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Passing Strange

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Posts posted by Passing Strange

  1. 3 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

    Um no... when your feelings are based on hysteria, your partner does not have to validate that nonsense. 

    Yes, he does. It's like when you're so engrossed in what you're doing that you don't notice when your partner comes into the room. That person speaks, and it scares the shit out of you. You feel fear, and the feeling is genuine, even though you aren't in any danger. Same thing with Lindsay and Carl in the car. Whether or not he thought her feelings were justified, he needed to understand that they were real to her and not blow her off.

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  2. On 6/11/2024 at 8:38 AM, chessiegal said:

    I mentioned earlier that I went to FN's site where they give the background on each contestant, or "Chef" as Gabe calls them.

    That annoys me. It annoys me even more when they call each other "chef."

    I don't care where people get their knowledge—the CIA or coming up through the kitchen of a genuine chef--as long as they have knowledge. For me, chefs not only know the techniques, they also know why they use a particular technique or ingredient. As unpopular as they are in terms of personality, Tiffani Faison and Richard Blais know this kind of stuff, which is why I like them.

    4 hours ago, aghst said:

    Isn't that like a tart?

    Like a tart, but the crust is flat. So, like a pizza. It's a gimmick, but not one that bothers me as much as putting a sweet drink in a stemmed glass with a V-shaped bowl and calling it a [ingredient name] martini.

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  3. True. It's on pause. I hope that means they're retooling, and it will come back and be as much fun as it was the first season. They're not even pretending that Jasmine was the organizer anymore, so give that role to, say, Preston and let the Cooper family stay home. Then, just cast some people who aren't "going through a lot right now."

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  4. 5 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

    I like Gabby and I want her inner diva to shine 👑

    Me, too. In her first season, we were told she's quirky and interesting. She seems smart and practical. I'd like to see more of her as more than just Danielle's sidekick. I think part of the problem was that the young woman clique was well established when Gabby came into the house, and she either didn't want to join or wasn't welcome. 

    What I don't want to see is any more extended relationship drama. Seriously, Bravo, watching people have actual fun is entertaining.

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  5. 4 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    I don’t think people realize how very difficult it is to be sober.  Even after a few years.

    You're thinking Carl deserves more grace than he's getting here? I dunno. He's stopped drinking, but other than that, there's little difference between Carl now and pre-2021 Carl. In those first years of sobriety, he was supposed to be taking an honest look at himself and taking concrete steps to manage life without alcohol. Instead, he messed around rather than seriously looking for purposeful work and chose as a partner a woman he knew couldn't provide the support he needed. Carl has capacity. He can make the decision to take responsibility and stop manipulating, blaming, and sadfishing. I'd be happy to cheer him on then, and I agree he needs to do it out of the public eye.

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  6. On 4/25/2024 at 3:40 AM, xls said:

    So, I've read after awhile your body becomes adjusted to it and it does not work anymore-what then?

    It's not adjusted to it as much as it's your body reacting to what it thinks is a serious problem.  Fat bodies are meant to survive the food scarcity of prehistoric times, so when the fat body loses its fat reserve, it takes action to get that fat back. Physical, hormonal, and neurological changes slow metabolism, increase appetite and make food more attractive and pleasurable. You regain weight because your body is driving you. Drugs like Wegovy slow this reaction for several years; weight loss surgery slows it even longer. So after that it's rigorous attention to diet and exercise. 

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  7. Carl will respond only after he's had a chance to breathe, think, and work on himself, meaning come up with a lie spin he thinks will work in his favor. No matter where the spin goes, nothing will be his fault. I believe the effort is doomed. Lee has the high ground here because we've never seen him do anything shady. With Carl, the credibility ship sailed long ago.

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  8. One of the new guys nailed it earlier in the season when Carl was pissing and moaning about Lindsay. He asked if she's always been like this. Bingo! Love her or hate her, Lindsay has always shown exactly who she is. She's not soft, she's not supportive, she's no one's cheerleader. What Carl was doing was like biting into a pepper and complaining that it's hot.

    We watched Carl manipulate Lindsay into ending their relationship in an earlier season. All he had to do then was ask another woman out in front of her. He's been trying to get her to break up with him again, but none of the old triggers are working. Lindsay may not be a lovely person, but she has grown. Each of them will be better off without the other.

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  9. Yet even all in pink, they still managed to look substantially better than the group from original recipe Summer House. Except for Jordan, who looked like she was wearing a leftover breastplate from RuPaul's Drag Race, the women's dresses were nice, and hair and makeup were on point. The guys all looked good and unlike Kyle's too tight and West's too big suits, their clothes fit. Alex carried off a tailored suit with sneakers, and I loved Preston's footwear. I wonder if Andy decreed pink so he could wear his Pepto Bismol suit.

