager. 

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  3. I got braces when I was around Whitney's age. It was purely for cosmetic reasons; I was tired of getting lipstick on my front teeth. I had absolutely no qualms about doing it for vanity's sake. In fact, I would encourage anyone who wanted to do it for that reason to go for it. Even though I had no other dental issues, my dentist was delighted with my decision. He wasn't an orthodontist, so there was no profit motive. It was because he knew that in the long run having the procedure would significantly increase the liklihood of me keeping my own teeth for the rest of my life. Regardless of what drove Whitney's decision, she's improved her dental health and most likely her self confidence, so good for her.

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  4. 5 hours ago, TV Glotzer said:

    While Gary’s appeal to women continues to confound, what is the appeal of Mads for that matter?

    I'm totally confused about how Gary attracts women. Even if someone hadn't seen his behavior on this show neither his personality nor appearance are appealing. I dunno, maybe he wears people down with his persistence.

    Mads, on the other hand, is nice-looking and people are willing to have an extended conversation with her without having to be physically backed into a corner. I respect her for being sex-positive and open about it. She has as much right to want casual sex as any man and she's better at getting it than 50% of her male co-workers.


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  5. While I wish Daisy would give Gary a hard shove and a firm no! --kind of like you do with a dog, only with less hope of being understood--she shouldn't have to. Gary has no right to anyone else's body and everybody in his life should be telling him so.

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  6. Colin's sister is wonderful. I want all the idiots in the triangle to ask her what to do and then do it. Problem solved.

    I also want Gary to pull up his damn pants.

    How did Colin not know about the Daisy/Gary hook up? The whole Internet knew shortly after it happened.

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  7. 8 hours ago, floridamom said:

    Amy just has to keep on posting whether we want to see it or not as she is afraid that we will "forget" about her in between TV seasons. She is a very insecure person.

    It's not insecurity; it's part of the job. Most of these reality show folks are active on SM. It's a way of publicizing their shows between seasons. The smart ones also do it because they can make money, either by promoting their own or other people's products. If Amy wasn't doing it people would be criticizing her for not making use of her platform to create income for when the show ends. While some people don't like her, there are many who do and enjoy the posts, so there's that, too.

    I agree that she doesn't have a mustache. Like most people in our society, I'm tempted to police the looks of other people, especially women. It's a habit I want to break. Expecting people to live up to some Instagram inspired ideal isn't a good thing. So, for me, if Amy or anyone posts a picture that reflects actual reality, she gets my respect.


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  8. This show had great promise and ended up being a big disappointment. It was criminal not to showcase the natural beauty of the region, the bounty of fresh ingredients, the local experts, and the historic villa. Then there was the ridiculous format that forced people to cook in teams, giving one team the advantage of extra planning time plus the ability to taste and critique their competitors' food. I read an interview in which Natalia said the contestants had been told no one would be eliminated until the end. They only found out the final format when they got to Tuscany. And we never got any details about the prize, like where the winner would travel and what would happen while she was there. Posters here were right, production was making this up as they went along. What a waste of a terrific concept.

    7 hours ago, candall said:

    The judging was so manufactured and arbitrary.  They could easily have channeled Saba into the "Superior" stream the same way they did Cory and Preston, with all that capo bullshit.  They just chose not to.

    I agree about the favoritism toward the Alpha Boys. There have been times when I thought the decision of cooking contest judges didn't jibe with their critiques, but I've never suspected judges of flat out lying. That changed with this show. I think there were times when Alex and Gabe really wanted to do a Gordon Ramsey style spit. Instead they had to pick through an awful dish to find something, anything, good to say just so a favorite would advance. 

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  9. You know who really needs to be more respectful of Carl's issues? Andy fucking Cohen. An hour of him badgering Lindsay and Carl to accept crazy, disrespectful, self-involved Danielle back into the fold was painful to watch. I still don't get how anyone can have seen the show and think Danielle was anything but way out of line. I think even Robert figured it out and that's why he wanted to apologize to Carl.

    I agree that Andy dislikes Lindsay. I think he patted himself on the back for brokering peace but I agree that he did it for the sake of the programs, not Danielle.

    Other things that happened (but not for long):

    Kory, "My relationship with Sam is going well because I actually like Sam."

    Paige, "Being an adult is hard."


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  10. 5 hours ago, IntrovertRed said:

    What is the rumor that Craig leaked about Luke?

    Here you go.

    Winter House’s Luke Gulbranson Implies Craig Conover Leaked Jessica Stocker Drama

    5 hours ago, IntrovertRed said:

    I've liked Craig compared to his Southern Charm counterparts, but that is starting to change due to his behavior from other shows he's been on

    I'm willing to give Luke some benefit of the doubt, but the business with Jessica was bad. I didn't know he was on anything other than Summer House and Winter House. What have I missed?

