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  1. They usually put you under with a local anesthesia so most likely they will tell you not to drive after that but I understand you can be awake though it may be more painful. At least that is what they told me recently when I might have needed a biopsy of the same left kidney. Instead they did an MRI and decided the mass was benign so no biopsy is needed.
  2. What exactly is being biopsied?
  3. TEST Color tags like this.
  4. She is back next episode.
  5. But really now...who would watch that show?
  6. Season 1 is one day. I assume season 2 will be the very next day. Season 3 will be the next (third) day. 12 weeks on the calendar would amount to 84 seasons. I'll go out on a limb and predict this show won't last for 84 seasons. 😁 But yes I guess they could make season 2 six months later than season 1 with all new med students and interns. But why mess with a cast that is working well?
  7. I have that exact same router and I could really use a good router table too. Yours looks great. Trying to use that router freehand is like giving a cat a bath with one hand tied behind your back.
  8. Agreed. The pup would not need to be scolded and your things wouldn't get torn up.
  9. That was the thing that got my attention. You have to be pretty stupid when you are 10 feet away from who you want to kill and you shoot him in the only protected part of his body and with a shotgun no less which almost makes it almost impossible to miss where you are aiming.
  10. Could you not use your lathe to round the ends of the four towel rails? (Might be difficult to get a precise round measurement I guess. I'm no lathe expert so excuse me if this is stupid. 😁 )
  11. Could you just round off the ends of the four towel rails about 3/8" or 1/2" to where you would only see the stadium shaped towel rails in the completed project and then drill the round hole in the end pieces to put them in and glue?
  12. The fact she is a clone of Christina says it all.
  13. Give the new key to your landlord and let him deal with it! 😁
  14. Maybe mention to him since he is raising your rent you would like to get your mail on time.
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