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Posts posted by Ellee

  1. 12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    B: "It's like I'm talking to a wall." 

    J : "Great Wall or Wailing Wall?" 


    I'm dying. Oh man, I've never seen these before and they're just amazing. I owe you my firstborn son. (He was born 8 years ago, you can seriously have him.)

    ghoulina, if you look at the Real Housewives link on the right on the bside site, there are more of these recaps for all the RH shows.  I'd get more giggles out of them.  

    • Love 4
  2. nyc01-08.jpg

    Sonja: “Hey, would you go onto Computer #3 and see if you can print out that report? I want to show LuAnn how my toasters are flying off shelves now.”
    Intern: “Um, that’s not really a report. It’s just a screensaver of flying toasters.”


    The above is from Bsideblog.  There are a lot more pictures and captions.  I've missed these.


    • Love 6
  3. 17 minutes ago, MerryMary said:

    My favorite part was Dorinda waving a bottle of wine while screaming, "I cooked! I decorated!"  Sometimes I feel that way with my family.  Nobody appreciates me, damn it.

    It never occurs to me that anyone on TV is a smoker, so I'm always surprised when the cigs come out.

    Lol, I would have loved it more if Dorinda waving a bottle of wine screamed "My housekeeper cooked!  She decorated!" 

    • Love 11
  4. 3 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

    Dorinda introduced Tom to Luann. So if we are going to blame someone, shouldn't it be Dorinda? 

    And, if Dorinda and Ramona are such good, good friends, wouldn't Dorinda know that Ramona was dating Tom either from Ramona or Tom?

    I haven't got to watch the show again....when Dorinda and LuLu were talking about Ramona, Tom made an interesting face.  Lol, I'm hoping T. Kyle pulls off a gif of it so you all can see what I think I'm seeing.  :D

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  5. 6 hours ago, pennben said:

    I have a feeling/fear the whole show will have been a simulation, and the Machine is starting a new simulation at the end

    I think so, too, with the ending being open for all of TM members as dissatisfying/satisfying as that may sound.  The writers would have left things open for a possible pick-up.  There is so much story left to tell. 

    This episode started off like usual but there was a glitch when Harold started talking.  Has that been in the beginning of every episode and I hadn't noticed it? 

  6. When Finch was being escorted to the holding cell ... did anyone else find it odd how robotic the person escorting him was?  How he turned when called back.  Didn't even look at Finch.    This was right before The Machine/Root called on the phone.    

    Just curious.


    ETA: Is it my imagination that he is almost wearing the same suit as Finch, is the same height.

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

    As I said, statistically most restaurants fail.  Why bother with this dude?  It will fail, the wine is just a gimmick to get his free publicity on RHNY.

    Sonja though?  Will take a big hit in her paycheck both for being a contract hold out, and for alienating cast members by dirty tricks.  Who wants to help or film with someone like that? 

    I know!  I know!!

    ummmmm ...... LuLu?


    :D :D :D

    • Love 3
  8. 30 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    With maybe just a hint of "something" else...has Sonja ever said whether she swallows or not?  (She has brought up b.j.'s on several different occasions...)

    Okay - I'm the first one in the handbasket to hell today...there's room if anyone wants to join me!   ;-)

    :D :D :D 



    • Love 11
  9. I think it was for him to go to school. A slight disconnect here as I would think he'd be able to go for very little or free if the story is true.

    I think the producers decide who has what story and that is why the contestants repeat the same things over and over. When they don't, the audience always catch it.

  10. I hated seeing the disappointment on Isaac's and Marjorie's face.

    Was surprised at me not feeling the 'good for Jeremy' but was happy for Amar.

    I think we are being hard on Marjorie for the most part. I can't imagine being on camera and it catching my every move and word. Her comfort zone of cooking changed without anyone seeing her in her off-time mode.

    Happy that Isaac is still in for fan favorite. Like Karen too but would have still liked to see Kwame have a chance along with a couple of others.

    • Love 2
  11. One day Kim will realize she wasted her life. Or maybe she has and that's why she doesn't follow through with her treatment.

    No one owes her anything and no matter how the kids try to help they are in a no-win situation.

    IMO if she continues to use Monty's passing as 'a reason' she deserves to get whatever she gets or more realistically what she doesn't get.

    • Love 4
  12. So Kells & Veevs are actually hoping (as misguided & deluded as that is) to be asked back?  Seriously, really, Kells & Veevs?  They're both doing EXACTLY what Satan Andy hates most.  They both say how phony & fake the show is.  Um, not gonna happen, nutbags.  Also, seemed to me Bethenny has absolutely no patience for Kells.  Still, I suspect Bethenny wouldn't mind making Kells look stupid & foolish if she's dumb enough to put herself up for it.  And Veevs?  Nah.  She was too much of a PITA.  Producers (not just Satan Andy) clearly couldn't stand her.


    The NY Post seems gleeful in pointing out the phoniness of the show.  Is it a scoop?  Eh, not really.  I don't think most viewers care.  Besides, it just makes it more entertaining to watch them rip each other apart, while revealing their lies.  I'm game.  Bring it, Bethenny.  Just don't cry every 2 seconds cuz I'm out if that's what's gonna be.  


    So Bethenny has a health scare?  Um, OK.  At least she ain't gonna be faking it.  I don't think, at least.  Doesn't seem like her style at all.  Ah, but that's the latest shtick in all of Satan Andy's shows now, so who knows?  I don't even especially care if she does fake a health scare.  As long as she keeps it entertaining & doesn't endlessly cry her freakin' eyes out, I'll watch.


    Now, this is the kinda stuff I like seeing.  Bring us more of this, NY Post-




    And wait, is there a typo here on this woman's age, cuz she looks 55 to me-



    But....but.....but where is JillZ?  She wants to get hired back too.  Maybe Cindy Barshop (??) too.   Have a feeling though that Alex's phone will be busy if they try to call. 


    I can see the wheels turning (ok that might be just a wheel) in Andy's head.  Hire them all.  Yes, yes, Andy will hire them all.   Can't you just see it!  Almost too hard to wait for it!  A new series called the Fired HWs of NY and for short, the FHONYs.

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