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Posts posted by tennisgurl

  1. Yeah, the Lily of the Valley thing was a little weird. I mean, that was NOT Lily of the Valley. And its not like its even an obscure plant that no one knows about.


    BUT if that's my biggest gripe in an episode, than its still doing something right! I will probably think more about what exactly went down in this episode, but my favorite scenes were the flashbacks to her leaving Frank at the train station, and then the end, where Jamie was narrating the song that sounds eerily like her own adventure. MORE time travel maybe? At some point, will Claire go even farther in the past? 


    I am in a real bind here. I'm somehow Team Frank/Claire AND Team Jamie/Claire. What shall I do?

    • Love 4
  2. Strangers on a Train! Yes! Love that movie!

    Caleb and Hannah! And a finale for Ravenswood! Now it can just be finished. Which leads me to my new favorite crack theory...

    Alison has been dead this whole time, and this is her ghost. Ghosts exist, it could totally happen! What a twist!


    Spencer asks Toby when was the last time he saw Caleb, and he casually answers, as if it ain't no thang, "Um... a couple of nights after my house blew up."


    That is why I love this show, you guys. Because in Rosewood, that's not insane. In Rosewood, that's just what we call "Tuesday."


    I know right? Its like the other week when Aria was all "Yeah that was when my friend found a dead body in her backyard" like she was making small talk about finding a nickel on the street. Its not even worth taking the day off school for. This show is batshit crazy and I love it!

    • Love 1
  3. On further reflection, the real lesson here? If there is something about yourself, or anything you have you cant explain, just say that its "from France". No matter where or when you are, this will always lead to lots of "ohhhhhhhs" and head nodding. It works on everything from bras to aliens trying to hide out in Jersey! This lesson brought to you by The Coneheads.

    • Love 12
  4. So I continue to love this show, and I cant wait to see more! I also need to watch it one more time, there is A LOT of information to process here. So much history, so many characters, and I am still trying to keep all the dynamics/relationships straight. As to Claire and her story, it sounds pretty sketchy. I mean, its probably the best she could come up with, especially because she spent a decent amount of time trying to process the whole "I wandered into Scottish stone hedge and now I'm time traveling" thing. Her story wasn't so bad that it would be immediately laughed off, but if I was in the middle of a war, worried about spy's? I would be pretty suspicious too.


    Good thing Claire is up on her history lessons! History majors, this is your time to shine!


    Also debating downloading the opening song...   

    • Love 1
  5. Has anyone else ever heard of Remember WENN? It was a work place comedy set in a radio station the late 1930s and early 1940s, it was on AMC, in its pre-Mad Men era? I loved that show, and it sucks that I can never find the DVDs. Its really too bad it wasn't made now, I think it would be a much bigger hit, with AMC having more prestige, and period pieces being all the rage. If you can find it, I highly recommend it. Its funny, it has great characters, lots of fun historical detail, and a lot of genuine emotion and heart. I always have had a soft spot for old school radio, plus 30/40s era style, so this was basically made for me. And maybe if more people start watching, AMC will officially release a DVD set!

    • Love 1
  6. I was fully prepared to be bored by this show (been burned by way too many sci fi series, despite my love of the genre) but I really like this. I am always interested in "20 minutes into the future" settings, where its clearly the future, with future tech, but we aren't living on space ships, and its still recognizably "our" world. It seems like the writers actually thought about the sort of technology we might have in the future, and I always appreciate when a writer actually thinks!  The characters are growing on me, and while I have never been a huge Halle Berry fan, I think she's doing a good job here. I need to catch up ASAP!  

  7. The Outlander books have been on my "To Read" list for ages, I just have never actually gotten around to it. When I heard STARZ was doing an adaptation, I decided to hold off on reading the books, so I could get into the show without knowing what's going to happen, or becoming that person who is constantly comparing the books to the adaptation (like what happened when I read A Song of Ice and Fire after the first season of Game of Thrones. I love both, but its so hard not to compare!). So I came into this blind, and I loved it!


    I love a good historical fiction story, and adding time travel to the mix? And the beautiful Scottish backdrop? And actual Gaelic being spoken? And Scottish accents? I am fully onboard this train, wherever it takes me.


    I hope we get to see at least a little more of Frank and Claire. I really liked the glimpses we got of their relationship. However, the main Scottish guy? I can see how they would be appealing, and I already think the actors play well with each other, so who knows. As I said, I am on board.