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  11. I start to like Bria and then she pulls out this huge sense of entitlement. It's common courtesy and common sense to ask the organizer of a share house if you can bring your dog. Some of the other folks might have allergies, the house owner could not allow dogs, or there could be an additional fee for a pet. The fact that it's a service animal doesn't change or negate any of those things. You ask and understand that you and your dog might not be able to be accommodated.

    Bria did tell the hosts she was expecting her boyfriend. I think she really did tell them, though, not ask them. Regardless, you do that privately, in a quiet space, at a time when they're not distracted  When you do, you also say you understand that your share didn't include a guest and ask what kind of financial arrangements you can make. It's possible Bria is just stupid, not thoughtless, but she was out of line either way.

    I think Silas is insecure, not controlling. He's worried about Jasmine being out late at night but he's more worried that she's accepting drinks from other men. Based on the whole Sadie, Sadie, married lady thing Jasmine is doing, I don't think he has anything to worry about. Even so, it's possible for two women friends to go out for a drink without attracting male attention. Maybe Jasmine needs to try it. She can afford to buy her own drinks.

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  12. Two people in a relationship having an argument and deciding to go cool off separately is healthy, price of Uber ride notwithstanding. One person becoming more patient with his partner because he learned it from having dogs is not.

    Paige should maybe back off on the DeuxMoi innuendos, seeing as how the weirdo she fucking loves everything about likely submitted a blind item about Luke there. If Paige's anger and frustration stems from a somewhat minor incident four years ago, I'm thinking Lindsay isn't the one who's nuts, but Paige certainly is the one who's boring.

    Was this filmed recently? Because if they've had time to see the episodes and read viewer reactions, you'd think everyone would be trying to do damage control. Yet it's only Carl and Lindsay, the two people who were maligned the most. Right couch needs a dose of genuine reality.

    30 minutes ago, snarts said:

    Are we too assume that it's all them and she's actually a sheer delight? 

    We know she's not. We've seen her in action for seven seasons. But she was pretty decent last season and better this one. I'd say what we're seeing now is the other cast members having an issue with Lindsay. Which, fine, but just say so once and move on, preferably without smirking, snorting, eye rolling, and under breath mumbling.

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  13. Marlo is dreadful. I was thinking that she was almost as good at reinventing herself as Porsha was, but Porsha was able to hold the facade together until she got her own show. Marlo didn't even make it three episodes. The whole Mauntie thing has to be an act. From whining about Kandi, to the affected behavior in the hotel room, to kicking Kenya's door, she's proved she's still the same tawdry person she always was.

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    13 hours ago, aghst said:

    So why do they do all the cutaway shots of Glen sleeping or just lying down while the crew are up to their drunken hijinks?

    He must have told them they could film him late at night when he's alone, while the other BD captains don't get filmed lying in bed or a couch.  Maybe they objected to them trying to film such moments.

    I love the shots of Glen reading, sleeping, getting a snack. I'd rather watch that than the crew drinking and hooking up. Glen being real is interesting. I remember similar scenes with Lee in earlier seasons of that show. It's just fun to see the captain being off duty and being himself.


    5 hours ago, Zaffy said:

    The few glorious moments of you sailing do not justify  trying to cope with silly guests, ridiculous talent shows, drunk fests, Gary sexually harassing everything that moves and the crew frakking each other.

    This is everything that's wrong with this show in one sentence. I used to love it because it wasn't those things or, at least, not to the exclusion of other things that were entertaining. I'm for being sex positive, but I also believe in discretion. Gary and Chase are disgusting.

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  15. It's no inedible garnishes on a plate. Some of the reason might be due to safety, but my guess is it's mostly due to diner satisfaction. I'd be very disappointed if a tasty-looking morsel on my plate wasn't meant to be eaten. As noted above, sometimes something not edible is part of a technique or plating and that's fine. 

  16. Sometimes I watch cooking competition shows and wish I could taste the dishes. This show I'm grateful I can't. Some of this food looks just plain bad. Maybe that's why Alex is so grumpy.

    I can't with this twist of everyone getting a second chance, then the judges not being able to choose a winner, resulting in a cook off. Show, we know you contracted the villa, the cast, and the crew for a certain amount of time. There was going to be a cook off no matter what. Although, I am kind of tickled that the "strategy" of voting off the better cooks backfired.

    7 hours ago, Pandora said:

    as per upthread posts she wasn’t originally cast for this series.

    That was just speculation. We don't know for sure.  

    5 hours ago, lgandkihei said:

    I just don't believe that a large portion of their judging isn't out of their hands and already totally scripted. 

    I suspect the same. Some of the critiques seem contrived and aimed at getting a particular result. I also agree that these people should be aware of what they're projecting on national TV. As bad as this show is, there may be prospective employers or customers watching.