    I wish someone would answer the question about Jasmine with the truth. "You were inauthentic" doesn't tell her they think Silas is demanding and controlling, and they hate the Stepford wife she's become. When the majority of your TV friends don't miss Silas, maybe they're not the problem.

    I wanted to slap Noelle every time she accused someone of lying. 

    The crap about Nick got old fast. He's your friend, not your superior. If he's making you uncomfortable, no matter what the reason is, tell him. He's smart, he's mature, he'll figure it out. Or you could, you know, babble about it among yourselves and then bitch at him when he wants to know what's up.

    Summer is right about one thing at least: Shanice doesn't have great taste. I'm still chuckling about the sweater. "Yes, but I know how to pair it. You don't." Tactful, that one.

    They really do know that the location has nothing to do with Martha Stewart, right?

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  10. On 5/23/2024 at 11:20 PM, Chalby said:

    I had no idea she "posted it".

    She didn't. She sent it privately to Jordan, who Summer said knew that she and Alex were hanging out. As odd and unpleasant as Summer was about some things, I agree that she wasn't wrong with this one. 

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  11. Thanks for the link, Dirtybubble.

    I guess it's some kind of progress that the women have gone from half-naked breasts to half-naked midriff. The men remain covered from neck to toe. What would be a pleasant change would be the women wearing more fabric and the men less. Also, Speedos are back. Jump on that trend next season, show.

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  12. Well, that was a real nothingburger of a season. I loved this show last year. The people in the cast seemed mostly sensible, and their activities were fun. This year, all the women lost their minds, and most of the season was them arguing and crying while the men looked befuddled. The only time I felt engaged was for the 32 minutes that Milo was missing.

    I don't think these people really are friends. I suspect the former bunnies were work friends, and the others were various acquaintances. Now that they're castmates, they hang out occasionally to have things to post on social media and bitch about on the show. I am hoping for a third season, but I want everyone to have their shit together beforehand.

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  13. Kyle called Lindsay not just a bitch but also an asshole and said she was psycho. So, all the years she has been Kyle's friend, and he goes off on her in a huge, public rant. Neither of them has the higher ground here.

    Based on the interactions we've seen Carl have with multiple people, I don't believe he ever had any balls.

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  14. On 4/2/2024 at 11:00 AM, iMonrey said:

    BTW - the fact that Anthony is dyslexic has nothing to do with his being so disorganized. I know someone who is dyslexic and they are OCD about being a neat freak. 

    Anthony and your friend are both neurodivergent. Their brains work differently from those of neurotypical people, but not all neurodivergent people think or act in the same way. For instance, your OCD friend is a neat freak, mine has no problem with a mess. If Anthony says his dyslexia contributes to any particular situation, I believe him.

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  15. On 1/19/2024 at 6:54 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Tammy seems a lot smarter than their public persona, and I'm suspicious about a lot of Amy's claims to be so naive too.

    I agree. I think it was Darlene who talked about how well Tammy did in school. Since the Mother's Day tea, I've thought Amy was smarter than she lets on. At the tea party, she let slip some words and concepts that weren't consistent with her dim bulb persona.

    I'm also not buying the constant repetition of We Are Fam-i-ly. I doubt they went on family vacations or engaged in activities other than an occasional meal prior to the show. I'm guessing Amanda and Misty have never been as involved with Tammy and Amy as the show now portrays. In the first season, we saw Chris interact with them, but Amanda and Misty made just some cameo appearances. I suspect what we're seeing now is not love of family but love of Bravo checks. 

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  16. Of course, the first thing any mother would ask when meeting a group of her child's friends is who is interested in whom. She looked as much like an ass as her son proved himself to be. I hope production told her to ask stupid questions. The dad outfoxed them and was actually reasonable, something I wasn't expecting.

    I have no idea why Rhylee and Jason were even there. Judging from what they contributed, neither did they.

    Do these people know what the word "après" means? Or have we just appropriated and condensed the term the way we did with "ensuite"?

    Danielle remains batshit crazy and takes rude and incomprehensible to new heights.

    On the other hand, all of these people get out of bed and get dressed every day, so there's that.

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  17. There was an exchange during the party between Kory and a female guest that I'm not sure about. She said if he opened a gym in her town she would go there. I think he replied something like, "You wouldn't be invited." Can anybody say if that's what he said? Because if he was negging her, what tiny amount of tolerance I had for him is gone.

    I do not need to see men peeing. Ever.

    Amanda is such a great friend. "Now that I'm married and you're not, my perspective has changed. Before I can give you the wrong answer to a question with an obvious right answer I have to put myself in your unmarried head space, because I'm married and you're not." I mean, Danielle is unhinged but she wasn't wrong there.

    If Austen is the Honda Civic of male attractiveness, what's Schwartz?  The Kia Soul? And there he was not wanting to call Katie Flood by her first name because it would be disrespectful to his ex-wife. That ship has sailed.