    The only problem? I want more right now, and the books just seem so tempting! To read, or not to read...

    • Love 4
  8. I could watch Snow punch Regina in the face on repeat. It just warms the heart. Yeah it gets screwed up later, but for one brief, shining moment, someone was actually allowed to tell Regina to shut it.


    This episode isn't quite the epic that I think it was supposed to be, but I do like it. The smaller cast and focus on character interaction is very welcome, and I like the stuff we got with Neverland. Too bad this is where my annoyance with Henry really started to grow. I mean, the 2nd season finale was probably worse, in terms of wanting to hit him upside the head, but this one had a pretty big dose of "Plucky kid adventurer" that made him pretty insufferable.


    The "What's a movie?" scene is great. I want to see more scenes where characters deal with their fictional counterparts! Make it happen!  


    And for real, what was the point of Greg/Tamara? As happy as I was that their stupid selves were gone, it just made the whole back part of season two seem extra pointless.  

    • Love 4
  9. The real hero's of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? The people in charge of casting. It just blows my mind how they manage to find the perfect person for every dang role, even when its an unknown/the last person you would expect. I remember finding out they cast Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, and as much as I like Mark Ruffalo, I was just thought of him as the guy from a bunch of romantic comedy's. The list goes on. Casting some TV actor from Australia to play the title character in Thor? And some pale British guy playing Loki? Scarlet Johansen, an actress I was always slightly underwhelmed by, as Black Widow? Chris Evans, who I mainly knew from playing cocky womanizer types, as Captain America? And, as it turns out, they were all perfect. Like, not just good, but "I cant see anyone else playing that character" good.


    And I never learn. I love Chris Pratt, but I did a double take when I found out he was the one they choose to be the action hero of a big budget space odyssey. And Vin Deisel? Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon? Doing a voice? Zoe Saldana (who, like Scar Jo, is an actress I always have trouble connecting with), and freaking Dave Bautista? Versus Amy from Doctor Who as a space pirate? And Ned from Pushing Daisy's? How is that going to work?   


    And again, they were all totally perfect. Casting is a big part of what makes a movie work, and the Marvel movies hit it out of the park ever dang time. Its honestly pretty amazing. Never again shall I doubt you, Marvel casting. You are amazing, and you always know best.

    • Love 10
  10. Man, everyone is just over all this crap in this episode. Spencer? Over it, and ready to cut somebody. Caleb? Over it, and ready to punch creepy guys in the face (the real reason Ezra hasn't been around lately! He knows he's on the list). Emily? Over it, and ready to get all up in that weirdo Sydney's face.


    I love it!

    • Love 5
  11. I am sick to death of the "precocious child who has all the answers" trope. You know, that sweet child who teaches the cynical adults about the "important" things in life? Its just painful at this point.


    The parent of this child is often the "Dad who spends too much time at work, and not enough time with the wife/kids/puppy dog" type. He's clearly in the wrong for working hard and providing for his family, and is a heartless jerk for missing sweet precocious child's soccer game. So when the precocious child says how his Daddy is never around, the dad can feel all guilty, and NOT explain to the child that sometimes adults need to spend time at work, so they have the money to pay for the kids brand new soccer cleats. I seriously HATE this trope. Like...so much.


    Also related? The wife of the cop/doctor/FBI agent who constantly complains about her spouses long hours at work. Like he's just hanging around the office, and not saving lives. And this is a huge shock to her, even though she knew she married a cop/doctor/FBI agent.

    • Love 20
  12. Anyone interested in the Rumpelstiltskin story, or in the "fairytale with a twist" aspect of the show, should read "The Rumpelstiltskin Problem" by Vivian Vande Velde. Its a YA book where each chapter tells a different take on the Rumpelstilskin story. Some are funny and light, some are more dark fantasy, some are told from Rumpelstilskins perspective, some from the millers daughter, one is even told from the kings. Its a good read, especially after watching the show.

    • Love 1
  13. More than any other episode, this one feels like one that destroyed the Regina character, and did damage to the show that it has never fully recovered from. It had long been heading towards the "poor sad Regina" show, but this is the one that truly pushed it above and beyond. And the saddest thing? This could have been a great episode if it was FRAMED slightly differently.


