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Posts posted by Ellee

  1. I watched the show in ff mode because of time.  I don't remember what exactly Bethenny said about trusting men toward the end but my instant thought was 'Jason never stood a chance'.  The feeling was that no matter what Jason said/did he was going to be part of the men/craziness from Bethenny's past.  LOL, does that make sense?  Bethenny can't/won't know a good man until it is far too late.


    I work with a person that 'knows everything about everything'.  The fact of the matter is that that person 'knows everything' because he forces it to be true by his actions and treatment of other people and also his recounting of what took place.  It's much easier to prove a negative than it is a positive and reality is how he and he alone perceives it.   I think Bethenny does this, too.


    Also, if Bethenny wants Bryn to have family from both sides around her, doesn't that indicate that Grandma/Grandpa Hoppy can't be all that bad or possibly even too good

    • Love 7
  2. Ok...in this picture of Will in the Final 4 challenge (?) .... is that Carolyn running up the stairs in the background or is that Sierra? 


    I'm thinking it is Sierra.



  3. In that last promo, can anyone tell at the very end the order of the contestants shown? I'm wondering if anything is given away. It seems like something they would do.

    Lol, yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. :D

  4. Okay, can somebody explain the huffing thing to me?  How do you blow the stuff up your nose without getting the stuff that's supposed to come out of it (spray paint, air freshener, etc.) up your nose?  Or does all the "fun" begin after you've emptied it out?    


    I'm not considering starting or anything, just don't understand the mechanics of it.   


    I don't understand it either, kassa, and would like to know out of curiousity.


    Does huffing leave one like this or is this something else?



    ETA:  .gif from T. Kyle at realitytvgifs.

    • Love 3
  5. Lol, here's a post out of the blue ......see if there is any possibility here.

    Kim and Kyle are actually not fighting but pretending they are. Kathy is making headlines via Kim. Kathy signs up as a housewife thereby allowing Kim to remain a HW. The three sisters' storyline is all family related and they relegate all the other HWs to background noise as they should be. (giggle).

    Kathy's famous children periodically appear. Consequently the not-so-famous cousins begin to appear and then become famous. Bravo decides to give them a spinoff which will be called The Kardash.... I mean...the name of which will be determined. (Hey, I slipped...a lot of similarities you know.)

    The sisters/Bravo privately call the show KKK. EVEN Bravo realized it was best to do at this time. Whether it be Kathy, Kim and Kyle or Kim, Kathy and Kyle or Kyle, Kathy and Kim Bravo would save themselves some grief and all sisters would be on their best behavior vying for the coveted first 'K' though each sister is sure they know who gets it striking out the other two as possibilities.

    With the addition of Kathy we may get to see more of London....Paris....even more home movies.

    What would you name the show? :D

    • Love 4
  6. As soon as the ep hits OnDemand, I have to rewatch -- I COMPLETELY missed seeing "I love you, Daddy" last night (I've already griped about my own dad interrupting the show). But until I do watch it again, I have to ask -- when Team Machine arrived at TM's location, did the Thornhill guy ask Harold if he was "Harold Admin"? 'cause that is awesome. 


    Taking the show as a Biblical allegory, last night's episode was Good Friday, but Easter morning is only a couple days away.  ;)

    I didn't catch 'Harold Admin'.  There are soooo many things that I miss. 


    I'm so happy that I was told about this site.  I've always been a POI fan but all of you have made it so much better.  So, thank you.  After I read here, I need to watch the show over (and over) to catch the things you all spot and catch. 

    • Love 3
  7. Finch's "Oh ...that hurt."

    Grice -Was that him getting shot on the split screen Control was watching? Could that have been Shaw that shot him? Shaw returning by way of saving Grice from being killed as he had once saved her. He gets added to the team. The person reached in to the car.

    Elias-Don't think he died. He won't go out by way of a sniper. My bet is he will go out by way of saving John or Finch when he does go.

    • Love 4

    This is absolutely INCORRECT!  Bethenny was DEFINITELY going out with him during the whole time they were filming this season.  Actually, they were very close.  They were living together & vacationing together during the whole season.  Daily Mail has a zillion articles on them together during the whole season.  By not mentioning his existence at all, she was outright lying.  I think that is a big deal -- a very big deal.  Her whole shtick is how honest she is & she was being totally deceptive, cagey & dishonest here.  


    Why did Satan Andy let her get away with this bullshit, when he says he won't allow it from anyone else on his shows?


    She only broke up with him a month ago-




    Now, why would Satan Andy cruelly force everyone else on his shows to include their significant others, whether they want to or not, but he didn't do this to Bethenny?  I'm sure there are some sinister motives involved.  That's why I call him Satan Andy.


    Did I hear my name called?



    • Love 7
  9. Trying to do Andy-think here . . . . could the designated Sober Companion be Kim's storyline for next season?  They become friends, they go everywhere together, they giggle, they laugh, they cry.....a re-birth if you will (until it fails).


    It would keep Kyle and Kathy happy.


    I really believe that Kyle and/or Kathy are pulling the strings on the rehab and Sober Companion stories.  I think the sisters want Kim to stay on the show.  Otherwise guess who will be supporting her.

    • Love 2
  10. Good theory. If Nicole had moved on and was dating someone else, would LuAnn still have had her nose out of joint? I tend to doubt it. In that case, Adam wasn't "allowed" to move on first.

    Ok . . . so my theory is . . . LuAnn wanted him for herself . . . it was just the whole 'my son and Adam are friends' thing she hadn't figured out yet.




    ETA:  Wait a minute ...how old is her son?  How old is Adam?  Did I make it up that the two were friends?  SMH. 

    • Love 2
  11. Kim had a slip during the interview. I can't recall the specifics but she was basically going to blame something on drinking. She says as if to justify "well, I was drinking..." and then she backtracked or made it seem like she'd misspoken or something. Anybody recall this?

    One of the slips that I thought was extremely telling was when she said 'I put my purse down in the booth that I always sit at'. Not 'used to sit at'.

    • Love 6
  12. Radar:


    The gist of it is that Bravo execs want her to do rehab for 90 days but Kim thinks she can get through it in 20. But what cracked me up was this:

    “But the fact that she also confessed to smoking weed makes the executives think that she could have been high at times while filming this season’s show,” the insider tells Radar."

    Gee...what was their first clue?

    Clue? Bravo has a clue???

    Lol am I the only one picturing a scene in Kim's living room with flower arrangements in Absolut vases and weed plants throughout the room with Andy asking Kim if she is sure she is feeling good?

    • Love 2
  13. Kim only likes being in the public eye if she can control everything/everyone around her. She wants to control what we see her say/do and what the other HWs say about her, in other words, she wants to be on "reality TV" as long as she gets to "act" and not show her true self. LOL


    LOL The headline is misleading IMO. They make it sound like Kim/Kyle were made to strip for or have sex with men their mother brought home, the book, HH, says no such thing. Even when you get to that part in this article by SH, all it says is that Kim/Kyle were asked to dance/sing, like many parents have their children do, for friends and family. LOL I do agree that Kim is much like her mother in many ways but at 50 years of age it is her choice to remain that way.


    LOL, it was very misleading.  But how Big Kathy is being described for the most part, one would have to wonder.   Ok so, ick, I tried to write more and no matter what I type I go somewhere where I don't want to go.  SMH.

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