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Posts posted by Ellee

  1. I'm having problems staying interested this season.  Yeah.... I don't know.   I've listened to these two kids more than I have listened to any of the contestants.   Can't you just hear it ....wait....you are only 8 and 6 (or 9 and 7)....and you have so much control..... 


    Lol, never mind.  Anyhow....see what you think.   A friend posted it on another site.






    If I'm not supposed to do this, delete me please. 

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  2. Maybe after seeing Briana and her husband on TV the nice and even the not so nice pass on friendships with Ryan and Briana.

    I'm thinking the money she receives from Bravo keeps her coming back for more. A quick way to the bills??? I don't know.

    I don't think she realizes that the HWs all pay more than what they get monetary wise in how they are viewed.

    • Love 7
  3. So wait a minute, Crooks did an interview with E! for an hour? What the what? I barely have the interest to watch him for a minute. WTF were the morons over at E! thinking? Er, oh yeah, I forgot that E! & Bravo are all part of Comcast. Anyhoo, no way in hell I'm watching Crooksie for a fucking hour. But here it is. If anyone wants to watch & report back what bullshit he's throwing out, well, thanks & much appreciated (& maybe Tams will bless you)-


    E! also lives and breathes all things Kardashian so no surprise that Brooks got added to their agenda.

    • Love 5
  4. Just a few comments --


    I was really hard on Heather the first year she was on.  I like her now.  Would actually hate to see her go.  She needs to do what she needs to do and there is no doubt in my mind that the decision will be a family first one.  Jax, dear boy, here is to you hearing perfectly fine soon!  Also, she won't let Bravo do to her what they have done to the majority of HWs and make her look like an idiot.


    The readings.  It truly seemed that all three women were really blindsided with what was said.  It's still reads typical Bravo bs but appears that the ladies had no clue what was going to be said.


    Carole/Dorinda.  A true moment on a reality show.  Who knew!  I think that actually helped me.  Lol, again, who knew!  I took care of both my parents for almost 10 years and the loss of them both still affects me 10 years later.  Here I thought I was the only one that had trouble adjusting after illness.  You feel isolated and somehow like you failed when the inevitable happens.  And, getting started again isn't the easiest either. 


    I wish Bravo would find a new formula for these shows.  They use the same one for every city over and over and over again.  Maybe if TPTB would collectively put their brain cell together they would realize that it's the honest moments, the fun moments that would make these shows better and not the 'talk to my face, not behind my back' moments or the created non-sensical fight moments. 

    • Love 13
  5. Oh, how I wish time was on my side.  Lol, I'd be spending it all here.  :D


    For some reason, I thought it was B that brought up Jason quitting his job and working solely for SG and Jason was the one that was hesitant to do that.  (Granted, no one knows the truth about anything HWs related because Bravo and related parties have done their best to redefine the meaning of the word 'truth'.) 


    I've leaned toward Jason being 'the better of the two' in this mess for lack of better terminology.  It's not based on anything factual.  From what I've read, Jason doesn't talk about anything divorce related (or anything for that matter).   He doesn't appear to go out of his way to have his picture in the papers.  The few pictures now with little Bryn all show her smiling.  Unfortunately, rarely does Bryn smile when she is with B.  I've said this before and it is still not fair to say that about the smiling pictures.  Timing is everything with children.   I realize that.  I just think that B feels her life needs to be perfect and that wherever she is in the moment, she feels that she should be somewhere else, doing something else. 


    The only thing I think I know for sure ( :D) is that Bravo is the one place she shouldn't be.

    • Love 7

    Restitution to the victim???   OK, I'm confused.   The bar bill (for the drinks she didn't have)?  The water bill for the number of times she flushed the toilet to get rid of her 'stuff'?  What restitution and to what victim?   Yes, I can be quite ....um....dim. 

    • Love 3
  7. I agree with you Ellee, Julie softened Bethenny's hard edges and made her more likeable and I think you are right that Julie was able to calm Bethenny down. I have to wonder if the reality of Bethenny without Julie was a shock/surprise for Jason and he found out that he could not calm her down himself. Their marriage fell apart rapidly after Julie left IMO.

    I think Bethenny couldn't handle the success.  When Bethenny's spin-offs happened, I think she fell in to the same traps that all the HWs have fallen in.  They suddenly have to make themselves into a whole 'new' person.  One that is smarter, more clever, the leader of the pack.  Heck, Bravo has been doing that very same thing since HWs took off.   Without other HWs to snark on, Bethenny had very few choices left.  Jason, his parents, his friends.  It spelled disaster from the get-go.

    • Love 9
  8. After a conversation on the Heather thread regarding her "nurturing", I replied about Bethenny and was curious about your comments. She's a wreck on the show, upset that everyone knows her business but comes back anyway and is not portrayed as a very sympathetic character. Do you think this a comfort zone for her where she thought she would feel safe?

    I haven't read the conversation in the Heather thread and for the most part am guilty of skimming on this one.


    I do think Bethenny thought this would be a comfort zone for her.  For the most part she had a fan base that was rooting for her.  Do you remember Julie, her assistant?  For a while now, I've been thinking what has been different this time around is that Julie isn't there.  If I remember correctly, Julie was constantly by Bethenny's side.  I think Julie might have had a better handle on Bethenny's personality and was able to calm/control/massage her personality.  It may even have been Julie that handled all the social media and PR.  With it being a success, the Bethenny we are seeing now had no reason to come out.


    I also remember (or think I do) right before Julie left she had made a comment to Jason about not being able to handle it anymore or some such.  I thought then that all was not what it seemed. 


    Maybe Bethenny should buy Julie a car.  :D

    • Love 6
  9. This is from Bravo's The Dish.  Kelly Bensimon.




    an excerpt:


    The former Real Housewives of New York star recently sat down with Yahoo! Style's Joe Zee, where among other things, she revealed if she'd ever make an appearance on another Bravo series, Millionaire Matchmaker. "I don't think so!" she says. "'Cause what am I going to be like? 'Hi, I was a model and I can't find anyone.' That would make me look like an idiot!"



    Me now:  I know, I know but I got a giggle.  A real giggle.   I can be so easily amused.  :D :D :D

    • Love 6
  10. Lol, am I the only one thinking that the fight between Kim and Brooke/in-laws had to do with the length of stay that Brooke and in-laws were going to pay for Kim?

    Yes, yes, I'm thinking Kim was looking for an open-ended stay. Lol, well, at least for 90 days. For some reason...90 days is stuck in Kim's mind.

    Kim has found a new connection there....a way to tame her inner beast .... a way that has been somewhat missing in her life recently....she can become the Kim that she has always wanted to be.

    She'll be able to return to Bravo with a new vigor and show us all that we are wrong .....






    (pic from allabouttrh.com)

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