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  1. @Mellowyellow Yeah they are painting Suzy as this shining beacon of womanhood but I doubt if she will last into S6. If Oliver does not call it quits or if she doesn't then I don't know what the writers are doing or thinking. You know I don't think Oliver has ever broken up with a female he has "dated seriously or loved". They are the one who does it or they just dies. Did laurel finally did the breaking up or did he? I can't remember, but Sara, Felicity broke up with him, Shado died etc.. Oliver seems passive in relationships. He either disappears or just let the relationship go on and on when he knows full well it is not right or working.
  2. Yeah because I have not heard of anything that is really hurting Oliver significantly. He is just getting slightly irritated/slightly hurt/upset with things but he has not gotten into major trouble or really have felt true devastation yet this year.
  3. Hello everyone. I am new to posting BUT I have been a lurker for awhile. Anywhoo, I have just been reading the posts after the episodes because I haven't watched any episode since the end of S4. That was BAD. I think Prometheus (if he is as good of a chess master as he/they state he is) goal should be to ultimately isolate Oliver so he is without a team AND as a gut punch, influence Felicity in some way where she is possibly taken out of the lair (away from the team/him) for a long time. Like make her feel all ALONE. Truthfully yeah Oliver has Diggle, Quintin,Thea new masks etc.. but they do not provide the constant"coddling", support, "love" or even the "light" that Oliver constantly seems to need/want. For Oliver it takes a "special lady, loved one" for him to feel strongly for(in strong lust, in love whatever, not family) based on his history the writers have been stating/showing since the beginning for him to go bat shit crazy about permanently losing her. Felicity is it. But these writers seem to change stuff to suit their plot so who knews. I would really applaud Prometheus if his truly ULTIMATE goal is to take away Oliver the constant "rock and support" he has had in Felicity and Oliver was too clueless to figure it out. Promethius is still upset Oliver took his "girl" away from him back in the day and if he has been paying attention (and a chess master) Suzy is not anywhere near to being Oliver "rock, support or true love". What do you think?
  4. The issue here is that both Felicity and Oliver have helped each other change and or grow since they met. Ray has offered her a better job and he has been open with his romantic feelings. It's all nice and good but eventually a smart girl like Felicity needs someone that helps her grow and challenge her also. People keep asking what does Oliver do for Felicity or how can he be good for her because he is all messed up emotionally, psychologically and make bad decisions right now. Felicity already knows this. Sometimes I think she forgets, especially in the last year but Oliver basic thought process has not really changed. He just had many scares upon scares piled up on him in a short period when he thought he could somewhat relax. Date from hell, Sara being killed, Thea/Malcolm stuff and being killed on top all his prior 5 years of crazy, tortuous stuff. He was just about to be okay before all that stuff happened but the writers have other ideas. Oliver has given Felicity back her mojo since he met her. She was hiding when he first met her and he helped her to reclaim her courage, strength and wanting to be a part of something more. Felicity has given Oliver a lot more intangible things that he really needed and still do. Oliver will be messed up for many, many years to come. Some times will be worse than others. In all relationships, whether friendship, family or love relationships one person do end up providing the majority of the support, especially if the other person does not have good coping skills. Just a fact of life. It is not about keeping score but just helping each other when we need it most. The other/s who is in that relationship HAVE to understand and be okay and strong enough for that otherwise things will fall apart. They have to be willing to push past whatever block the other tries to put up and just keep chipping away. Yes it may get tiring, thinking you are doing all the work, but that's why they say it is selfless love. You are not a doormat you are a helper or facilitator. The joy and satisfaction you get when the person FINALLY is in a better place in life is unfathomable. So in conclusion I think Oliver and Felicity do offer each other something in their relationship, whether it's friendship or more. Just my opinion. (Ha I think this belong in the relationship thread)
  5. Yeah if they want to portray Ray as being more willing to live life and seize the day that is fine but I have a feeling he will tend to be a teensy bit more OCD with things that he encounter while doing his save the world thing. His personality that he portrays now is once he latch onto an idea/person he is focused on, he would be tens times worse than Oliver in his own obsessions. Good luck with that Felicity.HA On a side note: On Felicity prior love interests or BF's she seems to like the somewhat grey/dark but with smarts (street and or book smart) guys.
  6. You know what have made me scratch my head in confusion since Felicity and us found out about Ray Atom suit? If she finds out (does she already?) know he wants to use the suit to go out and fight crime (like Oliver) why would she date Ray when she finds out and feel devastated when Oliver "died"? If the writers go the route of Felicity fearing or not liking the uncertainty of dating or in love with someone like Oliver who she fears will one day not come back alive then WHAT is the difference with Ray? Is it cause she is not in love with him right now? Yeah he is handsome, gives her a big boost in her career, doesn't seem to have all the extra baggage like Oliver etc.. BUT he is about to do the same thing as Oliver sooooo. Or are the writers not going the fearing death thing for Felicity but the Oliver not feeling it safe to date her road block thing? If they wanted me to be supportive of Felicity trying to move on to another guy , while Oliver get his mind right, it would have been better for it to be with a regular working guy. Like a detective, police officer, lawyer or military guy. Someone handsome, hot, smart, sense of humor and she has chemistry with. Someone who can tie into their vigilante work and still make Oliver rethink his personal life stance and be jealous. I just don't get it.
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