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  17. On 5/26/2023 at 1:47 PM, HappyDancex2 said:

    Actually this was my point if I didn’t articulate it correctly.  The editors clearly don’t have to show what they show.  THEY could ease up on her for a variety of reasons, most of which comes down to who cares what she looks like because it’s not relevant.  I don’t think that calling attention to what I see in every episode that I think is unnecessary and unflattering to Sara is demeaning to her is something that needs eased up on….I’m in her corner.

    I get what you're saying. The point people want to make is that Sara doesn't need any one to be in her corner. There's no reason to ease up on her because there's nothing wrong with her. Her body is fine, regardless of "pants angle and fitness." 

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  18. 18 hours ago, Suzn said:

    I don't think there was anything wrong with the comment.  Several others have commented on something that was hard to miss with a dress that was very unflattering.  

    I'm not the poster you quoted, so these are my thoughts only. There's a lot of critiquing of women's bodies happening in our society, as if people's bodies are public commodities that need to be monitored. That's dehumanizing. The things said here were minor and even well-intentioned, but still uncomfortable when you consider the bigger picture. Padma may be a professional pretty person, but her body belongs only to her.

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  19. 9 hours ago, hula-la said:

    Why are you commenting on what her body looks like? She also has been open about her endometriosis, which can cause bloating (though even if she isn’t bloated, why the need to comment on her body)?

    Thank you. No one was critical or unkind and no disrespect was intended. Even so, judging women's looks is a habit we need to break. 

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  20. I thought I would be happier to see Cory go than I was. Many times contestants will twirl their mustaches and vow to vote out their toughest competitors. When it comes right down to it, though, they usually don't. Not Saba and Sarah. Boom, off with his head! At least Saba owned it. I wanted to smack crying Sarah. I hate when shows make the contestants do the judges' job.

    The show promised education from local artisans. They show up, but Alex and Gabe do most of the talking. I want to hear from the real experts. We get enough of grouchy Alex and her sidekick already.

    This show would have been much better if they'd leaned into the premise and skipped the gimmicks. Have talented contestants, reasonable judges, real demonstrations from locals, and dump the format of teams, lunch or dinner, and, especially, the cooks judging each other. I mean, I'd probably still find something to bitch about, but at least the show would make sense.

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  21. The house is fantastic, the cast is mostly easy on the eyes, no one has been swigging from a giant bottle of booze, and there's a woman who thinks having an emotional support dog means she's not expected to be responsible for any associated inconvenience.

    The woman who arranged the house kept asking people who they saw as potential hookup partners and, at dinner, she wanted to do one of those go around the table and talk on this subject things. The other cast members shut her down on both, so yeah, awesome.

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  22. 23 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

    I wish people would remember that before they start bashing Danielle for wanting the same kind of friendship she gave Linds.

    Danielle has been bashing Lindsay, then being unhappy because Lindsay doesn't respond the way Danielle thinks she should. I keep wanting to ask if she's met Lindsay. Unlike, say, Paige, Lindsay is straight up who she is. You know what you're getting with her friendship and it's not Barb and Star. I think that Danielle's idea of the friendship is much different than the reality and now that the reality is very obvious she's falling apart. 


    19 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    I've been watching, but I can't find a thread.

    Thank you, I thought my search skills had failed. I hope someone will put in the required request. I can't come up with the proposed description or titles needed.

    On 5/16/2023 at 2:41 PM, heatherchandler said:

    That doesn’t mean much.

    Heh, it wasn't intended to mean anything, just a fact.

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  23. 11 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

     We need a new crew. And not the weirdo old people on Martha’s Vineyard.  I watched like 2 minutes. They all look 50 and I think one of them had his sweater tied around his neck.

    I think many people would like a new cast. I'd prefer a refocus. I'm not invested in these characters but I'm curious about what happens to them. Except for Sam and Ciara, all the current cast members are 30 or over. Four are coupled up with each other, while two are in relationships with visiting Bravolebrities. Eight of them, plus Craig and Kory, earn money outside of the show. I'd like to see less emphasis on drinking and superficial relationships and more about people in their thirties navigating all types of life events.

    As I've become a weirdo old person, my juniors have seemed younger and younger, so I looked up the ages of both Summer House casts. The Vineyard people range from 26 to 37, while the current original series range is 25 to 40. The sweater guy is a stylist with some GQ worthy looks on Instagram. 


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  24. 2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    I didn’t make an assumption about him being in a program. The point is if he is in a program, the other cast members would not be able to say that’s why they think he and Lindsay were moving too fast.

    Good point that we don't know about Carl and any program. I mentioned AA in my post because it's well-known.

    The cast members have expressed opinions and concerns about Carl's sobriety in this and past seasons. Telling him the basis for a concern doesn't identify him as a participant in a specific program. But it might have led to less drama, so I wouldn't put it past production to have told them not to explain.

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