    One of the reasons I liked the first seasons of Summer House was because the cast all had legitimate connections to each other, even if some were small. Here they know each other because they work for Bravo. It's like Fred from Accounting and Jim from Maintenance at a regular business. Each knows who the other is but they're not getting together after work. This is now Bravo House and it's a combination of boring and annoying.








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  18. Apparently, winter shouldn't be fun, at least for viewers. I agree that it's an odd mix of people. And right off the bat, they're planning hookups and getting drunk. Pay attention, Bravo, about who sleeps with whom: we. don't. care.

    The only new additions I've seen before are Jordan, Alex, and Malia. Does Jordan give off some vibe I can't understand? To me, it doesn't seem like she's inviting interaction, yet the two idiots tried to hit on her like she was being all come hither. I used to like Alex, but not now. On his season of BD, he successfully hid the fact that he's an asshole douchebag. I stopped watching BD Med because of Malia and Sandy. Sorry to see them again.

    Kory, the fact that you haven't put a name on your situation doesn't mean you don't have a commitment.

    Oh, look, Danielle is concerned about a relationship that's none of her business. 

    On the other hand, no Paige, Sierra, Craig, or Austin. Win.

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  19. Wait, what? Razvan is a controlling asshole who charmed sweet, innocent Amanda until he got sex, then dumped her? Did Riley watch the show? I'll give him props for yelling out the message to Tyray's catfish. Other than that Riley can STFU.

    1 hour ago, greekmom said:

    They could have used the last 15 mins for the audience to ask questions.

    Which, no matter how bad they were, would have been better than the ones Shaun asked.

    16 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

    So smug....and when her sister started to spill the tea, the whole "relax, relax" was a little chilling.

    So much this. Amanda is a human glacier.

    This is my first season watching this show and I came in in the middle. Maybe that's why I like Jasmine and I kind of get why Gino is attracted to her. I enjoyed her in the Tell All. 

    I also enjoyed Statler and wanted to slap Dempsey. This is a complete reversal for me and I'm not happy about it.

    Cleo. Oh, honey.

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  20. In 1968 Glenn was stationed in Pensacola prior to being sent to Japan. While in Florida he met and dated Jackie. As he was being deployed to Japan Jackie told him she was pregnant. I don't think you can ask the Marines to wait a couple more days so you can marry your pregnant girlfriend, so he shipped out. Pregnancies outside of marriage were still a big deal in 1968. Jackie's mom was upset. Jackie went to a home and the baby (Angie) was adopted. By the time Angie found out about Jackie, Jackie had died. Babs knew about Angie, but had the stroke before knowing she'd found Glenn.

    I thought the party was a bad idea until I saw Glenn's reaction. He genuinely seemed to be enjoying it. We teach men to repress their feelings and Glenn is no exception. I doubt he's had much chance to just talk about Babs. When he saw the wedding couple he lit up and shared a memory of that day. Regardless of how someone feels about her own wedding dress, Babs' dress did a lot more good at the party than it would have if it remained in the box.

    They, meaning production and the family, were in a tough spot for this season. Show too much about Babs and be accused of exploiting her, show too little and be criticized for forgetting about her. As bad as I feel for these folks, I don't find their grief entertaining and this episode bored me.

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  21. 10 hours ago, T Summer said:

    The mentorship is meant for a young designer?

    and that's why Bishme was set to win from day 1?

    Brittany and Bishme are exactly the same age. 32.

    The CFDA guy talked about branding, merchandising, and the like. The older designers already had these things established. Not that they couldn't have used the help, but this sounded like a program planned for someone getting started in the industry.

    Brittany doesn't do couture. As much as the judges loved her work, and she is good, the show wants to be part of the couture, fashion is art mystique. The finale was as good as it was going to get for her.

    10 hours ago, allirish47 said:

    As long as it's minus Elaine!

    If it were up to me, it would be minus all of them. I wanted to slap Nina last week when she asked to see a fun, laughing Laurence. Nina has been sour for 19 years. Suddenly she became kind and tolerant, so it was fine for her to be critical of someone as sour as she was. Nope. Elaine is an intelligent woman who acts like an ass. Brandon can be amusing sometimes, but mostly he's just kind of bitchy. And his little anus-shaped mouth is kind of creepy.

    It would be nice to have a whole new spin on judging. They want this show to be about fashion as art, so one judge should be an actual artist, someone who knows about color theory, proportion, and so on. Another judge would be someone who currently does garment construction, not someone who used to do it before he became famous, so maybe the supervisor of a designer's workroom. The third would be a fashion event planner, someone who knows how garments should look walking down the runway, in various lights, that sort of thing. Then they could have as guests all the stupid people whose only contribution to the judging would be "I'd wear that" and we could safely ignore them.

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