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Everything posted by Ellee

  1. Had to come back again and say I love Maria. I’m betting her business has increased substantially since this show. Others as well.
  2. I like the finale this way. The finalists only cooking for the panel. Personally believe producers interfere with the cheftestants relationships. This year they were sidetracked with other issues. MO And we ended up having a terrific season without that drama. Here’s hoping that future seasons allow relationships to develop naturally and the chefs can be themselves. I enjoyed this season. I wonder what the finalists from other seasons would say.
  3. Finally ... murder charges! Has any family members said anything yet? Was glad Daybell was charged with Tammie’s death also.
  4. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2021/06/todays-blind-items-joy-kindness.html?m=1 I’m curious who this is.
  5. When I read the article about the reviewer and the fallout with Gabe going home instead of promoting the restaurant and doing everything he could to keep him happy I pretty much thought ‘the values’ of putting the business first was what he went against. No proof. No real facts. Just what hit me when I read about it.
  6. As much as I want to see these two pay for hurting these children I couldn’t watch the show. The thought in some way Vallow/Daybell might be compensated in any way or that Vallow would continue on her journey of being in the limelight was too much for me.
  7. @JudyObscure That is so true. Or if the ratings of the show ended up being 0.1 household watched it. :)
  8. Re Gabe. I read an article where a press person was coming on a Saturday night. Gabe had plans to be home with his family that night. The person doing the review on the restaurant was offended that Gabe didn’t stay and wine and dine him. It sounded like there was a big stink about it. Other restaurants mentioned that they had problems too. It was about the time of the firing if I remember correctly Sorry about not being clearer. I’ll try and find the articles. I’m not having one of my better days. https://dallas.culturemap.com/news/city-life/03-02-20-chef-gabe-erales-peter-barlow-taylor-adams-instagram/
  9. Lol the minute she does the competition will be over and people will want her to make things just like TC. 😊
  10. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the only one that likes these people and the personalities. Shota just makes me giggle. Same with Jamie. With Dawn you can see the wheels turning as she is working and she seems so genuine. Scratch that — the final 5 seem so genuine. And I say final 5 because I can’t remember who was 6.
  11. Lol at the risk of repeating .... I love the reactions of the three when they found out all three were going. So it looks like Shota has Byron, Gabe has Maria and Dawn has Jamie. Another week and we will get to read all kinds of stories.
  12. FYI while this show was on Foodnetwork was airing Beat Bobby Flay. Season 25 E29 from 2021. Dawn was one of the two chefs competing.
  13. Benny gone? Any chance he became more popular than Bull himself? What about his sister and niece? Do they disappear also with Bull being a ‘free man’? It will be interesting to read what happened. Won’t know what the truth is but something will come out.
  14. I like the bigger judging panel but feel the reason for it had more to do with the pandemic than for any other reason. Tom still has the final word and will always have. I love the fact that he seemed far more relaxed this season with this group too.
  15. My POV is that is that this is the first season in a long time that TPTB did not force us to like or dislike contestants and let us enjoy their personalities as well as the food. I will be happy with any one of the three winning and feel that they will all be happy for each other. It has been enjoyable to watch. Can’t we let it go at that? Can’t we leave the cheftestants win or lose on their own with their food? Can’t we wish them all better things ahead?
  16. I wondered that also. And Jamie doesn’t seem the kind that would say no no matter what. And I’m not picking on anyone here but ... did anyone else wonder why when Dawn tasted her cheese sauce and looked quizzical at Jamie and Jamie said ‘sesame’, Dawn just said ‘oh, I get that.’? I see all sides but I wanted Dawn to help Jamie as crazy as that sounds even if they are down to 4. I must be seeing something wrong.
  17. I’ve watched TC forever. I really like this group and appreciate their closeness. Not only in assisting each other finishing a challenge but supporting each other emotionally. I guess the only time I remember “thiscloseness” was a negative situation and the group bullied someone. Competition can bring out positives and negatives. I love these positives.
  18. That .. that ... zombie is going to get away with insanity. Acccckkkkkk
  19. ME TOO! I read where the prosecutor is going to fight it. Daybell going to claim that too?
  20. I think that was #3. Joseph Ryan.
  21. What about the niece? The Lori Mini-Me.
  22. If I’m not mistaken Colby was from her second marriage and when she married her third victim Colby became his stepson. Wonder how her first husband and second husband got by with a divorce? I guess the third and fourth did too as they didn’t get whacked until after the divorce.
  23. https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2876815665876520&id=100006443437110 Colby Ryan’s Facebook.
  24. When Vargas escapes or runs things from prison he will kill Rina and Isobel will be around for part 3.
  25. Thanks for educating me! Is it possible that the Daybells will pull another date out of their asses that the world will end and they’ll be two out of 144 people that live? No?? Is it possible the other ‘players’ in this cult will get a clue that they’d be better off telling every little detail that they know about these two? A question. I know that people are innocent until proven guilty. That they have the right to an attorney. Does the attorney (even public defenders) have the right to say ‘I don’t want to take your case.’ I think of what they did to those kids and can’t help but want that done to them. And I can’t help but hope they are being told daily that they’ve turned into zombies. Also hope Vallow gets charged in Charles’ murder and they somehow can charge her in Ryan’s death. While I realize the penalties will be the same I want this for the families of the men.
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