Sincerely Yours
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S09.E09: Two Weeks Notice
Sincerely Yours replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
Nobody said it shouldn't be. Just reminders that Beth was on the playing field too. Throwing gutter balls and all. -
S09.E09: Two Weeks Notice
Sincerely Yours replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
Sometimes people say fucked up shit. Even to their kids. I'm just glad the courts aren't involved every time I go off on my son. Or show my aggravation with him. Yup it happens sometimes. I ain't proud of it but sometimes that damn human part of me gets away from me and I shout a little too loud and say a few too many curses. By the time my son is in his twenties I'm sure he'll learn what he's "supposed" to think of his childhood. I cringe at whatever labels will be waiting for me then. I can only hope he remembers the 85% sane mother he grew up with and doesn't consider the 15% "Pyscho" as him being raised by wolves or something. Fingers crossed. Now this is a thing of beauty. LOL. Doesn't nullify it just pointing out that Beth is a grade A bitch. -
S09.E09: Two Weeks Notice
Sincerely Yours replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
What about that Beth was a bitch throughout that trainwreck? Or was it ALL Jason? I just don't buy that Jason was the only person in that mess who did EVERYTHING wrong. Beth being an innocent gal in the whole thing doesn't jive either. It might work for others but..... -
S09.E09: Two Weeks Notice
Sincerely Yours replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
Thing is they aren't in a relationship. This is part of the reason they got divorced. I'm not saying that it's cool to not be nice to each other but sometimes people can't get passed the reason WHY they separated and still focus on it which causes more conflict. The reason you aren't together is because you didn't get along. It didn't work. It turned ugly etc. etc.. Some never grasp the fact that NOT being together is the end goal. Not that everyone involved has somehow figured out to be all cute and cozy with each other. That just ain't gonna happen with certain couples. If the ex exhibits behavior that annoys or triggers that's when you go "Welp, this is why we aren't together anymore". It's not an excuse to retaliate through the things that DO still tie you together. The relief from whatever negative binds Beth felt she was in should have been alleviated through a divorce but instead a divorce wasn't good enough. It also had to be a tug of war with Brynn. I do think Jason is veering off track and getting reckless and inappropriate but I believe that it wouldn't have even gotten this bad had Beth not heartlessly decided to fight Jason about custody. Had that gone amicably I could see the divorce show down not going down the way it is. All the character attacks that were used in order to try to win full custody, which she unfairly and unnecessarily requested, set the stage for the rest of the ugliness. At least that's what I believe. Beth's "hell and torture" might have been over with by now had she not taken to such ugly measures in the beginning. Maybe Jason calling Beth Bernadette is half insult and half how he truly feels about her. She shares how horrible he makes her life. Him expressing the same is par for the course. It's an all around shame is what it is. -
S06.E16: Hearing Is Believing
Sincerely Yours replied to Tara Ariano's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Wait is this going to be a real thing. Lisa Rinna is enraged because Yolanda was having lunch with Kim and Brandi? No seriously! So the fuck what, who the fuck cares? Who the fuck is lisa Rinna to even be on this ridiculous crusade and to top it all off it was between Erika and Yolanda anyway. Fuck me! That women is just batshit crazy is u ask me. No sense what's so ever. SMH! -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Wait it has? It seems that really isn't the case at least not for everyone. I for one still believe she had Kim's best interest at heart and some still maintain that they believe this was a big part of Brandi's intent as well. Guess it isn't as unanimous as all that. -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Just when I thought I couldn't fall any further down the rabbit hole... now it's about California's laws about what constitutes assault and battery? Contractual obligations and who is really in control of the comings and goings of an actual person/persons? Put a fork in me I'm done. -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
The initial debate was actually about Kyle being wrong to put her hands on Brandi. All the rest of this comes out because in order to defend Kyle in that one moment there's this disjointed connection being made with the hijinx throughout the night by Kim and Brandi and Kyle being justified in putting her hands on Brandi. For me, I challenge that thought process. The one where because Kim's an addict and Brandi's "trash" that this automatically makes what Kyle did okay or at the very least justified. I can agree with it being understandable but justified or even provoked? That's a stretch that my integrity won't let me get on board with even though I can see where it would be easy to do so. It's shifting into so many different directions that we are back to who's bad, who's good, who's more this that and the other. Alls I know is, that little moment between Kim's parting words and Kyle flopping down those stairs was a complete fail on Kyle's part and maybe one minute before Kim was at fault and 2 minutes after Brandi was deplorable but in the moments in the hall it was Kyle that was exhibiting completely heinous behavior. They all acted out at different moments and it all extracted not so nice reactions. -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Of