    If this was shown in a slightly different light, it could be a fascinating look into a terrifyingly insane, narcissistic villain, who constantly sees herself as the eternal victim, and will twist her entire world around to fit it into her bizarre perspective, ignoring the facts to blame everyone around her for her own problems. Its actually a really interesting idea for a villain (an uber powered insane woman who still has the mentality of a petty teenager who thinks the whole universe revolves around her, and can never get past her mommy issues), only that its all accidental. She's supposed to be this tortured, constantly victimized soul who just wants love. So instead of getting a disturbing look at a town literally trapped in time, who's residents are forever trapped in an eternal purgatory to be used and abused by an insane dictator, who sucked an innocent father and son into her web of madness, we get the Regina pity party. The story of Owen and his Dad could have been almost a Twilight Zone parable. Instead we just got a lame origin for a lame villain in a lame storyline. At least we got Owens Dad calling Regina out. But now its all ruined due to their bizarre decision to make Owen an unsympathetic, cardboard bad guy. Spare me.  


    Honestly, Regina comes off as so deluded and crazy (pretty much always, but this part of the season especially) I wish they had just committed to her as Mad Queen Regina. If they fully committed to Regina being legitimately mentally ill, or just so severely traumatized by her life that her sanity had started to wear, I would have a lot more sympathy for her. Its easier for me to feel bad for a person who might not be totally in control of their own mind. I cant feel bad for an immature, self obsessed, unrepentant rapist and murderer who occasionally decides to fight with the good guys.  

    • Love 6
  14. I hope there is some point to her besides a love triangle. Some tie in to the main story, some morality tale, something interesting. Hell, I will take shape shifting Skrull (what? Disney owns Marvel! It could happen!) over some boring love triangle.


    But with the Frozen cast coming in, Emma's issues, the continued existence of every other main/supporting character, Rumple/Belle and their marriage, the addition of Will from Wonderland, and whatever else they decide to throw at us, do we really have time for this love triangle to be properly explored?

  15. I just love how dang weird this show can get. It so quickly alternate between something like Marco and his attempts to survive in one of the most corrupt police departments around, and then something like Eleanor feeding an acorn to some...thing locked in a cage. I am assuming its some kind of mutated person, but...maybe not? Some kind of humanoid monster? Fallen angel? Giant Chupacabra?


    Poor, dumb Ray. I just don't see this ending well for him at all. He's pretty soft, and his self preservation skills are not great, to say the least. And I don't know how much longer Charlotte will have his back. If he can a lick of sense, he would get the hell out of dodge ASAP.


    I hope Jacks brother isn't the real killer.


    Daniel and Adriana should watch themselves. Every dang person they talk to ends up dead!

  16. Honestly, my relationship with this show is like no other on TV. Its by far not the best show I watch, I can name like 10 off the top of my head that are much MUCH better. I have plenty of unhealthy TV obsessions to go around, and for shows that have earned it a lot more. And yet...I spend so much dang time thinking about this show, analyzing it, going over what it does right, and what it does wrong, looking for spoilers, reading interviews, and posting on these boards. Its almost like this is my little show that could. Like, I am rooting so hard for it to get better, because it has so much potential, and there are still so many characters that I care about. And even when this show is bad, its so interestingly bad. When it fails, it fails so hugely and bizarrely that I cant look away. I just love figuring out just how badly things have gone.But when it succeeds, its like a huge triumph for everyone involved. Including me. Good or bad, its just so dang entertaining.    


    The only thing that keeps me clinging to sanity is knowing that I`m not alone in this!  

    • Love 14
  17. Aria, you are literally the last person to judge anyone on their relationships with older men. And poor Hanna didn't even do anything! At the time, I was sure Zach was a creep, but now that I think about it, it might have been something else. Was he handing her a card for an alcohol counseling class? Probably not, but I could see them doing that as a twist. It just seems so stupid to hit on the friend of your fiancés teenage daughter! Granted, most of the creepy people on this show don't tend towards subtlety, but this is a bit much, even for this hellhole of a town.


    They really should have Caleb talk about his Ravenswood experiences a bit. If he and Hanna are going to keep up this teen drinking spiral, we should at least get more insight into why its happening!


    Random observation: I really liked Emily's coat at the horse stables.  


    Who knew "What Child is This?" could sound so creepy? Or that all the girls were in choir? Or that its nearing Christmas? I honestly cant wait for a PLL Christmas special! I bet Hanna spikes the eggnog, there are hijinks involving mistletoe, and A dropping a body dressed like Santa down a chimney, Gremlins style.

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