course it was. Kyle's default position as Kim's long suffering sister dictates that she can prolong uncomfortable situations, demand to have talks at the worst possible moments and put even more of a spotlight on her sisters "odd" behavior in front of an audience. Kyle distress usually HAS to be humored no matter how ill timed it is. Ever notice that? At a table full of guests? At a party? In a limo? At poker night? How many times has Kyle found it necessary to call Kim out on something in some of the most public of situations? I mean sure Kim's a mess but hells bells does Kyle never let an opportunity to shine that light on her slip away. During the last season Kim was on Kyle passed the torch and towards the second half of the season the newbies took over the task of bringing shit up over and over and over again in pretty public settings. Uggghhh. It's so contrived. Maybe the incidences aren't contrived but what is contrived is the part when they ignore the natural instinct to either deescalate or be discreet in favor of giving the cameras something good to film. I do believe a lot of stuff happens naturally its just when it gets to the place where you can see where the decision is made to NOT put a pin in something and to prolong a situation. That's what I call bullshit on. -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
I don't see anyone absolving their inebriated behavior? Things seems to be getting unrecognizable and jumbled. Seems to me that Brandi and Kim's bad behavior throughout the evening is disjointed with regards to what is actually being debated. The physicality of Kyle towards Brandi. That's it. Kim being high, Brandi being drunk and obnoxious, the awkwardness of the evening does nothing to change that things becoming physical was just plain wrong. Nothing leading up to that moment justifies Kyle putting her hands on Brandi and she did so very aggressively. There's no getting around that. Be happy she did it, root her on for getting up all in Brandi's grill. Hey, Whatever, but there's no way to spin it that turns it into something other than what it was. Not to mention that for the most part Kyle pretty much got away with it and add insult to injury Brandi was the one to take the blame for it cause ya know tampon string (thanks jinjer) LOL. At this point things are just spinning all over the place from going back to when they were at the table playing cards, to when Kyle was in the bathroom with Kim, when Kim had those parting words with Kyle. All these details that, yes contributed to the tone and the vibe of the evening, but to me were still behaviors that didn't warrant such a catalyctic outcome. So referring to their obnoxious behavior throughout the night seems very disproportionate to Kyle's very volatile reaction that in and of itself isn't very defendable if you ask me. When it comes to the moment where Kyle put her hands on Brandi, for me all of that other stuff doesn't really factor in. Sure the night was rocky, things were happening, emotions were tricky but nah, come on, those few seconds between Brandi and Kyle. Different level, ridiculous leap from aggravating and annoying to physical and unjustifiable in my book. Hey it happened, okay, I can roll with that too but Brandi and Kim being obnoxious in no way excuses Kyle's bad judgment in that moment. Nothing wrong with admitting that Kyle did something bad that night. It happens. Acknowledging it doesn't negate the years of heartache and pain Kyle's endured over the years due to Kim's addictions. That's my take on it anyway. Cleaning up her mess on the Van Pattons floor? Are we talking about the pizza that flew out of her hand because KYLE yanked her back? First off it's funny how that's put on Brandi and proves my previous point about Brandi taking the blame for things. Second, is that really being added to the long list of Brandi offenses? That she didn't go back and pick it up? Considering what was going on at the time is that oversight really that surprising? -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Awesome! This had me in a serious fit of giggles...Loved it!! -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Welp!! A strong case was building momentum in defense of Kim. Time to break out the tar and feathers. -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
What we do know is that one of these ladies lives has spun completely out of control. In plain sight. There's no "who knows" about it. This woman is spiraling full speed into her own grave. Interesting how stretches of the imagination are introduced as well as suppositions made in order to absolve, minimize or express understanding for Lisa R's behavior with Kim but point out all the true, verifiable and at the least highly plausible contributors to Kim's current condition and they are considered unacceptable "excuses" or misplaced and aren't exactly relevant to current matters at hand. Considering the magnitude of what we DO know of Kim's life vs. what we DON'T know about Rinna's as it stands now...? For me, simply put, Lisa R can just put a sock in it at this point. -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Perceptions vary. No one direction completely defines. Projecting or no projecting. Speculation will always be a part of the equation as well as seeing actual footage in different ways so even referring to aired items doesn't necessary confirm any one position. But one things for sure there is way more to Kim's addictions than reality tv, social media, and headlines could ever shed light on. -
Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain
Sincerely Yours replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
"Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results" ~Albert Einstein I think this sums up the Kim Richards phenomenon. And I think this has been and will be the case for decades.